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A canned pite product has been developed using deboned minces prepared from five fish species commonly found in shrimp by-catch from the Gulf of California. This product was made to simulate similar products that are marketed in Mexico but which are based on meat. De-boned minces prepared from fish which had been eviscerated and cleaned in two different ways were used as the basic raw material for piite formulations. Acceptability trials were held in which panelists were asked to score for various organoleptic characters. These data were statistically evaluated and showed that the piites were all acceptable. However, some major differences in quality existed particularly with respect to colour for those pates prepared from certain fish species. The effect on pite quality of using different formulations and methods of evisceration of fish was minimal.  相似文献   

An important factor in the realization of the potential of shrimp by-catch relates to how it can be easily and economically retrieved. This study deals with this problem and proposes a system of handling and storage of by-catch fish at sea. Some fish representative of by-catch from the Gulf of California were investigated for their storage qualities when held in crushed ice and chilled seawater (CSW). It was determined, using various chemical and physical parameters, that high quality was retained for fish held in ice and CSW for up to 14 and 10 days, respectively. Such storage periods are compatible with the average duration of shrimper voyages. Use of CSW appears a more appropriate method since storage and off-loading would be less labour intensive than with iced storage and ice usage would be reduced. Incorporation of CSW tanks, taking into account existing shrimp boat designs, is proposed which would not affect present iced/frozen storage capacities.  相似文献   

以籼米、粳米、糯米为原料,用一定比例的米粉替代面粉制作蛋糕。采用感官、质构、比容等指标评价米粉种类及添加量对蛋糕品质的影响,建立米粉物性指标与蛋糕品质指标间的相关性。结果表明,米粉的种类及添加量对蛋糕的感官、质构、比容等均有显著性影响;米粉物性指标与蛋糕品质指标间均有一定相关性,其中蛋糕的口感、弹性分别与米粉添加量呈极显著负相关(-0.910)与极显著相关(0.811);蛋糕比容分别与米粉水分含量、脂肪含量均呈极显著正相关(0.823、0.764);回归分析得蛋糕感官总分的回归方程为:Y感官总分=1.63+0.990X蛋糕口感+1.646X米粉添加量-8.058X米粉水分含量+0.136X蛋糕外观-0.23X蛋糕比容。   相似文献   

米粉种类及添加量对蛋糕品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽  黄琪悦  刘友明 《食品工业科技》2013,34(2):153-156,159
以籼米、粳米、糯米为原料,用一定比例的米粉替代面粉制作蛋糕.采用感官、质构、比容等指标评价米粉种类及添加量对蛋糕品质的影响,建立米粉物性指标与蛋糕品质指标间的相关性.结果表明,米粉的种类及添加量对蛋糕的感官、质构、比容等均有显著性影响;米粉物性指标与蛋糕品质指标间均有一定相关性,其中蛋糕的口感、弹性分别与米粉添加量呈极显著负相关(-0.910)与极显著相关(0.811);蛋糕比容分别与米粉水分含量、脂肪含量均呈极显著正相关(0.823、0.764);回归分析得蛋糕感官总分的回归方程为:Y感官总分=1.63+0.990X蛋糕口感+1.646X米粉添加量-8.058X米粉水分含量+0.136X蛋糕外观-0.23X蛋糕比容.  相似文献   

木薯全粉对蛋糕品质及其质构特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王颖  李明娟  张雅媛  游向荣  孙健  卫萍  周葵 《食品与机械》2017,33(10):179-183,189
以不同比例木薯全粉替代低筋面粉制作蛋糕,研究木薯全粉对蛋糕物理特性、感官品质和质构特性的影响,对其品质和质构指标进行评价。结果表明:随着木薯全粉替代比例的增加,蛋糕回缩率先降后升,感官总分先升后降,烘焙损失率、密度、硬度和咀嚼性不断升高,比容、水分含量、弹性和内聚性不断降低;替代比例为10/90~30/70的蛋糕回缩率、烘焙损失率、密度均比对照低,水分含量比对照高,有利于蛋糕品质的提升;替代比例为30/70的蛋糕比容、感官总分、硬度、咀嚼性和内聚性与对照差异不显著;替代比例超过40/60后,与对照组相比,蛋糕回缩率、烘焙损失率、硬度和咀嚼性显著升高(P0.05),比容、感官总分、水分含量、弹性和内聚性显著降低(P0.05),蛋糕品质下降。  相似文献   

以牛乳为原料,筛选了乳饼生产中3种凝乳剂的最佳添加量、凝乳温度、时间以及乳饼成型压力和时间。结果表明,3种乳饼的色泽、风味、组织结构等感官指标评分较高,且各具特色,其中植物凝乳剂(PC)乳饼的香气、口感较好。不同凝乳剂对乳饼的蛋白质质量分数影响不大。与传统酸凝剂和新型凝乳剂不同,植物凝乳剂对乳饼氨基酸和脂肪酸影响较大、质量分数较高。凝乳剂对乳饼蛋白质降解有促进作用,但组间蛋白质变化差异不明显。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The northern European production technique for dry-cured meat sausages was used to produce a sliceable, fermented, and dried fish product rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The fatty fish Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) , the lean fish saithe ( Pollachius virens ) (1:1, w/w), Lactobacillus sakei , and 4 different milk protein-based ingredients were used in the recipes. The changes in the volatile compounds during cold storage (+4 °C) of vacuum-packed dried sausages were studied by dynamic headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Of  the 117 volatile compounds identified, alcohols, alkanes, esters, aldehydes, ketones, and compounds derived from amino acids were the most prevalent groups of volatiles. Thirty volatiles decreased and 17 increased significantly ( P < 0.1) during storage for 15 wk. Despite the high content of PUFA, amino acid catabolism and ester synthesis led to larger changes in the composition of volatiles in the fish product than did lipid oxidation reactions. The milk-protein-based powders that were used to physically stabilize the fish oil did not affect the lipid oxidation compounds.  相似文献   

胡坤 《肉类工业》2010,(4):22-26
综述了肉类(猪、牛、羊)脂肪酸在脂肪组织和肌肉组织中的分布特点、脂肪酸组成的营养学缺陷、膳食强化多不饱和脂肪酸及其对肉类品质(风味、脂肪氧化和色泽等)影响的研究现状。当前的研究表明在适当强化多不饱和脂肪酸的同时补充较高浓度的维生素E可以在一定程度上抑制脂肪氧化和色泽的劣变及改善脂肪酸的组成。  相似文献   

This work evaluates amaranth protein ingredients [isolate (I) and alcalase‐hydrolysate (H)] acting as antioxidants and binders in restructured fish products. Gel products were obtained after thermal treatment (40 °C, 30 min; 90 °C, 30 min) of different formulations from fish muscle pastes, where salt (2%) was partially or totally replaced by I or H. Antioxidant activity was assessed by conjugated dienes and thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances (TBARs) measurements during the chilled storage. Textural properties, water‐holding capacity, colour and microbiological quality were evaluated. Reduced‐salt content products containing 2% w/w of I or H partially inhibited lipid oxidation especially at the level of the decomposition of hydroperoxides into secondary products, due to about 50% and 60% of inhibition of TBARs, respectively, was registered. Also, these products showed acceptable microbiological quality and technological characteristics with only minimal changes in properties as gel hardness and colour parameters compared with control products (2% w/w salt).  相似文献   

研究了紫马铃薯全粉添加对马芬蛋糕烘焙损失率、色差、质构性能及感官的影响。结果表明,不同比例混合粉的水溶性及持水性有显著差异(p<0.05),马芬蛋糕的烘焙损失率在紫马铃薯全粉添加量小于70%时差异不显著(p>0.05),但是当紫马铃薯全粉添加量为90%时,烘焙损失率差异显著(p<0.05)。马芬蛋糕的亮度随着紫马铃薯全粉含量增加而显著降低(p<0.05)。马芬蛋糕的硬度随着紫马铃薯全粉添加量增加而显著增加(p<0.05),在紫马铃薯全粉含量在10%~30%时,其他质构指标变化差异不显著(p>0.05);紫马铃薯全粉添加量为10%和30%获得最高分。综上分析,适宜的紫马铃薯全粉添加量为30%。   相似文献   

Deboned minces prepared from fish species predominant in the Mexican shrimp by-catch were examined with respect to their stability during storage for 10 months at –20°C. Reductions in the extractability of salt-soluble proteins occurred to varying levels in all samples, particularly in the initial storage phase. These changes were shown to influence the textural characteristics of the minces, albeit to a minimal extent. Considerable variability in the colour of minces from different species was observed and a washing procedure which effectively removes dark pigments is described. In general, the acceptability of the products was maintained throughout the storage period. It is thus concluded that deboning and the freezing of the resultant minces could offer a potential means of processing currently wasted by-catch fish into human food.  相似文献   

研究首先对我国目前市场上销售的不同产地有代表性的商品豆豉的含盐量做了调查和分析,含盐量在10.000~15.000 g/100 g之间.其次采用两段式控温后发酵工艺(前期40~42℃,后期28~30℃),厌氧密封发酵10天,对不同盐度(0%,2%,4%,6%,8%,12%,W/W)豆豉后发酵过程中优势微生物:乳酸菌、酵母菌的生长变化和pH值、总酸、氨基酸态氮等成分的变化,以及不同盐度豆豉产品的感官品质进行了研究.结果表明,低盐度(2%,4%,W/W)发酵早期促进乳酸菌的生长,乳酸菌数106~107 cfu/g;后期利于酵母菌的繁殖,酵母菌数达108 cfu/g,并在一定程度上抑制了腐败菌的生长;总酸含量1.3~1.6 g/100 g,氨基酸态氮含量0.7~0.8 g/100 g,感官评价产品品质较好.  相似文献   

用罗非鱼碎肉制作麻辣风味鱼松的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决速冻罗非鱼片加工中产生的鱼碎肉的利用问题,利用鱼碎肉制作鱼松是很好的途径。对利用鱼碎肉制作麻辣风味鱼松生产工艺和调味进行研究,分别通过L9(34)正交设计及感官评定和L18(37)正交设计及感官评定,确定最佳生产工艺和调味配方。用此生产工艺和调味配方调味的鱼松样品呈金黄色,色泽均匀一致,呈绒状,纤维疏松,口感肉质细腻,有麻辣味、鱼香味,无异味。  相似文献   

蒲公英戚风蛋糕的烘焙品质及其酚类物质抗氧化活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将蒲公英粉添加到蛋糕专用小麦粉中,研究了不同比例的蒲公英粉对蛋糕比容、质构、色泽、感官品质及其酚类物质抗氧化活性的影响。结果表明,当添加量不超过4%(质量分数)时,蒲公英粉对蛋糕的比容没有显著影响;综合质构和感官分析,蒲公英粉添加量为2%(质量分数)左右时,蛋糕内部组织结构均匀;色泽一致,呈现淡绿色;有蒲公英淡淡的清香味;咀嚼性增强,感官品质显著优于对照组;蒲公英粉的添加显著提高了蛋糕中总酚的含量,增强了DPPH和ABTS自由基清除能力。该研究为功能性营养蛋糕的研制提供了新思路,为蒲公英在烘焙食品加工中的利用开辟了新途径。  相似文献   

Microbial spoilage limits the shelf life of salt cured fish, mainly due to red halophilic bacteria. To contain the growth of red halophiles, 20 spices have been tested in skim milk salt agar medium up to the 2% (v/v and w/v) level against 18 isolates obtained from salt cured fish infested with red discolouration and from solar salt. The isolates, 12 Salinococcus roseus, five Halococcus turkmenicus, and one Halococcus morrhuae were tested for their sensitivity at a cell concentration of 106 per ml. Cloves and clove oil were very effective at 2 and 0.1% (v/v), respectively. Onion, coriander, garlic, asafetida, mustard and spilanthes showed excellent growth control. Red chillies, turmeric, ginger, cumin seed and fenugreek were very good in inhibiting the growth. Three of the spices tested, viz. cassia, cinnamon and poppy seeds acted as growth promoters of red halophiles. The treatment of 20% natural solar salt brines with clove oil at 0.02 and 0.5% (v/v) concentrations, resulted in the complete elimination of Halomonas spp. and red halophilic bacteria after 30 s and 1 min exposure, respectively. However, slime producing halophilic bacteria survived at very low cell density (0.46 log cycles) even after 10 min of exposure.  相似文献   

鱼制品脱腥脱苦技术研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
金晶  周坚 《食品科技》2007,32(5):14-17
概述了鱼制品腥味苦味产生的机理、脱除方法以及国内外的研究进展,简要介绍了物理法(包埋法、吸附法、盐溶法、掩盖法、有机溶剂萃取法和微胶囊法)、化学法(酸碱法、抗氧化剂法、酶法和类蛋白法)和微生物法三大类技术,并对各种技术方法的脱腥脱苦机理及优缺点进行了简要说明。  相似文献   

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