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本文研究和探讨了黄河口拦门沙疏浚后,尾闾河道水位、流速和水面比降的变化以及疏浚部位的回淤过程。试验结果表明,河口拦门沙疏浚后,在一定时期和一定范围内,可以使尾闾河道发生溯源冲刷。在施放不同典型年的水沙条件下,尾闾河道可在疏浚点以上21~35km范围内发生溯源冲刷,同流量水位最大下降0 24~0 47m。同时,疏浚河槽始终处于回淤状态,经过一个汛期回淤量可达到70%~80%。  相似文献   

黄河口泥沙输运三维数值模拟Ⅱ--河口双导堤工程应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河口双导堤工程是继国家“八五”攻关项目:“延长清水沟流路行水年限”完成后提出的黄河口治理的重大工程设想。本文利用河口海岸三维数学模型(HEM-3D)对黄河口双导堤工程实施后河口高、中流量条件及低流量与东北风组合条件下的河口泥沙输送过程进行了数值计算。对比不同方案下的计算结果发现,当河口流量控制在1 500m3/s以上时,泥沙可以经由河口双导堤顺畅入海,在潮流作用下向导堤两侧输送,这对疏通河口拦门沙并进一步稳定黄河入海流路能够起到积极的作用。在低流量与东北大风的组合条件下,河口泥沙难以通过双导堤顺畅入海,大部分的泥沙可能会在导堤内部淤积。因此,在目前形势下如何通过水库调度保证充足的入海径流量是工程实施前需要深入研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

Sediments filling reservoirs is a common problem in the world today, with an estimated 1% of the capacity of hydropower reservoirs being lost annually through sedimentation. One of the most used techniques for reducing this problem is reservoir flushing. During a flood, the water level is drawn down, causing increased velocities, therefore facilitating erosion and sediment transport. During the flushing, water from the reservoir will be lost, resulting in significant economic implications for the reservoir owner. The success of reservoir flushing depends on several parameters, including water discharge, sediment properties and reservoir geometry. This study describes the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a modern method to predict the reservoir flushing process. A three‐dimensional numerical model (SSIIM 2), with an adaptive, non‐orthogonal and unstructured grid has been used. Through the application of special modified algorithms (e.g., wetting/drying, free water surface), numerical modelling of sediment movement can be an alternative for planning and optimizing the flushing process for complex reservoir geometries. The numerical model was tested against data from a physical model study of the Kali Gandaki hydropower reservoir in Nepal. The total quantity of flushed out sediments, and the bed deformation in six cross‐sections, were compared, highlighting a good correspondence between the results. These include the cross‐sectional shape of a 90‐degree bend, for which secondary currents influenced the results. The study indicates that numerical models might become a useful tool for reservoir flushing predictions.  相似文献   

黄河口泥沙输运三维数值模拟Ⅰ--黄河口切变锋   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
采用三维数学模型研究黄河口泥沙输运过程,并利用实测资料对模型进行了检验。数值模拟结果揭示了黄河口切变锋的时空运动过程及其对河口泥沙传输的作用。黄河口切变锋在涨、落潮时段存在两种不同的形态,分别历时2小时左右。切变锋在浅水区域产生,向深水区移动,经历2小时左右消失,它的产生是由于近岸区域与10 m深线以外区域的潮汐相位差所导致。切变锋对河口泥沙的向海传输有重要的阻隔作用,导致河口泥沙集中在切变锋的向岸一侧随落潮流向北侧传输,在涨潮时河口向海排沙量降低,少量泥沙随涨潮流沿岸向南传输。长期的地貌演化表明切变锋对河口的淤积和侵蚀分区有重要的控制作用,导致河口泥沙在其向岸一侧沉积,是长时间尺度的河口地貌演化对短时间尺度河口沉积动力过程的重要响应。  相似文献   

Although there is increasing consensus that river restoration should focus on restoring processes rather than form, proven techniques to design and monitor projects for sediment transport processes are lacking. This study monitors bedload transport and channel morphology in a rural, an urban unrestored, and an urban restored reach. Objectives are to compare bedload transport regimes, assess the stability and self‐maintenance of constructed riffle‐pool sequences, and evaluate the impact of the project on coarse sediment continuity in the creek. Sediment tracking is done using radio frequency identification tracers and morphologic change is assessed from repeated cross‐section surveys. Mean annual velocity is used to quantify the average downstream velocity of tracers, defined as the mean overall tracer travel length divided by the total study duration. The channel reconstruction slows down the downstream velocity of particles in the D75 and D90 size classes, but does not significantly change the velocity of particles in the D50 size class or smaller. Surveys show that riffle features remain stable and that pool depths are maintained or deepened, while tracer paths match with what has been observed in natural riffle‐pools. However, the slowdown of coarse sediment and increase in channel slope may lead to future failures related to over‐steepening of the banks and a disruption in the continuity of sediment transport in the creek. This study demonstrates how bedload tracking and morphological surveys can be used to assess river restoration projects, and highlights the importance of incorporating coarse sediment connectivity into restoration design and monitoring.  相似文献   

High suspended sediment concentrations during reservoir flushing are known to be harmful to biota in downstream river stretches. Therefore, it is common practice to set legal concentration limits for upstream reservoir management operations such as flushings or controlled drawdowns. However, as shown by measurements, there is a considerable spatio‐temporal variability of suspended sediment concentrations both in the longitudinal profile of rivers and in river cross‐sections. To consider this variability in management operations, SED‐FISH—a three‐dimensional modelling approach—was developed to study this variability in a wider context by upscaling cross‐sectional measurements of suspended sediments to high‐resolution three‐dimensional information on the reach scale in an alpine river. The resulting patterns of suspended sediment concentrations were integrated over their respective time of occurrence for various scenarios in order to calculate severity of harmful impacts for target fish species. The modelling results identified refugial habitats with reduced negative impacts in near‐bank zones even for relatively high suspended sediment concentrations in the centre of the river. Moreover, a substantially larger variability of both suspended sediment concentrations and associated harmful impacts was found for a winding riverbed morphology as compared with a straight reach. Both these findings and the developed modelling tool could assist in establishing individual case‐based concentration limits for reservoir management operations in the future and should also be taken into account when planning river regulation or restoration measures.  相似文献   

基于水沙组合分类的黄河中下游水沙变化特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步揭示黄河中下游水沙关系及变化规律,本文通过自组织映射(Self-Organizing Map)-K均值聚类(K-means clustering)耦合方法,利用黄河中游潼关水文站1919—2018年的年径流量及年输沙量数据,对该站的水沙组合进行分类。结果表明:潼关站水沙类型有沙多水多、沙多水中、沙中水中及沙少水中4种。结合新中国成立后黄河流域水土保持事业的发展情况,以1960年及2000年为时间节点将研究时段分为3个阶段,分析了上述4种类型在3个阶段的出现频率及变化特点。考虑到黄河水沙条件的变化,又对1986年以来潼关站的水沙组合进行分类。结果表明:该站在1986年后的水沙类型有沙中水中及沙少水中2种。两种时间序列下的分类结果略有差异,体现出黄河水沙变化的复杂性。  相似文献   

Nitrogen retention was measured along the Tafna wadi downstream of a heavily polluted reservoir in North‐West Algeria to understand the role of the hyporheic zone (HZ) in nitrogen dynamics. Nutrient concentrations were measured monthly for 2 years within the bed sediments of a 300 m reach located 20 km downstream from the dam. Due to strong hydrological fluctuations hyporheic water was analysed during natural low and high water (HW) periods, and during water reservoir releases. Nutrient concentrations in surface water (SW) increased during water releases and in the HZ during the low water (LW) periods. Surface/hyporheic water interactions were characterized by determining the vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) and the chemical signature of the ground water (GW). The latter was obtained from regional GW monitoring. Hyporheic chemistry was strongly influenced by patterns of surface flow. Hyporheic and SWs had similar chloride concentrations during high flow when they were significantly lower than those of the regional GW. GW was generally richer in nitrates and nitrites, but was lower in ammonium concentrations than interstitial and river waters. Nitrates decreased significantly from upstream to downstream within the HZ throughout the hydrological period even though temporal fluctuations were high. Ammonium concentrations in interstitial water (IW) were significantly higher than in SW and generally increased from upstream to downstream. This study demonstrates the importance of the HZ in altering the dissolved inorganic nitrogen composition and concentrations of heavily polluted arid streams. The study is of interest because it documents a large ‘natural experiment’ that being the effect of periodic water release from a reservoir with serious water quality problems on the water quality dynamics (particularly nitrogen) of subsurface and SWs downstream. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for the development of a water balance model that uses publicly available data in a manner useful to water scientists and managers who manage complex lake and reservoir watersheds. The approach was applied to Coeur d'Alene Lake, a naturally occurring lake that is controlled by a dam located on its outlet (Spokane River) in North Idaho, USA. As in many other areas, the region surrounding Coeur d'Alene Lake has experienced high rates of population growth in recent years, and there is concern that, as consumptive water use increases, the lake will eventually not be able to be managed to simultaneously maintain the federally mandated minimum flow requirements in the Spokane River and also maintain the target summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) for recreation and hydropower purposes. The complexity caused by the competing uses at Coeur d'Alene Lake makes it an excellent case study for similarly characterized watersheds. Both a natural flow model and regulated elevation model were developed, and sensitivity analysis was conducted on both models to evaluate which lake processes have the greatest effects on lake elevation, thereby requiring the most attention. A ‘low‐flow’ scenario was modelled to demonstrate the usefulness of the model and to inform Coeur d'Alene Lake regional stakeholders regarding the interrelationship between current water policy and the lake's physical behaviour under stressed conditions that could result from climate change. Model result indicates that, while lake elevation may be maintained at the summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) under a low‐flow scenario, the outflows in the Spokane River start to approach the minimum flow requirements in the month of August. The developed approach is useful where publicly available data exist and allows for economic, yet rigorous, water resources systems evaluation without requiring significant field data collection.  相似文献   

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