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Abstract. In this paper two problems on the class of k -trees, a subclass of the class of chordal graphs, are considered: the fast reordering problem and the isomorphism problem. An O(log 2 n) time parallel algorithm for the fast reordering problem is described that uses O(nk(n-k)/\kern -1ptlog n) processors on a CRCW PRAM proving membership in the class NC for fixed k . An O(nk(k+1)!) time sequential algorithm for the isomorphism problem is obtained representing an improvement over the O(n 2 k(k+1)!) algorithm of Sekharan (the second author) [10]. A parallel version of this sequential algorithm is presented that runs in O(log 2 n) time using O((nk((k+1)!+n-k))/log n) processors improving on a parallel algorithm of Sekharan for the isomorphism problem [10]. Both the sequential and parallel algorithms use a concept introduced in this paper called the kernel of a k -tree.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first develop a parallel algorithm for computingK-terminal reliability, denoted byR(GK), in 2-trees. Based on this result, we can also computeR(GK) in partial 2-trees using a method that transforms, in parallel, a given partial 2-tree into a 2-tree. Finally, we solve the problem of finding most vital edges with respect toK-terminal reliability in partial 2-trees. Our algorithms takeO(log n) time withC(m, n) processors on a CRCW PRAM, whereC(m, n) is the number of processors required to find the connected components of a graph withmedges andnvertices in logarithmic time.  相似文献   

In this paper two problems on the class of k -trees, a subclass of the class of chordal graphs, are considered: the fast reordering problem and the isomorphism problem. An O(log 2 n) time parallel algorithm for the fast reordering problem is described that uses O(nk(n-k)/\kern -1ptlog n) processors on a CRCW PRAM proving membership in the class NC for fixed k . An O(nk(k+1)!) time sequential algorithm for the isomorphism problem is obtained representing an improvement over the O(n 2 k(k+1)!) algorithm of Sekharan (the second author) [10]. A parallel version of this sequential algorithm is presented that runs in O(log 2 n) time using O((nk((k+1)!+n-k))/log n) processors improving on a parallel algorithm of Sekharan for the isomorphism problem [10]. Both the sequential and parallel algorithms use a concept introduced in this paper called the kernel of a k -tree.  相似文献   

Explicit expressions for the element stiffness matrix K and element load vector p for the rectangular plane-stress and plane-strain finite elements associated with Ψ(x, y) = a0 + a1x + a2y + a3xy type interpolation rule are given for the general anisotropic material in xy-planc subjected to non-uniform temperature increases. The expressions are optimized with respect to the numerical operations required for the computation of K and p, and they are valid for special cases of material properties and thermal loading.  相似文献   

D. Kaller 《Algorithmica》2000,27(3):348-381
We consider graph decision problems on partial 3-trees that can be solved by a finite-state, leaf-to-root tree automaton processing a width-3 tree decomposition of the given graph. The class of yes-instances of such a problem is said to be recognizable by the tree automaton. In this paper we show that any such class of recognizable partial 3-trees is definable by a sentence in CMS logic. Here, CMS logic is the extension of Monadic Second-order logic with predicates to count the cardinality of sets modulo fixed integers. We also generalize this result to show that recognizability (by a tree automaton that processes width-k tree decompositions) implies CMS-definability for k -connected partial k -trees. The converse--definability implies recognizability--is known to hold for any class of partial k -trees, and even for any graph class with an appropriate definition of recognizability. It has been conjectured that recognizability implies definability over partial k -trees; but a proof was previously known only for k h 2 . This paper proves the conjecture, and hence the equivalence of definability and recognizability, over partial 3-trees and k -connected partial k -trees. We use techniques that may lead to a proof of this equivalence over all partial k -trees.  相似文献   

李肯立  赵欢  李仁发  李庆华 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1319-1327
将串行动态二表算法应用于并行三表算法的设计中,提出一种求解背包、精确的可满足性和集覆盖等背包类NP完全问题的并行三表六子表算法.基于EREW-PRAM模型,该算法可使用O(2n/8)的处理机在O(27n/16)的时间和O(213n/48)的空间求解n维背包类问题,其时间-空间-处理机折衷为O(25n/6).与现有文献的性能对比分析表明,该算法极大地提高了并行求解背包类问题的时间-空间-处理机折衷性能.由于该算法能够破解更高维数的背包类公钥和数字水印系统,其结论在密钥分析领域具有一定的理论和实际意义.  相似文献   

h-Out-of-k mutual exclusion is a generalization of the 1-mutual exclusion problem, where there are k units of shared resources and each process requests h (1hk) units at the same time. Though k-arbiter has been shown to be a quorum-based solution to this problem, quorums in k-arbiter are much larger than those in the 1-coterie for 1-mutual exclusion. Thus, the algorithm based on k-arbiter needs many messages. This paper introduces the new notion that each request uses different quorums depending on the number of units of its request. Based on the notion, this paper defines two (h,k)-arbiters for h-out-of-k mutual exclusion: a uniform (h,k)-arbiter and a (k+1)-cube (h,k)-arbiter. The quorums in each (h,k)-arbiter are not larger than the ones in the corresponding k-arbiter; consequently, it is more efficient to use (h,k)-arbiters than the k-arbiters. A uniform (h,k)-arbiter is a generalization of the majority coterie for 1-mutual exclusion. A (k+1)-cube (h,k)-arbiter is a generalization of square grid coterie for 1-mutual exclusion.  相似文献   

符祖峰  许道云 《软件学报》2020,31(4):1113-1123
研究具有正则结构的SAT问题是否是NP完全问题,具有重要的理论价值.(k,s)-CNF公式类和正则(k,s)-CNF公式类已被证明存在一个临界函数f(k),使得当s≤f(k)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k)+1时,对应的SAT问题是NP完全问题.研究具有更强正则约束的d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题,其要求实例中每个变元的正负出现次数之差不超过给定的自然数d.通过设计一种多项式时间的归约方法,证明d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题存在一个临界函数f(k,d),使得当s≤f(k,d)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k,d)+1时,d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题是NP完全问题.这种多项式时间的归约变换方法通过添加新的变元和新的子句,可以更改公式的子句约束密度,并约束每个变元正负出现次数的差值.这进一步说明,只用子句约束密度不足以刻画CNF公式结构的特点,对临界函数f(k,d)的研究有助于在更强正则约束条件下构造难解实例.  相似文献   

We find the following necessary and sufficient conditions for Q (:=C(I+PC)−1) to -stabilize the standard linear time-invariant unity feedback system S(P, C) where P has the l.c.f. (Dpl, Npl) and the r.c.f. (Npr, Dpr); and is a principal ideal domain. (i) Q must have elements in (ii) (resp. (iii)) Q must factorize in with Dpr, (resp. Dpl) as a left (resp. right) factor and (iv) (IQP) must factor in with Dpr, as a left factor.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed an idea of p-valued input, q-valued output threshold logic to synthesize many-valued, p-valued, logical networks, and derived the condition for (p, q)-logical completeness for the output-closed set of (p, q)-logical functions. In this paper, the condition for (p, q)-logical completeness for the output-coherent set F of (p, q)-logical functions is described, and the proof is given in almost the same way as for the output-closed set. The output-coherent set F is applied to image processing. That is, a restoration scheme is described for images to which normal random noise is added.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stochastic inventory model for situations in which, during a stockout period, unsatisfied demands are initially backordered but may renege (leave) probabilistically at the rate ρ to be filled elsewhere. The model is suggested by the customers' different reactions to a stockout condition: some patient customers wait until their demand is satisfied, while other impatient or urgent customers cannot wait long and have to fill their demand from another source. The cost of a backorder is assumed to be proportional to the length of time for which the backorder exists, and a fixed penalty cost is incurred per unit of lost demand. Based on a heuristic treatment of a lot-size reorder-point policy, a mathematical model representing the average annual cost of operating the inventory system is developed. The optimal operating policy variables minimizing the average annual cost can be calculated iteratively. At the extremes when ρ = 0 and ρ = ξ, the model presented reduces to the usual backorders and lost sales case, respectively.  相似文献   

Several related algorithms are presented for computing logarithms in fieldsGF(p),p a prime. Heuristic arguments predict a running time of exp((1+o(1)) ) for the initial precomputation phase that is needed for eachp, and much shorter running times for computing individual logarithms once the precomputation is done. The running time of the precomputation is roughly the same as that of the fastest known algorithms for factoring integers of size aboutp. The algorithms use the well known basic scheme of obtaining linear equations for logarithms of small primes and then solving them to obtain a database to be used for the computation of individual logarithms. The novel ingredients are new ways of obtaining linear equations and new methods of solving these linear equations by adaptations of sparse matrix methods from numerical analysis to the case of finite rings. While some of the new logarithm algorithms are adaptations of known integer factorization algorithms, others are new and can be adapted to yield integer factorization algorithms.  相似文献   

A polynomial is said to be of type (p1, p2, p3) relative to a directed line in the complex plane if, counting multiplicities, it has p1 zeros to the left of, p2 zeros on, and p3 zeros to the right of the line. In this paper we determine explicitly the types of all polynomials belonging to a very restricted (but infinite) family of polynomials. A polynomial ƒ belongs to this family if and only if its coefficients are such that the polynomial ƒ*(0)ƒ(z)−ƒ(0) ƒ*(z) is a monomial; here ƒ* denotes the reflection of ƒ in the directed line.

A special case of the present result appeared in an earlier publication.  相似文献   

The bimodality of a population P can be measured by dividing its range into two intervals so as to maximize the Fisher distance between the resulting two subpopulations P1 and P2. If P is a mixture of two (approximately) Gaussian subpopulations, then P1 and P2 are good approximations to the original Gaussians, if their Fisher distance is great enough. Moreover, good approximations to P1 and P2 can be obtained by dividing P into small parts; finding the maximum-distance (MD) subdivision of each part; combining small groups of these subdivisions into (approximate) MD subdivisions of larger parts; and so on. This divide-and-conquer approach yields an approximate MD subdivision of P in O(log n) computational steps using O(n) processors, where n is the size of P.  相似文献   

The sorting network described by Ajtaiet al. was the first to achieve a depth ofO(logn). The networks introduced here are simplifications and improvements based strongly on their work. While the constants obtained for the depth bound still prevent the construction being of practical value, the structure of the presentation offers a convenient basis for further development.The author was supported by a Senior Fellowship from the Science and Engineering Research Council during the course of this work.  相似文献   

指定验证人的(t,n)门限代理签名方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓明  符方伟 《软件学报》2005,16(6):1190-1196
将指定验证人概念引入门限代理签名,提出了一个指定验证人的(t,n)门限代理签名方案.该方案不仅实现了门限代理签名,而且还能实现只有指定验证人一起才能验证门限代理签名的特性.在普通的门限代理签名方案中,任何人都能验证门限代理签名的有效性.然而,在某些情况下,只希望指定的验证人一起才能验证门限代理签名.这在实际中是需要的,如电子商务中的电子投标等.另外,该方案还具有在原始签名人需要时,收回某个代理签名人代理权的特性.  相似文献   

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