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The capability of polyvinyl alcohol-acrylamide photopolymer materials to obtain angularly multiplexed holographic gratings has been demonstrated [Appl. Phys. B 76, 851 (2003)]. A combination of two multiplexing methods--peristrophic and angular multiplexing--is used to record 60 holograms. An exposure schedule method is used to optimize the capability of the photopolymerizable holographic material and obtain holograms with a higher, more uniform diffraction efficiency. In addition, because of this exposure schedule method, the entire dynamic range (M#) of the material will be exploited, obtaining values of approximately M# approximately 9 in layers approximately 800 microm thick.  相似文献   

Two different types of multiplexing are used to store 90 holograms at the same location in a polyvinyl alcoholacrylamide photopolymer material. In the first, the 90 holograms are stored using only peristrophic multiplexing, whereas in the second a combination of angular and peristrophic multiplexing is used. The results (diffraction efficiency and dynamic range, M#) obtained with these two multiplexing techniques are compared. With the first, the dynamic range was M# = 13 and with the second M# = 8. An exposure schedule method is used to calculate the exposure time necessary to store the holograms with a more uniform, higher diffraction efficiency.  相似文献   

We describe an encrypted holographic data-storage system that combines orthogonal-phase-code multiplexing with a random-phase key. The system offers the security advantages of random-phase coding but retains the low cross-talk performance and the minimum code storage requirements typical in an orthogonal-phase-code-multiplexing system.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to use a half-size data page between two full-size data pages to increase the recording density in angular multiplexing holographic memory up to 1.5× as much as the conventional angular multiplexing sequence. In our recording sequence, the full- and half-size data pages are alternately multiplexed. This is because each plane wave from various points in a data page has different angular selectivity. A half-size data page has higher angular selectivity than a full-size data page. The required angular intervals were estimated by numerical simulation taking holographic medium tilt into account. Also, an angular multiplexing experiment using the half-data-page insertion method resulted in a low bit error rate of the order of 10(-3), which is sufficient for practical use.  相似文献   

We report a single-beam, differential z-scan technique with improved sensitivity for the determination of nonlinear absorption and refraction of materials. A sample is scanned in the direction of beam propagation as usual, but, in addition, its longitudinal position is dithered, producing a detector signal proportional to the spatial derivative of only the nonlinear transmission and therefore giving a background-free signal; the nonlinear transmission for any spatial position of the sample can be recovered by simple integration. For both open and closed aperture scans in GaP, we find an improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio of >5 x compared with a balanced z-scan setup, but this can be improved with apparatus optimization. Nonlinear phase distortions 相似文献   

Acrylamide-based holographic recording materials have significant advantages and the composition of these materials has been optimized in terms of energetic sensitivity and diffraction efficiency. As a result, diffraction gratings with an efficiency of almost 80% for energetic exposures of 35 mJ/cm2 and a spatial frequency of 1000 lines/mm in photosensitive films 65 μm thick have been obtained. In this paper we present the effects of intensity, thickness, and variation in the concentration of each component by studying the angular responses of the diffraction gratings recorded in each composition.  相似文献   

Encrypted optical storage with angular multiplexing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Matoba O  Javidi B 《Applied optics》1999,38(35):7288-7293
We present the first, to our knowledge, demonstration of an encrypted optical storage based on double-random phase encoding by using angular multiplexing in a photorefractive material. Original two-dimensional data are encrypted by use of two random phase codes located in the input and the Fourier planes and are then stored holographically in a LiNbO(3):Fe crystal. The retrieval of the original data can be achieved with a phase-conjugated readout scheme. We demonstrate the encryption and the decryption of multiple frames of two-dimensional digital data by using angular multiplexing. We also evaluate numerically the influence of the bandwidth of the optical system on the decrypted digital data. The bit error rate as a function of the optical system bandwidth is presented.  相似文献   

Carlisle CB  Warren RE  Riris H 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4349-4354
A simple single-beam technique employing radio-frequency modulation of a tunable diode laser with homodyne demodulation is demonstrated as a means of measuring optical path lengths. This technique offers a straightforward method for determining path lengths traversed through optical multipass cells or performing optical range-finding over short (i.e., tens of meters) standoff distances. The radio-frequency phase-sensitive nature of the technique permits narrow-band detection and high signal-to-noise ratios, even when range-finding measurements are made with range resolutions of ?1 m. This compares favorably with traditional short-pulse, wide-bandwidth optical range finders.  相似文献   


We propose and demonstrate a unidirectional photorefractive ring oscillator that couples with an external angular multiplexing volume hologram for pattern recognition. By configuring the hologram externally, a computer-generated hologram (CGH) and a spatial light modulator are utilized to generate reference beams for the hologram. Two-dimensional images are stored in the form of resonating beams in the system, whereby the nonlinear interaction between the beams allows the image that most resembles an input object to be recognized. Five images were used to illustrate the pattern recognition ability of the oscillator. It was found that the input object was successfully recognized within 10s. The fact that CGHs can generate a large number of beamlets enhances significantly the storage capacity in this system.  相似文献   

Zhou S  Campbell S  Yeh P  Liu HK 《Applied optics》1995,34(5):793-802
We propose and demonstrate an effective two-stage modified signed-digit optical computing technique (in contrast to previous three-stage techniques) based on spatial data encoding, polarization multiplexing, and multiple imaging. Our proposed reduction in operation stages requires a reference operation in addition to the transformation and weight operations common to three-stage systems. In our system's first stage a transformation (or weight) operation and a reference operation are implemented in parallel by use of four distinct polarization-multiplexed kernel operations. In the second stage the final desired result (e.g., addition and subtraction) and its complement are obtained in parallel with a single kernel operation. The operation speed of our two-stage modified signed-digit computing method is 33% faster than previous three-stage modified signed-digit algorithms.  相似文献   

Digital watermarking by a holographic technique   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Takai N  Mifune Y 《Applied optics》2002,41(5):865-873
A holographic technique is applied for digital watermarking by a computer. A digital-watermark image to be hidden is phase modulated in a random fashion, and its Fourier-transformed hologram is superposed on a content image. The watermark is reconstructed by means of a holographic-reconstruction technique from the bit-map image that hides it. In the study the processes of constructing and reconstructing a digital hologram are described on the basis of the theory of Fourier optics. The conditions for superposing the hologram onto the content images are investigated in detail. The validity of the present method is verified by changing the weighting of the hologram relative to that of the content image. The effect of image size is also discussed with respect to reconstruction of the watermark, and it is shown that watermark information in a form of a diffuse-type Fourier-transform hologram cannot be removed by cutting it out of the host image.  相似文献   

Imai T  Kurihara T  Yagi S  Kurokawa Y  Endo M  Tanabe T 《Applied optics》2003,42(35):7085-7092
A multilayered waveguide holographic read-only memory is a promising candidate for the next generation of optical data storage systems. We improved the data density of the memory by using a multiplexing method with a set of orthogonal optical masks. We multiplexed as many as nine images into one waveguide hologram, and all the observed images had negligible cross talk. This made it possible to achieve a ninefold increase in data density. We provide experimental results for both metallic and liquid-crystal masks.  相似文献   


We propose an ATM‐LAN interconnection solution using multiple virtual channel connections, so that each MAC frame can be divided into cells and be transmitted via several parallel links simultaneously. The performance of the ATM‐LAN gateway in such setups, including multiplexing gain and the end‐to‐end delay, is studied via approximate analysis and simulations. Our approach is shown to provide better multiplexing effects under various traffic environments.  相似文献   

A reflection-type holographic disk memory system with random phase shift multiplexing is proposed. The experimental results show that a binary data page of 18x17 bits is recorded successfully at intervals of 4 mum in a Fe:LiNbO3 crystal with a thickness of 0.5 mm when six data pages are superimposed. Numerical results show that random phase modulation can improve the shift selectivity in shift multiplexing recording as well as in data security. Experimental and numerical results show that reflection-type holographic disk memory has a high potential for terabyte storage capacity as in transmission-type memory.  相似文献   

Quality and resolution of integrated microsystems using Hall sensors dedicated to an angular encoder are strongly dependent on the accuracy of the relative position of Hall sensors and on the offset of electronic front end circuitry. In this paper, we describe a CMOS microsystem built on two integrated circuits. This contactless encoder microsystem gives three sine and square signals with a phase shift of 120/spl deg/ and provides an angular error of less than 4/spl deg/ without external trimming or feedback. The Hall sensor assembly with the engine consists of fixing a small permanent magnet on the rear axis of the motor. Then, the sensor is positioned in front of this magnet.  相似文献   

We report wavelength division multiplexing based on lithographically fabricated slab-waveguide-contained planar holographic Bragg reflectors (HBRs). Partial HBR diffractive contour writing and contour displacement are successfully demonstrated to enable precise bandpass engineering of multiplexer transfer functions and make possible compact-footprint devices based on hologram overlay. Four- and eight-channel multiplexers with channel spacings of approximately 50 and approximately 100 GHz, improved sidelobe suppression, and flattop passbands are demonstrated. When a second-order apodization effect, comprising effective waveguide refractive-index variation with written contour fraction, and the effect of hologram overlap on the hologram reflective amplitude are included in the simulation, excellent agreement between predicted and observed spectral passband profiles is obtained. With demonstrated simulation capability, the ability to fabricate general desired passband profiles becomes tractable.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for spatial encoding in synthetic transmit aperture ultrasound imaging. This allows several ultrasonic sources to be active simultaneously. The method is based on transmitting pseudorandom sequences to spatially encode the transmitters. The data can be decoded after only one transmission using the knowledge of the transmitted code sequences as opposed to other spatial encoding techniques, such as Hadamard or Golay encoding. This makes the method less sensitive to motion, and data can be acquired using fewer transmissions. The aim of this paper is to analyze the underlying theory and to test the feasibility in a physical system. The method has been evaluated in simulations using Field II in which the point-spread functions were simulated for different depths for a 7 MHz linear array transducer. A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) simulation also was included in the study in which an improvement in SNR of approximately 1.5 dB was attained compared to the standard synthetic transmit aperture (STA) firing scheme. Considering the amount of energy transmitted, this value is low. A plausible explanation is given that is verified in simulation. The method also was tested in an experimental ultrasound scanner and compared to a synthetic transmit aperture ultrasound imaging scheme using a sinusoidal excitation. The performance of the proposed method was comparable to the reference with respect to axial and lateral resolution, but it displayed poorer contrast with sidelobe levels at approximately - 40 dB compared to the mainlobe.  相似文献   

Yuan C  Situ G  Pedrini G  Ma J  Osten W 《Applied optics》2011,50(7):B6-11
Angular and polarization multiplexing techniques are utilized in both object and reference arms in the digital holographic microscopy system to improve its resolution. The angular multiplexing provides on-axis and off-axis illumination and reference beams with different carrier frequencies. Polarization multiplexing prohibits the occurrence of interference between low and high object spatial frequencies and reference beams. The proposed system does not require special light sources or filtering masks. Experimental results show that the resolution of the synthesized image exceeds the resolution determined by the numerical aperture of the imaging microscope objective.  相似文献   

Su WC  Lin CH 《Applied optics》2004,43(11):2298-2304
Enhancement of the angular selectivity in a double random-phase encoded holographic memory by use of reference plane waves is presented. In the storage algorithm, the angular selectivity is improved with the effect of random-phase masks. We show that the angular selectivity achieved by this scheme is more sensitive than that for Bragg angle detuning in a 90 degrees geometry. Both theoretical and experimental results are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

Jia W  Chen Z  Wen FJ  Chung PS 《Applied optics》2011,50(7):B12-B17
We propose a novel method for signal storage and encryption, called single-beam multiplexing encoding. The single beam is composed of an inside signal beam and an outside reference beam. The signal beam is amplitude modulated, and the reference beam is phase modulated. The dual modulation is implemented by a spatial light modulator (SLM). Multiplexing holography with different reference beams from different directions, called directional multiplexing, is analyzed in detail. With an SLM based on a twisted nematic liquid crystal display, we demonstrate a single-beam directional multiplexing method using a holographic encoding technique, and the retrieved signals are presented. This encoding system is more stable, miniaturized, and flexible. It should be of great interest for applications in signal encryption as well as for high-capacity data storage.  相似文献   

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