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The first demonstration of a CW tunable fibre Raman ring laser operating around 1.4 mu m is reported. This laser was pumped by a 3 W Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.319 mu m and tuned over a 10 nm range with a maximum output power of 40 mW.<>  相似文献   

650nm连续He-Ne Raman激光   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
黄植文  赵绥堂  金浩然 《中国激光》1988,15(11):648-651
本文通过实验证实了CWHe-Ne六波长激光中650nm波长的激光是腔内受激Raman散射过程.研究了650nmRaman激光的性质,并测量了增益系数.  相似文献   

Electrical wavelength tuning in a dual-wavelength, actively mode-locked semiconductor fibre ring laser incorporating a high-birefringence Sagnac loop is demonstrated. Picosecond pulses at each wavelength, both of which can be tuned simultaneously by changing the modulation frequency are obtained. Similar pulse characteristics are obtained regardless of whether the reflection or transmission response of the loop is used.  相似文献   

What is believed to be the first microchip-format vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) operating at 1.3 /spl mu/m is reported. Fundamental-mode continuous-wave output powers >120 mW were achieved from a cavity volume /spl sim/0.001 mm/sup 3/ using a diode-pumped GaInNAs VECSEL structure capillary-bonded to a dielectric-mirror-coated single-crystal diamond heatspreader.  相似文献   

Wideband wavelength tunable modelocked fibre laser over 1557-1607nm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An electronically wavelength tunable modelocked fibre laser operating over a 50 nm range using an all-fibre acousto-optic tunable filter is presented. The tuning range is 1557-1607 nm, for a 70 m long erbium-doped fibre (EDF) with a 270 ppm concentration  相似文献   

Laser oscillation at 2.04 mu m has been observed in a thulium-sensitised holmium doped singlemode fluorozirconate fibre. 52% slope efficiency and 250 mW output power were obtained with a pump at 0.82 mu m. Cross relaxation in thulium gives a pump quantum efficiency of 1.30.<>  相似文献   

研制完成了以掺锗光纤作喇曼增益介质、光纤布喇格光栅作谐振腔镜的1455nm光纤喇曼激光器.在1100nm抽运光的作用下,实现了五阶喇曼频移,并在1455nm波长处获得597mW的稳定激光输出,光光转换效率约为6.35%.  相似文献   

We report the efficient diode-laser-pumped operation of an Nd3+-doped single-mode fibre laser at 938 nm on the three- level transition 4F3/2?4I9/2. An output power in excess of 3 mW has been obtained with a threshold of 1.9 mW.  相似文献   

An erbium-doped fluorozirconate fibre laser has been constructed which uses up-conversion pumping at 801 nm to excite a higher-level laser transition at 850 nm. A slope efficiency of 38% was measured.<>  相似文献   

描述了一种可调谐全固态腔外倍频连续671 nm环形激光器的结构参数设计和相关实验研究.采用"8"字环形腔的腔外谐振倍频结构,并基于PDH(Pound-Drever-Hall)锁频技术对外部谐振腔进行腔长锁定,实现激光腔外倍频输出.利用可调谐1342 nm连续光作为基频光光源,在1.3 W基频光输入时,获得650 mW的...  相似文献   

将采用化学镀铜膜技术封装的长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)串人环形腔中,设计了一种新颖的波长可调谐掺Er3+光纤激光器(EDFL)。铜镀膜(化学涂镀)的LPFG在激光器环腔中用作带阻滤波器,利用恒电流源调节LPFG所处温度场,影响LPFG透射谱,改变激光器环形腔增益最高点,实现输出激光波长的可调谐。在LPFG环境温度调谐20...  相似文献   

A novel wavelength-tunable electrically pumped InP-based vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (EP-VECSEL) having an end-cavity concave mirror directly integrated on a singlemode fibre is presented. Room temperature (RT) monomode operation and a mode hope-free wavelength tuning range of 15 nm in CW regime were obtained.  相似文献   

A wavelength-tunable passively-mode-locked semiconductor laser source of subpicosecond pulses is demonstrated. The system includes a two-section multiple-quantum-well laser which is coupled to an external grating for tuning and is followed by an external grating pair for pulse compression. A tuning range of 16 nm round 846 nm is obtained, resulting in compressed pulse widths as short as 260 fs and pulse widths shorter than 600 fs for all wavelength values within this tuning range. Time-bandwidth products are one to two times the transform limit  相似文献   

Schmuck  H. Pfeiffer  Th. Veith  G. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(23):2117-2119
An erbium doped fibre ring laser enabling singlemode operation over a continuous wavelength tuning range of 44 nm (1528 nm-1572 nm) with laser linewidths of less than 10 kHz is reported.<>  相似文献   

We present a vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser operating at 1550 nm. The laser comprises an InGaAsP-based gain element, with a resonant periodic gain structure on top of a distributed Bragg reflector, and a high reflectivity spherical mirror as the external reflector. Optical pumping is achieved using a 1250-nm fiber Raman laser. A maximum continuous output power of 70 mW was obtained under multitransverse mode operation at 233 K. Under single-mode operation, we obtained a maximum power of 60 mW with a beam quality factor M/sup 2/ less than 1.1.  相似文献   

Highly efficient CW operation has been observed from the holmium transition centred at 2.024 mu m in a Tm:Ho codoped single-mode fluoride fibre laser. When pumping holmium directly at 890 nm a minimum threshold of 8.2 mW launched pump power was observed for oscillation at 2.076 mu m. A maximum slope efficiency of 30% was achieved for operation at 2.054 mu m, which corresponds to a photon conversion efficiency of 69%.<>  相似文献   

An InP based optically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting laser has been designed and optimised for emission at 1550 nm. To overcome thermal limitations an intra-cavity synthetic diamond heatspreader is bonded to the gain structure. The laser produces 780 mW at -30/spl deg/C and 100 mW at 20/spl deg/C in a near Gaussian beam (M/sup 2/<1.2).  相似文献   

Jackson  D.A. 《Electronics letters》2008,44(15):898-899
A high temperature fibre-optic based probe is described based on a miniature Fabry-Perot with a maximum operating temperature of ~700degC limited by the gold coated fibre transceiver link connecting the optical source to the probe. It was interrogated by a tunable fibre laser which could be linearly or sinusoidally tuned at scanning rates of 2 and 20 kHz, respectively. The transfer function of the system is in the form of channelled spectra rather than the usual interference fringes observed for interferometric sensors. The periodicity of the channelled spectra fringes is governed by the Fabry-Perot free spectral range which is related to the inverse of the probe temperature.  相似文献   

An output power of 1 W is reported from a tunable CW dye laser pumped by 3.5 W of argon laser radiation. The nearly 30 percent conversion efficiency is achieved by using a very low-loss folded 3-mirror cavity and by pumping through a Brewster-angle dispersing prism.  相似文献   

为物联网用的光纤传感器的测试提供光源,介绍了一种准连续输出 1465 nm与732.5 nm 双波长光纤激光器,对于掺镨的激光光纤,研究分析了波长1465 nm光子能级的辐射跃迁,研究了使1040 nm激光衰减,而使1465 nm激光增益输出的关键技术,实验研究了输出镜的镀膜数据与激光谐振腔的形式,实验输出1465 nm激光33 W,基频为1465 nm激光,设置外腔倍频KTP,通过声光Q调制器调制,实验获得准连续输出732.5 nm激光2 W,取得了1465 nm与732.5 nm双波长输出。  相似文献   

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