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Ecological processes in lowland rivers are mostly dominated by hydrology and its interactions with other environmental factors. Fish–habitat relationships in rivers are also influenced by human impacts. In this study, we describe patterns of abundance and distribution of fish species in a group of natural lowland river lakes along spatial anthropogenic and abiotic gradients when four hydrologically different summers are compared. We also describe the proportion of the total variances in fish species abundances that can be accounted for by selected abiotic (water conductivity), hydrological (water residence time) and human activity‐derived (total phosphorus (TP) concentration and NO3:NH4) variables. Consequently, our main purpose is to explore how abiotic and anthropogenic factors interact to affect fish abundance and distribution together with consistent results across different hydrological conditions. We conclude with a briefly discussion of some management implications. The anthropogenic impacts on water quality, the extreme hydrological variability and the fluctuating abiotic environment affected fish abundance and distribution. Pampa inland silverside Odontesthes bonariensis was benefited from a less human disturbed environment with higher water residence time and total salinity, whereas species as Cyphocharax voga, Parapimelodus valenciennis and Cyprinus carpio found these conditions largely disadvantageous. On the other hand, while most species showed stronger—either negative or positive—response to anthropogenic, hydrological or abiotic factors Oligosarcus jenynsii was only slightly affected. This paper identified the ecological function of a lowland river under its natural flow regime. There are not many opportunities to study unmodified rivers worldwide. Therefore, our findings may help in assessment programmes of fish communities in flow altered and human disturbed aquatic ecosystems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展,生产生活用水长期挤占生态环境用水,造成河道断流、生境破坏、生态系统恶化等一系列生态环境问题。针对淮河流域目前的水生态环境问题,以淮河中游鱼类为研究对象,通过分析河段天然流量过程,以淮河流域生态恢复为目标,建立鱼类保护目标概念模型,采用IHA及EFC指标体系分析天然流量变化特性,并用HEC-RAS模型基于鱼类生态水力需求确定流量值大小,得出符合天然流量动态变化且满足不同等级生境目标需求的生态需水推荐结果,可为淮河流域水资源优化配置提供依据。  相似文献   

River damming reduces the ecological heterogeneity of ecosystems, with a resultant shift of communities adapted to lotic conditions to those better adapted to the newly created lentic environment. Whereas the response of phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition and structure to river damming has been extensively studied in individual reservoirs, this study assessed three cascading reservoirs on the Tana River, Kenya. A total of five sampling campaigns were carried out in 2011, 2012 and 2013 for different sampling sites within each of the reservoirs, as well as upstream and downstream of the reservoirs. Plankton communities within each of the three reservoirs, and upstream of the reservoirs, were compared, indicating (i) the disappearance of 13 phytoplankton and 2 zooplankton taxa; (ii) the appearance (invasion) by 26 phytoplankton and 33 zooplankton taxa; and (iii) an opportunistic presence of 7 phytoplankton and 6 zooplankton taxa. Thirty‐two genera of potentially harmful algae were also encountered, suggesting a potential future threat of harmful algal blooms. A significant reduction in phytoplankton diversity and taxa evenness was also observed, as well as increases in overall abundance in the reservoirs, compared to the river upstream of the study reservoirs. However, these ecological indices were restored to the original levels observed upstream of the study reservoirs at sites hundreds of kilometres downstream of the reservoirs.  相似文献   

The downstream transport of sediments and organics and upstream migration of anadromous fishes are key ecological processes in unregulated riverine ecosystems of the North Pacific coast, but their influence on wildlife habitats and populations is poorly documented. Removal of two large hydroelectric dams in Washington's Elwha Valley provides an unprecedented opportunity to study long‐term responses of wildlife populations to dam removal and restoration of these key ecological processes. We compared pre‐dam removal patterns in the relative abundance and occupancy of mesocarnivores, small mammals and lentic amphibians of the Elwha River riparian zone above, between and below the dams. Occupancy of riparian habitats by three mesocarnivore species diminished upriver but did not appear to be closely linked with the absence of salmon in the upper river. Although the importance of salmon in the lower river cannot be discounted, other gradients in food resources also likely contributed to observed distribution patterns of mesocarnivores. Abundance and occupancy patterns within congeneric pairs of new world mice (Peromyscus spp.) and shrews (Sorex spp.) indicated that closely related species were negatively associated with each other and responded to habitat gradients in the riparian zone. The availability of lentic habitats of amphibians was highly variable, and occupancy was low as a result of rapidly changing flows during the larval development period. We speculate that long‐term changes in habitat conditions and salmon availability following dam removal will elicit long‐term changes in distribution of mesocarnivores, small mammals and amphibians. Long‐term monitoring will enhance understanding of the role of fish and restored ecosystem processes on wildlife communities along salmon‐bearing rivers in the region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relatively little information exists on the effects of hydroelectric schemes on 0+ fish composition in large European rivers because few or no pre‐impact data exist. We compared 0+ fish species richness and composition, relative density, fish size as well as available and used habitat using data from 12 floodplain sites sampled just prior to (1992) and four years after (1996) the start of operations of the Gab?íkovo hydropower station on the River Danube (Slovakia). We also used modelling techniques to assess the change in species richness and habitat use and to predict 1996 occurrences from the 1992 data set. The floodplain was greatly modified by the hydroscheme. Only 12 of 27 sites sampled in August 1992 were extant in August 1996. Therefore, all four channel types identified (flowing, abandoned, weir, wing‐dam) were more lentic in 1996 than in 1992, with increased width, smaller‐sized sediment (silt, clay) and greater amounts of macrophytes. After the operations of the hydroscheme, the overall relative density of fishes (individuals per surface area) of all ages decreased, with the exception of 0+ fishes, despite a slight reduction in 0+ fish density in all channel types except weirs. Species number increased from 25 to 28, although in all channel types there was a change in the composition of the 0+ fish assemblages, with rheophiles generally replaced by limnophiles and migrants from the lower Danube. The two most important microhabitat variables were the proportion of macrophytes and gravel, the latter being the factor distinguishing 0+ fish microhabitat use in 1992 (preferences) and 1996 (indifference or avoidance). Species richness and 0+ fish density in 1996 could be predicted from the 1992 data using simple log‐linear models (density, richness, sample number). Species‐specific occurrence in 1996 could not be predicted using environmental/fish data from 1992 with multiple regression or generalized additive models (GAM). However, the overall GAM from 1992 could predict overall fish occurrence in 1996. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between river flows and levels and fish communities is important to setting minimum flow and level regulations designed to prevent ecological harm. We reviewed a long‐term Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission data set from the Ocklawaha River, Florida, to evaluate trends in fish abundance and fish communities relative to historical river levels. Fish data were collected using electrofishing at the Ocklawaha River, Florida, during 1983–1994. Electrofishing data were used to estimate catch per minute and biomass per minute of selected species, fish diversity, richness and evenness. Catch rate variables were compared among years and significant differences in abundance and community indices were related to historical water levels using multiple regression models. Results indicated that differences in abundance and community indices among years were more common at the site with increased river level variability. Regression models indicated that fish abundance and species richness were positively related to river levels, and species diversity was negatively related to variability in river level during the two years prior to sampling. Spotted sunfish Lepomis punctatus exhibited the most variability in species‐specific catch per effort and spotted sunfish abundance was positively related to river levels. Low river levels negatively influenced fish abundance and fish communities, and minimum flows in Florida should manage for the periodicity of low flow events to prevent sequential years of adverse effects on fish populations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of restoration of channel meandering and of groyne structures on physical variables and river‐dwelling macroinvertebrates were examined in a lowland river, the Shibetsu River in Northern Japan. The lowland segment of the Shibetsu River, which previously meandered, was straightened by channelization and groynes installed on some portions of the channelized reach. In 2002, the channelization works were partly reversed to improve the degraded river ecosystem. Physical environment variables and macroinvertebrate community structure and composition were compared among reconstructed meanders and channelized reaches with and without groynes. The shear stress of the river edge in reconstructed meanders and groyne reaches was lower than that in a channelized reach. In addition, the edge habitat near the stream bank created by the reconstructed meander and groyne reaches had higher total density and taxon richness of macroinvertebrates than those of the channelized reach. Restoration provided a relatively stable edge habitat, contributing to the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities in such channelized lowland rivers. The placement of groynes can be an effective method of in‐stream habitat restoration for macroinvertebrates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Environmental flows aim to mimic components of a river's natural flow variability, including the magnitude, frequency, timing, duration, rate of change and the predictability of flow events. Aspects of the natural flow regime are thought to be linked to critical components of the life history strategies of many riverine fishes, including spawning and recruitment. In the Murray River, Australia, environmental flows are increasingly being used as a restoration tool; however, there is little information about the response of fish to these managed flow events. This study reports on the results from a 3‐year study on the effects of water management on the spawning and recruitment of four native fish species in the mid‐Murray River system. Two of these years were hydrologically similar, while the third year encompassed an extensive period of floodplain inundation, including the use of the largest environmental flow allocation to date in Australia. Drift nets were used to collect the drifting eggs and larvae of four iconic native species throughout their spawning season each year. Young‐of‐year were collected in the following autumn. Although golden perch and silver perch eggs were collected in all 3 years, both species increased their spawning activity during the major flood period compared to the previous two seasons. Murray cod and trout cod appeared not to increase their spawning activity in the flood year, but their recruitment may be increased when floodplain inundation occurs at times when their larvae and juveniles are present, most likely through the generation of abundant food resources. Whilst further study is required to confirm the role and mechanism of flooding in the spawning and recruitment of these species; this study provides important evidence of a link between the provision of an environmental flood and fish spawning and recruitment, and has significant implications for managing flows in regulated rivers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of the Quinebaug River in Massachusetts and Connecticut, USA was the first application of the Target Fish Community (TFC) and Mesohabitat simulation (MesoHABSIM) approaches to determine a river's biophysical conditions, habitat deficits and potential improvement measures. These approaches were created in concert with assessment of hydromorphology, fish and invertebrate fauna composition, as well as hydrology and water temperature. This paper presents how both approaches created a framework for comprehensive and quantitative analysis of human‐induced alterations and helped to identify a list of effective restoration measures. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge of trophic ecology of fish species is fundamental to understand the organization mechanism of fish assemblages and crucial for developing effective management and conservation strategies. This study examined the diet partitioning and trophic guild structure of fish assemblages in Chishui River, the last undammed tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China. Specimens were collected in three sections along the upstream–downstream gradient in 2012. Digestive tract contents of 54 fish species, represented by 692 individuals, were analysed and quantified. Analysis showed that fish assemblages in the Chishui River utilized aquatic insects, algae, detritus, molluscs, and fishes as the main food resources, whereas terrestrial insects were consumed only occasionally. The trophic guild structure of fish assemblages changed gradually with the longitudinal gradient. Specially, the number of trophic guilds increased with downstream distance. In addition, the relative number of omnivorous species increased longitudinally, whereas the relative number of insectivorous species declined downstream. This study demonstrated how fish assemblages utilize the food resources under near‐natural conditions. These results provide valuable information for fish conservation and ecological restoration.  相似文献   

This paper examines ecosystem restoration practices that focus on water temperature reductions in the upper mainstem Willamette River, Oregon, for the benefit of endangered salmonids and other native cold‐water species. The analysis integrates hydrologic, natural science and economic models to determine the cost‐effectiveness of alternative water temperature reduction strategies. A temperature model is used to simulate the effects of combinations of upstream riparian shading and flow augmentations on downstream water temperatures. Costs associated with these strategies are estimated and consist of the opportunity costs of lost agricultural production and recreation opportunities due to flow releases from an up‐stream reservoir. Temperature reductions from another strategy, hyporheic flow enhancement, are also examined. Restoration strategies associated with enhanced hyporheic cooling consist of removal/reconnection of current obstacles to the creation of dynamic river channel complexity. The observed reduction of summer water temperatures associated with enhanced channel complexity indicates that restoring hyporheic flow processes is more likely to achieve cost‐effective temperature reductions and meet the total maximum daily load (TMDL) target than conventional approaches that rely on increased riparian shading or/and combinations of flow augmentation. Although the costs associated with the hyporheic flow enhancement approach are substantial, the effects of such a long‐term ecological improvement of the floodplain are expected to assist the recovery of salmonid populations and provide ancillary benefits to society. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam removal is an increasingly practised river restoration technique, and ecological responses vary with watershed, dam and reservoir properties, and removal strategies. Moderate‐sized dams, like Hemlock Dam (7.9 m tall and 56 m wide), are large enough that removal effects could be significant, but small enough that mitigation may be possible through a modified dam removal strategy. The removal of Hemlock Dam in Washington State, USA, was designed to limit channel erosion and improve fish passage and habitat by excavating stored fine sediment and reconstructing a channel in the former 6‐ha reservoir. Prior to dam removal, summer daily water temperatures downstream from the dam increased and remained warm long into the night. Afterwards, a more natural diel temperature regime was restored, although daily maximum temperatures remained high. A short‐lived turbidity pulse occurred soon after re‐watering of the channel, but was otherwise similar to background levels. Substrate shifted from sand to gravel–cobble in the former reservoir and from boulder to gravel–cobble downstream of the dam. Initially, macroinvertebrate assemblage richness and abundance was low in the project area, but within 2 years, post‐removal reaches upstream and downstream of the dam had diverse and abundant communities. The excavation of stored sediment and channel restoration as part of the dam removal strategy restored river continuity and improved benthic habitat while minimizing downstream sedimentation. This study provides a comparison of ecological effects with other dam removal strategies and can inform expectations of response time and magnitude. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Cyprinus carpio is the most important fish species in the Lake Naivasha fishery, comprising 51% of the total catch in the lake. Microflora, especially enteric bacteria of human or animal origin, are the causative agent for fish contamination and spoilage. Poor sanitation standards and poor sewage treatment and disposal methods within Lake Naivasha and its catchment pose a great threat for degrading the quality of C. carpio. The potential impact is rejection of the fish in the local, regional and international markets, risking the collapse of the Lake Naivasha fishery. This study determined the bacterial quality of water and C. carpio from three different sites within Lake Naivasha, namely Malewa River mouth, sewage discharge point and a mid‐lake site, based on plate count techniques. Physicochemical parameters characterizing the lake water also were also measured in situ. This study results indicated that both the fish and water in Lake Naivasha exhibited poor bacterial quality. All the physicochemical parameters were within the recommended range for fish culture, although they also were conducive to the proliferation of bacteria. Most of the sampling sites exhibited significant spatial variation in their bacterial abundance (P < 0.05). The sewage discharge sampling site exhibited the highest mean density values for bacterial densities and clearly degrade the quality of the fish in the lake. Proper sewage treatment, and the installation of modern sanitation facilities, is recommended to improve the bacterial quality of the fish.  相似文献   

Indigenous community members along the Slave River in Canada have voiced their concerns for the health of ecosystems under pressure from resource extraction, hydroelectric development and global climate change. We present a test case of traditional knowledge and scientific results about the spawning and migration patterns of fish in the Slave River and Delta. This dual knowledge system approach elucidates the broader connectivity of local study regions and can improve monitoring programmes by extending beyond the usual context/confines of the present or recent past, increasing the spatial and temporal range of system information.  相似文献   

The tributary rivers of Lake Tana are important nursery grounds for larvae and juveniles of the migratory endemic Labeobarbus species, but very little is known about their functional habitat and feeding preferences. This study investigated nursery grounds, habitat shifts, and potential energy sources for juvenile Labeobarbus species. Electrofishing point abundance sampling for juvenile sampling and stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were applied to trace potential energy sources. Habitat use shifting was observed among labeobarbus size classes from weak or no flow pool to fast-flowing riffle mesohabitats. The young-of-the-year (YOY) were mainly found in microhabitats with a weak to moderate water velocity (i.e., < 0.3 m s?1), while 1+ juveniles (>7 cm FL) adapted to velocities of > 0.3 m s?1. Juveniles suffered from limited access to run and riffle habitats during the peak dry season (March-April). They were subsequently exposed to resource competition and predation risk which led to lower catches. Juveniles of different size classes used different food sources. C1 (<3 cm) and C3 (5.1–7 cm) size classes mainly relied on algal sources, while C2 (3 – 5 cm) and C4 (>7 cm) on zooplankton. Insect larvae were a relatively important source for larger juveniles. Maintaining appropriate flow that permits juveniles to access preferred foraging and nursery habitat in the Gumara River is crucial for the sustainable management and conservation of the Labeobarbus population in Lake Tana.  相似文献   

Floodplain lakes are important aquatic resources for supporting ecosystem services, such as organismal habitat, biodiversity, and the retention of nutrients and sediment. Due to geomorphic alteration of river channels and land-cover change, degradation to floodplain lakes in the Ohio River basin is occurring at a rate that will escalate as climate change causes increased flood intensity and the seasonal redistribution of rainfall. A better understanding of the local drivers that affect oxbow lakes is needed for targeted floodplain restoration efforts designed to slow degradation. We examined the effects of land cover, topography, and hydrologic connectivity on water quality and fish diversity and abundance in nine floodplain lakes with potentially high remnant ecological function in the Wabash-White watershed (Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois). Data collection included water-quality parameters; stable water isotopes; total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a; and fish community diversity and abundance. Results indicate that hay/pasture land cover and decreased topographic relief in the local oxbow watersheds, along with reduced river hydrologic connectivity, were related to an increase in total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll-a. Greater biodiversity and abundance in fish assemblages were evident in oxbow lakes that were more disconnected from the main channel. The results of this study suggest that hydrologic connectivity of oxbow lakes with the contributing drainage area and the main channel influence nutrients and fish communities. Knowing the influencing factors can help ecosystem managers better protect these valuable floodplain lake ecosystems and prioritize restoration efforts amidst increasing stressors due to climate and land-use changes.  相似文献   

Widespread hydrologic alterations have simplified in-stream habitats in rivers globally, driving population declines and extirpations of many native fishes. Here, we examine how rapid geomorphic change in a historically degraded desert river has influenced habitat diversification and ecosystem persistence. In 2010, a large reach of the degraded and simplified lower San Rafael River (SRR), Utah, was impacted by the formation of a valley plug and began to shift from a homogenous, single-thread channel to a complex, multi-threaded riverscape. We combined field measurements and drone-collected imagery to document changes in fish habitat due to the valley plug. Our results demonstrate that in 2021, the affected reach was more diverse than any other stream reach along the SRR, containing 641% more diverse habitat (e.g., pools, riffles, and backwaters) than what was measured in 2015. The plug reach also retained water for periods beyond what was expected during seasonal drying, with the total extent of inundation within the riverscape increasing by over 2800%. Since the formation of the valley plug, riparian habitat has increased by 230% and channel networks have expanded to more than 50 distinct channels throughout the zone of influence. Our results provide evidence of successful self-restoration in a formerly highly degraded reach of desert river, and encourage new methods of desert river restoration. We aim to inform the use of large-scale, disruptive restoration actions like intentional channel occlusions, with the goal of mitigating the impacts of simplification and increasing habitat persistence in the face of exacerbated aridity in the desert Southwest.  相似文献   

Low instream flows and high water temperatures are two factors limiting survival of native salmon in California's Shasta River. This study examines the potential to improve fish habitat conditions by better managing water quantity and quality using flow and water temperature simulation to evaluate potential restoration alternatives. This analysis provides a reasonable estimate of current and potential flows and temperatures for a representative dry year (2001) in the Shasta River, California. Results suggest restoring and protecting cool spring‐fed sources provides the most benefit for native salmon species from a broad range of restoration alternatives. Implementing a combination of restoration alternatives further improves instream habitat. Results also indicate that substituting higher quality water can sometimes benefit native species without increasing environmental water allocations. This study shows the importance of focusing on the limitations of specific river systems, rather than systematically increasing instream flow as a one size fits all restoration approach. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study compares the benefits and disadvantages of two options, i.e. dam construction and a water transfer tunnel between two existing dams, with a particular focus on their effects on the natural environment and local communities and their respective economic efficiencies. It is concluded that significant advantages exist for the construction of a water transfer tunnel between two dams in Korea. This option would secure water resources in a manner that minimizes the economic, environmental and social effects of water resource development and which maximizes the utility of existing water resources.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted into the causes of a decline in the abundance of rooted aquatic plants in the River Nene. These were formerly troublesome to navigation and obstructed summer storm flows and were regularly cut by Anglian Water until 1976. After 1977 plant growth caused only localized problems so cutting ceased. An investigation into the causes of the plant decline was initiated in order to provide predictions for management decisions about the future use of machinery and personnel. It was concluded that there was a natural loss of plants by scouring in the abnormally high flows of 1976/7 winter. The regular pattern of maintenance dredging, which had been implemented following water industry reorganization in 1974, was shown to suppress abundance for at least five years after dredging. These two sequential events had lowered abundance over the navigable Nene to levels which no longer warrant weedcutting.  相似文献   

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