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论述了煤灰熔融性温度与测试气氛、煤灰成分、矿物组成等因素之间的关系。结果表明,不同测试气氛下的煤灰熔融性温度变化规律是不同的,煤灰的化学组成和矿物质类别明显影响着煤灰的熔融特性。利用煤灰熔融性温度的变化规律,采用配煤、添加耐熔剂或添加助熔剂等方法可以改变和控制煤的灰熔融性温度,以期适应不同排渣方式和气化工艺的选择。 相似文献
通过熔化性试验,应用微型烧结法,研究了SiO2、Al2O3和MgO含量对巴西铁矿粉烧结质量的影响。试验结果表明:SiO2含量对该矿熔化性温度的影响最大,随着SiO2含量的增加,熔化性温度相应降低;MgO含量对巴西矿粉烧结质量的影响最大,随MgO含量的增加烧结矿抗压强度明显增大。 相似文献
用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)对某尿不湿生产厂家提供的聚丙烯酰胺样品进行了结构分析,发现在所提供的聚丙烯酰胺样品中,有7个是聚丙烯酰胺的真品,有2个是聚丙烯酰胺的伪品。结论,傅里叶变换红外光谱可以直观、快速、准确地鉴别聚丙烯酰胺。 相似文献
结合实际工作经验,介绍了高聚物试样红外光谱检测中常有的热压铸膜法,溶解铸膜法,热熔附着法,溶解附着法,热裂解法等试样制备技术。 相似文献
本文利用红外光谱对大庆原油分离物进行分析,研究各分离物可能存在的官能团及其分离物的相对极性,研究了各分离物CH_2/CH_3比值,为原油的改性研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
利用博里叶变换红外光谱法对从美国进口的新型纳米材料锆英石进行了分析,确定了样品主成分及其含量. 相似文献
对液态物质的红外光谱分析实验技术进行了研究,对氧化铝生产中铝酸钠溶液的IR分析方法进行了探讨,研究了铝酸钠溶液的结构和各种根离子,分析了生产中的过滤布材质、絮凝剂和母液中常见的有机物—草酸盐等。对氧化铝生产具有实用意义。 相似文献
近红外(NIR)和拉曼光谱是否正在取代传统的中红外光谱(MIR)的应用,究竟是何种仪器的创新会取得成功,以及这些改变是否会从根本上影响红外光谱市场的规模以及市场的增长,引起人们的关注。中红外是否将被近红外取代?瓦里安公司Ellen Miseo博士介绍,“近些年来,有许多关于近红外将取代中红外的说法,但是,如果你看看目前正在市场上所发生的,你会发现这一情况主要集中在在线监测和现场监测领域,而这一现象的产生,也是人们所期望的,这主要是基于近红外光谱(NIR)的仪器和样品制备更加简单这样一个事实”。来自Hamilton Sundstrand公司John Mo… 相似文献
针对化学处理会影响熔融沉积成型(Fused deposition modeling,FDM)零件力学性能的问题,采用氯仿溶液对FDM成型件表面进行热蒸汽处理,分别研究化学处理时间、化学处理温度和抛光液浓度对FDM成型件的拉伸强度和弯曲强度的影响。结果表明:化学处理后,成型件拉伸强度、弯曲强度均有所降低。随着处理时间、处理温度和抛光液浓度的增加,成型件拉伸强度、弯曲强度减小;当处理时间为10 min、处理温度为60℃时,抛光液浓度对成型件拉伸强度和弯曲强度的影响较小。 相似文献
润滑油中各个评价指标的浓度分析是润滑油红外光谱分析的一个主要内容,也是监测润滑油状况的一个重要手段。本文提出了两种红外光谱润滑油质量预测模型,对它们的特点进行了讨论,并结合实例验证了预测模型的精度和有效性。 相似文献
以KSCN作为内标,用傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)对氧化纤维素中的羧基含量作了定量分析,得出了线性关系较好的标准曲线。用本法对未知氧化度样品的羧基含量进行测定,得到了较好的结果。 相似文献
应用红外差谱技术和计算机检索技术对一种未知石油添加剂成功地进行了分析,从而确定该添加剂是由甲苯、N,N-二乙基羟胺和壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NP 10)3种组分组成的.实验表明,红外差谱分析技术是油品添加剂分析的一种有效方法. 相似文献
本文首次利用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)定性分析了细菌合成的不同链长的聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA)膜。实验结果表明:不同链长度的PHA可以通过其C=O、C-O-C和3000cm~(-1)~2800cm~(-1)处CH_2和CH_3峰的位置、数目和强度进行鉴别,较传统的识别方法,FTIR光谱法更为快速,并且不损坏样品 相似文献
根据P-E公司FTIR定量软件原理,设计分析方法进行润滑油中ZDDP含量的测定,数据误差小于5%,与MOA油料光谱仪再现性小于15%。本方法对于润滑油中ZDDP的定量分析有很大实际应用价值。 相似文献
根据PE公司 FTIR定量软件原理,设计分析方法进行润滑油中ZDDP含量的测定,数据误差小于5%,与MOA油料光谱仪再现性小于15%。本方法对于润滑油中ZDDP的定量分析有很大实际应用价值。 相似文献
Micro‐FTIR mapping is a powerful tool for nondestructive, in situ chemical characterization of coal macerals at high resolution. In this study, the chemistry of resinite, funginite and associated vitrinite is characterized via reflectance micro‐FTIR for Cenozoic high volatile C bituminous coals from Colombia. In comparison with the micro‐FTIR spectra of vitrinite and inertinite, the corresponding spectra of liptinite macerals in the same coals are characterized by stronger aliphatic CH x absorbance at 3000–2800 and 1460–1450 cm ?1, but less intense aromatic C=C ring stretching vibration and aromatic CH x out‐of‐plane deformation at 700–900 cm ?1. The aliphatic components in resinite have the longest carbon chains and are least branched, bestowing the highest hydrocarbon generation potential on resinite among the three macerals studied. In contrast, funginite exhibits the strongest aromatic character, the highest aromaticity, the lowest ‘A’ factor values and the lowest C=O/C=C ratios among the three maceral groups. Vitrinite generally displays intermediate chemical characteristics. Reflectance micro‐FTIR mapping of coal samples further confirms the aliphatic character of resinite and the aromatic nature of funginite. In addition, chemical mapping of resinite and adjacent vitrinite shows that vitrinite immediately adjacent to resinite displays higher aliphatic CH x stretching intensity than more distant vitrinite, suggesting that chemical components from resinite can diffuse over short distances into adjacent vitrinite, specifically causing hydrogen enrichment. It needs to be pointed out, however, that the region of influence is localized and limited to a narrow zone, whose extent likely depends on resinite's properties, such as its size and aliphatic material content. This way, the chemical map of resinite and associated vitrinite provides direct evidence of the intermaceral effects occurring during the peat forming stage or during later coalification. No influence of funginite (primarily fungal spores and sclerotia) on the chemistry of adjacent vitrinite has been demonstrated, which is likely due to the highly aromatic structure of this type of funginite. 相似文献
来自爆炸现场的爆炸残留物样品一般呈微粒状。利用配置高压金刚石池(AC)的傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(DAC/FTIR)可以检验小至1微克重的炸药微粒,测试样品在高压条件下,其红外吸收频率会向高波数位移。利用大口径熔融石英毛细管柱气相色谱与傅里叶变换红外光谱联用技术(GC/FTIR)可以分离、鉴定炸药混合物和现场提取的爆炸残留物。 相似文献
FT-IR显微镜技术是采用FT-IR光谱仪与光学显微镜联用的新型系统。红外显微镜技术是一种非破坏性技术,仅需要少量的样品,这些优势使得红外显微镜被理想地用于数量有限的样品。这里将论述红外显微镜对一种特殊法庭样品一头发纤维的分析。红外显微镜对于法庭科学是一个很重要的工具。 相似文献
Coal is an important energy source to increase consumption continuously. However, the ash residues from coal combustion have produced ash deposition that causes slagging and fouling in boilers. The goal of this study is to examine the characteristics of ash deposits (i.e., the effects of the ash fraction and particle size) in pulverized coal combustion. For this study, five coals (Suek, Macqurie, Berau, Lanna and Vitol) are used, which have similar chemical components in the ash but differences in the ash fraction. A Thermomechanical analysis technique (TMA) and Drop tube furnace (DTF) are used to analyze the tendencies in the ash fusibility and deposition with temperature, respectively. Moreover, the size and morphology of the fly ash are analyzed for physical changes by using a particle-sizedistribution analyzer and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. In the TMA results, all coal types have a similar fusibility because of the similar chemical components in the ash. The order of the deposited mass is Suek, Macqurie, Berau, Vitol and Lanna in accordance with the ash fraction in the DTF. The ash fraction in coal is a major factor in the ash deposit according to these results. The size of the fly ash changed compared to that of the raw coal according to the results of a particle-size analysis and SEM owing to physical processes such as fragmentation, shedding and coalescence during coal burning. On this basis, a deposition model is developed with the ash fraction and particle size. The model results are in good agreement with the measurements. The results demonstrate that the particle size and ash fraction influence the deposit. 相似文献
胆石病是徐州地区的多发病之一,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)针对胆结石的组成及生物矿化有序结构形成进行研究,初步探索该地区胆结石的形成过程。红外光谱分析表明:蛋白质为胆结石的形成提供沉淀基质,对于胆结石成核及有序结构的行程具有重要意义;在胆结石难溶物中胆固醇和羟基碳酸磷灰石相伴而生,推测羟基碳酸磷灰石可与胆固醇相互作用,促使其结晶析出,从而加速胆结石的形成。 相似文献