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基于多孔介质流动和传热传质理论,建立了仓储粮堆内部自然对流、热湿耦合传递的数学模型。采用近似分析原理和数值模拟方法研究了仓储粮堆内的传热和自然对流过程及其影响因素。结果表明对于颗粒较小的谷物如小麦,储存过程中的温度主要受热传导的影响,但是对于颗粒较大的谷物如玉米,自然对流的影响会更大。通过理论分析和数值模拟证明了粮仓中低速的水分迁移对储粮温度变化影响很小。在"瘦高"型的圆筒仓中,自然对流的影响作用较强,自然对流作用会使粮仓内温度混合更加均匀。  相似文献   

仓储粮堆内热湿耦合传递的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,以典型吸湿性多孔介质—小麦为研究对象,根据小麦吸湿和解吸湿曲线,建立了吸湿性多孔介质内部热湿耦合传递的数学模型,通过与相关实验数据比较验证了数学模型的合理性。基于有限元的方法模拟分析了外界气温和小麦分别为273K(0℃)和293K(20℃),小麦初始水分为14%和18%时直径为10m高度为10m的充满小麦的圆柱仓内部热湿迁移过程,重点探究了近似冬季和夏季仓储粮堆内部温度和水分的动态变化规律。研究结果表明,冬季工况下水分从粮堆内部向顶部和右侧壁面迁移,聚集在相对狭窄的壁面边界附近,形成低温高水分区域,最大水分值出现在右上部侧壁面附近。夏季工况下水分从顶部和侧面向内迁移,而内部又朝右上部区域扩散,形成较宽的高温高水分区域(r <4.5m, 8.0m 相似文献   

基于COMSOL的平房仓冷却通风过程中粮堆热湿耦合传递研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粮仓冷却干燥通风是确保储粮安全的重要技术措施,在此过程中粮堆内部的热湿耦合迁移过程非常复杂。在COMSOL软件中,建立了冷却干燥通风过程中高大平房仓的三维物理模型,通过修改COMSOL内置材料方程、耦合渗流、能量守恒、动量守恒和水分迁移控制方程,以实测的送风空气温度和湿度为入口边界条件,数值模拟了湍流、湿空气传热、湿空气传质、多孔介质传热、多孔介质传质等多个物理场,并考虑了热湿耦合、温度耦合和流动耦合,对高大平房仓粮堆内冷却干燥通风过程中的热湿迁移规律进行了研究。基于实际高大平房仓的验证结果表明,通过修改COMSOL内置方程可以准确模拟预测冷却干燥通风过程中粮堆内热湿耦合传递过程,数值模拟结果可用于指导粮仓冷却干燥通风过程和粮仓通风系统优化。  相似文献   

密闭圆筒仓内储粮自然对流及热湿耦合传递的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粮食作为吸湿性多孔介质,具有吸湿和解吸湿特性。一般粮食收获后,大部分时间在密闭非通风状态下自然存储。鉴于粮仓外气候条件的季节和昼夜变化,会使粮堆的温湿度发生周期变化,导致超出存储安全指数。该文将以仓储粮堆内局部热湿耦合传递过程作为研究对象,借助多物理场数值模拟软件(COMSOL)进行数值模拟,研究近似冬夏季工况下粮堆内温湿度的动态变化规律,充分考虑了仓储粮作为吸湿性多孔介质具有复杂的热源、湿源。  相似文献   

通风过程中粮堆内热湿耦合传递对储粮安全和粮仓通风有着重要的影响。建立了机械通风冷却过程中粮堆内热湿耦合传递数学模型,在此模型的基础上用C语言编写了用户自定义源项(UDF),实现了谷粒吸附和解析水分时热量交换和水分迁移的CFD数值模拟。以某高大平房仓为例,建立了通风冷却过程中粮仓的三维物理模型;以瞬态条件下外界环境随时间变化的空气温湿度为入口边界条件,通过对比CFD数值模拟结果与实测数据,验证了粮堆内热湿耦合传递数学模型,得出通风冷却过程中粮堆内热湿耦合传递规律。  相似文献   

服装热湿舒适性和材料的热湿传递特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张柱 《广西纺织科技》1996,25(2):21-24,35

师琅 《针织工业》2020,(5):82-87
织物热湿传递性能是影响着装舒适性的重要因素。为指导舒适性面料的开发,需准确测试织物热湿传递性能,明确织物热湿传递机制。因此,文中介绍了稳态条件下织物热传递和湿传递的测试装置及方法,动态条件下常温环境、冷环境及两种环境交换的织物热湿传递测试装置及方法,综述了织物热湿传递的稳态模型和动态模型的发展历程及现有不足。基于目前的研究现状,从测评方法及数学模型两方面对未来研究方向提出展望,即搭建多种环境及运动状态下的织物微气候测评系统,基于微观尺度建立三维织物热湿传递动态模型。  相似文献   

稻谷自然储藏多尺度热湿耦合传递研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文采用计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,简称CFD)的方法,以稻谷为研究对象,建立粮堆内部和粮粒热湿传递的数学模型,从粮堆和粮粒两种尺度,探究自然储藏过程中外界气象参数变化时粮堆内部的热湿变化以及稻谷颗粒内部热湿传递与周围空气的温湿度关系。研究发现自然储藏时粮堆内温度变化和水分迁移主要受外界环境与粮堆内自然对流的影响,且自然对流也会影响到粮堆和粮粒内部的温度和水分变化。但是粮粒内部温度变化不同于粮堆内部的温度的变化,因此,粮情检测系统的传感器测得的温度无法真实反应粮粒内部的情况。该文研究结果可为储藏过程中粮堆局部发热和霉变的控制与防护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

考虑内部辐射下织物热湿传递现象的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体在着装情况下的热湿传递现象对人体的热舒适性的研究有着很重要的地位。考虑了由于温度差而引起的织物内部的辐射热传递,对织物中的热湿传递现象进行了数值研究,建立了考虑辐射现象下织物内部热湿传递的简单模型,并讨论了计算结果。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高和消费观念的转变,舒适性能已经成为消费者选购运动鞋时一个非常重要的指标。尤其热湿舒适性在穿着舒适性中的地位愈来愈重要。运动鞋鞋腔热湿舒适性是指脚、运动鞋和外界环境之间生物热力学的综合平衡,包括心理满意度的热平衡和湿平衡。鞋腔微气候环境的热湿传递遵循一定的规律。本论文主要从湿热平衡及热湿传递理论等方面探讨运动鞋在穿着过程中的热湿传递机理,并从心理因素上分析人产生热舒适感与湿舒适感的原因所在。  相似文献   

An aim of stored-grains technologists has been to develop robust and flexible mathematical analyses of the heat and moisture transfer phenomena that occur in bulks of stored grains. A requirement has been that the models are able to simulate the wide range of storage geometries and operating conditions that occur in practice. Software packages developed from the discipline of computational fluid dynamics offer these possibilities. Such packages can be used to attack an extremely wide range of problems by solving the equations that govern the conservation of heat, mass and momentum. However, they need to be customised if they are to calculate velocity, temperature and moisture distributions in bulk stored grains. This paper demonstrates how these modifications can be made and how the results can be portrayed graphically in a way that permits insights into the processes that occur in grain stores.  相似文献   

During processing of canned mixtures of solid–liquid foods, conduction and convection occur simultaneously. The literature lacks in a complete simulation study where a large number of solids are dispersed in the liquid phase, e.g. canned peas. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine temperature changes inside a can containing solid–liquid food mixtures. For this purpose, dispersed stationary solids (canned peas in water) in a 2D (axi-symmetrical) configuration were applied. Ansys V11 (Ansys Inc., Canonsburg, PA) was used to solve continuity, energy and momentum equations. For experiments, canned pea samples were prepared in 500 g cans, and heating process was conducted in a retort under pasteurization conditions at ≈98 °C. Temperature changes were measured using needle type thermocouples, and simulation results were validated against experimental data. This study is expected to be a significant contribution to the literature for further optimization studies and to form basis of an industrial project to improve canning process of solid–liquid mixtures.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the convective heat transfer coefficient between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and food particles inside of a glass vessel and to assess the effect of controlled variables: convection phenomena, heating temperature, immersion fluid, and different food particles. The coefficient was evaluated from the sample temperature as a function of the heating time by two approaches: a lumped parameter method and an analytical methodology. High values corresponded to heating in Newtonian fluids (70–181, 57–248 W/m2 K), and lower corresponded in non Newtonian fluids (31–169, 28–167 W/m2 K). Similarly, major heat transfer coefficient corresponded to the heating of mushrooms (32–110, 28–132 W/m2 K), followed by tomatoes (30–181, 35–183 W/m2 K) and potatoes (31–148, 34–248 W/m2 K), respectively. Fluid properties were more important than the thermal properties of the particles. This coefficient was higher at 85 °C in both types of fluids. Both methods generated satisfactory values, but the analytical approach showed more accuracy.  相似文献   

筒仓仓顶布料系统是散粮筒仓生产系统的关键组成部分,是影响散粮装卸、储运生产效率的主要工艺环节之一。近年来,随着设备、技术和工艺的不断发展,仓顶布料系统也得到了进一步的完善,促进了散粮装卸、储运向更高效、更节能、更环保的方向发展。根据近几年的工程设计和使用经验,对现阶段常用的仓顶形式进行了总结和论述,阐述了不同形式布料系统的作业方式,并对不同形式布料系统的技术特点进行了对比分析。同时,结合工程实践案例,对不同形式仓顶布料系统的技术性能指标进行了归纳汇总,并提出了设计论证阶段的合理化建议。  相似文献   

A theoretical and experimental study for the drying kinetics of Ataulfo mango slices was carried out. In the study different thicknesses, air drying temperature, maturity degree and non-isotropic mass diffusion were considerate. The 2D temperature and moisture distributions inside the slice were predicted by using a theoretical model. The water effective diffusion coefficient, the convective heat and mass transfer coefficients, the drying curves and the center temperature were getting by the experimental model. A parametric study was carried out in the ranging of air drying temperatures from 50 to 70 °C, slices with thickness of 2–5 mm and maturity degree from 13.2 to 22°Brix. It was found from the experimental results that slices of Ataulfo mango present an isotropic behavior with an uncertainty of 2.47%. The drying rate reduces in 4.5% as 1 mm thickness increase, and decreases in 8.0% for each 1°Brix increased.  相似文献   

为研究我国不同区域采用地下仓储粮的温度适宜性,基于有限容积法和交替方向隐式迭代法对变温带地下仓系统的守恒方程进行了离散求解。考虑粮食呼吸热、环境气温变化和地下仓埋深等因素的影响,经过机械通风和人工制冷2种不同降温方式后,得到了5个代表城市长期储藏过程中地下仓粮堆内的温度分布及变化。结果表明:上层粮堆温度受气温影响,呈现滞后气温的正弦规律性,下部取决于恒温带温度水平,整体呈现与地上储仓类似的"热皮冷心"趋势,但在2种降温方式下"热皮"区温度较平房仓分别降低了约4℃和9℃。冬季粮食通风后储藏,即使埋深较浅(1 m),华中和华北仍可实现低温储粮的目标。  相似文献   

The convective oven ring cake baking process was investigated experimentally and numerically as a simultaneous heat and mass transfer process. The mathematical model described previously by the authors for cup cake baking was modified to simulate ring cake baking. The heat and mass transfer mechanisms were defined by Fourier’s and Fick’s second laws, respectively. The implicit alternating direction finite difference technique was used for the numerical solution of the representative model. Prior to the utilization of the developed model in predicting the temperature and moisture profiles for ring cake baking, the results of the numerical model were compared with analytical results involving only heat or mass transfer with constant thermo-physical properties. Excellent agreement was observed. The numerical temperature and moisture contents predicted by the model were compared with the experimental profiles. They agreed generally reasonably well with the experimental temperature and moisture profiles.  相似文献   

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