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Knowledge of the fisheries status of dams within Uasin Gishu County was needed prior to the government's plan to introduce fish and fisheries in the area. The dams were constructed in the 1950s and stocked with tilapia for local consumption, recreation and control of macrophytes. The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was selected for the present study due to its establishment success and popularity in the Kenyan market. Water samples were collected at subsurface levels for phytoplankton analysis and compared with the phytoplankton found in the stomachs of O. niloticus, revealing the food preference of the fish in a natural environment. Fish samples were collected with gillnets and beach seines. The results of the present study identified the most important food items for the fish were Chlorophyceae (green algae), Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) and Cyanophyceae (blue‐green algae). The fish exhibited a relative condition factor of about 1.00, indicating their robustness or well‐being in the dams. The LM50was reached at 18–20 cm class interval, which coincides with the most critical breeding biomass needing some kind of protection for sustainable management of the fishery.  相似文献   

Oreochromis variabilis (Boulenger), a fish species endemic to Lake Victoria, was abundant, forming an important component of the indigenous fisheries stocks before and up to the late‐1950s. Catches declined drastically thereafter, and only sporadic catches are currently found in Lake Victoria. Remnants population of the species, however, are found in several small waterbodies (SWBs) within the lake basin. The life‐history characteristics of O. variabilis in Lake Victoria, including, sex ratio, reproduction and length–weight relationship, were compared to those in selected three SWBs in the lake basin. Fish samples were collected by monofilament gillnets of 30–255 mm between 2001 and 2005. Males predominated over females from all the sampled sites (sex ratio 1.00:0.33). Length at first maturity (Lm50) had mean (±SE) of 18.48 ± 1.50 cm TL for males, and 16.87 ± 0.95 cm TL for females, and did not exhibit any significant differences between habitats. Fecundity ranged between 73 and 14 800 eggs for fish of 13.5–18.6 cm TL, respectively. Absolute fecundity of O. variabilis was proportional to the body weight, but nearly proportional to the cube of the fish length. Egg diameter varied from 0.3 to 5.19 mm, with a mean (±SE) of 3.44 ± 0.08 mm. Growth was allometric in both male and female, being significantly different from the expected value of 3 (P < 0.05). The life‐history strategy of O. variabilis is discussed within the context of changes in the lake and the SWBs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the growth, mortality and recruitment of Rastrineobola argentea in Lake Victoria on the basis of length–frequency data collected during the period 2014–2015. The asymptotic length (L ) had a mean (±SE ) value of 53.50 ± 0.50 mm SL , growth curvature (K ) of 0.81 ± 0.06 year?1, total mortality (Z ) of 2.96 ± 0.12 year?1, a natural mortality (M ) of 1.23 ± 0.06 year?1, a fishing mortality (F ) of 1.74 ± 0.07 year?1, an exploitation rate (E ) of 0.59 ± 0.01, a growth performance index (?′ ) of 3.36 ± 0.02 and a length at 50% capture (L 50) of 28.25 ± 0.43 mm SL . The fish exhibited a peak breeding during the months of May and August. The Beverton and Holt relative yield‐per‐recruit model indicated mean (±SE ) indices as 0.37 ± 0.01 for optimum sustainable yield (E 0.5), 0.76 ± 0.01 for maximum sustainable yield (E max) and 0.66 ± 0.01 for economic yield (E 0.1). Compared with previous studies, there is a great decline in the sizes of R. argentea stocks in Lake Victoria. Thus, management measures should include restriction on illegal seine nets <10 mm mesh size and re‐enforcement of a fishing ban or a closed season.  相似文献   

Cyprinus carpio is the most important fish species in the Lake Naivasha fishery, comprising 51% of the total catch in the lake. Microflora, especially enteric bacteria of human or animal origin, are the causative agent for fish contamination and spoilage. Poor sanitation standards and poor sewage treatment and disposal methods within Lake Naivasha and its catchment pose a great threat for degrading the quality of C. carpio. The potential impact is rejection of the fish in the local, regional and international markets, risking the collapse of the Lake Naivasha fishery. This study determined the bacterial quality of water and C. carpio from three different sites within Lake Naivasha, namely Malewa River mouth, sewage discharge point and a mid‐lake site, based on plate count techniques. Physicochemical parameters characterizing the lake water also were also measured in situ. This study results indicated that both the fish and water in Lake Naivasha exhibited poor bacterial quality. All the physicochemical parameters were within the recommended range for fish culture, although they also were conducive to the proliferation of bacteria. Most of the sampling sites exhibited significant spatial variation in their bacterial abundance (P < 0.05). The sewage discharge sampling site exhibited the highest mean density values for bacterial densities and clearly degrade the quality of the fish in the lake. Proper sewage treatment, and the installation of modern sanitation facilities, is recommended to improve the bacterial quality of the fish.  相似文献   

The management measures used for sustainable utilization of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Baringo do not have a stock assessment reference, attributable mainly to a lack of information on biological limits and target reference points. Assessment of Clarias gariepinus stock in Lake Baringo was carried out between August 2013 and July 2014. A total of 2772 fish were sampled from 25 boats (40%) for 5 days each week for length and weight measurements. Fish Stock Assessment Tools and yield model were used to estimate population parameters, exploitation rate and optimal fishing scenarios. Annual C. gariepinus standing biomass was estimated at 21 383 kg, L = 114.30, K = 0.37 year?1, W = 0.0147L2.81, Z = 1.14 year?1, M = 0.61 year?1, F = 0.53 year?1, and exploitation rate = 0.46 year?1. The relative yield‐per‐recruit (Y′/R) and biomass‐per‐recruit (B′/R) resulted in Emax = 0.44 and FMSY = 0.50 year?1. The yield‐per‐recruit ratio at maximum sustainable yield was 29.12%, and the SSBMSY per recruit ratio = 56.10%. The steady‐state biomass, exploitation rate and optimal fishing scenario indicated a pristine fishery for the lake, suggesting the current fishing efforts should not be exceeded to enable sustainable economic utilization of C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms in lakes cause serious environmental problems on a global scale. Planktothrix (a filamentous cyanobacterium) blooms occurred during winter and spring from 2007 to 2011 in Lake Kasumigaura, a eutrophic lake located in Japan. This study analysed water quality during the period of Planktothrix abundance (2007–2010) at the centre of Lake Kasumigaura and compared it to that in the succeeding period, which did not have Planktothrix blooms (2012–2015). The average phytoplankton biovolume during the abundance period was larger than that in the succeeding period, which would contribute to the high chemical oxygen demand (CODMn; annual average of 9.7 mg/L) in the abundance period, compared to the succeeding period (7.6 mg/L). The total phosphorus concentration peaked in spring and summer in the abundance period, but only in summer in the succeeding period, whereas the seasonal variation in total nitrogen concentration between the two periods was relatively small. The annual average transparency (Secchi disc depth) increased before the abundance period due to a decrease in fixed suspended solid, which is comprised mainly of inorganic matter. It is likely that the change in irradiance conditions affected the occurrence of Planktothrix blooms.  相似文献   

A total of 289 fish were analysed in this study, with Caradina nilotica (44%) being the dominant food item in their diet, while tilapia (8%) contributed the least. Haplochromines, unidentified fish prey and juvenile Nile perch also were observed. An ontogenic shift was observed, with C. nilotica contributing highest (61.1%) of the diet of fingerlings, but decreasing to 21% in the diet of adults. Nile perch contributed 35.7% of the diet in the adults and 8.1% in the fingerlings. This study indicates Nile perch is a predatory fish, feeding mainly on C. nilotica, haplochromines, tilapia, Nile perch and other fish materials.  相似文献   

Biological considerations have dominated the management of the Kapenta fishery since its inception. State fisheries' managers employed the traditional scientific models that proved useful in managing temperate fisheries. This study uses both secondary and primary data to discuss the problems of using scientific models to manage tropical river‐fed lakes. Where fish stock size fluctuates in response to environmental factors such as river flows and lake level (which influence the level of nutrients in the water body), the concepts of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and maximum economic yield (MEY) become problematic. This study demonstrated that, in an unstable environment, and where the target species is resilient to high levels of fishing effort, biological models lose their predictive power, allowing the state to determine the proportion of the resource to be distributed among its nationals. The redistribution of access rights or fishing licences (as a way of redressing a legacy of an unequal distribution of resources between emerging local entrepreneurs and companies established during the colonial era) is a major management issue in Zimbabwe. This study uses historical appraisal to illustrate how biological growth models failed to determine the optimal level of fishery exploitation upon which informed decisions could be made regarding whether to redistribute fish access rights or to broaden participation (or just recruit more fishers into the industry). This study also investigates tensions between the industry (advocating for broadening of access) and the state (seeking to redistribute existing resource use rights). Each stakeholder group has evoked institutions and discourses supporting their positions in influencing the strategies to eliminate the existing imbalances.  相似文献   

A survey on the egg deposition behaviour of the golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) was conducted at Chenderoh Reservoir in Malaysia. The distribution of P. canaliculata and medium preferences for egg deposition in the lake were recorded. The egg deposition mediums included aquatic plants, rocks and boats and other artificial structures. The number of egg clusters on the aquatic plants was counted to examine the preferred plant species for egg deposition, being collected thereafter for hatching test. This study findings indicated P. canaliculata laid eggs on the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, with a 43% occurrence compared to the other hard medium surfaces such as boats, rocks, fish cages and emerged bamboo piles, with a 14% occurrence recorded for each medium. A total of 65% of the eggs were deposited on the stems, and 35% on the leaves, of the aquatic plants. Phragmites australis (41%) of the Poaceae family was the most preferred plant for egg deposition, whereas the least preferred plant for egg deposition was Neptunia oleracea (3%) of the Fabaceae family. There was no significant difference (p < 0.5) in the percentage of hatched egg between the submersed and nonsubmersed hatching tests. The incubation period of the egg to hatch period was approximately 14 days upon the hardening of the calcium shell. In addition, about 60% of the eggs hatched, even though the eggs were immersed in the water. As the invasive P. canaliculata is considered to be in the top 100 of the “World Most Invasive Alien Species,” these types of behavioural studies are needed to better understand and control the snail, reducing the economic loss, especially in the agriculture sector, as well as facilitating a healthier lake environment.  相似文献   

Silver butter catfish (Schilbe intermedius) is an indigenous fish species in Lake Victoria. It has a good economic value because of the quality and freshness of its flesh, increasing its demand for consumption. It is potamodromous, with its stock in the lake declining because of overexploitation by the use of illegal fishing gears at the river mouths on their way to spawning areas. Fish samples (321) were obtained from commercial gill net (1.5–3 in.) fishers within Nyanza gulf. The fish samples were weighed (g) and measured (cm), dissected and sex determined by visual inspection of the gonads. Ovaries for mature female fish specimens were preserved for analysis of fecundity. Fecundity was determined by the gravimetric technique. The mean (±SE) length and weight for all fish were 18.2 ± 0.2 cm TL and 51.9 ± 1.9 g, respectively. The female fish (20.0 ± 0.2 cm) were significantly (F = 199.80, p < .05) larger than the males (15.9 ± 0.1 cm). Similarly, the females (68.8 ± 2.6 g) were significantly (F = 152.61, p < .05) heavier than the males (30.93 ± 1.02 g). The overall sex ratio was 1.23:1.0 (female:male). The length frequency exhibited a unimodal distribution, with the modal class between 16 and 18 cm for either sex. The regression slope (b) of the length–weight relationship was 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 for all fish, females and males. The absolute fecundity ranged from 6,510 to 59,818 eggs, with a mean of 34,473 eggs. The length at 50% maturity was estimated to be 16.0 cm (female) and 18.0 cm (male) fish. The mean length and size at maturity of S. intermedius have declined, likely attributable to fishing effects, changes in food resources, competition and predation. Thus, the present study provided relevant biological data of S. intermedius, which is currently limited for this region.  相似文献   

The New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) is an invasive species in Europe, Japan, Australia, and North America. In the western United States it is a species of special concern where population densities in some rivers and streams are very large (∼300,000 per m2) and considerable ecological effects of its presence have been reported. Much less about the effects of this species is known in the Great Lakes, where the snail was found in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River in 1991. Here we report the occurrence of the snail in Lake Erie. Two P. antipodarum were collected in 18 m deep water (sampling range 5–18 m) in Lake Erie off shore of Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania in the summer of 2005 and others were collected off of Sturgeon Point in Lake Erie (sampling range 5–20 m) south of Buffalo, NY and in the central basin of Lake Erie (18 m) in 2006. This finding demonstrates that this species continues to expand its range in the Great Lakes. The range expansion increases the likelihood that it may become established in rivers and streams emptying into the Great Lakes where higher densities and greater ecological damage may result.  相似文献   

In the upper Great Lakes region, survival and population growth of the non-indigenous Asian clam Corbicula fluminea has been limited by cold climates that cause severe overwinter mortality. At these northern latitudes, Asian clam populations are often limited to thermal refugia – particularly warmwater discharges from industrial facilities. Several such facilities exist in the lower Fox River in Green Bay. Asian clams were first documented in the lower Fox River in 1999 and were extensively surveyed near the river mouth in 2011, but the few individuals found were restricted to the warmwater discharge from the Pulliam Power Plant. We performed a follow-up survey during 2017 to re-assess the population status of Asian clams in the lower Fox River at four industrial discharges, including the Pulliam Power Plant. We found more widespread evidence of Asian clams throughout the lower Fox River than previous surveys, but only one live individual was captured. We suspect that the back-to-back severe winters of 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 caused widespread overwinter mortality. Our investigation highlights the significant challenges for establishment of Asian clam populations in the upper Great Lakes region, and provides an example of a potential invasive species struggling to establish a viable population in a hostile climate.  相似文献   

Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is a species of conservation concern throughout North America, and healthy populations are rare. Earlier sampling efforts identified the Goulais Bay population in Lake Superior as a potentially healthy population after three years of sampling. With seven additional years of sampling, we updated the earlier analysis and developed a matrix population model to conduct a population viability analysis (PVA). We identified a non-linear relationship between cohort strength and May river discharge rate which was incorporated into the population model to evaluate the influence of future discharge scenarios on population persistence. Population size was estimated, with an open-population mark-recapture model, at approximately 5,200 juvenile Lake Sturgeon. This estimate equates to approximately 440 mature females and 625 mature males in the population. A population of this size has a probability of extinction of 4 % and 18 % over 250 and 1000 years under status quo conditions. If the May river discharge were to decrease in the future, which may represent the most likely scenario under future climate conditions, our model predicts an increased risk of population extirpation. This indicates that increased management actions may be required to ensure this population remains resilient.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the status of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush rehabilitation in South Bay, Lake Huron. Standardized surveys were conducted to quantify natural recruitment, annual mortality, and the contribution of wild-versus hatchery-origin lake trout. Some indicators suggest a high level of natural recruitment. The spawning population was comprised of multiple ages, and the mean age of spawners (8.4 years for females, 7.9 years for males) was at least 1 year older than the age at 50% maturity (5.8 years). Estimated annual total mortality rates (0.20–0.25) and sea-lamprey induced mortality rates (0.02) were less than maximum allowable values. The proportion of wild-origin fish captured was high among spawners but varied among sampling programs (42% in fall trap nets, 70% in fall gill nets, and 88% in summer gill nets). A strong year class (1997) could be tracked from 2001 to 2005. Few fish were captured from early (< 1996) or later (1999–2002) year classes. Possible explanations for low natural recruitment during these later years include declining spawning habitat quality caused by low water levels and/or invasion of non-native mussels (Dreissena spp.) and/or direct or indirect effects of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus).  相似文献   

Hemimysis anomala (Crustacea, Mysidae) is a recent invader to North America that until now was reported only from the Laurentian Great Lakes and their immediate embayments, along with the St. Lawrence River. In August 2009, we identified Hemimysis in diets of white perch and yellow perch in Oneida Lake, NY. Night time vertical plankton net tows detected Hemimysis at four sites across the lake. Hemimysis in fish diets (5.5–8.6 mm) were larger than in net tows (2.2–7.0 mm) and reproduction is occurring as some females had brood sacs. This is the first documented introduction of Hemimysis to an inland lake in North America, outside the Great Lakes. Oneida Lake is located 53 river km upstream from Lake Ontario, the nearest known source of Hemimysis. No genetic differences were found between Hemimysis in Oneida Lake and Lake Ontario, indicating this is likely the source of introduction. Several large rapids, locks, and dams separate the two lakes, and as a result the most likely vector of introduction to Oneida Lake is pleasure boat or light commercial traffic via the canal system or overland transport. The presence of Hemimysis in Oneida Lake 3 years after it was first found in Lake Ontario suggests this species may spread rapidly throughout the basin. Despite an intensive monitoring program on Oneida Lake directed at fish, zooplankton, and limnology, Hemimysis was only detected in fish diets and night time zooplankton tows, indicating it may go undetected in lakes for some time using traditional daytime net tows.  相似文献   

The tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris), native to the Ponto-Caspian region, was first discovered in the Laurentian Great Lakes in 1990 after it was introduced through ballast water discharge. Compared with Neogobius melanostomus, another exotic gobiid from the Ponto-Caspian, colonization of the Great Lakes by P. semilunaris has been slow, with reports of the species being largely confined to the Huron-Erie Corridor (HEC) and western portions of Lake Erie and Lake Superior. This is the first report of P. semilunaris in the Great Lakes east of the western basin of Lake Erie. Between 28 June and 27 July, 2012, 176 P. semilunaris were collected from shallow (< 1.2 m) water of Marina Lake, a 40 ha embayment in Presque Isle State Park (Erie, PA). The large number of P. semilunaris collected at the site and the presence of individuals as small as 17 mm total length suggest an established population. However, the mechanism by which P. semilunaris was introduced to Presque Isle Bay is not clear.  相似文献   

Invasive macrophyte species are a threat to native biodiversity and often grow to nuisance levels, therefore, making control options necessary. Macrophyte control can have pronounced impacts on littoral fish by reducing habitat heterogeneity and the loss of profitable (high density of invertebrates) foraging areas. Yet, there is little known about the impacts of macrophyte removal on invertebrates themselves. We conducted a macrophyte removal experiment, that is the cutting of channels into dense macrophyte beds, to investigate the impact of mechanical macrophyte control on invertebrate and fish communities in a littoral zone dominated by the invasive macrophyte Lagarosiphon major. The effect of macrophyte removal had only a temporary effect on macrophyte areal cover (4 months). Nevertheless, the treatment increased light penetration significantly. However, we could not detect any difference in epiphyton biomass. Invertebrate biomass increased in macrophyte stands 4 months after treatment and there was a shift in the invertebrate community composition. Mechanical control had no effect on invertebrate biodiversity. The higher invertebrate biomass did not translate into a higher fish density in the treated areas. The results of this study indicated that partial mechanical removal is a suitable option to control unwanted macrophyte stands. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spread of nonindigenous species (NIS) over land and via interconnecting water bodies is threatening aquatic ecosystems worldwide. This study examines the invasion of the first known NIS zooplankter, Eubosmina coregoni, into Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Analyses of cladoceran microfossils from a sediment core collected in the North Basin of the lake indicate this species first appeared in sediments dated to the late 1980s. An increase in total cladoceran accumulation rates coupled with increasing N, C, P, and chlorophyll a over the last 40 years provides evidence of eutrophication. Extant samples from fall 2002-2005 indicate that E. coregoni is mainly restricted to the North Basin while Bosmina longirostris is present throughout the lake. Results from this study provide baseline data regarding the invasion and establishment of E. coregoni, a precursor to future NIS that may have substantial ecological and economic impacts on the Lake Winnipeg ecosystem.  相似文献   

Circular Rep Encoding Single Stranded (CRESS) DNA viruses are a diverse group of viruses that have been identified in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Recent work in the Laurentian Great Lakes characterized the ecology and diversity of CRESS-DNA viruses associated with amphipods, Diporeia spp. In the last 20 years the Lake Michigan benthos has changed considerably with drastic population declines of Diporeia spp. concurrent with an increase in invasive quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) abundance. The purpose of this study was to characterize CRESS-DNA virus-like elements (VLES; which could represent complete, partial/defective, endogenized or satellite viruses) associated with both invasive quagga mussels and in sediment collected in central Lake Michigan. Viral metagenomic libraries were prepared from two size classes (>25 mm and <15 mm shell length) of Lake Michigan quagga mussels and for two different sediment layers (136 mm and 290 mm below the lake floor) in a sediment core extracted from the lake. Viral metagenomes were different between quagga mussels and sediment cores. Nine VLE sequences were present in both the quagga mussel tissues and the sediment core layers analyzed. Cs137 radiometric dating results indicate that these VLEs were present in the sediment prior to arrival of quagga mussels in Lake Michigan. These data suggest quagga mussels may interact with CRESS-DNA VLEs and algal DNA VLEs historically present in the Lake Michigan benthos. Overall, these data suggest that quagga mussels interacted with CRESS-DNA VLES present in Lake Michigan benthos since at least 1952.  相似文献   

Proxy variables from palaeolimnological studies of lakes in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America have been used to infer large oscillations during the late Holocene between longer periods of high‐salinity–dry conditions and shorter periods of low‐salinity–wet conditions producing a normative pattern marked by the absence of hydrological stability. Studies of the historical rise in lake level at Devils Lake have identified 1980 as a transition point between two such hydroclimatic modes. This study uses multiple datasets to characterize the mean hydroclimatological and hydrological conditions of these two climatic modes. Mode 1 is a cool and dry phase, and mode 2 is a warmer and wetter phase. Precipitation onto the lake increased by 24% from mode 1 to mode 2. This small, but sustained, increase produced significant changes in the mean hydroclimatic and hydrological states for the basin, including a 383% increase in surface run‐off to the lake, and a 282% increase in the basin run‐off ratio. Devils Lake Basin is located along a hydrotone (region of strong hydroclimatic gradients) where small changes in hydrological drivers are amplified into large changes in regional moisture. The effects of the fluctuating climatic modes and strong hydroclimatic gradients are probably further amplified by the unique fill–spill hydrology of the northern glaciated plains, which can result in nonlinear precipitation–run‐off relationships. This natural pattern of extreme hydrological variations for Devils Lake produces enormous challenges for lake management.  相似文献   

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