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In this paper, the adaptive tracking control problem is investigated for the multiagent systems with event-triggered (ET) communication and asymmetric input saturation. By adopting an auxiliary system, the problem of asymmetric input saturation is successfully handled. Two ET mechanisms are employed in the controller-to-actuator channel and communication channel respectively to economize the limited communication resources. The update frequency of the controller can be reduced by devising a novel switching ET mechanism, which can unify the three existing ET schemes. Based on a backstepping technique, a distributed ET controller is devised, which only requires the sampled value of neighboring states. Due to the discontinuity of the ET state signals, the repetitive differentiation of virtual control laws will not be computed. To solve this problem, the predesigned differentiable partial derivatives of virtual control laws are used to construct the ET virtual control laws. By applying the Lyapunov stability method, it is proved that the desired tracking performance and the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates that the proposed control strategy is effective.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of adaptive dynamic surface control for pure‐feedback time‐varying state constrained nonaffine nonlinear system. A continuous and semibounded condition is proposed of nonaffine function to ensure that the system can be controlled, and the invariant set is introduced for this mild condition. By employing the dynamic surface control technique, the “complexity explosion” problem caused by backstepping technique is averted in developed control method. Robust compensators are devised to weaken poor effect of disturbances and uncertainties. The time‐varying barrier Lyapunov functions are adopted to dispose the problem of time‐varying state constrains. Moreover, it is proved that the whole closed‐loop signals are bounded, the tracking error can converge to a small neighborhood of zero, and the system states are insured to maintain in the predefined compact sets. Finally, some simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive fault‐tolerant time‐varying formation control problem for nonlinear multiagent systems with multiple leaders is studied against actuator faults and state‐dependent uncertainties. Simultaneously, the followers form a predefined formation while tracking reference signal determined by the convex combination of the multiple leaders. Based on the neighboring relative information, an adaptive fault‐tolerant formation time‐varying control protocol is constructed to compensate for the influences of actuator faults and model uncertainties. In addition, the updating laws can be adjusted online through the adaptive mechanism, and the proposed control protocol can guarantee that all the signals in the closed‐loop systems are bounded. Lyapunov‐like functions are addressed to prove the stability of multiagent systems. Finally, two examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

利用神经网络和滑模控制,研究带有饱和输入的一类非线性系统。为了便于问题分析,引入饱和约束模型输出与控制输入的差值这个变量,分5种情况讨论,求得神经网络权值的在线调节律,得到保证闭环系统稳定的控制律。利用Lyapunov函数,证明了闭环系统的稳定性;仿真实验说明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the output containment tracking problem of nonlinear multiagent systems with mismatched uncertain dynamics and input saturations. A neural network–based distributed adaptive command filtered backstepping (CFB) scheme is given, which can guarantee that the containment tracking errors reach to the desired neighborhood of origin and all signals in the closed‐loop system are bounded. Note that error compensation system and virtual control laws established in CFB only use local information, so the given scheme is completely distributed. Moreover, the applied sliding mode differentiator (SMD) can make the outputs of SMD fast approximate the virtual signal and its derivative at each step of backstepping, which can further improve the control quality. Finally, a simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, the consensus tracking problem is investigated for stochastic nonlinear multiagent systems with full state constraints and time delays. The barrier Lyapunov functions proposed for single‐agent constrained systems are constructively extended to solve the consensus problem for multiagent systems with the full state constraints. Some Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functionals are introduced to compensate for state time delays, which are inherent in the complicated nonlinear systems. Based on the variable separation technique, the difficulty arising from the nonstrict‐feedback structure is overcome. Under a directed communication topology, the distributed neuroadaptive control protocols are proposed to guarantee that all the follower agents follow the trajectory of the leader agent and the full state constraints are not violated. The effectiveness of the proposed distributed adaptive control approach is verified via simulation examples.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the adaptive finite‐time control problem of nonlinear teleoperation system in the presence of asymmetric time‐varying delays. To achieve the finite‐time position tracking, a novel adaptive finite‐time coordination algorithm based on subsystem decomposition is developed. By introducing a switching‐technique‐based error filtering into our design framework, the complete closed‐loop master (slave) teleoperation system is modeled as a special class of switched system, which is composed of two subsystems. To analyze such system, a finite‐time state‐independent input‐to‐output stability criterion is first developed for some normal switched nonlinear delayed systems. Then based on the classical Lyapunov–Krasovskii method, the stability of complete closed‐loop systems is obtained. It is shown that the proposed scheme can make the position errors converge into a deterministic domain in finite time when the robots continuously contact with human operator and/or the environment in the presence of asymmetric time‐varying delays. Finally, the simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the robust control for the Euler‐Lagrange (EL) system with input saturation by using the integral sliding mode control and adaptive control. An integral sliding mode surface that is suitable for solving the problem of the input constraint is given based on the saturation function. By using the integral sliding mode surface, two robust antisaturation controllers are designed for the EL system with external disturbances. The first controller can deal with the external disturbances with known bounds, whereas the second one can compensate the external disturbances with unknown bounds by using the adaptive control. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed controllers is demonstrated by strict theoretical analysis and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper considers optimal consensus control problem for unknown nonlinear multiagent systems (MASs) subjected to control constraints by utilizing event‐triggered adaptive dynamic programming (ETADP) technique. To deal with the control constraints, we introduce nonquadratic energy consumption functions into performance indices and formulate the Hamilton‐Jacobi‐Bellman (HJB) equations. Then, based on the Bellman's optimality principle, constrained optimal consensus control policies are designed from the HJB equations. In order to implement the ETADP algorithm, the critic networks and action networks are developed to approximate the value functions and consensus control policies respectively based on the measurable system data. Under the event‐triggered control framework, the weights of the critic networks and action networks are only updated at the triggering instants which are decided by the designed adaptive triggered conditions. The Lyapunov method is used to prove that the local neighbor consensus errors and the weight estimation errors of the critic networks and action networks are ultimately bounded. Finally, a numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed ETADP method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive robust dynamic surface control is proposed for a class of uncertain nonlinear interconnected systems with time‐varying output constraints and dynamic input and output coupling. The directly coupled inputs and control inputs are both of nonlinear input unmodeled dynamics. To counteract the instable impact of the nonlinear input unmodeled dynamics, normalization signals are designed on the basis of the convergence rates of their Lyapunov functions. With new state variables and control variables being defined, the real control inputs are obtained through solving the equations of intermediate control laws. The time‐varying constraints on output signals are implemented by introducing asymmetric barrier Lyapunov functions. In addition, dynamic signals and decentralized K‐filters are used to deal with the state unmodeled dynamics and to estimate the unmeasurable states, respectively. By the theoretical analysis, the signals in the closed‐loop system are proved to be semi‐globally uniformly ultimately bounded, and the output constraints are guaranteed simultaneously. A numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a delay‐range‐dependent local state feedback controller synthesis approach providing estimation of the region of stability for nonlinear time‐delay systems under input saturation. By employing a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, properties of nonlinear functions, local sector condition and Jensen's inequality, a sufficient condition is derived for stabilization of nonlinear systems with interval delays varying within a range. Novel solutions to the delay‐range‐dependent and delay‐dependent stabilization problems for linear and nonlinear time‐delay systems, respectively, subject to input saturation are derived as specific scenarios of the proposed control strategy. Also, a delay‐rate‐independent condition for control of nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation with unknown delay‐derivative bound information is established. And further, a robust state feedback controller synthesis scheme ensuring L2 gain reduction from disturbance to output is devised to address the problem of the stabilization of input‐constrained nonlinear time‐delay systems with varying interval lags. The proposed design conditions can be solved using linear matrix inequality tools in connection with conventional cone complementary linearization algorithms. Simulation results for an unstable nonlinear time‐delay network and a large‐scale chemical reactor under input saturation and varying interval time‐delays are analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Time‐varying formation feasibility and formation reference function of linear multiagent systems with both time‐varying delays and switching directed topologies are studied. For a given linear multiagent system, not all the time‐varying formations can be realized due to the dynamic restriction of each agent. The formation feasibility constraint reveals the requirement on the desired time‐varying formation to be compatible with the agent dynamics. Formation reference is a representation for the macroscopic movement of the whole multiagent system. Novel features of the formation feasibility constraint and the formation reference are the main focus of this paper. Firstly, a time‐delayed formation control protocol with switching directed topologies is constructed using local neighboring information. Then, a time‐varying formation feasibility constraint is derived based on nonsingular transformations. It is proven that the time‐varying formation feasibility constraint is independent of the time‐varying delays and the switching directed topologies. Moreover, an explicit expression of the formation reference function is proposed. It is shown that neither the time‐varying delays nor the switching directed topologies has influence on the obtained formation reference function. Finally, comparative examples are provided to demonstrate the obtained results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nonsingular terminal sliding mode (TSM) controller design for a nonlinear second‐order system subject to input saturation. A new nonsingular TSM manifold is constructed by integrating the conventional nonsingular TSM manifold with a saturation function. When the bound of the uncertainty is known, based on the designed TSM manifold, a saturated controller can be designed directly for the nonlinear system. When the bound of the uncertainty is unknown, a disturbance observer is first employed to estimate the uncertainty, followed by constructing a composite controller consisting of a bounded feedback controller and a forward compensator. Theoretical analysis shows that under the proposed two control methods, the states of the closed‐loop system will both converge to zero in finite time. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the local consensus of multiagent systems with nonlinear dynamics communication delays simultaneously. By introducing a weighted average state and applying the properties of the Laplacian matrix eigenvalues, the system is decoupled into several subsystems, firstly, to reduce complexity of theory analysis. Then, a new augmented vector containing single and double integral terms is constructed and the corresponding Lyapunov functional with triple integral terms is introduced. Meanwhile, in order to improve the estimating accuracy of the derivatives of constructed Lyapunov functional, single integral inequalities and double integral inequalities via auxiliary functions, an extended relaxed integral inequality and an reciprocally convex approach are used, as a result, stability criterion with less conservatism is derived, which guarantees the local consensus of the considered systems. Finally, numerical examples are provided to check the improvement of the proposed method over the existing works.  相似文献   

This paper considers the input‐to‐state stability, integral‐ISS, and stochastic‐ISS for impulsive nonlinear stochastic systems. The Lyapunov function considered in this paper is indefinite, that is, the rate coefficient of the Lyapunov function is time‐varying, which can be positive or negative along time evolution. Lyapunov‐based sufficient conditions are established for ensuring ISS of impulsive nonlinear stochastic systems. Three examples involving one from networked control systems are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of theoretical results obtained. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文研究控制输入饱和受限情况下不确定系统的滑模控制问题,其中,被控对象同时存在状态矩阵不确定性和控制增益矩阵不确定性.设计了一种积分型切换面和一个具有特殊结构的滑模控制律,可以在参数不确定和控制受限影响下保证系统状态轨迹有限时间内到达指定的切换面,利用等价控制律方法给出了滑模动态渐近稳定的充分条件.数值仿真例子验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

We consider general discrete‐time nonlinear systems (of arbitrary nonlinear growth) with time‐varying input delays and design an explicit predictor feedback controller to compensate the input delay. Such results have been achieved in continuous time, but only under the restriction that the delay rate is bounded by unity, which ensures that the input signal flow does not get reversed, namely, that old inputs are not felt multiple times by the plant (because on such subsequent occasions, the control input acts as a disturbance). For discrete‐time systems, an analogous restriction would be that the input delay is non‐increasing. In this work, we do not impose such a restriction. We provide a design and a global stability analysis that allow the input delay to be arbitrary (containing intervals of increase, decrease, or stagnation) over an arbitrarily long finite period of time. Unlike in the continuous‐time case, the predictor feedback law in the discrete‐time case is explicit. We specialize the result to linear time‐invariant systems and provide an explicit estimate of the exponential decay rate. Carefully constructed examples are provided to illustrate the design and analytical challenges. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对高阶非线性系统,开展自适应神经网络跟踪控制器设计,系统受到随机扰动的影响.首次把输入和输出约束问题引入到高阶系统的跟踪控制中,并假定系统动态是未知.首先借用高斯误差函数表达连续可微的非对称饱和模型以实现输入约束,和障碍Lyapunov函数保证系统输出受限;其次,针对高阶非线性系统,径向基函数(RBF)神经网络用来克服未知系统动态和随机扰动.在每一步的backstepping计算中,仅用到单一的自适应更新参数,从而克服了过参数问题;最后,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论提出自适应神经网络控制策略,并减少了学习参数.最终结果表明设计的控制器能保证所有闭环信号半全局最终一致有界,并能使跟踪误差收敛到零值小的邻域内.仿真研究进一步验证了提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Consensus problem of multiagent systems with switching jointly connected topologies under sampled‐data control is studied in this article. The main contribution is that the consensus problem for such system is solved without the assumption that the system matrices are stable or critically stable. For this purpose, a time‐varying Lyapunov function method is utilized to describe the state characteristics with switching jointly connected topologies. Based on the time‐varying matrix of Lyapunov function, the “decline” characteristics at the switching instants is derived to compensate the divergence among the agents with disconnected topologies. Utilizing the “decline” characteristics, the overall consensus of such system can be guaranteed in the framework of dwell time. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed result is illustrated by two numerical examples.  相似文献   

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