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Using Bayesian networks to model promising solutions from the current population of the evolutionary algorithms can ensure efficiency and intelligence search for the optimum. However, to construct a Bayesian network that fits a given dataset is a NP-hard problem, and it also needs consuming mass computational resources. This paper develops a methodology for constructing a graphical model based on Bayesian Dirichlet metric. Our approach is derived from a set of propositions and theorems by researching the local metric relationship of networks matching dataset. This paper presents the algorithm to construct a tree model from a set of potential solutions using above approach. This method is important not only for evolutionary algorithms based on graphical models, but also for machine learning and data mining. The experimental results show that the exact theoretical results and the approximations match very well.  相似文献   

All dynamic crop models for growth and development have several parameters whose values are usually determined by using measurements coming from the real system. The parameter estimation problem is raised as an optimization problem and optimization algorithms are used to solve it. However, because the model generally is nonlinear the optimization problem likely is multimodal and therefore classical local search methods fail in locating the global minimum and as a consequence the model parameters could be inaccurate estimated. This paper presents a comparison of several evolutionary (EAs) and bio-inspired (BIAs) algorithms, considered as global optimization methods, such as Differential Evolution (DE), Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) on parameter estimation of crop growth SUCROS (a Simple and Universal CROp Growth Simulator) model. Subsequently, the SUCROS model for potential growth was applied to a husk tomato crop (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Horm.) using data coming from an experiment carried out in Chapingo, Mexico. The objective was to determine which algorithm generates parameter values that give the best prediction of the model. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to statistically evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the studied algorithms. Algorithm's efficiency was evaluated by counting the number of times the objective function was required to approximate an optimum. On the other hand, the effectiveness was evaluated by counting the number of times that the algorithm converged to an optimum. Simulation results showed that standard DE/rand/1/bin got the best result.  相似文献   

The application of local fuzzy models to determine the remaining life of a unit in a fleet of vehicles is described. Instead of developing individual models based on the track history of each unit or developing a global model based on the collective track history of the fleet, local fuzzy models are used based on clusters of peers—similar units with comparable utilization and performance characteristics. A local fuzzy performance model is created for each cluster of peers. This is combined with an evolutionary framework to maintain the models. A process has been defined to generate a collection of competing models, evaluate their performance in light of the currently available data, refine the best models using evolutionary search, and select the best one after a finite number of iterations. This process is repeated periodically to automatically update and improve the overall model. To illustrate this methodology an asset selection problem has been identified: given a fleet of industrial vehicles (diesel electric locomotives), select the best subset for mission-critical utilization. To this end, the remaining life of each unit in the fleet is predicted. The fleet is then sorted using this prediction and the highest ranked units are selected. A series of experiments using data from locomotive operations was conducted and the results from an initial validation exercise are presented. The approach of constructing local predictive models using fuzzy similarity with neighboring points along appropriate dimensions is not specific to any asset type and may be applied to any problem where the premise of similarity along chosen attribute dimensions implies similarity in predicted future behavior.  相似文献   

Metaheuristics have received considerable interest these recent years in the field of combinatorial optimization. However, the choice of a particular algorithm to optimize a certain problem is still mainly driven by some sort of devotion of its author to a certain technique rather than by a rationalistic choice driven by reason. Hybrid algorithms have shown their ability to provide local optima of high quality. Hybridization of algorithms is still in its infancy: certain combinations of algorithms have experimentally shown their performance, though the reasons of their success is not always really clear. In order to add some rational to these issues, we study the structure of search spaces and attempt to relate it to the performance of algorithms. We wish to explain the behavior of search algorithms with this knowledge and provide guidelines in the design of hybrid algorithms. This paper briefly reviews the current knowledge we have on search spaces of combinatorial optimization problems. Then, we discuss hybridization and present a general classification of the way hybridization can be conducted in the light of our knowledge of the structure of search spaces.  相似文献   

The issue of controlling values of various parameters of an evolutionary algorithm is one of the most important and interesting areas of research in evolutionary computation. In this paper we propose two new parameter control strategies for evolutionary algorithms based on the ideas of reinforcement learning. These strategies provide efficient and low-cost adaptive techniques for parameter control and they preserve the original design of the evolutionary algorithm, as they can be included without changing either the structure of the algorithm nor its operators design.  相似文献   

The performance of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) may heavily depend severely on a suitable choice of parameters such as mutation and crossover rates. Several methods to adjust those parameters have been developed in order to enhance EA performance. For this purpose, it is important to understand the EA dynamics, i.e., to appreciate the behavior of the population. Hence, this paper presents a new model of population dynamics to describe and predict the diversity in any particular generation. The formulation is based on selecting the probability density function of each individual. The population dynamics proposed is modeled for a generational population. The model was tested in several case studies of different population sizes. The results suggest that the prediction error decreases as the population size increases.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the application of parallel and sequential evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to the automatic test data generation problem. The problem consists of automatically creating a set of input data to test a program. This is a fundamental step in software development and a time consuming task in existing software companies. Canonical sequential EAs have been used in the past for this task. We explore here the use of parallel EAs. Evidence of greater efficiency, larger diversity maintenance, additional availability of memory/CPU, and multi-solution capabilities of the parallel approach, reinforce the importance of the advances in research with these algorithms. We describe in this work how canonical genetic algorithms (GAs) and evolutionary strategies (ESs) can help in software testing, and what the advantages are (if any) of using decentralized populations in these techniques. In addition, we study the influence of some parameters of the proposed test data generator in the results. For the experiments we use a large benchmark composed of twelve programs that includes fundamental algorithms in computer science.  相似文献   

The ability to solve inventive problems is at the core of the innovation process; however, the standard procedure to deal with them is to utilize random trial and error, despite the existence of several theories and methods. TRIZ and evolutionary algorithms (EA) have shown results that support the idea that inventiveness can be understood and developed systematically.This article presents a strategy based on dialectical negation in which both approaches converge, creating a new conceptual framework for enhancing computer-aided problem solving. Two basic ideas presented are the inversion of the traditional EA selection (“survival of the fittest”), and the incorporation of new dialectical negation operators in evolutionary algorithms based on TRIZ principles. Two case studies are the starting point to discuss what kind of results can be expected using this “Dialectical Negation Algorithm” (DNA).  相似文献   

Memetic (evolutionary) algorithms integrate local search into the search process of evolutionary algorithms. As computational resources have to be spread adequately among local and evolutionary search, one has to care about when to apply local search and how much computational effort to devote to local search. Often local search is called with a fixed frequency and run for a fixed number of iterations, the local search depth. There is empirical evidence that these parameters have a significant impact on performance, but a theoretical understanding as well as concrete design guidelines are missing.  相似文献   

Recent developments of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) for discrete optimization problems are often characterized by the hybridization of EAs with local search methods, in particular, with Large Neighborhood Search. In this survey, we consider some of the most promising directions of this kind of hybridization and provide examples in the context of well-known optimization problems. We distinguish different approaches by the algorithmic components in which they make use of Large Neighborhood Search: initialization, recombination and the local improvement stages of hybrid EAs.  相似文献   

One of the main reasons for using parallel evolutionary algorithms (PEAs) is to obtain efficient algorithms with an execution time much lower than that of their sequential counterparts in order, e.g., to tackle more complex problems. This naturally leads to measuring the speedup of the PEA. PEAs have sometimes been reported to provide super-linear performances for different problems, parameterizations, and machines. Super-linear speedup means that using “m” processors leads to an algorithm that runs more than “m” times faster than the sequential version. However, reporting super-linear speedup is controversial, especially for the “traditional” research community, since some non-orthodox practices could be thought of being the cause for this result. Therefore, we begin by offering a taxonomy for speedup, in order to clarify what is being measured. Also, we analyze the sources for such a scenario in this paper. Finally, we study an assorted set of results. Our conclusion is that super-linear performance is possible for PEAs, theoretically and in practice, both in homogeneous and in heterogeneous parallel machines.  相似文献   

Statistical natural language processing (NLP) and evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are two very active areas of research which have been combined many times. In general, statistical models applied to deal with NLP tasks require designing specific algorithms to be trained and applied to process new texts. The development of such algorithms may be hard. This makes EAs attractive since they offer a general design, yet providing a high performance in particular conditions of application. In this article, we present a survey of many works which apply EAs to different NLP problems, including syntactic and semantic analysis, grammar induction, summaries and text generation, document clustering and machine translation. This review finishes extracting conclusions about which are the best suited problems or particular aspects within those problems to be solved with an evolutionary algorithm.  相似文献   

Equivalent electric circuit modeling of PV devices is widely used to predict PV electrical performance. The first task in using the model to calculate the electrical characteristics of a PV device is to find the model parameters which represent the PV device. In the present work, parameter estimation for the model parameter using various evolutionary algorithms is presented and compared. The constraint set on the estimation process is that only the data directly available in module datasheets can be used for estimating the parameters. The electrical model accuracy using the estimated parameters is then compared to several electrical models reported in literature for various PV cell technologies.  相似文献   

In this work, a novel surrogate-assisted memetic algorithm is proposed which is based on the preservation of genetic diversity within the population. The aim of the algorithm is to solve multi-objective optimization problems featuring computationally expensive fitness functions in an efficient manner. The main novelty is the use of an evolutionary algorithm as global searcher that treats the genetic diversity as an objective during the evolution and uses it, together with a non-dominated sorting approach, to assign the ranks. This algorithm, coupled with a gradient-based algorithm as local searcher and a back-propagation neural network as global surrogate model, demonstrates to provide a reliable and effective balance between exploration and exploitation. A detailed performance analysis has been conducted on five commonly used multi-objective problems, each one involving distinct features that can make the convergence difficult toward the Pareto-optimal front. In most cases, the proposed algorithm outperformed the other state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms considered in the comparison, assuring higher repeatability on the final non-dominated set, deeper convergence level and higher convergence rate. It also demonstrates a clear ability to widely cover the Pareto-optimal front with larger percentage of non-dominated solutions if compared to the total number of function evaluations.  相似文献   

A feature model is a compact representation of the products of a software product line. The automated extraction of information from feature models is a thriving topic involving numerous analysis operations, techniques and tools. Performance evaluations in this domain mainly rely on the use of random feature models. However, these only provide a rough idea of the behaviour of the tools with average problems and are not sufficient to reveal their real strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we propose to model the problem of finding computationally hard feature models as an optimization problem and we solve it using a novel evolutionary algorithm for optimized feature models (ETHOM). Given a tool and an analysis operation, ETHOM generates input models of a predefined size maximizing aspects such as the execution time or the memory consumption of the tool when performing the operation over the model. This allows users and developers to know the performance of tools in pessimistic cases providing a better idea of their real power and revealing performance bugs. Experiments using ETHOM on a number of analyses and tools have successfully identified models producing much longer executions times and higher memory consumption than those obtained with random models of identical or even larger size.  相似文献   

Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) excel in optimizing systems with a large number of variables. Previous mathematical and empirical studies have shown that opposition-based algorithms can improve EA performance. We review existing opposition-based algorithms and introduce a new one. The proposed algorithm is named fitness-based quasi-reflection and employs the relative fitness of solution candidates to generate new individuals. We provide the probabilistic analysis to prove that among all the opposition-based methods that we investigate, fitness-based quasi-reflection has the highest probability of being closer to the solution of an optimization problem. We support our theoretical findings via Monte Carlo simulations and discuss the use of different reflection weights. We also demonstrate the benefits of fitness-based quasi-reflection on three state-of-the-art EAs that have competed at IEEE CEC competitions. The experimental results illustrate that fitness-based quasi-reflection enhances EA performance, particularly on problems with more challenging solution spaces. We found that competitive DE (CDE) which was ranked tenth in CEC 2013 competition benefited the most from opposition. CDE with fitness-based quasi-reflection improved on 21 out of the 28 problems in the CEC 2013 test suite and achieved 100% success rate on seven more problems than CDE.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships among species are usually (1) illustrated by means of a phylogenetic tree and (2) inferred by optimising some measure of fitness, such as the total evolutionary distance between species or the likelihood of the tree (given a model of the evolutionary process and a data set). The combinatorial complexity of inferring the topology of the best tree makes phylogenetic inference an ideal candidate for evolutionary algorithms. However, difficulties arise when different data sets provide conflicting information about the inferred `best' tree(s). We apply the techniques of multi-objective optimisation to phylogenetic inference for the first time. We use the simplest model of evolution and a four species problem to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

The boundaries of art are subjective, but the impetus for art is often associated with creativity, regarded with wonder and admiration along human history. Most interesting activities and their products are a result of creativity. The main goal of our approach is to explore new creative ways of editing and producing videos, using evolutionary algorithms. A creative evolutionary system makes use of evolutionary computation operators and properties and is designed to aid our own creative processes, and to generate results to problems that traditionally required creative people to solve. Our system is able to generate new videos or to help a user in doing so. New video sequences are combined and selected, based on their characteristics represented as video annotations, either by defining criteria or by interactively performing selections in the evolving population of video clips, in forms that can reflect editing styles. With evolving video, the clips can be explored through emergent narratives and aesthetics in ways that may reveal or inspire creativity in digital art.  相似文献   

In this paper, we improve Bayesian optimization algorithms by introducing proportionate and rank-based assignment functions. A Bayesian optimization algorithm builds a Bayesian network from a selected sub-population of promising solutions, and this probabilistic model is employed to generate the offspring of the next generation. Our method assigns each solution a relative significance based on its fitness, and this information is used in building the Bayesian network model. These assignment functions can improve the quality of the model without performing an explicit selection on the population. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this method compared to a conventional BOA.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new battery swapping station (BSS) model to determine the optimized charging scheme for each incoming Electric Vehicle (EV) battery. The objective is to maximize the BSS’s battery stock level and minimize the average charging damage with the use of different types of chargers. An integrated objective function is defined for the multi-objective optimization problem. The genetic algorithm (GA), differential evolution (DE) algorithm and three versions of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms have been implemented to solve the problem, and the results show that GA and DE perform better than the PSO algorithms, but the computational time of GA and DE are longer than using PSO. Hence, the varied population genetic algorithm (VPGA) and varied population differential evolution (VPDE) algorithm are proposed to determine the optimal solution and reduce the computational time of typical evolutionary algorithms. The simulation results show that the performances of the proposed algorithms are comparable with the typical GA and DE, but the computational times of the VPGA and VPDE are significantly shorter. A 24-h simulation study is carried out to examine the feasibility of the model.  相似文献   

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