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The new director of the Building Research Institute of Japan describes an interwoven pattern in which work is done by the Institute for the policies of government through the Ministry of Construction, for other government agencies and for private firms; researchers from private laboratories are also accepted each year and can then take back the results learned. The number of staff, including 120 researchers and research assistants, is relatively small, highly qualified and has an average age of 37. International collaboration is an important activity.  相似文献   

The Korea Institute of Construction Technology was founded only four years ago; its President, now a member of the CIB Board, here gives a factual outline of its aims and organisation. A wide range of subjects are the concern of seven research departments, but the total staff is comparatively small at 134; of these some three‐quarters are research staff. With the establishment of the main research facilities, the total budget has been reduced from a peak in 1985, and for this year amounts to the equivalent of 2.6 million US dollars.  相似文献   

The director of the National Swedish Institute of 1 Building Research gives a perspective view with a ‘difference, namely on why the results of building research seem to provoke little direct interest from practising architects in that country. He suggests that it has much to do with the way architects do their job but, more importantly, probably originates in the way architects and researchers are trained, and he makes comparisons with the situation in farming and medicine. His views may strike echoes in other lands. The article is based on a paper given by Professor Antoni to the Swedish Architects’ Assembly. The cartoons are by Leif Rönn.  相似文献   

Continuing our occasional series, the former Housing Programme Director of IPT (Technological Research Institute of São Paulo) explains how history has made the State institute the leader of the building research effort in the country, and how in some respects it is required to do too many things at once. It must also find a Brazilian answer to the problems of a country where half the population is under 18 years of age and 67 per cent of the people live in the cities. Dr Maffei recently left IPT to be a Visiting Professor at São Paulo University.  相似文献   

The Korea Institute of Construction Technology was founded only four years ago; its President, now a member of the CIB Board, here gives a factual outline of its aims and organisation. A wide range of subjects are the concern of seven research departments, but the total staff is comparatively small at 134; of these some three-quarters are research staff. With the establishment of the main research facilities, the total budget has been reduced from a peak in 1985, and for this year amounts to the equivalent of 2.6 million US dollars.  相似文献   

The director of the UK Building Research Establishment here outlines how the oldest building research station in the world was merged with other laboratories in 1972 to become the BRE, responsible to the Department of the Environment and working primarily as 'contractors' for 'customers' within DOE. Despite a multiplicity of tasks in five different research stations, organised through 18 divisions and six departments, staff numbers have been reduced by some 40 percent in the past decade. Recent major inter-discipline studies have prompted the use of 'matrix management'.  相似文献   

The director of the UK Building Research Establishment here outlines how the oldest building research station in the world was merged with other laboratories in 1972 to become the BRE, responsible to the Department of the Environment and working primarily as ‘contractors’ for ‘customers’ within DOE. Despite a multiplicity of tasks in five different research stations, organised through 18 divisions and six departments, staff numbers have been reduced by some 40 percent in the past decade. Recent major inter‐discipline studies have prompted the use of ‘matrix management’.  相似文献   

This is an edited version of my keynote address given at the opening session of the 18th International Planning History Society (IPHS) conference in Yokohama, Japan in July 2018. The aims of the conference were to appreciate the diversity of planning histories, to deepen mutual understanding among planning historians in the world, and to look into the world history of planning, with the common goal of making our cities more humane. First, this paper discusses the necessity and difficulty of mutual understanding between different planning cultures. Secondly, it traces the planning history of Japan focussing on connections with China and the western countries, and on specific features from ancient to modern times. Finally, it reviews the points put forth by world historians today and emphasizes the importance of the quest for transnational planning history on the basis of mutual understanding between different planning cultures.  相似文献   

The rise of private research institutes linked to Japanese contractors and manufacturers has divided research into either the public or private sector. This paper provides the background history and context to building research in Japan, addresses what suitable strategies exist for the publicly-funded Building Research Institute, what research topics are suitable for government funding and how public and private research organizations might develop strategies of co-operation. La creation d'instituts de recherche prives lies a des entreprises et des fabricants japonais a separe la recherche entre le secteur public et le prive. L'auteur de l'article rappelle les faits et presente le cadre de la recherche dans le secteur du b^ atiment au Japon; il recense les strategies que pourrait adopter l'Institut de recherche sur le batiment a financement public, ainsi que les sujets de recherche qui pourraient beneficier de credits publics et explique comment les organisations de recherche publiques et privees pourraient elaborer des politiques de cooperation.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍日本政府与学术界正在积极进行的日本首都功能转移的研究课题.内容包括首都功能转移的缘由和目标,从1950年代开始的研究进程,建设新首都城市的规划设想、规模布局、城市设计、工作程序与具体实施方案,新城市的选址、转移的期限与条件,最新的进展情况以及东京作为国际城市的建设新起点等.  相似文献   

基于整体设计观理论,从美学、符号学、民俗学、城市设计多维视野下,对地域建筑的延续性进行了分析,指出地域建筑具有独特的地域文化与精神,只有从不同社会角度分析地域建筑,现代建筑设计才能更好地从地域建筑中得到借鉴。  相似文献   

日本首都功能转移考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文主要介绍日本政府与学术界正在积极进行的日本首都功能转移的研究课题。内容包括首都功能转移的缘由和目标,从1950年代开始的研究进程,建设新首都城市的规划设想、规模布局、城市设计、工作程序与具体实施方案,新城市的选址、转移的期限与条件,最新的进展情况以及东京作为国际城市的建设新起点等。  相似文献   

日本垃圾处理模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近20年来,随着经济的快速发展,日本的垃圾年产生量已由1980年的4390万吨/年增加到2000年的5240万吨/年,垃圾排出量的年增长率在0.89%以上,日本国内人均排放量已超过1公斤/天。  相似文献   

日本PFI事业发展及政府管制问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从20世纪90年代初开始,日本经济陷入了长期低迷的状况,财政日益艰难,基础设施投资明显不足;同时,第三方机构的经营失败,迫使日本政府探讨新的基础设施组织形式和经营方式,在这一背景下,日本政府开始积极推进PFI事业的发展.在不足10年的时间内,日本PFI事业日益发展壮大,并且形成了由事业推进、资金支持、事业监督、专业咨询四个方面组成的规范的管理体制.研究日本PFI事业的发展历程及管理体制,可以为我国引导、促进和规范PFI事业发展提供指导和借鉴.  相似文献   

高杰 《风景园林》2012,(5):99-104
营造儿童友好型社会,给人们良好的育儿环境,已经成为全社会不得不面临的问题。从儿童视角出发,分析日本社会儿童成长发育环境的特征,为儿童提供适合的室外游戏活动空间,以解决社会问题,创造适于儿童健康成长与教育的环境等方面的问题,进行了诸如"森林幼儿园"等以自然为游戏空间的探索,更从国家层面对于儿童友好型环境的设计规划提出"十二条基本原则"等方针政策。考虑中国经济发展阶段和社会现状,与日本存在差距的同时也存在发展路径上的历史相似性,日本体验自然儿童游戏空间的建设为中国儿童游戏空间的营造和儿童教育提供了宝贵的经验参考。  相似文献   

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