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在基于对象的存储系统中,元数据访问非常频繁,大规模存储系统中元数据的访问是潜在的系统性能瓶颈.元数据服务器集群中必须负载均衡,以防某个元数据服务器成为存储系统访问的瓶颈.现有文章中很少有研究元数据服务器集群的负载均衡的文章.本文中采用元数据请求的响应时间来衡量一个元数据服务器的负载情况,首先从映射算法上实现静态负载均衡,并针对元数据热度差别大而引起的负载不均衡引入动态负载均衡,通过仿真结果显示其有效性.  相似文献   

高效、可扩展的元数据管理系统是提高分布式存储系统整体性能的关键. 传统的元数据分配策略会导致元数据负载不均衡,以及在多进程资源抢占的情况下,会存在响应处理用户请求效率不高,存储文件数目受限等问题. 上述问题在高并发、低延迟的数据存储需求中尤为突出. 提出了一个基于一致性Hash与目录树的元数据管理策略,并实现了相应的分布式元数据管理系统:利用负载均衡算法,对元数据进行迁移,保证了粗粒度负载信息收集,细粒度调整的均衡策略. 多项实验的结果表明,该策略能实现元数据负载均衡,降低用户请求处理延迟,提高分布式系统的可扩展性和可用性.  相似文献   

为解决高能物理海量存储系统由于存储规模不断扩大所面临的问题,设计一种分布式元数据管理系统,包括元数据管理、元数据服务、缓存服务以及监控信息采集4个部分,在此基础上提出自适应目录子树划分算法,以目录为粒度进行元数据划分,根据集群负载情况调整目录子树,实现元数据信息在元数据集群中的合理存储和分布。实验结果证明,该算法能提高元数据的访问和检索性能,提供可扩展及动态负载均衡的元数据服务,以保证该元数据管理系统的可用性、扩展性及I/O性能不会因存储规模扩大而受到影响,满足高能物理实验日益增长的存储需求。  相似文献   

服务组合中一种自适应的负载均衡算法   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
李文中  郭胜  许平  陆桑璐  陈道蓄 《软件学报》2006,17(5):1068-1077
服务组合可以整合网络上现有的多种异构服务,形成新的服务.针对服务组合中服务路径的选择和负载均衡问题,提出了一种自适应的分布式负载均衡算法--LCB(load capacity based algorithm)算法.LCB算法使用服务路由来查找服务和转发数据,使用负载容率(load capacity,简称LC)测度来进行服务副本的选择,从而建立一条适当的组合服务路径.LC测度是对服务器负载的估算,它根据服务器的负载波动信息不断地进行自适应的调整,从而实现多个服务副本之间的负载均衡.与现有的服务组合负载均衡算法相比,LCB算法不需要知道服务器的最大负载量和当前负载信息,而且具有更好的可扩展性,更适用于分布式环境下动态服务副本的组合.模拟实验表明,LCB算法具有良好的负载均衡效果.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,分布式存储技术应运而生。目前主流大数据技术Hadoop的HDFS分布式存储系统的元数据存储架构上一直存在可扩展性差和写延迟高等问题,其在官方2.0版本中针对可扩展性的解决方案(Fe-deration)仍不完美,仅解决了原有HDFS扩展性的问题,在元数据分配的问题上没有考虑NameNode的异构性能差异,也未解决NameNode集群动态负载均衡的问题。针对该情况,提出了一种动态负载均衡的分布NameNode算法,通过元数据多副本异构节点的动态适应性备份,使元数据在考虑节点性能及负载的情况下实现了动态分布,保证了元数据服务器集群的性能;同时结合缓存策略及自动恢复机制,提高了元数据的读写性及可用性。该算法在试验验证中达到了较为理想的效果。  相似文献   

佘楚玉  温武少  肖扬  刘育擘  贾殷 《软件学报》2017,28(8):1952-1967
随着大数据时代的到来,全球信息存储量呈现爆发式的增长,传统的存储系统在存储性能、存储容量、数据可靠性和成本等方面存在诸多不足。近年来,以云计算平台为依托的存储技术得到了飞速的发展,成为了处理海量数据的重要工具。本文针对分布式文件系统元数据管理的问题,提出了一种自适应元数据服务负载均衡策略。该策略主要包括以下三点内容:第一,介绍了一种实时的元数据服务器的性能评价模型;第二,提出了一种基于服务器负载变化的检测周期自适应调整机制;第三,提出了一种基于元数据服务器性能指标的自适应负载均衡算法。实验证明了该方法的可行性,有效性和稳定性。  相似文献   

周渭博  钟勇  李振东 《计算机应用》2017,37(8):2209-2213
在分布式存储系统中,一般都是以磁盘空间利用率(DU)来判断各存储节点的负载均衡程度,当所有节点的磁盘空间利用率相等时,是整个分布式存储系统的存储负载均衡点。但是在实际的应用场景中,磁盘I/O速率比较低的存储节点和可靠性比较低的存储节点往往成为影响整个存储系统数据读写性能的瓶颈,因此在异构分布式存储系统中,特别是各存储节点磁盘I/O速率和可靠性差异较大的分布式存储系统中,如果仅仅以磁盘空间利用率作为存储负载均衡的判定条件,则其数据的读写效率必然受到限制。从读写效率的角度提出一种度量分布式存储系统中存储负载均衡的新思路。根据负载均衡理论和熵理论给出存储熵(SE)的定义,并提出一种基于存储熵的负载均衡算法,该算法通过系统负载判定、单节点负载判定和负载迁移实现了对分布式存储系统存储负载的量化调整,并通过实验与基于磁盘空间利用率的负载均衡算法进行了对比分析,验证了该算法对分布式存储系统中存储负载具有良好的均衡性,有效地控制了系统负载失衡的问题,提高了分布式存储系统的整体读写效率。  相似文献   

分析在Web应用程序服务器上实现动态负载均衡的关键需求.设立多个负载均衡协调器实现负载均衡的分布性,以防止单点失误.采用多种负载均衡算法来提高负载均衡的效率,通过多台服务器的负载均衡,提高了应用系统的性能及容错能力,增强了应用系统的稳定性和可靠性.  相似文献   

杨文晖  李国强  苗放 《计算机应用》2015,35(5):1276-1279
为了有效管理海量空间数据存储的元数据,引入了一种基于一致性哈希的分布式元数据服务器管理架构,并在此基础上提出了一种元数据轮式备份策略,将经过一致性哈希算法散列后存储元数据的节点按轮转方式进行数据备份,有效缓解了元数据管理的单点问题与访问瓶颈.最后对轮式备份策略进行测试,得出最佳元数据节点个数备份方案,与单点元数据服务器相比提高了元数据的安全性,降低了访问延迟,并结合虚拟节点改善了分布式元数据服务器的负载均衡.  相似文献   

薛伟  朱明 《计算机工程》2012,38(4):63-66
为得到有效的元数据分布,获得多元数据服务器的负载均衡,提出一种分布式元数据的动态管理系统。利用负载均衡算法选择合适热度的子树,通过子树迁移策略将选定的子树迁移到合适的元数据服务器上进行管理,采用子树复制策略降低元数据服务器负载。实验结果证明,该系统能实现元数据的均匀分布。  相似文献   

蓝鲸分布式文件系统的分布式分层资源管理模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了高效地管理海量分布式存储资源,蓝鲸分布式文件系统抛弃了传统的集中式资源管理方式。实现了分布式分层资源管理模型.该模型可以管理多个存储服务器,还能支持多个元数据服务器组成的集群进行分布式元数据处理,支持各种元数据和数据的负载平衡策略.同时,该模型中的带外数据传输功能克服了系统的性能瓶颈。提高了系统支持并发访问的能力.理论分析和实际测试结果都表明此模型能够满足多种不同的需求,提供很好的性能和良好的扩展性.  相似文献   

存储虚拟化系统的元数据副本一致性管理模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种简洁实用的元数据副本一致性管理新模型MRCC,该模型引入调度器对元数据服务器进行集中管理,不仅可以使系统达到更好的扩展性和可用性,而且可以灵活地实现对元数据副本的一致性控制,更好地发挥元数据副本容错和负载均衡的作用。  相似文献   

In this Exa byte scale era, data increases at an exponential rate. This is in turn generating a massive amount of metadata in the file system. Hadoop is the most widely used framework to deal with big data. Due to this growth of huge amount of metadata, however, the efficiency of Hadoop is questioned numerous times by many researchers. Therefore, it is essential to create an efficient and scalable metadata management for Hadoop. Hash-based mapping and subtree partitioning are suitable in distributed metadata management schemes. Subtree partitioning does not uniformly distribute workload among the metadata servers, and metadata needs to be migrated to keep the load roughly balanced. Hash-based mapping suffers from a constraint on the locality of metadata, though it uniformly distributes the load among NameNodes, which are the metadata servers of Hadoop. In this paper, we present a circular metadata management mechanism named dynamic circular metadata splitting (DCMS). DCMS preserves metadata locality using consistent hashing and locality-preserving hashing, keeps replicated metadata for excellent reliability, and dynamically distributes metadata among the NameNodes to keep load balancing. NameNode is a centralized heart of the Hadoop. Keeping the directory tree of all files, failure of which causes the single point of failure (SPOF). DCMS removes Hadoop’s SPOF and provides an efficient and scalable metadata management. The new framework is named ‘Dr. Hadoop’ after the name of the authors.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,互联网服务器集群的负载能力正在面临着前所未有的挑战,实现合理的负载均衡策略尤为重要。为了使负载均衡达到最佳的效率,可以使用一致性哈希算法来对集群负载均衡系统进行负载分配。针对微服务架构的服务器集群场景,对该集群负载均衡的特性进行分析,提出一种基于虚拟节点的一致性哈希环的设计与分割方法及基于动态权值的分配策略,在一致性哈希算法的基础上,实现服务集群之间的负载转移,解决微服务集群中服务负载增多,导致服务之间负载不均衡的问题,防止其中某些服务因为负载压力过大,导致服务崩溃的问题。经实验表明,与传统的一致性哈希算法相比,改进后的负载均衡策略负载不均衡的概率是原来的31%;并且动态分配策略具有良好的负载均衡性能,有效地解决了微服务分布式架构的负载均衡问题。  相似文献   

In a large-scale multimedia storage system (LMSS) where the user requests for different multimedia objects may have different demands, placement and replication of the objects is an important factor, as it may result in an imbalance in loading across the system. Since replica management and load balancing is a crucial issue in multimedia systems, normally this problem is handled by centralized servers, e.g., metadata servers (MDS) in distributed file systems. Each object-based storage device (OSD) responds to the requests coming from the centralized servers independently and has no communication with other OSDs among the system. In this paper, we design a novel distributed architecture of LMSS, in which the OSDs have some kind of intelligences and can cooperate to achieve a high performance. Such an OSD, named as autonomous object-based storage device (AOSD), can replicate the objects to and balance the requests among other AOSDs, and handle fail-over and recovery autonomously. In the proposed architecture, we move the request balancing from centralized MDS to AOSDs and make the system more scalable, flexible, and robust. Based on the proposed architecture, we propose two different object replication and load balancing algorithms, named as “Minimum Average Waiting Time” (MAWT) and “One of the Best Two Choices” (OBTC), respectively. We validate the performance of the algorithms via rigorous simulations with respect to several influencing factors. Our findings conclusively demonstrate that the proposed architecture minimizes the average waiting time and at the same time carries out load balancing across servers.  相似文献   

We study the bicriteria load balancing problem on two independent parameters under the allowance of object reallocation. The scenario is a system of $M$ distributed file servers located in a cluster, and we propose three online approximate algorithms for balancing their loads and required storage spaces during document placement. The first algorithm is for heterogeneous servers. Each server has its individual tradeoff of load and storage space under the same rule of selection. The other two algorithms are for homogeneous servers. The second algorithm combines the idea of the first one and the best existing solution for homogeneous servers. Using document reallocation, we obtain a smooth tradeoff curve of the upper bounds of load and storage space. The last one bounds the load and storage space of each server by less than three times of their trivial lower bounds, respectively; and more importantly, for each server, the value of at least one parameter is far from its worst case. The time complexities of these three algorithms are $O(log M)$ plus the cost of document reallocation.  相似文献   

In a multimedia system, storage and bandwidth are critical resources since any presentation requires a large volume of data to be delivered in real-time. Caching of multimedia documents in local storage can alleviate large retrieval bandwidth requirements. An important requirement for a multimedia caching policy is to guarantee continuous delivery even when a stream is served from cache. It should also cope with dynamic changes in workload and heterogeneity arising from large and small multimedia files. The proposed Generalized Interval Caching (GIC) policy, that caches intervals between successive streams of a large file as well as entire small files, satisfies all the above criteria. A caching policy needs to cope with additional challenges in a large scale distributed multimedia environment consisting of many heterogeneous servers. The issues include a) routing of requests to ensure good cache hits in each server, and b) balancing of loads across servers. For routing of requests, we introduce the notion of an asset group and propose an affinity routing policy based on this concept. Finally, we adapt the GIC policy for load balancing across servers.  相似文献   

Big data is an emerging term in the storage industry, and it is data analytics on big storage, i.e., Cloud-scale storage. In Cloud-scale (or EB-scale) file systems, load balancing in request workloads across a metadata server cluster is critical for avoiding performance bottlenecks and improving quality of services.Many good approaches have been proposed for load balancing in distributed file systems. Some of them pay attention to global namespace balancing, making metadata distribution across metadata servers as uniform as possible. However, they do not work well in skew request distributions, which impair load balancing but simultaneously increase the effectiveness of caching and replication. In this paper, we propose Cloud Cache (C2), an adaptive and scalable load balancing scheme for metadata server cluster in EB-scale file systems. It combines adaptive cache diffusion and replication scheme to cope with the request load balancing problem, and it can be integrated into existing distributed metadata management approaches to efficiently improve their load balancing performance. C2 runs as follows: 1) to run adaptive cache diffusion first, if a node is overloaded, loadshedding will be used; otherwise, load-stealing will be used; and 2) to run adaptive replication scheme second, if there is a very popular metadata item (or at least two items) causing a node be overloaded, adaptive replication scheme will be used, in which the very popular item is not split into several nodes using adaptive cache diffusion because of its knapsack property. By conducting performance evaluation in trace-driven simulations, experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of C2.  相似文献   

基于空间数据面向对象存储思想和云存储可扩展架构,将控制信息集中在元数据服务器集群中管理,而实际的空间数据基于对象存储分布到存储设备集群中,实现控制信息路径与数据传输路径的分离,并缓存热点空间数据对象接口,以减少元数据访问次数和降低其服务器负载;基于对象存储设备的并行性和CDMI标准对元数据进行自上而下的功能分层管理,增...  相似文献   

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