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时效对Mg-9Gd-4Y-0.6Zr挤压合金组织与性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了对Mg-9Gd-4Y-0.6Zr合金在时效过程中的微观组织.在225℃时效初期硬度缓慢上升,之后硬度急剧上升,24 h出现了明显的时效硬化峰,然后硬度开始下降.微观结构的分析结果表明,在初期(2 h)产生了大量弥散分布的具有DO19结构的β",而在峰值时(24 h)出现具有bco的β',在持续时效(384 h)时出现亚稳相β1,而在后来的长时间时效(1 000 h)时出现β1在原位转变的平衡相β.  相似文献   

The microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-7.68Gd-4.88Y-1.32Nd-0.63A1-0.05Zr magnesium alloy were investigated both in the as-cast condition and after homogenization heat treatment from 535 to 555 ℃ in the time range 0-48 h by op- tical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and hardness measurement. The as-cast alloy consisted of ct-Mg matrix, Mgs(Y0.5Gd0.5) phase which is a eutectic phase, strip of Al2(Y0.6Gd0.4) phase, little A13Zr and Mg(Y3Gd) phase. With the increasing of homogenization temperature and time, the Mgs(Y0.5Gd0.5) phase was completely dissolved into the matrix. The Al2(Y0.6Gd0.4) phase was almost not dissolved which impeded grain boundaries motion making the grain size almost not changed in the process of ho- mogenization. The optimum homogenization condition was 545 ℃/16 h. The tensile strength increased, yield strength decreased and the plasticity improved obviously after 545 ℃/16 h homogenization treatment.  相似文献   

采用Gleeble-1500型热模拟机在变形温度为360~480℃、应变速率为0.01~10 s-1、真应变为0~0.7的条件下,研究Mg-12Gd-3Y-0.6Zr合金二次挤压过程的热变形行为,获得其热变形工艺参数,并分析热变形后的显微组织。结果表明:合金的峰值应力随应变速率的增大而提高,随应变温度的升高而降低;在变形温度、应变速率相同的情况下,一次热模拟的峰值应力均大于二次热模拟(450℃,10 s~(-1)除外);合金二次挤压过程的流变应力可以采用含Zener-Hollomon参数的双曲正弦函数形式来描述;由于二次热模拟试样中位错及晶界运动增强,使二次热模拟的激活能(Q)、应力指数(n)均小于一次热模拟的相应参数,导致二次挤压较一次挤压容易发生再结晶。  相似文献   

严安庆 《湖南有色金属》2010,26(5):31-33,62
采用金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)、X射线衍射分析、析氢法及动电位极化曲线,研究了不同热处理工艺对挤压态Mg-12Gd-3Y-0.6Zr镁合金显微组织和腐蚀性能的影响。实验结果表明合金T4态耐蚀性最好,经T5、T6处理耐蚀性变差。  相似文献   

通过力学和显微硬度测试、能谱和X射线衍射分析以及光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察,对Mg-10Gd-4.8Y-0.6Zr合金经均匀化、挤压变形及时效处理后的显微组织和常温力学性能进行研究。结果表明,铸态合金经520℃/16 h均匀化处理后网状共晶消除,并有黑色方块相生成,强度和塑性显著提高;挤压变形后的合金,抗拉强度σb达304.5 MPa,比挤压前提高25%,屈服强度σ0.2成倍增加,达268.7 MPa;在200℃时效20 h后峰值硬度达到137 HV;再经挤压和峰值时效后最终σb为370 MPa,比挤压态合金试样提高22%,屈服强度σ0.2为295.6 MPa,提高10%,但伸长率δ略有下降;该合金在室温下的断裂方式是脆性和韧性断裂兼有的混合断裂。  相似文献   

Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-15wt.%Gd-5 wt.%Y-0.5wt.% Zr alloy were investigated in a series of conditions. The eutectic was dissolved into the matrix and there was no evident grain growth after solntionized at 525 ℃ for 12 h. The evolution of the phase constituents from as-cast to cast-T4 was as follows: α-Mg solid solution+Mg5(Gd,Y) entectic compound→α-Mg solid solution+ spheroidized Mg5(Gd, Y) phase→α-Mg supersaturated solid solution+cuboid-shaped compound (Mg2Y3Gd2). And the precipitation sequences of Mg-15Gd-5Y-0.5Zr alloy were observed, according to the hardness response to isothermal ageing at 225-300 ℃ for 0-128 h.  相似文献   

The microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Mg-15Gd-3Y alloy were investigated in the as-cast and heat treated conditions.The microstructure evolution from as-cast to cast-T4 states involved α-Mg solid solution+Mg5(Gd,Y) phase→α-Mg supersatu-rated solid solution+rare earths compound Mg3(Gd1.26,Y0.74)→α-Mg supersaturated solid solution+rare earths compound Mg3(Gd0.745,Y1.255).It showed that 480 oC/4 h was the optimal solution treatment parameter.If the solution temperature was high or the holding time was long,such as 520 oC/16 h,an overheating phenomenon would be induced,which had a detrimental effect on the mechanical properties.When age-ing at 225 and 200 oC,the alloy would exhibit a significant age-hardening response and great long-time-age-hardening potential,respectively.The best mechanical properties were obtained at the parameters of 480 oC/4 h+225 oC/16 h,with the UTS of 257.0 MPa and elongation of 3.8%.  相似文献   

Optical microscopy(OM), scanning electronic microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) were performed to investigate the influence of homogenization on the microstructures of the Mg-7Gd-5Y-1MM(Ce-rich RE)-0.5Zr magnesium alloy. The results indicated that α-Mg, Mg24(Gd Y)5 phase, Mg5(Gd Y) phase and Mg12 MM phase coexisted together in as-cast alloy; the microstructures were largely characterized by α-Mg matrix and gray globular or elliptic ball Mg12 MM phase, in addition to those with cubic block Mg24(Gd Y)5 phase after homogenization; the reasonable homogenization regime was maintained at 530 oC for 32 h.  相似文献   

Recrystallization and grain growth in Mg-4.9Zn-0.7Zr and Mg-4.9Zn-0.9Y-0.7Zr alloys as a function of temperature on deformation were investigated with regards to hot rolling and annealing. The influence of yttrium addition on the microstructure was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicated that yttrium addition promoted nucleation of recrystallization during hot rolling process. The grain size of Mg-4.9Zn-0.7Zr alloy samples grew significantly with annealing temperature (300-400 ℃) and holding time (0-120 min), while the microstructure of the alloy with yttrium addition remained unchanged and fine. The activation energy of grain boundary migration for Mg-4.9Zn-0.9Y-0.7Zr alloy samples (56.34 kJ/mol) was higher than that for Mg-4.9Zn-0.7Zr (42.66 kJ/mol) owing to the pinning effect of Y-containing particles. The proposed growth models of recrysta/lized grains for the two studied alloys conformed well to E. Robert's grain-growth equation. Besides, the ultimate strength and yield strength of the alloys with yttrium addition were improved with good plasticity.  相似文献   

系统研究了Mg-5Gd-3Y-0.8Zr合金的微观组织和耐蚀性能,通过静态失重法测定了其在NaCl溶液中的腐蚀速率。结果表明:铸态合金主要由基体α-Mg和方块状β相(Mg_5Gd、Mg_(24)Y_5)组成,时效处理后分布在晶界处的共晶β相数量明显增加;在NaCl溶液中腐蚀12 h以后镁合金的腐蚀速率明显增加,在3.5%Na Cl(质量分数)溶液中腐蚀24 h后,镁合金已被严重腐蚀,表面布满腐蚀坑和未脱落的白色腐蚀产物;镁合金易产生沿晶腐蚀,方块状共晶β相颗粒可有效阻止表面腐蚀沿晶界向镁合金内部扩展,从而提高镁合金的耐蚀性。  相似文献   

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