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[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 60(4) of Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research (see record 2008-17523-006). The author refers to "Paul Winn." The referenced author's last name was printed incorrectly. The correct spelling is Winum.] Consulting and training for cultural diversity is both challenging and rewarding. This article issues a call to face the challenges of diversity consulting and describes strategies and approaches for successful work. Using examples from the author's practice, the author calls on consultants to (1) get up to speed with knowledge about diversity and social justice, (2) avoid consultations that are too superficial, (3) balance content and process, (4) find ways to sustain themselves and their clients, and (5) work for the Common Good. A social justice frame is seen as a necessary adjunct to promoting equity and excellence in organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Content analysis of Consulting psychology journal: Practice and research (Volumes 44-59)" by Kevin T. Mahoney, Walter C. Buboltz Jr., Barlow Soper, Dennis Doverspike and Byron J. Simoneaux (Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 2008[Sep], Vol 60[3], 246-258). The title of the journal was printed incorrectly on page 257 as "Counseling Psychology Journal: Practice and Research." The correct title of the journal is Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-11542-002.) A content analysis of articles published in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research was performed from 1992 (Vol. 44) through 2007 (Vol. 59). A total of 342 articles were categorized into 21 derived content categories and an "Other" category. Results show that the leading categories for publication were Coaching, Development and Training, and History of Consulting. The content was fairly stable over time. The journal does appear to be meeting its primary mission of disseminating information pertinent to the field of consulting psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Couple therapy from the perspective of self psychology and intersubjectivity theory" by Carla Leone (Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 25[1], 79-98). Throughout the article, "Couples therapy" should read as "couple therapy," and "self-psychology" should read as "self psychology." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-00996-006.) Central tenets of self-psychology and intersubjective systems theory (e.g., Stolorow & Atwood, 1992) are applied to the understanding and treatment of couple. The concepts of selfobject needs, unconscious organizing principles, and learned relational patterns are used to conceptualize common couples difficulties. A treatment approach is outlined, involving: (1) listening from within each partner's subjective perspective; (2) establishing a therapeutic dialogue through which each partner's selfobject needs, ways of organizing experience, and patterns of relating can gradually be empathically illuminated and transformed; and (3) facilitating new relational experiences with the couples therapist and eventually between the partners. Four concepts of self psychology that are particularly useful with some of the most challenging aspects of couples work are then discussed. Finally, the judicious use of directive interventions with couples is discussed as consistent with this perspective. A case example is used throughout the paper to illustrate key points. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Does the experimental scientist have a theory of mind? by Matthew K. Belmonte (Review of General Psychology, 2008[Jun], Vol 12[2], 192-204). In the article, Does the Experimental Scientist Have a 'Theory of Mind'? by Matthew K. Belmonte (Review of General Psychology, 2008, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 192-204), a reference was listed in incorrect order. The reference, Lévi-Straus, C. (1926). La pensée sauvage [The Savage Mind]. Paris: Plon. should have followed, Lesslie, A. M., & Thaiss, L. (1992). Domain Specificity in conceptual development: Neuropsychological evidence from autism. Cognition, 43, 225-251. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-07086-011.) The concept of a theory of mind was widely used in developmental and evolutionary psychology and neuroscience in the wake of Premack and Woodruff's 1978 article Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of Mind? and Baron-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith's 1985 follow-up Does the Autistic Child Have a 'Theory of Mind?' The subsequent confluence of cognitive science and narrative theory brought theory of mind to literary critics. Only a very small set of people, however, have read both the neuropsychological and the literary texts on theory of mind; as a result of this lack of interdisciplinary expertise, the term has acquired subtly differing senses in the literary and neuroscientific communities. Because of this terminological slippage, neuroscientists and literary critics who argue in terms of theory of mind may believe that they are speaking with each other when they actually are speaking past each other. If proponents of cognitive literary theory are to realize the interdisciplinary fusion to which we aspire, then we must ensure that we speak in the same idiom. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in The development of language and abstract concepts: The case of natural number by Kirsten F. Condry and Elizabeth S. Spelke (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2008[Feb], Vol 137[1], 22-38). The DOI for the supplemental materials was printed incorrectly. The correct DOI is as follows: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0096-3445.137.1.22.supp (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-01081-003.) What are the origins of abstract concepts such as seven, and what role does language play in their development? These experiments probed the natural number words and concepts of 3-year-old children who can recite number words to ten but who can comprehend only one or two. Children correctly judged that a set labeled eight retains this label if it is unchanged, that it is not also four, and that eight is more than two. In contrast, children failed to judge that a set of 8 objects is better labeled by eight than by four, that eight is more than four, that eight continues to apply to a set whose members are rearranged, or that eight ceases to apply if the set is increased by 1, doubled, or halved. The latter errors contrast with children's correct application of words for the smallest numbers. These findings suggest that children interpret number words by relating them to 2 distinct preverbal systems that capture only limited numerical information. Children construct the system of abstract, natural number concepts from these foundations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Word-learning performance in beginning readers by Elizabeth Nilsen and Derrick Bourassa (Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 2008[Jun], Vol 62[2], 110-116). In the article, Word-Learning Performance in Beginning Readers by Elizabeth Nilsen and Derrick Bourassa (Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2008, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 110-116), part of the Appendix was inadvertently left out. The Appendix appears in this correction in its entirety. The printer regrets this error. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-06986-004.) This investigation examined word-learning performance in beginning readers. The children learned to read words with regular spelling-sound mappings (e.g., snake) more easily than words with irregular spelling-sound mappings (e.g., sword). In addition, there was an effect of semantics: Children learned to read concrete words (e.g., elbow) more successfully than abstract words (e.g., temper). Trial-by-trial learning indicated that children made greater use of the regularity and semantic properties at later trials as compared with early trials. The influence of cognitive skills (paired associate learning and phonological awareness) on word-learning performance was also examined. Regression analyses revealed that whereas paired associate learning skills accounted for unique variance in the children's learning of both regular and irregular words, phonological awareness accounted for unique variance only in the acquisition of regular words. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Stable negative social exchanges and health by Jason T. Newsom, Tyrae L. Mahan, Karen S. Rook and Neal Krause (Health Psychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 27[1], 78-86). In the aforementioned article, there is an error in the Appendix. The labels for the factors Unsympathetic or insensitive behavior and Rejection or neglect were transposed. The revised table, listing the items correctly under each factor, is presented in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-00647-011.) Negative social exchanges with family, friends, and neighbors are known to be an important source of stress in daily life, and chronic stress is theorized to have especially potent impacts on health. Little is known about the health effects of stably high levels of negative social exchanges, however. In a national, longitudinal study of older adults (N = 666), we examined the association between stable negative social exchanges and health over a 2-year period. Trait-state-error models indicated that higher levels of stable negative social exchanges were significantly predictive of lower self-rated health, greater functional limitations, and a higher number of health conditions over 2 years after controlling for initial levels of health and sociodemographic variables. These results highlight the importance of examining continual and recurring interpersonal problems in efforts to understand the health effects of social relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Self-gain or self-regulation impairment? Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor abuse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice" by Stefan Thau and Marie S. Mitchell (Journal of Applied Psychology, , , np). The note to Table 10 on p. 1024 inadvertently referred to PYM as the path from ego depletion to deviant employee behaviors. The note instead should have referred to PYM as the path from intrusive thoughts to deviant employee behaviors. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-16976-001.) Two competing explanations for deviant employee responses to supervisor abuse are tested. A self-gain view is compared with a self-regulation impairment view. The self-gain view suggests that distributive justice (DJ) will weaken the abusive supervision–employee deviance relationship, as perceptions of fair rewards offset costs of abuse. Conversely, the self-regulation impairment view suggests that DJ will strengthen the relationship, as experiencing abuse drains self-resources needed to maintain appropriate behavior, and this effect intensifies when employees receive inconsistent information about their organizational membership (fair outcomes). Three field studies using different samples, measures, and designs support the self-regulation impairment view. Two studies found that the Abusive Supervision × DJ interaction was mediated by self-regulation impairment variables (ego depletion and intrusive thoughts). Implications for theory and research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article "Relations Between Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer and Reinforcer Devaluation," by Peter C. Holland (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 2004, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 104-117). On page 113, there were two errors in Panel D of Figure 4. First, the three bars labeled O1 were exchanged with those labeled O2. Second, the error bars (±SEMs) were omitted for baseline responding. The correct panel is provided. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 2004-12429-003.) Relations between posttraining reinforcer devaluation and Pavlovian-instrumental transfer were examined in 2 experiments. When a single reinforcer was used, extended training of the instrumental response increased transfer but reduced devaluation effects. When multiple instrumental reinforcers were used, both reinforcer-specific transfer and devaluation effects were less influenced by the amount of instrumental training. Finally, although reinforcer devaluation decreased both Pavlovian conditioned responses and baseline instrumental responding, it had no effect on either single-reinforcer or reinforcer-specific transfer. These results indicate that transfer and reinforcer devaluation can reflect different aspects of associative learning and that the nature of associative learning can be influenced by parameters such as the amount of training and the use of multiple reinforcers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Psychology trainees with competence problems: From individual to ecological conceptualizations" by Linda Forrest, Nancy S. Elman and David S. Shen Miller (Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2008[Nov], Vol 2[4], 183-192). The order of authorship was printed incorrectly, both in the issue Table of Contents and in the article. The correct order of authorship for this article is: Linda Forrest, Nancy S. Elman, and David S. Shen Miller. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-17021-001.) Problems with professional competence or impairment in psychology have been viewed almost exclusively as residing within the individual trainee or psychologist, with limited attention to the contexts in which such difficulties are embedded. The authors propose an ecological perspective (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1989, 1995) to capture the influence of multiple factors that affect trainee development and provide a stronger base from which to conceptualize and address problems of professional competence. The authors describe Bronfenbrenner's ecological model and use it as a framework to understand professional competence problems, recommend best practices for prevention and intervention, and suggest future research directions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Effects of the build-up and resetting of auditory stream segregation on temporal discrimination by Brian Roberts, Brian R. Glasberg and Brian C. J. Moore (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2008[Aug], Vol 34[4], 992-1006). The year listed is incorrect. The article should have been dated 2008. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-09670-016.) The tendency to hear a tone sequence as 2 or more streams (segregated) builds up, but a sudden change in properties can reset the percept to 1 stream (integrated). This effect has not hitherto been explored using an objective measure of streaming. Stimuli comprised a 2.0-s fixed-frequency inducer followed by a 0.6-s test sequence of alternating pure tones (3 low [L]-high [H] cycles). Listeners compared intervals for which the test sequence was either isochronous or the H tones were slightly delayed. Resetting of segregation should make identifying the anisochronous interval easier. The HL frequency separation was varied (0-12 semitones), and properties of the inducer and test sequence were set to the same or different values. Inducer properties manipulated were frequency, number of onsets (several short bursts vs. one continuous tone), tone:silence ratio (short vs. extended bursts), level, and lateralization. All differences between the inducer and the L tones reduced temporal discrimination thresholds toward those for the no-inducer case, including properties shown previously not to affect segregation greatly. Overall, it is concluded that abrupt changes in a sequence cause resetting and improve subsequent temporal discrimination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Goal neglect and Spearman's g: Competing parts of a complex task by John Duncan, Alice Parr, Alexandra Woolgar, Russell Thompson, Peter Bright, Sally Cox, Sonia Bishop and Ian Nimmo-Smith (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2008[Feb], Vol 137[1], 131-148). The DOI for the supplemental materials was printed incorrectly. The correct DOI is as follows: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0096-3445.137.1.131.supp (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-01081-009.) In goal neglect, a person ignores some task requirement though being able to describe it. Goal neglect is closely related to general intelligence or C. Spearman's (1904) g (J. Duncan, H. Emslie, P. Williams, R. Johnson, & C. Freer, 1996). The authors tested the role of task complexity in neglect and the hypothesis that different task components in some sense compete for attention. In contrast to many kinds of attentional limits, increasing the real-time demands of one task component does not promote neglect of another. Neither does neglect depend on preparation for different possible events in a block of trials. Instead, the key factor is complexity in the whole body of knowledge specified in task instructions. The authors suggest that as novel activity is constructed, relevant facts, rules, and requirements must be organized into a task model. As this model increases in complexity, different task components compete for representation, and vulnerable components may be lost. Construction of effective task models is closely linked to g. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Refining the tobacco dependence phenotype using the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives by Megan E. Piper, Daniel M. Bolt, Su-Young Kim, Sandra J. Japuntich, Stevens S. Smith, Jeff Niederdeppe, Dale S. Cannon and Timothy B. Baker (Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2008[Nov], Vol 117[4], 747-761). In the article “Refining the Tobacco Dependence Phenotype Using the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives,” by Megan E. Piper, Daniel M. Bolt, Su-Young Kim, Sandra J. Japuntich, Stevens S. Smith, Jeff Niederdeppe, Dale S. Cannon, and Timothy B. Baker (Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2008, Vol. 117, No. 4., pp. 747–761), the funding information was incomplete. The complete information is as follows: This research was conducted at the University of Wisconsin—Madison and was supported by Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center grants P50DA019706 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and P50CA084724 from the National Cancer Institute. Stevens S. Smith was supported by National Cancer Institute grant 1R03CA126406, and Megan E. Piper was supported by an institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award (University of Wisconsin—Madison; KL2 Grant 1KL2RR025012-01). (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-16252-003.) The construct of tobacco dependence is important from both scientific and public health perspectives, but it is poorly understood. The current research integrates person-centered analyses (e.g., latent profile analysis) and variable-centered analyses (e.g., exploratory factor analysis) to clarify the latent structure of nicotine dependence and to guide distillation of the phenotype. Using data from 4 samples of smokers, latent profiles were derived using the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives subscale scores. Across all 4 samples, results revealed a unique latent profile that had relative elevations on 4 subscales (Automaticity, Craving, Loss of Control, and Tolerance). Variable-centered analyses supported the uniqueness of these 4 subscales as they constituted a distinct common factor and were the strongest predictors of relapse and other dependence criteria. Conversely, the remaining 9 motives carried little unique predictive validity regarding dependence. Applications of a factor mixture model further supported the presence of a unique class of smokers in relation to a common factor underlying the 4 subscales. The results suggest that a pattern of smoking that is heavy, pervasive, automatic, and relatively unresponive to instrumental contingencies is a necessary and sufficient condition for severe nicotine dependence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Selective corticostriatal dysfunction in schizophrenia: Examination of motor and cognitive skill learning by Karin Foerde, Russell A. Poldrack, Barbara J. Knowlton, Fred W. Sabb, Susan Y. Bookheimer, Robert M. Bilder, Don Guthrie, Eric Granholm, Keith H. Nuechterlein, Stephen R. Marder and Robert F. Asarnow (Neuropsychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 22[1], 100-109). Table 1 on page 102 should have included the BPRS Depression-Anxiety subscale score 9.00 (3.99) under the column heading Schiz pts. Table displays means with standard deviations in parentheses. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-00382-011.) [Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 22(2) of Neuropsychology (see record 2008-02526-002). The DOI for the supplemental materials was printed incorrectly. The correct DOI is as follows: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0894-4105.22.1.100.supp.] It has been suggested that patients with schizophrenia have corticostriatal circuit dysfunction (Carlsson & Carlsson, 1990). Skill learning is thought to rely on corticostriatal circuitry and different types of skill learning may be related to separable corticostriatal loops (Grafton, Hazeltine, & Ivry, 1995; Poldrack, Prabhakaran, Seger, & Gabrieli, 1999). The authors examined motor (Serial Reaction Time task, SRT) and cognitive (Probabilistic Classification task, PCT) skill learning in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Development of automaticity was examined, using a dual task paradigm, across three training sessions. Patients with schizophrenia were impaired at learning on the PCT compared to controls. Performance gains of controls occurred within the first session, whereas patients only improved gradually and never reached the performance level of controls. In contrast, patients were not impaired at learning on the SRT relative to controls, suggesting that patients with schizophrenia may have dysfunction in a specific corticostriatal subcircuit. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in On the meaning of the latent variables in the CT-C(M-1) model: A comment on Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman (2006) by Christian Geiser, Michael Eid and Fridtjof W. Nussbeck (Psychological Methods, 2008[Mar], Vol 13[1], 49-57). In Figures 3B and 3D, the question marks (?) should read as multiplication signs (×). That is, it should read as β×λ?, β×λ?, and β×λ?? instead of β?λ?, β?λ?, and β?λ?? in Figure 3B and as γ×λ? and γ×λ? instead of γ?λ? and γ?λ? in Figure 3D. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-02525-004.) In a recent article, A. Maydeu-Olivares and D. L. Coffman (2006; see record 2006-22258-002) presented a random intercept factor approach for modeling idiosyncratic response styles in questionnaire data and compared this approach with competing confirmatory factor analysis models. Among the competing models was the CT-C(M-1) model (M. Eid, 2000). In an application to the Life Orientation Test (M. F. Scheier & C. S. Carver, 1985), Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman found that results obtained from the CT-C(M-1) model were difficult to interpret. In particular, Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman challenged the asymmetry of the CT-C(M-1) model. In the present article, the authors show that the difficulties faced by Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman rest upon an improper interpretation of the meaning of the latent factors. The authors' aim is to clarify the meaning of the latent variables in the CT-C(M-1) model. The authors explain how to properly interpret the results from this model and introduce an alternative restricted model that is conceptually similar to the CT-C(M-1) model and nested within it. The fit of this model is invariant across different reference methods. Finally, the authors provide guidelines as to which model should be used in which research context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Delay discrimination and reversal eyeblink classical conditioning in abstinent chronic alcoholics" by Catherine Brawn Fortier, Elizabeth M. Steffen, Ginette LaFleche, Jonathan R. Venne, John F. Disterhoft and Regina E. McGlinchey (Neuropsychology, 2008[Mar], Vol 22[2], 196-208). The lifetime drinking data listed in Table 1 on p. 198 was not correctly calculated and underestimated lifetime exposure to alcohol. The corrected lifetime variables from that table are included. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-02526-007.) Evidence has shown that alcoholism leads to volume reductions in brain regions critical for associative learning using the eyeblink classical conditioning paradigm (EBCC). Evidence indicates that cerebellar shrinkage causes impairment in simple forms of EBCC, whereas changes in forebrain structures result in impairment in more complex tasks. In this study, the ability of abstinent alcoholics and matched control participants to acquire learned responses during delay discrimination and discrimination reversal was examined and related to severity of drinking history and neuropsychological performance. During discrimination learning, one tone (CS+) predicted the occurrence of an airpuff (unconditioned stimulus), and another tone (CS-) served as a neutral stimulus; then the significance of the tones was reversed. Alcoholics who learned the initial discrimination were impaired in acquiring the new CS+ after the tones reversed; this is a function that has previously been linked to forebrain structures. It is suggested that a factor important to alcoholic addiction may be the presence of alcoholic-related associative responses that interfere with the ability to learn new more adaptive associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Individual differences in the regulation of intergroup bias: The role of conflict monitoring and neural signals for control by David M. Amodio, Patricia G. Devine and Eddie Harmon-Jones (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008[Jan], Vol 94[1], 60-74). In this article, there was an error in Figure 4. The corrected figure is provided in this erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2007-19165-005.) Low-prejudice people vary considerably in their ability to regulate intergroup responses. The authors hypothesized that this variability arises from a neural mechanism for monitoring conflict between automatic race-biased tendencies and egalitarian intentions. In Study 1, they found that low-prejudice participants whose nonprejudiced responses are motivated by internal (but not external) factors exhibited better control on a stereotype-inhibition task than did participants motivated by a combination of internal and external factors. This difference was associated with greater conflict-monitoring activity, measured by event-related potentials, when responses required stereotype inhibition. Study 2 demonstrated that group differences were specific to response control in the domain of prejudice. Results indicate that conflict monitoring, a preconscious component of response control, accounts for variability in intergroup bias among low-prejudice participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by D. Gross et al (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2003[Apr], Vol 71[2], pp. 261-278). The article was mistitled. The correct title is "Parent Training with Multi-Ethnic Families of Toddlers in Day Care in Low-Income Urban Communities". (The following abstract of the article originally appeared in record 2003-02091-006.) The authors tested a 12-week parent training program with parents (n=208) and teachers (n=77) of 2-3-year-olds in day care centers serving low-income families of color in Chicago. Eleven centers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions: (a) parent and teacher training (PT + TT), (b) parent training (PT), (c) teacher training (TT), and (d) waiting list control (C). After controlling for parent stress, PT and PT + TT parents reported higher self-efficacy and less coercive discipline and were observed to have more positive behaviors than C and TT parents. Among toddlers in high-risk behavior problem groups, toddlers in the experimental conditions showed greater improvement than controls. Most effects were retained 1 year later. Benefits were greatest when parents directly received training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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