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The Cheddar cheese colorant annatto is present in whey and must be removed by bleaching. Chemical bleaching negatively affects the flavor of dried whey ingredients, which has established a need for a better understanding of the primary colorant in annatto, norbixin, along with cheese color alternatives. The objective of this study was to determine norbixin partitioning in cheese and whey from full-fat and fat-free Cheddar cheese and to determine the viability of bixin, the nonpolar form of norbixin, as an alternative Cheddar cheese colorant. Full-fat and fat-free Cheddar cheeses and wheys were manufactured from colored pasteurized milk. Three norbixin (4% wt/vol) levels (7.5, 15, and 30 mL of annatto/454 kg of milk) were used for full-fat Cheddar cheese manufacture, and 1 norbixin level was evaluated in fat-free Cheddar cheese (15 mL of annatto/454 kg of milk). For bixin incorporation, pasteurized whole milk was cooled to 55°C, and then 60 mL of bixin/454 kg of milk (3.8% wt/vol bixin) was added and the milk homogenized (single stage, 8 MPa). Milk with no colorant and milk with norbixin at 15 mL/454 kg of milk were processed analogously as controls. No difference was found between the norbixin partition levels of full-fat and fat-free cheese and whey (cheese mean: 79%, whey: 11.2%). In contrast to norbixin recovery (9.3% in whey, 80% in cheese), 1.3% of added bixin to cheese milk was recovered in the homogenized, unseparated cheese whey, concurrent with higher recoveries of bixin in cheese (94.5%). These results indicate that fat content has no effect on norbixin binding or entrapment in Cheddar cheese and that bixin may be a viable alternative colorant to norbixin in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

The development of an analytical method that enables routine analysis of annatto dye, specifically bixin and norbixin, in meat tissue is described. Liquid-solid extraction was carried out using acetonitrile. Analysis was by HPLC with photodiode array detection using two fixed wavelengths (458 and 486 nm). The possibilities of ion trap mass spectrometry (MS) were also assessed. Method performance characteristics, according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, were determined, with recoveries between 99 and 102% and calibration curves being linear in the 0.5–10 mg kg?1 range. The limit of quantification was 0.5 mg kg?1.  相似文献   

Ana B. Flórez  Isabel Marcos 《LWT》2006,39(6):605-612
Four samples of artisanal kid rennet extracts from four different Cabrales cheese producers were biochemically and microbiologically characterized. Most samples had a very acidic pH (around pH 4.0), which may condition their biochemical and microbial variables. The milk-clotting activity of the extracts was assessed using a Formagraph apparatus. The properties of these artisanal rennets were found to be comparable to a 1/10 dilution of 1:10,000 commercial calf rennet; their enzymatic potentials, measured with a semi-quantitative commercial system (API ZYM), showed only very slight differences. A large population of lactobacilli was found in all artisanal kid rennet samples, whereas coliforms, enterococci, staphylococci and leuconostocs were only occasionally encountered. Sixty-four representative colonies were classified by PCR amplification and the sequencing of a stretch of their 16S rDNA genes. Strains of Lactobacillus plantarum completely dominated one of the extracts. In all others samples, strains of this homofermentative species and of the heterofermentative Lactobacillus brevis were present in similar amounts.  相似文献   

The chemistry, biochemistry and volatile compounds of Kuflu cheese, a Turkish mould-ripened variety were studied. A total of 29 samples were analysed and the titratable acidity, moisture, salt-in-moisture, fat-in-dry matter and total protein contents (as mean values) were 0.96%, 49.97%, 7.49%, 12.18% and 37.84%, respectively, and the pH of the cheeses was 6.29. Indices of proteolysis (i.e., the levels of pH 4.6- and trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen) were high; however, these values were lower than those of other Blue cheeses probably due to proportionally higher levels of total nitrogen and salt-in-moisture in Kuflu cheese samples. Urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheeses showed that both αs1- and β-caseins were extensively degraded, but β-casein was less degraded than αs1-casein. RP-HPLC peptide profiles of the pH 4.6-soluble fractions from Kuflu cheeses showed that some minor quantitative differences were found between the samples, while peptide profiles of the samples were qualitatively similar. One hundred and thirty-eight compounds were identified in the volatile fractions of Kuflu cheese by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using a solid-phase microextraction technique. Ketones and alcohols were the principal class of volatile components in Kuflu cheeses, and terpenes and sulphur compounds were found at substantial levels in the majority of the samples, but aldehydes and lactones were present at low levels. The RP-HPLC and GC-MS data were analysed by principal component analysis based on their peptide and volatile profiles, respectively. Kuflu cheeses obtained from different markets had some differences in terms of chemical composition, proteolysis and patterns of aroma compounds.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the diversity and dynamics of the dominant microbial populations during manufacturing and ripening of Lighvan, a traditional, starter-free Iranian cheese made from raw ewe and goat’s milk as determined by culturing and PCR-DGGE. Similar dominant populations, composed of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus spp. strains, were found by both techniques. However, discrepancies regarding the identity of the Lactobacillus species were encountered. Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus sakei proved to be dominant by PCR-DGGE; in contrast, Lactobacillus paraplantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus plantarum were the majority cultivable organisms. RAPD typing of lactobacilli isolates showed wide genetic diversity among the species. Moreover, strain compositions change over time; L. brevis and L. paraplantarum were dominant in milk and were replaced by L. plantarum and L. paracasei strains as ripening progressed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Meltability, melt profile parameters, and hardness of cheddar cheese prepared with varying levels of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) content, residual lactose content, and salt-to-moisture ratio were studied at 0,1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mo of ripening. Meltability, melt profile parameters, and hardness of cheddar cheeses measured at 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mo of ripening showed significant interaction between the levels of Ca and P, residual lactose, salt-to-moisture ratio, and ripening time for most of the properties studied. cheddar cheese prepared with high Ca and P (0.67% Ca and 0.53% P) resulted in up to 6.2%, 4.5%, 9.6%, 5.0%, and 22.8% increase in softening time, softening temperature, melting time, melting temperature, and hardness, respectively, and 23.5%, 9.6%, and 3.2% decrease in meltability, flow rate, and extent of flow, respectively, compared to the cheddar cheese prepared with low Ca and P (0.53% Ca and 0.39% P). cheddar cheese prepared with high lactose (1.4%) content resulted in up to 7.7%, 7.0%, 4.9%, 4.2%, and 24.6% increase in softening time, softening temperature, melting time, melting temperature, and hardness, respectively, and 14.7%, 12.7%, and 2.8% decrease in meltability, flow rate, and extent of flow respectively compared to the cheddar cheese prepared with low lactose (0.78%) content. cheddar cheese prepared with high salt-to-moisture ratio (6.4%) resulted in up to 21.8%, 11.3%, 12.9%, 4.1%, and 29.4% increase in softening time, softening temperature, melting time, melting temperature, and hardness, respectively, and 13.2%, 28.6%, and 2.6% decrease in meltability, flow rate, and extent of flow, respectively, compared to the cheddar cheese prepared with low salt-to-moisture ratio (4.8%) during ripening.  相似文献   

Sweet cream buttermilk (SCB) is a rich source of phospholipids (PL). Most SCB is sold in a concentrated form. This study was conducted to determine if different concentration processes could affect the behavior of SCB as an ingredient in cheese. Sweet cream buttermilk was concentrated by 3 methods: cold ( < 7°C) UF, cold reverse osmosis (RO), and evaporation (EVAP). A washed, stirred-curd pizza cheese was manufactured using the 3 different types of concentrated SCB as an ingredient in standardized milk. Cheesemilks of casein:fat ratio of 1.0 and final casein content ∼2.7% were obtained by blending ultrafiltered (UF)-SCB retentate (19.9% solids), RO-SCB retentate (21.9% solids), or EVAP-SCB retentate (36.6% solids) with partially skimmed milk (11.2% solids) and cream (34.6% fat). Control milk (11.0% solids) was standardized by blending partially skimmed milk with cream. Cheese functionality was assessed using dynamic low-amplitude oscillatory rheology, UW Meltprofiler (degree of flow after heating to 60°C), and performance of cheese on pizza. Initial trials with SCB-fortified cheeses resulted in ∼4 to 5% higher moisture (51 to 52%) than control cheese (∼47%). In subsequent trials, procedures were altered to obtain similar moisture content in all cheeses. Fat recoveries were significantly lower in RO- and EVAP-SCB cheeses than in control or UF-SCB cheeses. Nitrogen recoveries were not significantly different but tended to be slightly lower in control cheeses than the various SCB cheeses. Total PL recovered in SCB cheeses (∼32 to 36%) were lower than control (∼41%), even though SCB is high in PL. From the rheology test, the loss tangent curves at temperatures > 40°C increased as cheese aged up to a month and were significantly lower in SCB cheeses than the control, indicating lower meltability. Degree of flow in all the cheeses was similar regardless of the treatment used, and as cheese ripened, it increased for all cheeses. Trichloroacetic acid-soluble N levels were similar in the control and SCB-fortified cheese. On baked pizza, cheese made from milk fortified with UF-SCB tended to have the lowest amount of free oil, but flavor attributes of all cheeses were similar. Addition of concentrated SCB to standardize cheesemilk for pizza cheese did not adversely affect functional properties of cheese but increased cheese moisture without changes in manufacturing procedure.  相似文献   

Fortification of cheesemilk with membrane retentates is often practiced by cheesemakers to increase yield. However, the higher casein (CN) content can alter coagulation characteristics, which may affect cheese yield and quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of using ultrafiltration (UF) retentates that were processed at low temperatures on the properties of Swiss cheese. Because of the faster clotting observed with fortified milks, we also investigated the effects of altering the coagulation conditions by reducing the renneting temperature (from 32.2 to 28.3°C) and allowing a longer renneting time before cutting (i.e., giving an extra 5 min). Milks with elevated total solids (TS; ∼13.4%) were made by blending whole milk retentates (26.5% TS, 7.7% CN, 11.5% fat) obtained by cold (<7°C) UF with part skim milk (11.4% TS, 2.5% CN, 2.6% fat) to obtain milk with CN:fat ratio of approximately 0.87. Control cheeses were made from part-skim milk (11.5% TS, 2.5% CN, 2.8% fat). Three types of UF fortified cheeses were manufactured by altering the renneting temperature and renneting time: high renneting temperature = 32.2°C (UFHT), low renneting temperature = 28.3°C (UFLT), and a low renneting temperature (28.3°C) plus longer cutting time (+5 min compared to UFLT; UFLTL). Cutting times, as selected by a Wisconsin licensed cheesemaker, were approximately 21, 31, 35, and 32 min for UFHT, UFLT, UFLTL, and control milks, respectively. Storage moduli of gels at cutting were lower for the UFHT and UFLT samples compared with UFLTL or control. Yield stress values of gels from the UF-fortified milks were higher than those of control milks, and decreasing the renneting temperature reduced the yield stress values. Increasing the cutting time for the gels made from the UF-fortified milks resulted in an increase in yield stress values. Yield strain values were significantly lower in gels made from control or UFLTL milks compared with gels made from UFHT or UFLT milks. Cheese composition did not differ except for fat content, which was lower in the control compared with the UF-fortified cheeses. No residual lactose or galactose remained in the cheeses after 2 mo of ripening. Fat recoveries were similar in control, UFHT, and UFLTL but lower in UFLT cheeses. Significantly higher N recoveries were obtained in the UF-fortified cheeses compared with control cheese. Because of higher fat and CN contents, cheese yield was significantly higher in UF-fortified cheeses (∼11.0 to 11.2%) compared with control cheese (∼8.5%). A significant reduction was observed in volume of whey produced from cheese made from UF-fortified milk and in these wheys, the protein was a higher proportion of the solids. During ripening, the pH values and 12% trichloroacetic acid-soluble N levels were similar for all cheeses. No differences were observed in the sensory properties of the cheeses. The use of UF retentates improved cheese yield with no significant effect on ripening or sensory quality. The faster coagulation and gel firming can be decreased by altering the renneting conditions.  相似文献   

Imitation cheeses (48% moisture, 0-1.5% NaCl) were manufactured using a Farinograph or Blentech cooker. The effects of NaCl reduction on cheese manufacture, functionality (assessed by texture profile analysis, flowability, dynamic rheology and microscopy), microbiological stability and sensory attributes were investigated. Reducing NaCl concentration decreased processing times and mixing energy required during manufacture and, post-manufacture, decreased cheese hardness, G′ values at 25 °C and crossover temperature and increased fat globule size. Cheeses from both cookers showed the same trend in functionality. Microbial stability was reduced at 0% NaCl, and the sensory panellists preferred the 50% reduced NaCl cheese to the standard.  相似文献   

刘维群 《印染》2005,31(3):19-20
棉筒子纱染色的色花有多种成因,如坯纱差异、络筒差异、前处理差异,以及设备运行等问题。该文详细地分析了棉筒子纱染色色花的成因,并从设备、络纱、装纱和染色等方面提出了具体防止措施。  相似文献   

Abstract: White‐brined cheeses were subjected to high‐pressure processing (HPP) at 50, 100, 200, and 400 MPa at 22 °C for 5 and 15 min and ripened in brine for 60 d. The effects of pressure treatment on the chemical, textural, microstructural, and color were determined. HPP did not affect moisture, protein, and fat contents of cheeses. Similar microstructures were obtained for unpressurized cheese and pressurized cheeses at 50 and 100 MPa, whereas a denser and continuous structure was obtained for pressurized cheeses at 200 and 400 MPa. These microstructural changes exhibited a good correlation with textural changes. The 200 and 400 MPa treatments resulted in significantly softer, less springy, less gummy, and less chewy cheese. Finally, marked differences were obtained in a* and b* values at higher pressure levels for longer pressure‐holding time and were also supported by ΔE* values. The cheese became more greenish and yellowish with the increase in pressure level. Practical Application: The quality of cheese is the very important to the consumers. This study documented the pressure‐induced changes in selected quality attributes of semisoft and brine‐salted cheese. The results can help the food processors to have knowledge of the process parameters resulting in quality changes and to identify optimal process parameters for preserving pressure‐treated cheeses.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to monitor the changes in chemical [moisture, acidity, pH, and water activity (a(w))] and physical (color and texture) parameters of "Terrincho" ewe cheese during 60 d of ripening, and to determine the correlations between the changes in instrumental texture and color parameters and the ripening time of the product. Intravarietal comparison of Terrincho ewe cheese from 5 different dairy plants was performed by evaluation of mechanical parameters from texture profile analysis (TPA) and color parameters in terms of CIELAB color space (L*, a*, and b*). In addition to mechanical and color tests, composition analyses and sensory tests were performed. The results were evaluated with statistical methods (single valued and multivariate analysis). During the first 20 d of ripening, an increase in hardness, fracturability, gumminess, chewiness, and yellowness occurred. Simultaneously, adhesiveness, resilience, L* (inside cheese, "i" and external "e"), and cohesiveness decreased. After 20 d of ripening hardness, fracturability, gumminess, and chewiness decreased and cohesiveness increased. The ripening time of Terrincho cheeses can be estimated with 6 variables: L* (external, e), L* (i), b* (inside cheese, i), hardness, a* (i), chewiness, and a constant. The estimation error was 4.2 d. Evaluation of composition, pH, texture profile analyses, color, and related sensory characteristics of Terrincho cheeses from 5 different dairy plants (with 30 d of ripening) revealed correlations between these parameters.  相似文献   

Compositional changes in raw and pasteurized cream and unconcentrated sweet cream buttermilk (SCB) obtained from a local dairy were investigated over 1 yr. Total phospholipid (PL) composition in SCB ranged from 0.113 to 0.153%. Whey protein denaturation in pasteurized cream over 1 yr ranged from 18 to 59%. Pizza cheese was manufactured from milk standardized with condensed SCB (∼34.0% total solids, 9.0% casein, 17.8% lactose). Effects of using condensed SCB on composition, yield, PL recovery, and functional properties of pizza cheese were investigated. Cheesemilks were prepared by adding 0, 2, 4, and 6% (wt/wt) condensed SCB to part-skim milk, and cream was added to obtain cheesemilks with ∼11.2 to 12.7% total solids and casein:fat ratio of ∼1. Use of condensed SCB resulted in a significant increase in cheese moisture. Cheese-making procedures were modified to obtain similar cheese moisture contents. Fat and nitrogen recoveries in SCB cheeses were slightly lower and higher, respectively, than in control cheeses. Phospholipid recovery in cheeses was below 40%. Values of pH and 12% trichloro-acetic acid-soluble nitrogen were similar among all treatments. Cheeses made from milk standardized with SCB showed less melt and stretch than control cheese, especially at the 4 and 6% SCB levels. Addition of SCB significantly lowered free oil at wk 1 but there were no significant differences at wk 2 and 4. Use of SCB did not result in oxidized flavor in unmelted cheeses. At low levels (e.g., 2% SCB), addition of condensed SCB improved cheese yield without affecting compositional, rheological, and sensory properties of cheese.  相似文献   

The yield and sensory properties of reduced-fat Minas Frescal cheese made from low concentration factor (CF) retentates were studied. Three different CFs were tested (1.2, 1.5 and 1.8). The chemical compositions of the milk, retentate, whey and cheese were determined, as well as the cheese yield. The cheese moisture content decreased with increasing CF. The cheese yield was significantly dependent on the CF in the same direction as the moisture content. Despite compositional differences among the samples, only the cheese made with a CF of 1.8 presented low sensorial acceptance. CF 1.2 was found to be the optimum value for reduced-fat Minas Frescal cheese manufacture in the CF range studied.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the pesticides lindane and methyl parathion during the manufacture, ripening and storage of feta cheese was investigated. Pasteurization of milk at 63–65°C for 30 min did not affect the concentrations of either pesticide. Lindane and methyl parathion at concentrations of 0.10 mg/kg and 16.66 mg/kg of milk, respectively, did not affect the activity of the starter culture. The concentration of lindane in the cheese and in whey/brine did not change significantly during ripening (up to 240 days). The concentration of methyl parathion in the cheese increased progressively up to 120 days of ageing, but decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from 120 up to 240 days. Methyl parathion might be bound to casein, in particular to the seryl and phosphoseryl groups of casein. Changes of brine to decontaminate the feta cheese from methyl parathion and lindane residues did not affect their concentrations in the cheese.  相似文献   

The recovery of species-related conjugated sheep-like flavored alkylphenols from Manchego-type cheese whey by ultrafiltration was investigated. Concentrations of conjugated alkylphenols were similar in the various fractions of whey permeate collected during ultrafiltration, and this was interpreted as a reflection of their high water solubility. About 49 and 62% of conjugated 3- and 4-ethylphenols and p- and m-cresols in sheep's milk cheese whey, respectively, were recovered in the permeate after ultrafiltration with a volume concentration factor of 5.4. Cheese whey retentate correspondingly contained 38 and 28% of conjugated 3- and 4-ethylphenols and p- and m-cresols from the original whey, respectively. Permeate fractions from sheep's milk cheese whey were combined, concentrated by vacuum evaporation, and lactose was partially removed by crystallization and filtration to obtain an aqueous sheep-like flavor precursor concentrate.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to describe the cheese-making procedure of Fontina Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese and to evaluate the behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during cheese manufacture and ripening. The study was divided into 2 phases: the production of Fontina PDO cheese was monitored at 3 different dairies in the Aosta Valley and an E. coli O157 challenge was conducted at a fourth dairy. The dairies employ different commercial starter cultures for cheese making. The growth of lactic acid bacilli (LAB) and the decrease in pH were slower in the first hours and the LAB concentrations were overall higher in dairy A than in the other 2 dairies. The pH remained substantially unchanged during ripening (range 5.2 to 5.4) in all dairies. Water activity remained constant at around 0.98 until d 21, when it decreased to around 0.97 until d 80 in dairies A and B and 0.95 in dairy E. Whole raw cow milk was used for making Fontina cheese according to the standard procedure. For the experimental production, the milk was inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 at a concentration of approximately 5 log10 cfu/mL and commercial starter cultures were used according to the Fontina PDO regulation. An increase of 2.0 log10 cfu/g in E. coli O157:H7 was observed during the first 9.5 h of cheese making, followed by a decrease at 46 h when pH decreased to 5.4 in all trials. Fresh cheeses were salted and held at 10°C for ripening for 80 d. Water activity was decreased to 0.952 at the end of the ripening stage. The LAB concentrations declined gradually; this trend was more marked for the lactobacilli than either the thermophilic or the mesophilic lactococci. The increase in LAB count and the decrease in pH in the first hours did not seem to affect E. coli O157 growth. Ripening was found to inhibit pathogen survival, however, as seen in the reduction of 3 log10 from the maximum concentration measured during the earlier stages of production.  相似文献   

Imitation cheeses (48 g moisture/100 g cheese), in which the salt (NaCl) and sodium emulsifying salts were partially or wholly replaced with their potassium equivalents were manufactured. The effect of the replacement on manufacture and post-manufacture functionality (microstructure, texture, flowability, dynamic rheology and NMR T2 relaxometry) was assessed. The replacement of sodium salts with potassium equivalents led to decreased torque values throughout the manufacture and to slight changes in functional properties including increased fat globule size and flowability, decreased hardness and cohesiveness. The potassium-salt cheeses exhibited adhesiveness, which was absent in the standard cheese, and also showed lower microbial stability.  相似文献   

The manufacture of imitation cheese in a Farinograph was interrupted at various times, and the casein matrix formed and the free liquid were collected and analysed. During manufacture, a torque profile was generated, which showed three distinctive stages; an initial torque peak “peak-1”, followed by a trough and finally a second “peak-2”. Analyses provided quantitative and qualitative evidence that the initial manufacturing stage (peak-1) was concerned with water uptake and the formation of a hydrated casein matrix, as ∼75% of the added water was absorbed. This was followed by a fat emulsification phase (trough) and, once sufficiently emulsified, by the incorporation of the fat to form a homogeneous cheese mass, at peak-2. A similar approach showed that the effect of emulsifying salts reduction was to retard casein hydration, reflected in an increase in peak-1 torque, and led to a prolonged mixing time to sufficiently emulsify fat and allow its incorporation.  相似文献   

Biochemical, volatile and textural profiles during manufacture and ripening were determined in samples of Castelmagno PDO cheese obtained from three different batches in the main artisan cheese plant of Castelmagno PDO production area. At the end of manufacture, samples were characterised by a pH of 6.57% and 52.4% moisture content. The HPLC analysis of organic acids and sugars showed the exhaustion of lactose content, while Urea-PAGE indicated extensive primary proteolysis of both β-casein and αs1-casein. During ripening, cheeses were characterised by high degradation of β-casein and αs1-casein, due to bacterial action. RP-HPLC profiles showed a high production of peptides eluted between 20 and 30 min. In total, 92 volatile compounds were identified in cheese headspace. Texture profiles showed an increase in hardness, gumminess, chewiness and adhesiveness values, as well as a decrease in cohesiveness during ripening.  相似文献   

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