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面向agent的程序设计语言:DL—1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应协作分布式问题求解研究和应用的需要,我们研制了面各agent的程序设计DL-1语言。DL-1语言由二部分组成:DL-1/system和DL-1/agent。DL-1/system6主要用于显式地描述CDPS系统行政管理结构。  相似文献   

本文阐述了DMS(DistributedMemberSystem)通讯原语的设计,它是基于产生式系统OPS5的优点而克服其缺点,为了支持人工智能问题求解而设计的语言环境.  相似文献   

CL语言在TDC-3000集散控制系统中的应用ApplicationofCLLanguageintheTDC-3000DistributedControlSystem●潘庆PanQing1引言美国HONEYWELL公司生产的TDC-3000集散控制系...  相似文献   

分布式控制系统的现状及趋势俞文光TheConditionandDevelopmentofDistributedControlSystem¥YuWenguang在70年代中期推出的分布式控制系统DDS(DistributedControlSystem)...  相似文献   

针对AutoCAD11以上版本提供的基于C语言的开发工具ADS(Auto-CADDevelopmentSystem),本文详细介绍了它的特点、结构,描述了它与AutoCAD及Autolisp的关系,以及应用程序的编制方法、要求及调用方式。  相似文献   

95001单芯片定点DSP在多路话音谱带式声码器中的应用//MicroprocessorsandMicrosystems.-1994(1).-12~17采用先进的数字信号处理器(DSP)可在单片式DSP上并行实时地实现多个话音编码器。这样,就可以以很...  相似文献   

SDP(Source Data Processor)是上海市长途电信局“长途电信营业帐务系统”( Telecom m unicationsBilling System ,TBS)中的原始数据处理子系统。TBS是一个集原始数据处理、客户管理、帐务处理于一体的大型数据处理系统,在VAX/VMS操作系统下用PASCAL语言实现。本文将介绍SDP的软件结构设计及数据结构设计,并详细讨论几种对SDP的时间和空间效率至关重要的算法和数据结构  相似文献   

SoftBand Software Radio(SBSR)是Blue Wave Systems公司新近推出的软件无线电平台,主要用于无线通信系统的设计、开发。本文系统介绍了SBSR的主要性能以及由其构成的无线通信系统的基本结构,并重点介绍了其系列产品中的DSP板级产品CPCI/C6400和数字收发芯片SB3410。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种在AutoCAD12环境下,用C语言(基于ADS)开发二维图形参数化设计的新方法--辅助线滞生法,解决了辅助线滞生法与ADS具体结合中的技术难题;阐述了实元素悬挂在辅助元素上的新思想,实现了尺寸驱动;为用户众多的AutoCADR12增加了新功能。基于该方法的AutoCADR12参数化设计系统(AutoCADR12Parametric Design System-APDS)已用于悬挂灌  相似文献   

本文介绍了基于微核心的分布式实行操作系统DRTOS(DistributedReal-timeOperatingSystem)通信协议,该协议主要实现ISO/OSI七层协议模型中的低四层协议,根据本系统的特点,对ISO/OSI的相应协议作了简化。  相似文献   

多智能体系统支撑环境MAS/TH-5   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MAS/TH-5系统是具有一定开放性的支持MAS构造与集成的支撑环境,它将开发与运行环境集为一体,形成整体解决方案.同时,文中所构造的具有实际应用价值的Agent模型,为支撑环境提供了理论和技术基础.这种模型具有理性平衡的特点.该模型还为用户提供了建立其他Agent模型的一般性框架,可以满足MAS系统中Agent交互的需求.在支撑环境上,文中所设计的Agent语言具有描述BDI等思维状态的能力,可处理较复杂的实际应用问题.  相似文献   

一种结合环境状态的Agent语义模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Agent模型的研究中,大部分工作集中在基于Agent的思维状态(BDI)的模型,没有考虑外部环境的影响,或者仅仅将外部环境和内部思维状态笼统混在一起进行分析,没有考虑到它们之间的内在联系,将Agent的BDI思维属性模型与外部环境状态相结合,给出了在部分可观察环境下,结合外部环境状态的MAS语言语法,语义模型,考虑了Agent的可见算子,观察算子和信念算子之间的关系,并通过机器人足球赛的例子,对该语义系统加以具体描述,这些研究推广了Kaelbling,Wooldridge等人的工作。  相似文献   

The growth in computer networks has created the potential to harness a great deal of computing power, but new models of distributed computing are often required. Cooperative distributed problem solving (CDPS) is the subfield of multi-agent systems (MAS) that is concerned with how large-scale problems can be solved using a network of intelligent agents working together. Building CDPS systems for real-world applications is still very difficult, however, in large part because the effects that domain and strategy characteristics have on the performance of CDPS systems are not well understood. This paper reports on the first results from a new simulation-based analysis system that has been created to study the performance of CDPS-based distributed sensor interpretation (DSI) and distributed diagnosis (DD). To demonstrate the kind of results that can be obtained, we have investigated how the monotonicity of a domain affects the performance of a potentially very efficient class of strategies for CDPS-based DSI/DD. Local solutions strategies attempt to limit communications among the agents by focusing on using the agents' local solutions to produce global solutions. While these strategies have been described as being important for effective CDPS-based DSI/DD, they need not perform well if a domain is nonmonotonic. We had previously suggested that the reason they have performed well in several research systems was that many DSI/DD domains are what we termed nearly monotonic. In this paper, we will provide quantitative results that relate the performance of local solutions strategies to the monotonicity of a domain. The experiments confirm that domain monotonicity can be important to consider, but they also show that it is possible for these strategies to be effective even when domains are relatively nonmonotonic. What is required is that the agents receive a significant fraction of the data that is relevant to their subproblems. This has important implications for the design of DSI/DD systems using local solutions strategies. In addition, while the work indicates that many DSI/DD domains are likely to be nearly monotonic according to our original definitions, it also shows that these measures are not as predictive of performance as other measures we define. This means that near monotonicity alone does not explain why local solutions strategies have performed well in previous systems. Instead, a likely explanation is that these systems typically involved only a small number of agents.  相似文献   

分析了小车二级倒立摆系统(CDPS)的运动特性,给出了数学模型;重点针对CDPS的各个运动阶段,提出了仿人智能控制策略,给出了相应的仿人智能控制算法;得出了仿真实验结果并进行了分析。  相似文献   

本体在多代理系统中起着重要的作用,它提供和定义了一个共享的语义词汇库。然而,在现实的多代理通讯的过程中,两个代理共享完全相同的语义词汇库是几乎不可能的。因为信息不完整以及本体的异构等特性,一个代理只能部分理解另外一个代理所拥有的本体内容,这使得代理间的通讯非常困难。本文就是探索利用近似逼近技术实现基于部分共享分布式本体的多代理通讯,从而实现多代理之间的协作查询。我们使用基于OWLweb本体语言的描述逻辑来描述分布式本体的近似查询技术。最终我们也开发了基于语义近似逼近方法的一个多代理协调查询系统。  相似文献   

UML是面向对象的标准化建模语言,用于对软件进行描述、可视化处理、构造和建立软件系统的文档。介绍了UML的主要内容,利用统一建模语言UML和它的开发工具ROSE对系统的实现进行分析。使用UML进行软件设计能够提高软件的开发效率。  相似文献   

CommUnity is a formal approach to software architecture. It has a precise, yet intuitive mathematical semantics based on category theory. It supports, at the methodological level, a clear separation between computation, coordination, and distribution (including mobility). It provides a simple state-based language for describing component behaviour that is inspired by Unity and Interacting Processes. It also addresses composition as a first class concern and accounts for the emergence of global system properties from interconnections. This paper describes the approach and available tool support by modelling essential aspects of the GSM handover protocol. We also sketch a framework that we are implementing for the distributed execution of such specifications using Klava, a Java library for mobile agent systems based on tuple spaces.  相似文献   

This article presents a multiobjective approach to the design of the controller for the swing-up and handstand control of a general cart-double-pendulum system (CDPS). The designed controller, which is based on the human-simulated intelligent control (HSIC) method, builds up different control modes to monitor and control the CDPS during four kinetic phases consisting of an initial oscillation phase, a swing-up phase, a posture adjustment phase, and a balance control phase. For the approach, the original method of inequalities-based (MoI) multiobjective genetic algorithm (MMGA) is extended and applied to the case study which uses a set of performance indices that includes the cart displacement over the rail boundary, the number of swings, the settling time, the overshoot of the total energy, and the control effort. The simulation results show good responses of the CDPS with the controllers obtained by the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This article discusses strategies for integrating knowledge-based systems techniques with conventional computer science techniques. The effect of such an approach has led to the production of an intelligent systems development environment called INDEX. INDEX supports a layered architecture to enable expert system functionality to be generated and integrated at language level, tool level, and system level within a traditional software environment. At the language level, INDEX provides a set of expert system primitives describing low-level operations of an expert system. These primitives can be accessed from most of the conventional languages. At tool level, expert system primitives and relevant INDEX facilities are used in producing expert system tools and various mediation tools for tool integration. At the system level, INDEX can be used to build integrated/coordinated systems. Several applications have been given to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, and its future directions. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The denotational semantics of a simple language for describing tightly coupled ‘synchronous’ systems is defined by translating it into a language for applicative multiprogramming. The applicative language has originally been developed for describing nondeterministic stream-processing functions and loosely-coupled systems of communicating processes. Nevertheless, it can be used after very slight generalizations as a semantic target language for defining the meaning of programs representing tightly-coupled, synchronous systems.  相似文献   

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