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明伟 《山西建筑》2008,34(3):19-20
以一栋六层框架结构为例,对其抗倒塌设计与抗震设计的结果进行了分析,研究结果表明,抗倒塌设计不同于抗震设计,并提出抗倒塌设计的一些措施,为将来工程抗倒塌设计和相关方面的设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

吴赵强  李艳  熊进刚 《山西建筑》2010,36(11):72-73
从钢筋混凝土结构受力机制和倒塌破坏准则两方面,对抗震与抗连续倒塌的区别进行了分析与比较,结果表明:抗倒塌不同于抗震,结构抗震设计的有益作用并不能取代抗倒塌设计。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of horizontal bracing on enhancing the resistance of steel moment frames against progressive collapse is investigated. Previously designed 6 bay by 3 bay 18‐story steel frame prototype building with 6 m bay span (namely, unbraced frame), which was susceptible to progressive collapse, is retrofitted by four types of horizontal bracing systems on the perimeter of the topmost story and analyzed using 3D nonlinear dynamic method. Six different cross‐sections for each bracing system type are considered, and the capacity curves for each model are obtained. Three column removal circumstances, namely, Edge Short Column, First Edge Long Column, and Edge Long Column are considered in this paper. The results imply that horizontal bracing would increase the resistance of moment frames against progressive collapse. However, one of the bracing types in which axial compressive force is created in braces is not appropriate for retrofitting.  相似文献   

为研究钢支撑对钢框架结构抗连续倒塌鲁棒性的影响,制作了两个1/2缩尺的二层钢框架子结构,其中一个框架布置钢支撑,另一个为纯框架。试验采用位移控制的Pushdown加载方式,对多层钢框架的抗力机制、内力变化以及破坏模式进行研究。试验结果表明:布置钢支撑后,钢框架子结构的初始刚度和极限荷载分别提升129.7%和45.1%,明显提高了钢结构抗连续倒塌的鲁棒性;由于受压支撑在加载初期就开始发生局部屈曲,较早失去承载能力,钢支撑的抗力贡献主要由受拉支撑提供。通过有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA进一步研究了钢支撑布置位置及其截面尺寸对钢框架抗连续倒塌性能的影响,分析结果表明:增大钢支撑的截面尺寸可以明显提高钢框架的承载力,但会降低其变形能力;将钢支撑布置于失效柱上层或顶层时对钢框架的加固效果较好;由于去柱楼层的不确定,建议将钢支撑布置于顶层对框架抗倒塌更为有利。  相似文献   

In this paper, seismic collapse of reinforced concrete moment frames is assessed using endurance time (ET) analysis. A set of 30 frames that incorporate deterioration of concrete components is used for this assessment. Application of ET method for collapse assessment of structures is explained, and its accuracy for this purpose is evaluated by comparing its results with incremental dynamic analysis results. Input motions for ET analysis are generated based on ASCE7‐05 design spectrum, and also accelerograms used for incremental dynamic analysis are spectrally matched to the same spectrum. Distribution of different engineering demand parameters over frames height and their values at collapse occurrence are compared for two methods. Results show that spectral accelerations in which collapse occurs in both analyses are very similar for most of the frames, and ET method can appropriately predict the collapse mechanisms of the structures especially for taller frames. Accuracy of ET method in collapse assessment of reinforced concrete moment frames is satisfactory, and this method can be used as a good estimator for study of collapse mechanisms with much less computational effort. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大变形下梁柱节点的力学行为是影响干式连接装配式混凝土框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的关键因素。对3个梁柱子结构试件进行了静力连续倒塌试验,包括1个螺栓连接试件、1个后张拉无黏结预应力连接试件和1个现浇对比试件。根据试验结果分析了节点和子结构在不同变形下的破坏模式和结构静力倒塌抗力,并采用能量原理分析了子结构的动力倒塌抗力。和现浇试件相比,螺栓连接试件的受拉区端板屈曲,使结构在压拱机制下的静力和动力倒塌抗力分别降低41%和45%,而连接角钢和螺栓的断裂使悬链线机制下的静力和动力倒塌抗力分别降低27%和37%。对于预应力连接试件,由于受压区混凝土提前破坏使得压拱机制下的静力和动力倒塌抗力分别降低39%和45%。虽然悬链线机制下预应力筋使得结构静力倒塌抗力提高了52%,但由于压拱机制下累积耗能较低,动力倒塌抗力反而比现浇结构降低17%。  相似文献   

节点连接的破坏和失效显著影响装配整体式混凝土框架结构在连续倒塌大变形下的抗力机理、破坏模式和变形能力。为研究装配整体式混凝土框架结构的抗连续倒塌性能,设计了3个1/3缩尺的两跨梁柱子结构试件,开展了拟均布加载下的静力连续倒塌试验和理论计算分析。包含1个现浇对比试件RC和2个采用不同梁柱纵筋连接方式的装配整体式试件PC,即梁钢筋通过机械套筒连接和锚固板锚固、柱钢筋通过半灌浆套筒连接的试件,梁钢筋通过90°弯折锚固、柱钢筋通过约束浆锚连接的试件。试验发现:由于后浇区混凝土强度的提高,装配整体式试件的压拱机制峰值荷载较现浇对比试件分别提高22.9%和20.2%;拟均布加载下,梁最终变形呈曲线,该变形模式下节点需要提供更高的转动能力才能保证梁整体变形满足T/CECS 392—2021《建筑结构抗倒塌设计标准》的挠度要求;在悬链线峰值荷载时相邻跨梁提供的水平约束能有效限制边柱的水平变形和装配式试件的坐浆层滑移。理论计算表明,装配整体式试件的压拱作用的倒塌抗力贡献率低于现浇对比试件,其原因是边柱坐浆层滑移削弱了梁端约束,进而降低了压拱机制承载力。采用能量原理评估了试件的动力倒塌抗力,由于压拱机制下的累积耗能能力较高,装配整体式试件的动力倒塌抗力分别比现浇试件提高了16.8%和18.8%。  相似文献   

梁柱节点连接在大变形下的承载和变形能力对装配式混凝土框架结构抗连续倒塌性能具有显著影响。对4个不同湿式节点连接的装配式混凝土框架试件和1个现浇试件进行了静力连续倒塌试验,其中梁采用了机械套筒、弯起锚固和预应力连接,柱采用套筒灌浆和浆锚搭接连接。研究发现:采用机械套筒时梁钢筋在套筒处集中断裂,试件在压拱机制和悬链线机制下的倒塌抗力均显著降低;梁钢筋采用弯起锚固时,试件受力行为和倒塌抗力与现浇试件基本一致;预应力能够显著提升试件在两个机制下的倒塌抗力,但是在极限倒塌变形下预应力锚具传递较大的集中力,导致节点区混凝土的局部劈裂破坏;柱钢筋的套筒灌浆和浆锚搭接连接能够承受连续倒塌大变形下的水平剪力作用,但是柱接缝灌浆层在显著的水平剪力作用下发生滑移,减弱了柱对梁的约束;机制转换时,压拱机制轴压力对试件倒塌抗力产生负贡献;机械套筒和预应力连接试件的梁轴力对倒塌抗力贡献比例分别高于和低于现浇混凝土试件。  相似文献   

梁和板组成的楼盖系统是框架结构的主要抗连续倒塌构件。为了分析各类结构参数对钢筋混凝土楼盖系统抗连续倒塌性能的影响,该文首先根据《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010—2010设计制作了8个钢筋混凝土单向梁板子结构缩尺试件,这些试件具有不同的截面尺寸和配筋率。然后通过竖向加载试验研究这些试件在中柱破坏后的材料变形/损伤和抗连续倒塌承载力。试验结果表明:带楼板的子结构试件的承载能力明显高于相同截面的梁试件的承载能力;试件在梁机制阶段的承载能力主要由截面尺寸和钢筋面积所决定,而悬链线机制阶段的承载能力主要由截面中连续钢筋面积所决定;楼板的宽度、厚度和板内配筋以及梁高对梁机制下的承载力有较大的提高,其中板宽在大于一定值后影响变得不显著;只有楼板宽度和楼板配筋率对悬链线机制下的承载力有显著影响;梁内抗震配筋对缩尺试件在两个阶段的抗连续倒塌承载力影响都不大。  相似文献   

为提高既有混凝土框架抗震性能,在不显著增加既有结构构件受力的同时,在混凝土框架外部增设钢框架并设置屈曲约束支撑。设计并制作1榀纯混凝土框架和2榀设置附加减震钢框架的混凝土框架,通过低周往复加载试验,研究其开裂和破坏状态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化、等效阻尼比以及钢筋混凝土梁、附加钢框架的应变发展等。试验结果表明:增设附加减震框架后,结构破坏机制更加合理,屈曲约束支撑耗能性能稳定,加固后结构的滞回曲线饱满;采用外部附加钢框架加固钢筋混凝土框架,可提高既有混凝土框架结构的受剪承载能力至3倍以上,既有结构、外部附加钢框架和屈曲约束支撑可协同工作,在设防目标下可避免混凝土柱发生压剪脆性破坏;最后对附加减震框架改进连接构造设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

Steel bracing of reinforced concrete (RC) frames has received noticeable attention in recent years as a retrofitting measure to increase the shear capacity of the existing RC buildings. In order to evaluate the seismic behaviour of steel-braced RC frames, some key response parameters, including the ductility and the overstrength factors, should first be determined. These two parameters are incorporated in structural design through a force reduction or a response modification factor. In this paper, the ductility and the overstrength factors as well as the response modification factor (or seismic behaviour factor) for steel chevron-braced RC frames have been evaluated by performing inelastic pushover analyses of brace-frame systems of different heights and configurations. The effects of some parameters influencing the value of behaviour factor, including the height of the frame and share of bracing system from the applied lateral load have been investigated. It is found that the latter parameter has a more localised effect on the R values and its influence does not warrant generalisation at this stage. However, the height of this type of lateral load-resisting system has a profound effect on the R factor, as it directly affects the ductility capacity of the dual system. Finally, based on the findings presented in the article, tentative R values have been proposed for steel chevron-braced moment-resisting RC frame dual systems for different ductility demands and compared with different type of bracing systems.  相似文献   

Influences of building height and seismicity level on progressive collapse resistance of buildings are investigated in this paper. For the height, 4‐story, 8‐story and 12‐story steel special moment resisting frames are focused. The obtained results indicate that taller buildings are safer against progressive collapse. To study the influence of seismicity level, different four‐story structures having special moment resisting frame systems are designed for different levels of seismicity, namely, very high, high, moderate and low. The structures are evaluated, using nonlinear dynamic method and two main scenarios of the codes, including sudden removal of a corner and a middle column in the first floor. Some graphs are presented for progressive collapse resistance of the structures, depending on their seismic base shears. It is shown that the structures designed for greater seismic base shears are more resistant against progressive collapse. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王伟  秦希 《建筑结构学报》2016,37(6):123-130
以方钢管柱隔板贯通式节点为研究对象,为提高其抗连续倒塌性能,提出了采用改进型全螺栓连接和加固型栓焊连接的钢框架梁柱刚性节点设计方法。通过试验及有限元模拟分析,考察不同连接构造的节点在中柱失效工况下的性能。结果表明:改进型全螺栓连接构造能够延缓下翼缘断裂,使节点子结构在更大的变形下保持传力截面的完整性,弯曲机制和悬索机制提供的抗力能同时发展至较大的值;加固型栓焊连接构造保证下翼缘连接板件在焊接连接失效后继续有效传力,且使螺栓孔壁局部承压塑性破坏优先发生,传力截面在更大的变形下能保持其完整性,梁端轴力可达到全截面轴拉屈服承载力,悬索机制提供的抗力可充分发展。因此,改进型全螺栓连接构造与加固型栓焊连接构造可提高结构的抗连续倒塌能力,验证了设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

将结构连续倒塌的全概率方法应用于地震作用下的结构整体连续倒塌极限状态可靠度分析,采用构件可靠度方法对结构进行地震作用下最可能失效构件的识别,基于改进点估计法的随机Pushdown方法和随机竖向增量动力分析(竖向IDA)方法,进行完好和损伤结构的概率抗竖向连续倒塌能力分析及参数灵敏度分析。采用整体可靠度方法,分析了损伤结构的竖向连续倒塌条件失效概率。基于系统可靠度理论和全概率方法,分析了RC框架结构发生侧向增量倒塌以及构件地震损伤引起的结构竖向连续倒塌的联合失效概率。分析结果表明,按照我国现行规范设计的钢筋混凝土框架结构具有良好的抗连续倒塌能力。  相似文献   

A reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure is one of the widely used structural system. A localized damage caused by extreme events may lead to progressive collapse of entire structures. In this paper, progressive collapse test of three 1/3‐scaled reinforced concrete frame, including a single‐story without a slab, single‐story with a slab, and double‐story with slabs, are reported. Experimental results show that the progressive collapse process of RC frame consisted of five stages: an elastic stage, yield stage, beam mechanism stage, transient stage and catenary stage. The reinforced concrete slabs contribute to large progressive collapse resistance force compared with the specimen without slab. Furthermore, validation of the test results by using a refined solid finite element model was established. The effect of extensive parameters, including slab thickness, beam section height, seismic design intensity, and so forth, on the progressive collapse performance of RC frame structures was simulated as well. The simulation results indicated that the collapse resistance of RC structures was substantially improved with the increased of the slab thickness and seismic design intensity. Finally, a simplified model is proposed in accordance with experimental and numerical results to calculate the collapse resistance of RC frame structures.  相似文献   

练剑峰  董军  李响 《山西建筑》2011,37(25):35-37
以一单跨混凝土框架为例,采用Pushover方法分析了其倒塌机理,结合已往地震中该类建筑的破坏特征,研究了现浇板及结构地坪的影响,并简单介绍了目前针对该类建筑的几种常用加固方法,以指导工程实践。  相似文献   

束天明 《山西建筑》2012,38(16):30-31
对型钢混凝土构造设计提出优化方案,指出优化设计应充分考虑柱—梁节点受力性能和方便施工;分析了全型钢混凝土框架体系的优越性;提出确定型钢混凝土构件合理含钢率的原则,以指导类似工程的设计。  相似文献   

周楚兵 《山西建筑》2014,40(30):53-54
介绍了钢筋混凝土框架节点的优势,对钢筋混凝土框架节点抗震性能的部分影响因素进行了分析,并提出了几种常见的设计方法,实现了为实际工程中的抗震设计提供一些参考依据的效果。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional discrete crack model based on the Applied Element Method is used to perform economic design for reinforced concrete structures against progressive collapse. The model adopts fully nonlinear path-dependent constitutive models for concrete and reinforcing bars. The model applies a dynamic solver in which post-failure behavior, element separation, falling and collision are predicted. First, the model is used to study the behavior of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings designed in a traditional manner according to the ACI 318-08 and subjected to accidental removal of one or two central columns at the ground level. In an iterative way, the model is then used to investigate a safe design against progressive collapse for such extreme loading case. Based on the analytical results of the AEM, it can be concluded that the collapse of only one column would not lead to any progressive collapse of the studied reinforced concrete structure. However, the collapse of more than one column may lead to a progressive collapse of a considerable part of it. It is concluded also that the AEM could be successfully used as an analytical tool to suggest economical designs that are safe against progressive collapse of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

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