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柴彩玲  毋贞福  杨剑 《山西建筑》2002,28(10):146-147
利用因素排除法,分析出氧化铝3号回转窑窑前鼓风机振动大的原因。为彻底解决此问题,阐述了缺陷处理的方法和地脚螺栓一次浇筑成功的经验,实践证明,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

目前,水泥熟料冷却机主要有单筒式、多筒式和蓖式三种.用于水泥回转窑的第一台熟料冷却机是在1890~1900年间设计制造的.它是一个独立的旋转筒(即单筒冷却机),能够把水泥熟料冷却到一定的温度以进行下一道工序的机械处理.多筒冷却机是在大约30年之后发明的,篦冷机是在本世纪40年代最后发明的.这三种冷却机有各自的性能特点.蓖冷机是目前使用最广泛的冷却机,近年来,其  相似文献   

美国密执安州Lafarge公司的Alpena厂由于生料系统改进,熟料产量提高了10%,而原有的熟料冷却机已不能满足生产需要;熟料冷却机的维修费用也不断增加;设备零部件老化以及运转效率低,因此Lafarge水泥公司作出了更新该厂熟料冷却机的决定。 新的熟料冷却机采用了空气梁技术并解决了上述所有问题。 1995年1月Alpena厂决定以Fuller公司的CFG冷却机替换原来的振动篦式冷却机。原振动篦式冷却机安装于1962年。替换原因在于:1.由于熟料生产能力实际已上升15%,而原振动篦式冷却机的能力已达最大限度;2.冷  相似文献   

1994年初,在停工仅为六周的时间内,用一双料层料冷却机代替了一经多次改造的里库伯尔回转篦式冷却机。这种新型冷却机由(联邦德国)克虏伯-伯力鸠斯(股份)公司提供,特点是熟料在一面积较小的篦子上冷却,经过一料位受控的料斗,循环并再次喂到篦子上,靠篦形成一熟料层,然后从窑落下的又一层高温料盖在其上。两层料在上面有辊式篦条的篦底分离。底层料从冷却机中卸出,但是上面的料层通过辊式篦条后,循环入篦,篦上安装  相似文献   

董洪涛 《砖瓦世界》1997,(12):17-18
墨西哥Apasco's Acapulco水泥公司的950t/d干法长窑生产线建成于1966年。1993年改造后,生产能力提高到1400t/d。改造后带分解炉的预热器窑安装了新的德国克劳迪斯彼得斯公司的2.44m×11.285m的单篦床熟料冷却机。 改造前的冷却机规格为833单篦床冷却机,能力为950t/d,篦板为带孔型(传统型),风室3个,篦床斜度3°,冷却风机3台。原冷却机存在的问题是:窑的二次风温度低,冷却机卸出熟料温度高;设备故障多,维修量和停产时间增多;机械传动系统可靠性低;篦速高,熟料层薄,  相似文献   

窦红巍 《山西建筑》2010,36(3):120-121
根据工程项目特点,结合所在区域地质条件,通过试桩结果分析和理论计算,提出在晋北氧化铝项目中采用旋挖扩底灌注桩方案,达到了加快项目建设进度、节省工程建设投资的目的。  相似文献   

This paper presents the use of image processing techniques in monitoring of bit wear, especially, WC/Co cemented carbide bits that are commonly used in rotary drilling in mining, civil and petroleum engineering. Image of the bits was acquired using a CCD camera. The background was subtracted from the image to reduce noise effects. A Laplacian filter has been used to enhance edge contrasts. Structural elements have been applied to dilate, erode and close boundary edges. Edge detecting was conducted using a canny edge detector. Image processing approaches; first order surface metrics, gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture analysis and minimum distance based classifiers have been used to estimate wear of tricone drill bits in rock drilling. A digital balance was used to obtain weight loss of the bits and also wear of their heel row and gage row (dimension loss) was measured using a micrometer in different directions. Results showed that, of the surface metrics, bit area and major length axis could be good measures for bit wear estimation. The entropy and contrast features of the GLCM method showed good correlations with bit weight loss. Of the minimum distance based classifiers just Euclidean, City block and Chebychev distances had reliable correlations with weight loss and heel row wear rather than other features.  相似文献   

在砂质地层施工,一般须采用泥浆护壁,但是当桩孔深度较大时,咸孔过程中孔内泥浆含砂率就经常超标,使得护壁效果降低,容易诱发塌孔等事故;成孔后,孔底沉渣的厚度也往往超出要求,需要特殊处理才能保证钢筋笼下放和混凝土灌注正常施工,这样就降低了施工效率,增加了施工成本。因此,在解决了塌孔隐患之后,如何控制好泥浆的含砂率以及孔底沉渣厚度就成为砂层成孔的必然要求。  相似文献   

通过比较分析了不同煅烧温度(1200、1250、1280、1300、1350、1400、1450℃)下制成的普通硅酸盐水泥熟料和不同C2S含量(40%、45%、50%、55%)的高强低钙水泥熟料,初步确定了高强低钙水泥熟料的煅烧温度范围为1300~1400℃,以及煅烧温度与熟料矿物组成之间的影响规律。  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental study and numerical simulation of a semi-indirect evaporative cooler (SIEC), which acts as an energy recovery device in air conditioning systems. The numerical simulation was conducted by applying the CFD software FLUENT implementing a UDF to model evaporation/condensation. The numerical model was validated by comparing the simulation results with experimental data. Experimental data and numerical results agree for the lower relative humidity series but not for higher relative humidity values.  相似文献   

间接蒸发冷却器的设计计算方法   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
介绍了以二次空气湿球温度为依据的间接蒸发冷却器的设计计算方法,并对实验工况进行了计算,计算值与实验值对比的结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

Evaporative cooling has been proved as an effective method of storage of fruits and vegetables of moderate respiration rates. Therefore, a modified evaporative cooler named two-stage evaporative cooler (TSEC) has been developed to improve the efficiency of evaporative cooling for high humidity and low temperature air conditioning. Two-stage evaporative cooler consists of the heat exchanger and two evaporative cooling chambers. The performance of cooler has been evaluated in terms of temperature drop, efficiency of the evaporative cooling and effectiveness of TSEC over single evaporation. The temperature drop through TSEC ranged from 8 to 16 °C. With the several observations for diurnal runs, it was observed that TSEC could drop the temperature up to wet bulb depression of ambient air and provided the 90% relative humidity. Efficiency of single evaporation was 85–90%. Effectiveness of the two-stage evaporative cooling was found to be 1.1–1.2 over single evaporation. The two-stage evaporative cooler provided the room conditions as 17–25 °C temperature and 50–75% relative humidity, which can enable to enhance the shelf-life of wide range of fruit and vegetables of moderate respiration rates.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(7):696-708
In the current work, two different types of evaporative systems are shown. A returning air recovery system is used. The indirect systems have two independent airflows, the primary airstream is used to refrigerate and the secondary flow is in direct contact with water in order to improve heat and mass transfer. The first equipment (the indirect evaporative refrigerator) works like a flat interchanger made of aluminium and there is only heat transfer in the primary airflow.The second equipment (the semi-indirect evaporative refrigerator) is made of solid porous ceramic pipes which separate the two airstreams, thus allowing that, in the primary airflow (apart from the heat transfer), there is also a mass transfer. It should also be mentioned that this system is free of legionella, because the pipes perform the role of a filter material, making it impossible for the bacterium to enter premises. This system has been named a semi-indirect evaporative system due to the permeability of the porous pipes which allow a higher or lower water diffusion and therefore a mass transfer depending on the specific humidity of the primary airstream.  相似文献   

水泥厂出窑熟料温度高琢磨性强,料块含有一定的粉料,扬尘率高,进入熟料库时需多点卸料等,如何正确选用、设计熟料输送设备,是水泥生产工艺设备选型和熟料输送设备设计人员必须充分考虑的问题。  相似文献   

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