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To address the issue of strength and stiffness degradation of steel slit shear walls (SSSWs) after the occurrence of out‐of‐plane buckling at large lateral deformation, a new type of SSSW made by assembling initially twisted steel plate links is proposed in the present work. Three types of SSSW specimens, with vertical slits, narrow rhomboid openings, and initially twisted steel plate links, respectively, were manufactured and tested under quasi‐static cyclic loading. Test results showed that the SSSW assembled by initially twisted steel plate links had no strength degradation and a nearly constant positive second stiffness throughout the whole loading process with a maximum drift ratio of 6%, whereas the other two SSSW specimens exhibited obvious degradation of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity. The new SSSW also had much smaller residual strength, and its deformation capacity was largely improved. The method to predict the elastic stiffness of the new SSSW was proposed, by which the predicted results agreed well with test results. A user‐defined macromodel was developed to simulate its force‐deformation hysteretic behavior.  相似文献   

Past earthquakes had shown vulnerability of infill walls especially under out of plane (OOP) loading. Although some new infill walls show a good OOP performance, generally, they do not have the right economic justification or have complexity in construction. Therefore, in this paper, an innovative economical infill wall is presented that is not complicated in construction. The proposed wall constructed by light expanded clay aggregate in especial shape that reinforced with side plates, top, and bottom rebars. Experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate its seismic performance. Experimental results showed a high continuity between blocks of wall due to its especial shape that is increased ultimate OOP strength and ultimate OOP displacement of the wall. Numerical results indicated, because the infill wall is isolated from boundary frame, no drift is imposed to infill wall from boundary frame. Therefore, the infill wall only suffered OOP seismic acceleration. Due to light weight of the infill wall, low OOP load that corresponds to seismic acceleration is applied to the infill wall. In the infill wall, no separation is made even up to drift frame of 2.5%. The relations to design of the proposed infill wall were also presented.  相似文献   

在水平地震作用下,低轴压比的单排配筋混凝土剪力墙易在底部施工缝处产生剪切滑移现象,影响其耗能能力,在剪力墙底部配置斜向钢筋可以较好地避免此现象发生。为研究配置斜筋单排配筋混凝土双肢剪力墙的抗震性能,对3个1/2缩尺的单排配筋混凝土双肢剪力墙进行了拟静力试验,研究了在墙肢及连梁中配置斜筋对混凝土双肢剪力墙破坏机制与抗震性能的影响。对比分析了配置斜筋双肢墙与未配置斜筋双肢墙的破坏形态、滞回特性、承载力、延性、刚度和耗能能力。试验结果表明:在墙肢配筋量相同的条件下,在墙肢底部设置适量的斜筋,可提高双肢墙的延性和耗能能力,并对其破坏机制产生影响;在墙肢分布钢筋量不变条件下,在墙肢底部和连梁中增设斜筋,可明显提高双肢墙的延性和耗能能力。  相似文献   

Semi-supported steel shear walls (SSSW), whose steel plate is connected to secondary columns rather than main columns of the frame, have been considered as an alternative steel shear walls to the traditional type. Many investigations have been made for proportionate designing of components of SSSW system. One of the important issues in this regard is the out of plane buckling of the secondary columns. In this paper, the plastic theory of structures is utilized to find out the axial force distribution, along the compressive column. Then, using energy method, for an assumed shear wall with specific geometry and material and a given shear force, the maximum overturning moment that makes the compressive secondary column buckles, can be determined. Repeating this method, for various shear forces, makes it possible to draw some interaction curves between overturning moments and shear forces. These curves can be used to analyze and design of semi-supported steel shear walls.  相似文献   

天津现代城酒店塔楼建筑高度209m,建筑要求高度56m、平面长度65m的裙房结构和塔楼结构连为一体,中间不设置防震缝。酒店塔楼采用带加强层的钢筋混凝土框架-核心筒结构体系,为超B级高度超限高层。结构低区外框柱为型钢混凝土柱,核心筒低区采用了钢板混凝土组合剪力墙和带钢斜撑混凝土剪力墙。核心筒高宽比为20,因此为提高刚度设置两道加强层。中部设置伸臂桁架和环带桁架,建筑对与伸臂桁架相连的框架柱截面控制极严,因此伸臂桁架腹杆选用屈曲约束支撑;裙房部位为提高刚度,在不能设置剪力墙且抗侧支撑竖向不连续的情况下设置了屈曲约束支撑。高区设置环带桁架作为加强层,结构底部存在斜撑转换和搭接柱转换。系统介绍了该工程的结构体系特点、抗震性能化设计原则和方法、整体计算结果、罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性时程分析结果以及地基基础的设计。  相似文献   

Ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete columns made with low-strength brick aggregate concrete (BAC) is estimated using Mohr's circle and relevant failure criterion. Compressive tests and splitting tensile tests on concrete cylinders show that the material properties of BAC are distinctly different from those of stone aggregate concrete (SAC). In contrast to the well-known dependence between the splitting tensile strength and the square root of the compressive strength of concrete, a linear relationship between the splitting tensile strength and the compressive strength is proposed for BAC. The splitting tensile strength of BAC was lower than that of SAC of the same grade when the concrete compressive strength was below 25 MPa. Independent of the concrete strength, the elastic modulus of BAC was 70% of that calculated with the ACI code equation and 50% of that of SAC of the same grade. Twenty-six column specimens under constant vertical and cyclic horizontal loads are cited from a preliminary report of this research group (see Kabir et al. (2020)) for comparison with the estimated shear strength. A column specimen made with 13.0 MPa BAC exhibited a lower shear strength than that made with a similar grade of SAC. In the 22–23 MPa compressive strength range no distinct difference was observed. The difference in the tested shear strength originates from the distinct differences in the elastic modulus and splitting tensile strength.  相似文献   

从剪力墙设计的轴压比、剪重比、名义拉应力出发,列举高宽比超限结构规范要求、常用计算方法和构造措施,以某省定高宽比超限工程为例,说明结构设计除应符合现行规范对常规结构的规定外,应采取更有效、更有针对性的措施.  相似文献   

Shear walls are often used as the primary lateral load resisting elements in high‐rise buildings because of their large in‐plane stiffness and strength. It is a common practice to combine rectangular walls to form T‐shaped, I‐shaped and L‐shaped walls for functionality and esthetic reasons. Three relatively slender steel reinforced concrete (SRC) shear walls with T‐shaped cross‐sections were constructed and tested to failure under cyclic lateral loading. This research was conducted to assess the failure mechanism, hysteretic behavior, ductility and energy dissipating capacity of SRC T‐shaped walls under various axial load ratios. All the specimens exhibited a flexural mode characterized by crushing of the concrete and buckling of the steel at the free web boundary. The experimental results showed good hysteretic characteristics without pinching phenomena. The ductility coefficient varied from 2.3 to 4.1, and the deformation capability decreased with the increasing of axial load ratios. The stiffness, strength and ductility of T‐shaped walls are dependent upon the direction of the applied lateral loads. Higher stiffness and strength and lower ductility are achieved when the flange is in tension. The failure mechanism suggested that special attention should be paid to the design of the free web boundary to prevent premature failure under compression. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究高层屈曲约束钢板墙-混凝土框架结构的抗震性能,分别设计了一个10层钢筋混凝土框架结构和屈曲约束钢板墙-混凝土框架结构模型,进行了地震作用下动力非线性分析。结果表明:屈曲约束钢板墙可显著减小高层钢筋混凝土框架结构在地震作用下的层间位移,同时在罕遇地震作用下框架中塑性铰的数量也有大幅减少,表现出良好的抗震性能。在此基础上,综合规范对框架结构和框架-抗震墙结构抗震等级和柱轴压比限值的规定,并结合屈曲约束钢板墙-混凝土框架结构的受力特点,提出了高层屈曲约束钢板墙-混凝土框架结构的抗震设计建议。建议屈曲约束钢板墙的边缘构件按框架结构确定抗震等级和柱的轴压比限值,其他框架部分根据其承担的地震倾覆力矩比例大小,按框架结构或框架-抗震墙结构确定抗震等级和柱的轴压比限值。  相似文献   

剪力墙结构底部采用高性能纤维增强混凝土材料(ECC)能够减轻底部剪力墙在地震中的损伤程度,提高结构震后可恢复性。为考察底部采用ECC材料后整体结构的抗震性能,以我国抗震设防烈度为8度、设计基本地震加速度值为0.2g的高烈度抗震设防区RC剪力墙结构为对象,建立了高度、ECC设置高度和剪力墙整体性系数不同的结构模型,并进行有限元动力时程分析,考察底部采用ECC材料的剪力墙结构与普通RC剪力墙结构抗震性能的差别;分析剪力墙结构在罕遇地震作用下发生预期延性破坏模式时的弯矩需求。结果表明,对于位于设防烈度为8度、设计基本地震加速度值为0.2g抗震设防区的剪力墙结构,将剪力墙底部采用ECC材料后,其在罕遇地震作用下能够耗散更多地震能量,剪力墙开裂的程度和概率明显减小;在剪力墙底部加强区第1~2层采用ECC材料后,ECC层及其相邻上层会发生弯曲破坏;底部加强区第1~3层剪力墙都采用ECC时,剪力墙屈服都集中在ECC层,在罕遇地震作用下ECC层以上剪力墙实现预设延性破坏模式的受弯需求不大于其受弯能力;建议25层以下的剪力墙结构在底部第1~3层范围内采用ECC材料。  相似文献   

Shear walls and core tubes in shear walls constitute the core anti‐earthquake vertical systems of high‐rise buildings. This paper proposes a new type of composite shear wall with concrete‐filled steel tubular frames and corrugated steel plates. The seismic behavior of the new shear wall is studied using a cyclic loading test and damage analysis. The failure mode, load‐carrying capacity, ductility, stiffness degradation, hysteresis behavior, and energy dissipating capacity exhibited in the test are studied. The test results show that when the proposed wall is broken, the tension side of concrete‐filled steel tubes is torn. The concrete at the bottom of the wall is detached and peels off along the through cracks. The energy dissipation capacity of concrete walls is more fully utilized. The proposed wall exhibits excellent deformability, energy dissipation capacity, and the stiffness degradation was slower than that of other walls. The use of corrugated steel plate significantly improved the seismic performance while simultaneously increasing the ductility and reducing the damage. In addition, this paper modified the energy dissipation factor in the Park & Ang model based on the situation of the specimen and experiment. It can be used to evaluate the damage degree of this new type of shear wall.  相似文献   

本文针对某水泥厂水泥原料库倒塌事故,从建设程序、设计、施工等方面剖析事故原因,并总结了从中应吸取的教训。  相似文献   

南京德基广场二期裙楼为多项不规则的复杂高层建筑,采用钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构体系,通过设置后浇带、采取必要的构造措施、调整结构构件刚度、提高结构的抗扭承载力以及采用空间有限元法和时程法进行分析,解决了设计中结构超长、超限、大悬挑及扭转效应明显等问题,使结构满足抗震设防要求。  相似文献   

将结构连续倒塌的全概率方法应用于地震作用下的结构整体连续倒塌极限状态可靠度分析,采用构件可靠度方法对结构进行地震作用下最可能失效构件的识别,基于改进点估计法的随机Pushdown方法和随机竖向增量动力分析(竖向IDA)方法,进行完好和损伤结构的概率抗竖向连续倒塌能力分析及参数灵敏度分析。采用整体可靠度方法,分析了损伤结构的竖向连续倒塌条件失效概率。基于系统可靠度理论和全概率方法,分析了RC框架结构发生侧向增量倒塌以及构件地震损伤引起的结构竖向连续倒塌的联合失效概率。分析结果表明,按照我国现行规范设计的钢筋混凝土框架结构具有良好的抗连续倒塌能力。  相似文献   

王世村 《钢结构》2013,(11):32-36
介绍支付宝总部B塔楼结构设计的基本情况,应用性能化方法进行设计。针对54m跨度的桁架转换结构,采用模拟施工加载、考虑竖向地震作用、杆件计算时楼板刚度折减、楼板按应力配筋、节点应力有限元分析等设计方法来保证转换结构的安全。此外,简要介绍圆钢管混凝土框架柱和剪力墙的承载力验算过程。  相似文献   

根据多年建筑结构抗震设计实践和对抗震规范的理解,提出以下一些观点及设计建议:1)8度区层数少高度低的规则框架结构、框架抗震墙结构、抗震墙结构等建筑的抗震等级和抗震墙底部加强部位高度可以适当降低;2)少墙框架抗震墙结构设计时应同时考虑框架结构和框架剪力墙两种计算模型,框架-抗震墙结构计算模型的结构弹性层间位移角可仅满足规范对框架结构的限制要求,同时,框架抗震等级按纯框架结构确定;3)确定抗震墙厚度时,应综合运用规范规定的抗震墙构造最小高厚比限值和高层规程附录D稳定计算公式;4)抗震墙底部加强部位应该按不同的受力情况和墙肢剪跨比,设置不同的约束边缘构件,约束边缘构件长度宜根据相对受压区高度ξ确定更合理。  相似文献   

In modern bridge construction, steel‐concrete composite structures with composite dowels are being built more than ever, especially for small and medium spans. In contrast to headed studs, in which initial steel cracks occur after only a few load cycles [1], [2], the lifetime of composite dowels is characterized by the compression of the multi‐axially stressed concrete in front of the composite dowel. Here, plastic compression strains occur in the concrete and accumulate over load cycles, leading to a cyclic increase in relative displacements in the connection. Certain proportions of these relative displacements, called inelastic slip, remain in the connection, even after the loading is relieved. The inelastic slip changes the characteristics of the static dowel curve. The initially rigid connection degrades over its lifetime, leading to redistributions of internal forces, which may be critical for fatigue design. In order to consider the degradation of the composite connection, a cyclic dowel curve can be used, which may be developed from the static dowel curve by introducing the inelastic slip. This paper presents the results of cyclic shear tests on different composite dowel geometries. The effect of load‐dependent parameters (upper load level and load range) was investigated. Furthermore, an engineering model for determining the cyclic dowel curve is presented, which was developed based on the results of experimental and numerical investigations.  相似文献   

钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构框架地震设计剪力标准值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究双重体系钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构的框架设计地震剪力标准值,对20个钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构模型进行了静力弹塑性分析。从承载力、结构失效模式和框架破损程度三个方面评价20个计算模型的抗震能力。根据推覆分析结果,提出了如下设计建议:8度抗震设防时钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构的刚度特征值λ大于0.65,各层框架的设计地震剪力标准值不小于本层总剪力的18%和不小于框架-核心筒结构计算得到的地震剪力的1.2倍(加强层和顶层的剪力可不小于框架-核心筒结构计算得到的地震剪力),框架角柱轴压比不大于0.5。算例表明,符合建议的钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构,在地震作用时不会出现不合理的破坏形态。  相似文献   

根据弹塑性力学平面应变问题的特点,推导广义Hoek-Brown破坏准则平面应变问题应力分量的双参数表达式。代入静力平衡微分方程,得到双曲型一阶拟线性偏微分方程组。运用行列式方法,在适当的变量代换后,获得应力偏微分方程组的特征方向和特征上的微分关系。特征方向表明塑性区中的共轭斜交剪切滑移面形成两族非正交滑移线,其共轭角随极限应力状态和Hoek-Brown岩体材料物性参数而变化。由于对称初始应力场条件下圆形硐室理想弹塑性围岩塑性区内最大主应力方向为环向,而滑移线切线方向与最大主应力方向的夹角是最小主应力(径向应力)的函数,结合圆形硐室理想弹塑性围岩的应力分布的分析解,获得滑移线的极坐标曲线所满足的微分方程,进而得到其极坐标曲线方程。  相似文献   

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