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齐娜  赵辉 《材料导报》2011,25(11):107-111,115
基于国家自然科学基金材料领域项目库的数据,对我国在新材料领域内国家科研投入的地域分布及其变动情况进行了初步分析。主要结论为:(1)新材料领域国家科研投入在地域分布上呈现明显的不均衡态势;(2)新材料领域国家科研投入的地域分布不均衡态势近年来呈现逐步缓解态势;(3)新材料领域国家科研投入的地域分布不均衡的主要原因是各个地域科研力量分布、经济发展、产业发展的不均衡。  相似文献   

我国经济快速增长,各项建设取得巨大成就,但也付出了巨大的资源和环境代价,经济发展与资源环境的矛盾日趋尖锐,群众对环境污染问题反应强烈。这种状况与经济结构不合理、增长方式粗放直接相关。不加快调整经济结构、转变增长方式,资源支撑不住,环境容纳不下,社会承受不起,经济发展难以为继。只有坚持节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,才能实现经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   

孔军 《中国科技博览》2013,(30):546-547
新中国成立以来,我国的区域经济发展战略经历从均衡发展到非均衡发展,再到协调发展的转变。近年来,国家重视区域经济规划,也积累了一些宝贵的经验。“十二五”时期,在出台区域经济发展政策时,要更具针对性,实现区域经济发展转型升级。  相似文献   

种植业产品是保障我国食物安全的关键,种植业的发展支撑了我国由“吃得饱”到“吃得好”的历史性转变,促进了居民膳食质量的逐步提升;新时期我国种植业发展面临资源环境压力、极端气候冲击以及国际地缘政治格局不稳等内外部风险因素的挑战,亟需探讨可行性发展战略以确保食物安全。通过对2035年、2050年种植业食物供需形势预测后得出,未来我国粮食净进口主要集中在大豆和玉米,油菜籽和糖的自给水平将继续下降,花生和水果的自给水平将先降后升,蔬菜始终保持自给有余的态势。基于此,本文梳理了新时期保障我国食物安全面临的挑战,提出了新时期种植业保障我国食物安全的战略构想,主要包括采取种植业产品生产能力提升和结构优化、资源高效利用与低碳生产推进、消费结构引导与健康观念培育、农业科技创新与装备支撑、新型经营主体创新等战略举措,实施种植业科技创新、种植业产品质量提升、种植业生态保护、蛋白替代等重大工程。研究建议,坚持“口粮绝对安全、谷物基本自给”总体战略,分区域制定产业发展优先序,加快补齐农业基础设施与科技短板,健全重大危机应对战略体系,以此增强种植业发展水平,切实保障我国食物安全。  相似文献   

张冲 《中国科技博览》2010,(33):384-384
区域创新系统处于不同的阶段对区域经济的支撑和引领方式不同,对应的经济发展方式的本质也不一样。以区域创新系统理论为指导,对区域创新系统发展阶段进行了划分和特征刻画,据此将经济发展阶段划分为要素驱动、质量驱动、创新驱动、网络驱动四个阶段,建立了经济发展方式转变的评价指标体系,并以河北省为例进行了定量判定。  相似文献   

在新形势下,我国农业的主要矛盾已由总量不足转变为结构性矛盾。适应农业发展新常态,调整优化农业结构,加快转变发展方式,推进农业供给侧结构性改革,成为当前我国农业发展的重要任务。本文从种植业结构、畜牧结构、产业结构、产品结构、空间结构5个方面分析了当前我国农业结构存在的主要问题,阐述了新时期我国农业结构调整的战略构想,提出了种植业结构、畜牧业结构和产业结构的调整优化方案及相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

有机畜禽养殖较早是由美国国际有机作物改良协会和瑞典有机农业认证机构联合会提出的,首先要求不使用各种化学品,尤其是禁止使用各种常规兽药、生长激素以及抗生素.  相似文献   

区域经济的发展离不开大量人才资源的投入,人才是区域经济发展与产业结构调整的源动力,而科技人才作为区域人才资源的重要组成部分,是科技创新的关键因素,是推动区域社会经济发展的重要力量。如何在欠发达区域吸引、留住、利用好各类科技人才,已经成为当前我国欠发达区域经济持续发展的瓶颈,同时也是实现我国区域间经济社会协调均衡发展的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

幼儿教育均衡发展是促进教育和社会之公正和公平的基础,然而我国幼儿教育发展是非均衡的,主要包括城乡、区域等的发展非均衡。本文在阐述了我国幼儿教育不均衡发展的基础上,分析了造成这种现象的原因,并提出了相应的措施来改善幼儿教育的不均衡发展。  相似文献   

21世纪海上丝绸之路战略支点是指承载我国与沿线国家经贸、科技、文化合作功能的空间区域。近年来,我国与沿线国家在经贸合作园区、交通基础设施建设等方面开展了广泛合作,取得了良好效果,但也存在顶层设计不清晰、空间布局不合理、合作方式较单一、合作层次不丰富等问题。本研究以围绕"五通"加强战略支点建设为研究目标,在我国对外贸易数据分析为基础,利用层次分析法和德尔菲法,提出了战略支点建设的重点区域和建设模式,并从推进经贸合作区建设、加强科技文化交流、深化地区与行业合作等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Growth of the unconventional gas industry is predicted to continue to be an important component of the global energy landscape. The rapid expansion of shale and tight gas development has raised many environmental and human health concerns, particularly in regards to ground and surface water contamination. The unconventional gas industry has begun to transition toward the use of hydraulic fracturing chemicals that pose minimal environmental and human health hazards in order to mitigate the risks associated with possible chemical containment failure. Integrated chemical hazard evaluation has been facilitated by an adapted index-based approach to combine noncommensurate multiparameter chemical hazard data into a single score value. Comparative analysis of existing chemical hazard index scoring systems as well as the formulation of a novel hydraulic fracturing fluid greenness assessment system revealed several important considerations for index development and application. Index scores calculated using the investigated index systems highlighted the need for informed, optimized hazard class selection as input for score determination, the maintenance of hazard category intensity during parameter transformation, as well as representative hazard class and chemical component mathematical weightings, and robust aggregation techniques for final score calculation. Continued research should work to model the combined hazard posed by individual chemicals while considering the effect of dilution as well as incorporate additional index metrics beyond hazard intensity. Fully disclosed index systems, applied with complete knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses, provide useful monitoring and communication tools to promote environmental-best practices in the unconventional gas industry.  相似文献   

欧盟化学品安全管理制度是全球最为系统完善的管理体系之一。欧盟实施的化学品安全评估是化学品安全管理以及控制和减少有毒有害化学品风险的主要技术手段,而高关注物质评估是按照化学品危害实施化学品分类管理的技术基础。本文就欧盟化学品安全评估程序进行了介绍,并对欧盟高关注物质评估的程序、标准和方法进行了综述,旨在为我国化学品安全管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新世纪的精细化工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出精细化工是衡量化学工业水平的一个标志,提出并讨论了发展精细化工必须考虑的,包括环境保护、降低消耗、节约能源、合成关键技术、专用化技术、资源和科技创新等问题。  相似文献   

介绍了美国、欧盟等和我国生物柴油产业发展的最新进展,包括产能、标准和政策等。从原料供应和生产经济性角度分析了我国生物柴油产业发展面临的困境,并建议采用废弃油脂作为起点,推动我国生物柴油产业发展,特别是要用生物柴油(脂肪酸甲酯)和甘油来生产高附加值的化工产品,大幅度提高利润。  相似文献   

For economic reasons most chemicals used in large quantities by industry are transported in tank vessels. These chemicals range in properties from essentially harmless to highly dangerous. Although the United States and IMCO require certain minimum data before classifying a new chemical to be transported in bulk, no formal system exists to correlate these data with specific shipboard requirements such as the location of the tank within the vessel, gauging and venting systems, or cargo overfill protection.Developing guidelines for the evaluation of chemicals is a two part problem. First, the inherent hazards of a chemical (the hazards of a product when it is released, without regard to its cargo containment system) must be investigated. In the second part of the evaluation, these hazards are then correlated with specific shipboards requirements as mentioned above. This paper outlines the essential elements for developing a comprehensive system of hazard evaluation for bulk liquid chemicals.  相似文献   

Chemical incompatibilities are potentially significant problems where hazardous chemicals are found. A number of chemical segregation systems have been developed which provide recommendations for the separation of incompatible chemicals. Three segregation systems were identified in this study: the UN Dangerous Goods system (which uses physical hazard as the main reason for segregation and has 14 categories), the US CHRIS system (which uses chemical reactivity and has 24 categories) and a third system which uses environmental risks (and has 25 categories). These systems were combined. Merging of each system was initially problematic, but became considerably easier once certain characteristics had been defined (such as flammability or water incompatibility). This gave a final merged incompatibility table containing 100 different segregation groups. This research study showed that it was possible to combine different segregation systems based on different criteria and that more comprehensive segregation systems can be developed. These can be of use in the decision-making process about where groups of chemicals may be used, and during the use of chemicals, where chemicals should not be combined. The use of more comprehensive segregation systems will also assist in developing proper measures for their control.  相似文献   

我国林产化学工业发展的新动向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林产化学工业是将可再生的森林资源经过化学加工生产出各种有用的产品。它是森林资源高效可持续利用的一个重要组成部分。文章介绍我国林产化学工业的现状,并指出今后发展方向,即加强创新研究,开发深加工产品;推进林产化工企业向大型化发展;发展木材制浆造纸和开发木质能源。  相似文献   

M M Sharma 《Sadhana》1985,8(4):387-409
Multiphase reactions are ubiquitous in the chemical industry and a rational analysis of reactors where they are conducted requires an intimate knowledge of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, mass transfer and fluid mechanics. In many situations in practice, conducting reactions in multiphase systems is advantageous as compared to that in a single liquid phase system. The use of phase transfer catalysts, micellar catalysts, emulsifiers, hydrotropic agents etc., can significantly enhance the rates of multiphase reactions. A change-over from gas-liquid to liquid-liquid mode of operation could also have favourable influence. Solid-liquid reactions have received limited attention and many aspects need to be studied intensively. Three-phase reactions offer some fascinating features. The effect of solid particles, which may be sparingly soluble reactant, catalyst or even alien material, can be very substantial. Multiphase biochemical and electrochemical reactions have many unique features and such reactions are becoming increasingly important. Novel strategies of conducting multiphase reactions have been developed of late, though there are plenty of problems yet to be tackled. This paper is based on the lecture delivered by the author at the Golden Jubilee meeting of the Academy in Bangalore, February 1985.  相似文献   

罗乐  蔡庆  周皓 《中国科技博览》2014,(35):385-385
重庆是西南重镇,也是国家布局规划的综合性化工基地。经过六十多年的发展,化学工业已成为了重庆“6+1”支柱产业之一,建立了门类较齐全的现代化学工业体系,形成了以长寿、涪陵及万州为中心的三大化工基地,力争发挥西部千亿综合性化工基地的优势,拉动长江中上游区域经济的增长。  相似文献   

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