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爆破不锈钢复合板界面组织和性能分析及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王立新  李国平 《钢铁》2005,40(11):71-74
研究了普碳钢和不锈钢爆破成型的工艺和组织、性能,结果表明,不锈钢复合板界面呈波纹原子状结合,形成约30μm宽的亚微米级的超细晶粒带,具有高的结合强度,热处理后界面存在碳的扩散,结合区爆破态的硬度高于热处理态。用此工艺生产的不锈钢复合板材料成本低,综合性能好。  相似文献   

分析了Q235 304不锈钢复合板的焊接性。对复合材料的焊接工艺进行了评定试验。确定了基层和复层分别焊接、不添加过渡层的焊接工艺。施焊过程中通过严格执行工艺规范,既保证了焊接质量又提高了焊接效率.设备运行检验结果表明。焊接工艺合理,焊接质量满足设计要求。  相似文献   

热轧不锈钢复合板界面氧化物夹杂的形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以不锈钢-低合金钢复合板为研究对象,利用光学显微镜及扫描电镜对复合界面附近的夹杂物进行了分析。研究发现,不锈钢复合板界面处夹杂物主要为氧化物,其成分与复合界面处的真空度有关。在较低的真空度下(真空度大于15Pa),氧化物夹杂的成分以硅为主,在较高的真空度下(真空度小于0.1Pa),夹杂的成分以铝为主。界面氧化物夹杂主要是由于高温下钢中的Al、Si和Mn等元素向复合界面处扩散并被氧化形成的。由试验结果也可知,随着真空度的降低,界面氧化也变得更加明显,当真空度的值从0.1Pa增加到20Pa左右时,界面氧化物的体积分数从15%提高到了50%。  相似文献   

金建炳 《宽厚板》2013,(6):12-15
结合热轧复合工艺原理,分析了不锈钢复合板热轧复合过程中表面洁净度、复合坯压缩比、真空度、复合坯加热、轧制等工序对复合率和复合强度的影响,通过工艺参数的优化和应用,在实际生产中大幅度提高了不锈钢复合板的复合率和复合强度,并稳定了热轧复合工艺.  相似文献   

After partial melting and solidification of cylindrical samples hot tensile tests were performed on austenitic stainless steels containing residual elements such as copper, tin and lead as well as calcium and magnesium. Using well controlled cooling conditions down to the testing temperature a radially solidified microstructure in the test zone of the samples was achieved. The testing material was prepared by remelting of base material from the industrial production and addition of single elements in the vacuum induction furnace. The maximum strength and the reduction of area were determined in the temperature range between liquidus and 1100°C. With regard to the reheating and hot rolling process some samples were thermally treated under industrial conditions. The ductility of the material at temperatures down to 950°C was tested and the effect of annealing was evaluated. Recommendations for material processing by continuous casting and hot rolling were derived from the tests performed.  相似文献   

非对称不锈钢/碳钢复合板可逆冷轧过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用ANSYS有限元软件分析了热轧复合的不锈钢/碳钢复合板在冷轧过程中的变形特性以及界面上的应力、应变分布,确定了界面结合强度和成卷可逆带张力冷轧时的最大道次压下量。用3D-FEM模拟了接触表面上的应力,计算出了总轧制压力,并与实验值进行了对比。对比结果表明模拟值与实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

对原位合成TiC强化304不锈钢的显微组织和性能进行了研究。试验结果表明:在304不锈钢中产生TiC颗粒后,热处理态组织中的孪晶得到明显细化,同时出现了很多纳米级的未固溶的方形颗粒Cr23C6和圆形颗粒TiC。TiC颗粒的产生,使304不锈钢强度有较大提高而塑性有一定的下降。在TiC强化钢磨损过程中,TiC颗粒暴露于磨损表面起承载和形成油膜的作用,从而保护基体不发生严重磨损。随着钢中TiC含量的增加,强度和磨损性能的提高越明显。  相似文献   

简述了2205双相不锈钢的基本特性,详细介绍了2205双相不锈钢的轧制、退火及酸洗工艺,给出了2205双相不锈钢生产中的注意事项。  相似文献   

We report the fabrication of the 304 stainless steel by the laser rapid prototyping harmonized with high‐frequency micro‐forging and demonstrate that both microstructure and properties of the prepared samples can be enhanced significantly. Structurally, we find that the large regular dendritic microstructure can be broken into pieces and that the internal defects are to some extent eliminated. Moreover, grains are refined remarkably. As a consequence of such structural modification, mechanical properties are found to be enhanced considerably by demonstrating a much broader fluctuation in tensile strength, a marked increase in tensile and yielding strength, and a drastic enhancement in surface hardness by 76% after the micro‐forging. Further calculations reveal that the defect region is shrunken substantially after micro‐forging. Detailed analysis of fractures in the tensile samples provides convincing evidence that plastic properties can be improved as well by the micro‐forging.  相似文献   

The reverse martensitic transformation in cold‐rolled metastable austenitic stainless steel has been investigated via heat treatments performed for various temperatures and times. The microstructural evolution was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry, X‐ray diffraction and microscopy. Upon heat treatment, both diffusionless and diffusion‐controlled mechanisms determine the final microstructure. The diffusion reversion from α′‐martensite to austenite was found to be activated at about 450°C and the shear reversion is activated at higher temperatures with Af′ ~600°C. The resulting microstructure for isothermal heat treatment at 650°C was austenitic, which inherits the α′‐martensite lath morphology and is highly faulted. For isothermal heat treatments at temperatures above 700°C the faulted austenite was able to recrystallize and new austenite grains with a low defect density were formed. In addition, carbo‐nitride precipitation was observed for samples heat treated at these temperatures, which leads to an increasing Ms‐temperature and new α′‐martensite formation upon cooling.  相似文献   

闫伟  王珊珊 《有色矿冶》2010,26(5):36-39
研究A102不锈钢焊条工艺性能的影响。对于酸性不锈钢焊条而言,目前国内各厂家生产的不锈钢焊条都不同程度的存在各种问题,如熔滴过渡不稳,飞溅较大等。所研制焊条的药皮配方在原来A102焊条的药皮组成成分的基础上对每种组分进行轮番调整所得到的较好的药皮配方,通过药皮配方的改善来提高研制焊条的工艺性能,提高其利用率。  相似文献   

应用马氏体转变分析方法,对304不锈钢冷轧板拉深应变试验过程中拉深件各个区域的应变分布规律、马氏体转变分析、壁厚、硬度变化历史进行了研究;分析304不锈钢冷轧板性能对拉深件应变的影响及用户开裂水槽的应变分布特点;提出了确定拉深成形零部件危险部位的方法和改进措施.  相似文献   

金建炳 《山东冶金》2011,33(3):40-42,45
通过不同的手工电弧焊焊接工艺修补不锈钢复合板复层缺陷,并对修复的复合板进行化学成分、力学性能、显微硬度、金相组织、能谱等检测分析,结果表明,过渡层用309焊条、复层用308焊条、分两层修补的焊接工艺二修复的缺陷区,其力学性能及耐腐蚀性能满足复合板母材性能要求。  相似文献   

热处理对双相不锈钢组织与性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜观察(SEM)、X射线衍射(X—Ray)分析及力学性能测试等研究手段,研究了不同固溶温度对某种新型铸造双相不锈钢组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:在950—1050℃温度区内固溶处理后,合金的强度、硬度和延伸率随固溶温度的升高而逐渐增大;随着固溶温度的升高,合金的断口形貌从解理断裂逐渐转为准解理断裂。  相似文献   

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