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Developing a postprocessor for three types of five-axis machine tools   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7  
This paper presents a postprocessor capable of converting cutter location (CL) data to machine control data for three typical five-axis machine tools to establish an interface between computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems and numerically controlled (NC) machines. The analytical equations for NC data are obtained using the homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix and inverse kinematics. In addition, the developed postprocessor method is implemented through a trial-cut on a five-axis machine and verified on the coordinate measurement machine. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed postprocessor method which can be used to integrate the various five-axis machine tools employed in manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

大力神杯五轴刀路编制与机床后处理控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用UG NX4.0五轴加工功能编制出零件的五轴加工程序。在结合五轴机床运动结构和各轴行程参数基础上分析了双转台五轴机床后处理基本算法,使用UG NX4.0/Post Build建立与之相匹配的五轴联动加工后处理,经实际加工验证该方法正确有效可为同类型零件加工和五轴后处理开发提供参考。  相似文献   

五轴联动数控是数控技术中难度最大、应用范围最广的技术,它集计算机控制、高性能伺服驱动和精密加工技术于一体,应用于复杂曲面的高效、精密、自动化加工。五轴联动数控机床是发电、船舶、航天航空、模具、高精密仪器等民用工业和军工部门迫切需要的关键加工设备。国际上把五轴联动数控技术,作为一个国家生产设  相似文献   

针对五轴石材切板机床的圆形锯片安装中心相对于机床控制点存在偏置以及锯片本身尺寸导致过切的问题,对切削点相对于控制点的空间位姿关系进行了分析,对加工图元为直线时的各种工况进行了详尽研究,提出了一种基于美国3S开放式系统(Servo Works S-140M)的偏置补偿算法,建立了刀位轨迹与数控轨迹之间的联系。通过系统仿真功能验证了该算法的正确性,并通过实际加工进行了测试。研究结果表明,所加工出的零件能满足加工工艺和精度要求,提高了加工效率和加工精度,降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - This paper presents the optimization compensation based on the mathematical expressions of geometric error model for the accuracy...  相似文献   

基于通用运动模型的五轴机床后置处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析各种五轴数控机床结构的基础上,运用机构学理论建立一种通用的五轴机床机构学模型。利用齐次坐标变换矩阵和正向运动学分析得到通用五轴机床结构的形状创成函数,通过对形状创成函数进行逆向运动学分析得到五轴数控数据完整的表达式,实现了各种配置类型的正交和非正交五轴机床数控数据的通用表达和不同类型五轴机床之间数控数据的相互转换,提高了数控代码的通用性和可移植性。最后基于通用模型,使用C++和QT开发出了一种五轴机床通用后置处理程序,并通过VERICUT仿真软件和实际加工验证了所开发的后置处理的可行性和高效性。  相似文献   

针对DMU100五轴联动加工中心的后置处理而进行研究,由于该机床配置Heidenhain iTNC530控制系统,现有CAD/CAM软件无现成的后置处理,使得该机床五轴联动的功能无法发挥出来,同时也限制机床的加工能力.研究结果表明,基于UG后处理构造器开发的面向风机叶片的DMU100加工中心专用后处理程序是可行的.  相似文献   

To enhance the accuracy, an efficient methodology was developed and described for systematic geometric error correction and their compensation in five-axis machine tools. The methodology is capable of compensating the overall effect of all position-dependent and position-independent errors which contribute to volumetric workspace. It was implemented on a five-axis grinding machine for error compensation and for the check of its effectiveness. Error compensation algorithm was designed, and a routine was written in Matlab software. The developed technique and software are based on an error table which interprets the function of axis through cubic spline technique and synthesis modeling of a machine tool. Recursive compensation methodology was used to remove the machine errors from the actual tool path and inverse technique was implemented to find the corrected positions of prismatic and rotary joints. Moreover, it can convert the corrected tool paths into practical compensated NC codes. The generated, corrected and modified NC codes directly fed to the controller of a five-axis machine tool. Validation of the technique was preceded by repeated experimentation of measurement and through machining of typical standard workpieces with some additional specific features. Experimental results exhibit effective compensation and remarkable improvement in the parametric and volumetric-workspace accuracy of the five-axis machine tool.  相似文献   

Improvements in the machine tool and the machining process technologies increased the need for generic postprocessors in order to exploit the capabilities of the machine tools. Contrary to conventional machining approach, next-generation machining technologies such as force-based feedrate scheduling and toolpath optimization requires the implementation of the variable feedrate during toolpath which constitutes the aim of this article. Therefore, this paper introduces a postprocessor for table-tilting type five-axis machine tool based on generalized kinematics with variable feedrate implementation. Furthermore, a practical yet effective method for avoiding kinematic singularities by spherical interpolation and NC data correction is presented as well. Proposed approach is validated for various five-axis machine tools with different kinematic configurations via virtual machine simulation module. Results of the verification tests show that presented postprocessing approach can accurately convert the cutter location information into NC codes and it is demonstrated that integrated virtual simulation module can simulate toolpaths with large number of blocks.  相似文献   


The role of five-axis CNC machine tools (FAMT) in the manufacturing industry is becoming more and more important, but due to the large number of heat sources of FAMT, the thermal error caused by them will be more complicated. To simplify the complicated thermal error model, this paper presents a new modelling method for compensation of the thermal errors on a cradle-type FAMT. This method uses artificial neural network (ANN) and shark smell optimization (SSO) algorithm to evaluate the performance of FAMT, and developing the thermal error compensation system, the compensation model is verified by machining experiments. Generally, the thermal sensitive point screening is performed by a method in which a large number of temperature sensors are arranged randomly, it increases the workload and may cause omission of the heat sensitive point. In this paper, the thermal imager is used to screen out the temperature sensitive points of the machine tool (MT), then the temperature sensor is placed at the position of the heat sensitive point of the FAMT, and the collected thermal characteristic data is used for thermal error modeling. The C-axis heating test, spindle heating test, and the combined movement test are applied in this work, and the results show that the shark smell optimization artificial neural network (SSO-ANN) model was compared to the other two models and verified better performance than back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) model and particle swarm optimization neural network (PSO) model with the same training samples. Finally, a compensation experiment is carried out. The compensation values, which was calculated by the SSO-ANN model are sent to the real-time error compensation controller. The compensation effect of the model is then tested by machining the ‘S’-shaped test piece. Test results show that the 32 % reduction in machining error is achieved after compensation, which means this method improves the accuracy and robustness of the thermal error compensation system.


基于多体系统基本理论推导出相邻体理想坐标变换以及误差变换矩阵并通过拓扑方法拓展到任一体理想坐标及误差变化公式。进而应用到五轴机床对应的零部件进行机床几何误差建模。最后推导出刀具形成点与工件被加工点的空间位置误差模型。并结合实验探究五轴数控机床37项误差参数对实际运动中的刀具形成点的位置误差影响,为之后的误差补偿和机床精度预测奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach that automatically generates an interference-free tool path for five-axis flank milling of a ruled surface. A boundary curve of the machined surface is subdivided into curve segments. Each segment works as a guide curve in the design method for developable Bézier surface that controls a developable patch for approximating the surface with available degrees of freedom. Geometric algorithms are proposed for calculating consecutive patches with G1 continuity across the patch boundary. A tapered tool can move along the rulings of these patches without inducing local tool interference as a result of their developability. The machining deviation is controlled by the surface approximation error. A machining test is conducted with the generated CL data and the result verifies the feasibility of the proposed approach. This work successfully transforms avoidance of tool interference into a geometric modeling problem and provides a simple solution. It thus demonstrates a good potential for the developable surface theory of five-axis flank machining .  相似文献   

五坐标联动数控机床的误差建模及仿真   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于多体系统理论 ,提出了五轴联动数控机床的误差模型 ,并在四轴加工中心误差参数辨识结果的基础上 ,对该模型进行了仿真验证  相似文献   

张亚  傅建中  陈子辰 《机械设计》2012,29(10):76-79
针对摇篮式五轴机床进行空间误差建模研究。根据机床结构,综合考虑运动误差和主轴热误差的影响,提出了一种新的机床坐标系设置方法,从而降低了误差模型的复杂性,建立了简化的空间误差模型。该模型数学表达式简单,物理意义明确,为进一步进行误差辨识和误差补偿奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Rotary tables are widely used with multi-axis machine tools as a means for providing rotational motions for the cutting tools on the three-axis machine tools used for five-axis machining operations. In this paper, we present a comprehensive procedure for the calibration of the rotary table including: geometric error model; error compensation method for the CNC controller; error measurement method; and verification of the error model and compensation algorithm with experimental apparatus. The methods developed were verified by various experiments, showing the validity and effectiveness of the presented methods, indicating they can be used for multi-axis machine tools as a means of calibration and precision enhancement of the rotary table.  相似文献   

引言RTCP(rotational tool center point)功能是五轴机床的一个重要功能,字面意思是“旋转刀具中心”,业内往往会稍加转义为“围绕刀具中心转”,也有一些人直译为“旋转刀具中心编程”。其实质为保持刀具中心点不变实现刀具的转动。RTCP功能的加入有效地提高了数控机床的加工效率,因此,RTCP精度是五轴联动数控机床的重要精度指标。  相似文献   

In conventional five-axis CNC machining, the machine structure is treated as a single kinematic chain just like a robotic manipulator while the cutter is treated as an end effector. In this paper, besides the machine kinematic chain, a cutter kinematic chain is introduced, and the two subkinematic chains are combined to form one machine–cutter kinematic chain. Forward, inverse kinematics and constrained inverse kinematics for the proposed machine–cutter kinematic chain are further put forward. Two applications are presented to demonstrate the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed kinematic model. The proposed kinematic model unifies the structure of the machine and cutter; therefore, the flexibility of the five-axis machine tool can be fully explored.  相似文献   

针对五轴机床刀具位姿与驱动轴非线性映射导致的驱动轴加速度、跃度超过电机限制问题,提出一种考虑驱动轴性能限制的进给速度规划方法.基于机床的运动学反解,推导了驱动轴的速度、加速度、跃度与进给速度的映射关系,建立加工过程驱动轴的约束条件;以加工效率为优化目标,建立多约束条件下高维度非线性最优化模型;应用序列二次型规划(SQP...  相似文献   

提出一种用于机床动态精度快速检测与优化的方法。在完成机床静态精度调整基础上,通过S形试件检验机床加工精度是否达标。基于S件测量结果及机床五轴联动(RTCP)精度检测,搜寻并分析存在问题的驱动轴,通过编制特定程序并测量机床运动轨迹,在对轨迹进行频域分析、圆度分析的基础上,完成机床机械结构和动态性能参数的调整,进而提升机床动态精度。通过在20多台五轴联动数控机床上应用,大幅提高了机床的加工精度,验证了上述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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