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The results of the magneplane project carried out by a joint MIT-Raytheon-United Engineers team are summarized. These include preliminary design of a full-scale system with analysis of guideway and power distribution costs, vehicle requirements, and vehicle dynamics. The theoritical results were tested practically by building a fully operational 125 scale model system using both samarium-cobalt and superconducting magnet vehicles with on-board control telemetering systems, operating on a 116 m long actively synchronized guideway. The construction and testing of this scale model is also described.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种定位通信终端设备的设计和开发。首先介绍了基于ST20-GP7和STB5610套片的硬件系统的开发,然后介绍了基于实时内核STLite/OS20和ST的GPS软件库进行的软件系统的开发,同时介绍了GPS的NMEA-0183数据流格式以及进行GSM短信息服务的AT命令的用法。为GPS定位的应用开发提供了一个有价值的参考和范例。  相似文献   

We consider the procedure and the results of solution of the problem of safe transportation and long storage of fruit and vegetable products under Arctic conditions in containers inside which an optimal theoretically based thermal humid air regime is kept.Notation Ga air flow, kg/h - M mass, kg - qbr specific breathing heat - W/kg c, heat capacity, kJ/(kg·K) - q heat release of 1 kg of raw material at the transport temperature, W/kg - t temperature, °C - D natural loss of freight (drying loss), %/day - thermal conductivity, W/(m·K) - relative air humidity, %. Indices - fr freight - 1 air entering into the freight - 2 air leaving the freight - 0 at T=273.15 K - p isobaric - a air - out outdoor - sc scavenging Institute of Naval Engineers, Odessa. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 456–462, April, 1993.  相似文献   

针对车辆行驶工况环境以及振动频率,研制了一种空间占比小、安装方便的准零刚度(quasi-zero-stiffness,QZS)车载隔振系统.将垂向弹簧与两个对称的负刚度结构并联,负刚度机构用于刚度校正,通过静力学特性分析,初步确定了系统在平衡位置具有准零刚度的参数条件,在推导中引入了加工误差系数,分析了加工误差系数对系...  相似文献   

针对目前现有动态汽车衡称重误差大等问题,提出了一种新型动态汽车衡称重系统的实现方法,该称重系统在基于Intel x86硬件平台和linux操作系统的基础上设计实现的。同时分析了产生称重误差的根本原因。采用了数字信号处理手段来提高动态汽车衡的称重精度。现场测试数据分析表明,该新型动态汽车衡称重系统技术指标优于国家动态衡标准。  相似文献   

自动导引车模型设计   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 自动导引车(AGV)的实现是智能移动机器人研究的重要内容之一. 阐述了自动导引车系统(AGVS)的构
成及工作原理,在此基础上对试验型AGV 模型的功能结构与硬件配置进行了详细的设计,并从软件上得以实现.
通过测试,表明该AGV模型达到了预期效果,为工业应用AGVS的开发提供了参考.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了适用于地铁A型车辆的A型车转向架的整体结构、主要技术特点和技术参数,构架、车轴、车轮等重要部件的技术特点及强度计算结果,整车动力学性能计算结果。各项计算结果均满足标准要求。  相似文献   

在对典型"联盟式"返回舱座椅局部改进的基础上,建立了能够吸收水平着陆冲击能量的水平缓冲杆支撑座椅模型。基于胀环式缓冲杆的缓冲原理和工作特性,定义了典型、极限水平着陆工况和水平缓冲杆设计要求;应用三部分设计方案和优化选择程序,分别设计了各段胀环长度相等和不相等的水平缓冲杆。座椅实例设计结果表明,综合了着陆工况、缓冲原理、工作特性和优化效率各个影响因素的设计方法,具有统一、全面和高效的特点;优化的水平缓冲杆支撑座椅,实现了同时缓冲头盆向和胸背向过载、适应更宽着陆工况的目的。  相似文献   

基于AHP的车辆主动悬架LQG控制器设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于层次分析法(AHP)设计了一种能够降低车身加速度(BA)、悬架动行程(SWS)和轮胎动位移(DTD)的车辆主动悬架线性最优(LQG)控制器。首先建立了2自由度1/4车辆主被动悬架动力学模型;然后采用AHP确定了悬架各性能评价指标的加权系数并利用最优控制理论设计了车辆主动悬架控制器;最后在Matlab/Simulink环境下进行了仿真分析。对仿真结果进行对比后表明:在特定工况下通过对加权系数的合理选取,BA、SWS和DTD比被动悬架分别减小了18.73%、22.22%和4.76%,且主动控制力的均方根值为535.3994N。  相似文献   

Bayesian analysis was performed to estimate an appropriate value of the uncertain propagation rate of cracks that can be initiated at the wheelseat of a Shinkansen vehicle axle. In the analysis, fatigue life distribution obtained by numerical simulation that employed the crack propagation rate obtained from small specimens was used as the prior distribution. Then it was modified by the results of the fatigue test of full-scale models as additional information to obtain the posterior distribution. It was indicated that the variances of fatigue life distribution reduced through the analysis. By using the crack propagation rate obtained from the posterior fatigue life distribution, the failure probabilities of the Shinkansen vehicle axle in operation, that were calculated previously by using the crack propagation rate due to the experiment of small specimens were recalculated. The resulting probabilities of failure were almost the same as those that were not modified, but were slightly lower. Although the difference was not so significant, it was thought that more confident values of the failure probability were obtained.  相似文献   

The timber-concrete composite (TCC) beam is a construction technique that can be used for upgrading of existing timber floors without the need of demolition. This possibility has been investigated through full-scale tests on a 6-storey experimental building with light-frame timber walls and platform construction, where the existing timber floor for domestic use was upgraded for reuse as an office building. The acoustic flooring was replaced with a 60?mm lightweight concrete slab, connected to the existing joists with inclined shear connectors (SFS screws) to form the TCC floor. The floor and environmental conditions were monitored during the concrete pouring and hardening, and during the application of the live load. Two different types of construction, propped and unpropped, were compared, and an extensive experimental investigation was performed on material components (lightweight concrete, timber, and connection system) with the aim to fully characterise the behaviour under short- and long-term loading. The unpropped floor was then tested to failure under monotonic loading, and two different boundary conditions, namely the actual joist-to-wall joint and a perfectly pinned support, were investigated. An advanced FE model was validated on the test results and used to predict the deflection in the long-term. The composite floor achieved the target stiffness and the design load for satisfying ultimate and serviceability limit states for office loading in the UK. The actual joist-to-wall restraint was characterized by a low degree of fixity, however it produced early longitudinal crack formation in the proximity of the support. The final collapse of the floor as a whole occurred progressively under increasing load after failure for fracture in tension of an individual joist. The higher drying shrinkage of lightweight concrete raised the deflection during concrete curing and hardening.  相似文献   

Advanced treatment of mature landfill leachate from a municipal landfill located in southern China (Jiangmen) was carried out in a full-scale plant using a new process. The combined process has a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) serving as the primary treatment, with polyferric sulfate (PFS) coagulation coupled with a Fenton system as secondary treatment, and a pair of upflow biological aerated filters (UBAFs) in parallel as tertiary treatment. The overall removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in this process was 97.3%, with an effluent COD less than 100 mg/L. Up to 99% ammonia (N–NH3) removal efficiency was achieved in the SBR, with an effluent of less than 3 mg/L, which meets the discharge standard (≤25 mg/L) with only primary treatment. The total phosphorus (TP) and suspended solids (SS) in the final effluent were reduced to less than 1 mg/L and 10 mg/L, respectively. The experience gained in the operation and maintenance will lead to a more stable performance of this combined process. An economic analysis shows that the overall operating cost of the advanced treatment was $2.70/m3. This new combination process was proved to be highly compatible and efficient in a small-scale landfill leachate treatment plant and is recommended for small-scale landfill leachate treatment plants.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the application of a generalised layered linear viscoelastic (LVE) analysis for estimating the structural response of flexible pavements. A comparison of the direct layered viscoelastic responses with approximate solutions based on the linear elastic (LE) and LVE collocation methods was also carried out. The different approaches were implemented by extending a layered elastic program with an improved computational performance. The LE and LVE collocation methods were further extended for analysis of pavements under moving loads. The methods were illustrated by analysing a pavement structure subjected to moving wheel loads of 30, 50, 60 and 80 kN using a Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS). The various responses (stresses and strains) in the pavement, at pavement temperatures of 0, 10 and 20°C, were measured using various types of sensors installed in the structure. It was shown that the approximated LVE solution based on the LE collocation method agreed very well with the measurements and is computationally the least expensive.  相似文献   

为了让动力吸振器在降低轨道车辆车体振动的同时能够更好的适应车下剩余空间,根据多重动力吸振器原理,针对城轨车辆运行的特点,建立了包含多重动力吸振器的轨道车辆垂向振动模型,提出了适用于城市轨道车辆车体多重动力吸振器的设计方法。①讨论了载客量和速度变化对多重动力吸振器的减振性能的影响,指出了传统多重动力吸振器的局限性;②针对轨道车辆振动频率变化频繁的特点,提出了多重动力吸振器的目标频率的优化方法,从而避免了增振的情况出现;③以四条典型城市轨道线路为算例,利用DVA减振指标进行评价,分别获得了不同线路的车体多重动力吸振器的最优目标频率,并验证了该优化方法的有效性。研究结果表明:相同附加质量下,多重动力吸振器对车体的吸振能力要优于单个动力吸振器,考虑到实际的应用,在车体安装四重动力吸振器是较为适宜的选择;经过优化的多重动力吸振器在整个速度区间都能起到很好的减振效果,能够有效避免增振现象的发生;多重动力吸振器的目标频率的设计要针对不同的线路进行调整,特定线路需要特定设计才能发挥出最佳减振能力。该研究的工作为车体多重动力吸振器的研究和应用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The current paper examines the design of an aluminium-intensive small car platform for desirable front impact safety performance. A space frame-type architecture comprised of extruded aluminium members with welded joints is considered for inherent structural rigidity, and low investment in terms of tooling. A finite element model of the vehicle is employed for crash analysis using the explicit code LS-DYNA. Confidence in analysis is established at the component level by benchmarking finite element models of welded joints against experimental data, and axial crushing of aluminium tubes against published numerical results and theoretical prediction. A numerical design of experiments is conducted for arriving at a front-end design that will yield desirable safety performance during impact against a rigid barrier at 30 mph (FMVSS 208 condition). For comparable new car assessment program performance at a higher speed of 35 mph, a lumped parameter idealization is used to identify the principal design changes that may be necessary. The current approach of component level testing combined with finite element and lumped parameter-based simulations can be regarded as an effective and time-saving procedure in the crash safety design of new vehicles.  相似文献   

为进一步拓宽应用惯容器的车辆悬架结构设计思路,基于"惯容器-弹簧-质量"系统反共振,以并联的"惯容器-弹簧"二元件为结构基础构建两种不同车辆ISD悬架结构。通过遗传优化算法获得悬架结构参数,在频域范围内对比分析传统被动悬架及Ⅰ、Ⅱ型悬架系统性能。结果表明,所建悬架结构可有效抑制车身偏频处振动。对性能较优Ⅱ型悬架进行试验研究,搭建含Ⅱ型悬架结构的车辆四分之一悬架试验台架,在随机路面输入下对悬架平顺性评价指标定量分析。悬架动行程均方根值提升16.24%,轮胎动载荷均方根值提升6.75%,车身加速度均方根值略有改善。表明该悬架结构能有效改善车辆的行驶平顺性与操纵稳定性。  相似文献   

称重测量模块是车载称重系统的核心部分.介绍了车载称重模块的工作原理、流程和实施方案.利用Pro/Engineer软件建立了车架的三维模型.在ANSYS中对模型作必要的简化,联系现实情况在车架上施加载荷,找到应变敏感点,分析了应变和载荷之间的关系.基于支持向量机设计了称重算法,用总体样本交叉验证的方法验证了不同工况下该算法的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel double-swing vane compressor (DSVC) for use in electric vehicle air conditioning systems. The design and work principle of the DSVC are introduced, and the dynamics and mechanical efficiency of the mechanism are theoretically formulated and analysed. Under the same operating conditions and dimensions, the theoretical volumetric flow rate of the DSVC is about 1.6 times that of the swing vane compressor (SVC) with a single swing vane and the mechanical efficiency of the DSVC is also greater than that of the SVC. The design of the double-swing vanes improves the load fluctuations on the eccentric and shaft bearings and enhances the operating smoothness of the compressor. Overall, the assessment of the structure and dynamics of the DSVC shows that the DSVC has the advantages of high efficiency, light weight and simple component geometries, which make it well suited to the requirements of electric vehicle air conditioning systems.  相似文献   

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