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PURPOSE: To evaluate the possible protective effect and mechanism of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) treatment on lens degeneration associated with in vivo exposure to cigarette smoke and to further clarify the role of iron in cigarette smoke-generated lens damage. METHODS: Twenty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four equal groups. Rats in groups 3 and 4 were exposed to cigarette smoke for 1 hour each day over 90 consecutive days, and rats in groups 1 and 2 were treated in similar fashion but only exposed to room air. Additionally, vitamin E was given to the rats in groups 2 and 4 via intramuscular route. At the end of the study, both eyes of all the animals were enucleated; one eye was prepared for histopathologic examination, and the fellow eye was used for the measurement of iron and calcium levels. RESULTS: Significantly higher iron and calcium levels were observed in the lenses of group 3 rats than in other groups. Similar comparisons performed between groups 1 and 2, groups 1 and 4, and groups 2 and 4 did not show any significant difference. Distinct histopathologic changes in the anterior lens epithelium, such as hyperplasia, hypertrophy, epithelial multilayering, and the presence of epithelial cells over posterior lens capsule, observed in group 3 rats were not present in other groups. CONCLUSIONS: Cataractogenesis after cigarette smoke exposure was associated with an accumulation of iron and calcium in the rat lens, and vitamin E supplementation protected such accumulations and cataractogenesis.  相似文献   

The involvement of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in gastric function and mucosal damage has been defined. 5-HT also potentiates lesion formation in animals. The current study investigated further whether these actions are mediated through 5-HT3 receptors in rats. Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, was given subcutaneously, 2 or 4 mg/kg, 30 min before the gastric parameters were measured. The higher dose of ondansetron, 4 mg/kg, significantly increased gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF) and also basal acid and Na+ secretion. However, it did not affect pepsin output. 5-HT time dependently reduced GMBF and pepsin secretion, but not that of acid and Na+. These actions were not altered by ondansetron pretreatment. The drug, however, dose dependently reduced ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesions in the 5-HT-treated animals. These findings indicate that 5-HT3 receptors regulate not only basal GMBF, but also acid and Na+ secretion in stomachs. However, the depressive action of 5-HT on GMBF and pepsin secretion is most likely not mediated through 5-HT3 receptors. Ondansetron also modulates the toxicities of ethanol in the stomach and this action is likely to be mediated through the preservation of GMBF.  相似文献   

We have developed an estrogen bioassay using the Ishikawa human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line grown in 96-well microtiter plates. Alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity (Alkp) in these cells was markedly stimulated by estrogen (E2), and this enzyme can be easily quantified in situ using a chromogenic substrate. Estradiol induces AlkP at levels as low as 10-8M. The induction of AlkP is specific for estrogens as for other steroids and other steroidal materials (Progesterone, Tamoxifen, clomiphene citrate, Ru 486, ICI) could not produce a similar effect. The stimulation of AlkP in Ishikawa cells is not only specific for estrogen, it is highly reproducible and sensitive and permits large numbers of samples to be assayed with ease. The non-radioactive nature of the assay makes it attractive to developing countries.  相似文献   

The effects of histamine, Nalpha-dimethylhistamine, 4,5-methylhistamine, Ntau-methylhistamine, pentagastrin, carbachol, and NaF on the adenylate cyclase activity from canine gastric mucosa were investigated in cell-free preparations. In gastric fundic mucosa, histamine (10(-4) M), Nalpha-dimethylhistamine (10(-4) M), 4,5-methylhistamine (10(-4 M), and NaF (10)-2) M) significantly (P less than 0.001) increased adenylate cyclase activity (means+/-SE) by 44.7+/-6.6, 49.4+/-6.7, 34.0+/-6.4, and 572.0+/-100%, respectively, above basal activity. The effect of histamine and Na-dimethyl histamine was dose-dependent. In contrast, other tested agents failed to stimulate the formation of cyclic AMP in gastric fundic mucosa. Metiamide (10(-4) M) blocked the stimulation of fundic mucosa adenylate cyclase by histamine and Nalpha-dimethylhistamine, without significantly altering basal and NaF-induced adenylate cyclase activity. Histamine, however, did not stimulate the adenylate cyclase activity from the gastric antral mucosa. The findings support the proposal that the canine gastric acid response to histamine may be mediated by cyclic AMP formed in response to stimulation of histamine H2-receptors.  相似文献   

The degree to which a reformed U.S. health care system relies on an adequate supply of primary care physicians will determine the urgency of change in the composition of the medical workforce. In many areas of the United States, the demand for primary care physicians, particularly in managed care settings, far exceeds the supply. In contrast, reports of reduced practice opportunities for medical and surgical subspecialists in the same settings are increasing. As opportunities for and incomes of primary care physicians are enhanced, some medical subspecialists may seek retraining in primary care. This article provides a context for understanding the development of physician retraining programs, examines precedents for retraining physicians, describes four possible pathways through which medical subspecialists might acquire primary care training, and emphasizes the importance of defining the scope of practice and necessary skills for providing primary care. Obstacles to retraining appear to be economic (Who will pay? Is the cost worth the benefit?) and jurisdictional (Who will define core competencies? Who will credential programs and trainees?). The current absence of demand for such retraining programs suggests either that marketplace-induced changes will not take place or that the notion of a primary care provider shortage and an oversupply of medical subspecialists is overstated. The inclusion of physician retraining programs in proposed health reform legislation suggests that policymakers are convinced that such programs offer one viable solution to the nation's medical workforce needs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of prolonged daily excessive alcohol consumption on the heart function with particular reference to the impact on the working ability of alcoholics. The study was carried out on 54 male manual workers, 32 of whom had a median age of 40.5 years with a history of heavy alcohol consumption of more than 100 g a day over a period of 10 years or more. The study also covered 22 non-alcoholics with a median age of 38.5 years from the same work environment. The study covered laboratory tests (MCV, AST, ALT, GGT), a maximal exercise test, as well as echocardiography. CONCLUSION: In spite of the observed differences, the functional ability in the chronic alcoholics in this study has not yet been disrupted as far as the cardiovascular system is concerned. During the maximal exercise test alcoholics achieved on the average 10.8 METS the same as the non-alcoholics, which shows that they are still capable of performing strenuous manual work. The question which remains to be answered is whether, in view of the already observed accelerated heart rate, higher blood pressure at rest and the echocardiographic changes, the patients would develop a manifest heart disease if they were to continue to drink heavily for a period more than 10 years.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at an assessment of the role of oxygen-derived free radicals in the pathogenesis of L-arginine (Arg)-induced acute pancreatitis in rat, by measuring the levels of malonyl dialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase, and superoxide dismutase (Mn- and Cu,Zn-SOD) in the pancreatic tissue, and evaluating the protective effect of the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol. Acute pancreatitis was induced in male Wistar rats by injecting 2 x 250 mg/100 g body weight of Arg intraperitoneally in a 1-hr interval, as a 20% solution in 0.15 M NaCl. Control rats received the same quantity of glycine. Allopurinol, 100 or 200 mg/kg, was administered subcutaneously 30 min before the first Arg injection. Rats were killed at 6, 12, 24, and 48 hr following Arg administration, and acute pancreatitis was confirmed by a serum amylase level elevation and typical inflammatory features observed microscopically. The serum level of amylase reached the peak level at 24 hr after the Arg injection (30,800+/-3813 vs 6382+/-184 units/liter in the control) and normalized at 48 hr. The tissue concentration of MDA was significantly elevated at 24 hr and reached the peak value at 48 hr (5.00+/-1.75 vs 0.28+/-0.05 nM/mg protein in the control). The catalase and Mn-SOD activities were significantly decreased throughout the study, while the GPx activity was significantly reduced at 6 and 12 hr, and the Cu,Zn-SOD activity was significantly lower at 12 hr after the Arg injection as compared with the controls. Allopurinol treatment markedly reduced the serum amylase elevation (12.631+/-2.257 units/liter at 24 hr) and prevented the increase in tissue MDA concentration (0.55+/-0.09 nM/mg protein at 48 hr). Both doses of allopurinol significantly ameliorated the pancreatic edema, necrosis, and inflammation at 48 hr after Arg administration. Oxygen-derived free radicals are generated at an early stage of Arg-induced acute pancreatitis. Prophylactic allopurinol treatment prevents the generation of reactive oxygen metabolites, reduces the serum amylase concentration, and exerts a beneficial effect on the development of histopathological changes.  相似文献   

In 14 patients with stable angina pectoris we examined the effect of pentoxifyline (PTX) on oxidative metabolism of TNF-alpha-priming neutrophils. The control group consisted of 21 patients with stable angina pectoris without pentoxifylline administration. Blood samples for examination were taken from basilic vein (peripheral blood) and coronary sinus immediately before PTCA procedure. In PTX-group was found the significant decrease in spontaneous CL of TNF-alpha-priming neutrophils from coronary sinus blood (1231.0 +/- 119.4 mV x min), in comparison to the control group (1374 +/- 124.4 mV x min). In PTX-group was found the significant decrease in fMLP stimulated CL of TNF-alpha-priming neutrophils from peripheral blood (4219.0 +/- 707.2 mV x min) and coronary sinus blood (4322.0 +/- 664.4 mV x min), in comparison to the control group (5248.0 +/- 595.8 mV x min and 4973.0 +/- 536.5 mV x min; respectively). There were no differences between both groups in PMA stimulated CL of TNF-alpha-priming neutrophils.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the first weeks of life there are important maturational changes in the central nervous system in many species in energy metabolism, synapse number, and concentration of neuronal excitatory receptors. METHODS: Four groups of 10 piglets (aged 1, 2, 4, and 10 weeks) underwent 1 hour of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest at 15 degrees C, with cooling and rewarming on cardiopulmonary bypass. Cerebral blood flow and metabolic rate measurements and electroencephalographic recordings were obtained from 5 animals per group. The remaining animals underwent cerebral magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Preoperative cerebral blood flow and glucose consumption were higher at 4 and 10 weeks than at 1 and 2 weeks. Cerebral adenosine triphosphate content decreased more rapidly during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest at 4 and 10 weeks. Phosphocreatine recovery was greater at 30 minutes of reperfusion at 10 weeks compared with 1 week. Recovery of cerebral phosphocreatine/ adenosine triphosphate ratio and intracellular pH was remarkably uniform at all ages. Latency to recovery of electroencephalographic activity decreased with increasing age (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Differences in acute recovery of brain energy metabolism and electroencephalogram after cardiopulmonary bypass and 1 hour of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in piglets between 1 and 10 weeks of age are small. Further studies are required to correlate these acute findings with subsequent neurologic outcome.  相似文献   

Adaptive cytoprotection in the gastric mucosa could be induced by exposure to low concentrations of noxious agents. However, experimental results reported so far were based on macroscopic studies. We aimed to investigate the phenomenon of gastric adaptive cytoprotection of mild irritants and its correlation with intramucosal mucus at the histological level. It was found that histological damage induced by ethanol had a negative correlation with the length of the mucus-secreting layer in the gastric mucosa. Mild irritants such as 20% ethanol and 5% NaCl preserved the 100% ethanol-induced intramucosal mucus depletion, but only the former agent demonstrated a cytoprotective effect against the histological damage, indicating that preservation of intramucosal mucus may not necessarily play a permissive role in adaptive cytoprotection. The capsaicin-sensitive sensory afferent neurons, sensory chemoreceptors, muscarinic receptors, alpha2-adrenoceptors and peripheral dopamine D2-receptors were found to be the components of the autonomic nervous system involved in the cytoprotective processes of 20% ethanol. Endogenous mediators including nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and possibly nonprotein sulfhydryl compounds also seemed to participate in such protection. Nevertheless, 0.3 M HCl did not show any effect either on mucosal damage or depletion of intramucosal mucus induced by absolute ethanol. These findings suggest that only 20% ethanol shows histological cytoprotection, which would involve various components of the autonomic nervous system and endogenous mediators. Furthermore, this investigation also implies a new perspective: that in order to study a true adaptive cytoprotection, histological examination of the gastric mucosa should be performed.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is produced from inactive precursor big ET-1 by endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1), a membrane-bound metalloprotease, structurally similar to another metalloprotease, neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP). Although both phosphoramidon and thiorphan are metalloprotease inhibitors, the ECE activity is inhibited by phosphoramidon but not by thiorphan, a specific inhibitor of NEP. Therefore, to investigate whether an ECE inhibitor can prevent indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage in rats, we compared the effects between the two metalloprotease inhibitors on both gastric mucosal integrity and the levels of ET-1 and big ET-1 in gastric tissue. Phosphoramidon significantly decreased ET-1 levels, causing a concomitant big ET-1 increase and dose-dependently attenuated indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage. By contrast, thiorphan neither changed the ratio of ET-1/big ET-1 nor attenuated the damage. In conclusion, the prevention of gastric mucosal damage by an ECE inhibitor indicates that endogenous ET-1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage.  相似文献   

1. A rapid method for the analysis of CO in expired air has been developed, which is suitable for use in studies of smoking. 2. The Bohr equation has been used to calculate the mean alveolar CO partial pressure (PA,CO). 3. The values of PA,CO obtained are highly correlated with direct measurements of venous carboxyhaemoglobin (r = 0-96). 4. The method will distinguish between populations of smokers and non-smokers, and can allow the changes of CO in a smoker throughout a 12 h period to be followed. It provides a measure of the dose of cigarette smoke (vapour phase) that results from smoking a single cigarette.  相似文献   

1. The actions of histamine on pulmonary vascular smooth muscle have been studied in isolated cat and rat lungs perfused with blood, lobes of cat lung perfused in vivo and isolated strips of rat, cat and rabbit pulmonary artery. 2. In all the lung preparations histamine caused both dilatation and constriction. In the rat strips it caused both contraction and relaxation. Dilatation was only well shown when the vessels were in a prior constricted state. In any one lung dilatation occurred with smaller doses than constriction. 3. Histamine caused both increases and decreases in pulmonary artery pressure in collapsed lungs. In this condition these effects are unlikely to have been a consequence of changes in airway pressure. 4. From forward and reverse perfusions of lungs in the waterfall state, where changes in postalveolar vessels do not affect pulmonary artery pressure, it appeared that histamine caused both dilatation and constriction on both sides of the point of collapse caused by alveolar pressure. 5. Plots of the relationship between left atrial and pulmonary artery pressure (at constant alveolar pressure and blood flow) showed that histamine caused both increases and decreases in pulmonary vascular resistance and sometimes also increased the "Starling resistor" properties of lung vessels. 6. In plethysmograph experiments histamine caused moderate dilatation and constriction without affecting lung volume but strong vasoconstriction was accompanied by increases in lung volume.  相似文献   

Chilli and its pungent ingredient, capsaicin, have been shown to protect against experimental gastric mucosal injury induced by various necrotizing agents such as ethanol and aspirin and stress. We investigated the effect of capsaicin and long-term ingestion of chilli on haemorrhagic shock-induced gastric mucosal injury in the rat. Anaesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to haemorrhagic shock by withdrawing blood to reduce the mean arterial blood pressure to 30-40 mmHg with subsequent reinfusion of shed blood. This resulted in gastric mucosal injury with readily identifiable haemorrhagic lesions. Capsaicin (5 mg) administered prior to, but not after, haemorrhagic shock, significantly reduced the gastric mucosal injury in intact animals. Sensory ablation with capsaicin pretreatment (125 mg/kg bodyweight) abolished the gastroprotective effect afforded by capsaicin. Similarly, 4 week intake of chilli powder (360 mg daily) reduced the gastric mucosal injury in intact, but not in capsaicin-desensitized rats. Capsaicin and long-term chilli intake protected against haemorrhagic shock-induced gastric mucosal injury and the protection may be mediated by capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurons. Our studies are of potential significance in the context of stress ulcer disease in the human.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of exposure to cigarette smoke on the elastolytic activity of guinea pigs' alveolar macrophages (AMs), and to compare elastolytic activity of AMs obtained by BAL with that of lung macrophages (LMs) obtained from minced lung tissue. METHODS: AMs were obtained by BAL from seven adult guinea pigs exposed to cigarette smoke for 5 d/wk during 6 weeks, as well as from age-matched control guinea pigs. From each animal, one lung was used to obtain LMs by mincing and teasing the lung, followed by enzymatic digestion and isolation of mononuclear cells by Hypaque-Ficoll separation. The other lung was inflated and fixed to quantitate emphysema by the destructive index (DI). Elastolytic activity (microgram of elastin degraded by 10(6) macrophages) was determined at 24, 48, and 72 h, by culturing AMs and LMs (1 x 10(6) cells in 1 mL of medium) in 3H-elastin-coated wells. RESULTS: In animals exposed to cigarette smoke, the total number of BAL cells (8.6+/-2.1 x 10(6)) and DI (21.8+/-8.1) were significantly higher than in nonexposed animals (6.4+/-1.8 x 10(6), p<0.05 for cells, and 12.1+/-4.1, p<0.01 for DI). Elastolytic activity of AMs from smoke-exposed guinea pigs was significantly higher at 24, 48, and 72 h than elastolytic activity of AMs from control animals (19.0+/-9.4 vs 10.0+/-5.3, p<0.05 at 72 h). Likewise, elastolytic activity of LMs was significantly higher in exposed than nonexposed guinea pigs (11.8+/-7.7 vs 7.4+/-5.0 at 72 h, p<0.05). Elastolytic activity of LMs was not significantly different from elastolytic activity of AMs, both in exposed guinea pigs (11.8+/-7.7 vs 19.0+/-9.4 at 72 h) and nonexposed animals (7.4+/-5.0 vs 10.0+/-5.3 at 72 h). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that elastolytic activity of both AMs and LMs of guinea pigs increases significantly after exposure to cigarette smoke and that AMs and LMs have similar elastolytic activities.  相似文献   

Skin and tendon samples of male albino rat taken for analysis, on the 120th day of smoking showed that, compared to controls, the cigarette smoke exposed group showed an increase in tensile strength of both skin and tendon while extensibility of skin remained the same and that of the tendon increased. Thermal behaviour such as isometric tension and temperature at isometric tension increased in rat skin, while in tendon only isomeric tension increased. Shrinkage temperature of skin and tendon has showed no alteration in cigarette smoke exposed rats.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of various nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors on development of gastric lesions induced by compound 48/80 (48/80) in rats and investigated the roles of NO and inducible NOS (iNOS) in inflammatory gastric responses. Animals were given 48/80 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 4 days, and the stomachs were examined for lesions 24 h after the final administration. NOS inhibitors such as L-NAME, L-NMMA, aminoguanidine or dexamethasone were administered for 4 days during 48/80 treatment. The repeated administration of 48/80 caused damage in the stomach with severe edema in the submucosa. These lesions induced by 48/80 were dose-dependently prevented by concurrent administration of L-NAME. The protective effect of L-NAME on 48/80-induced gastric lesions was mimicked by L-NMMA, aminoguanidine as well as dexamethasone, and significantly antagonized by co-administration of L-arginine but not by D-arginine. Acid secretion was slightly decreased after 48/80 treatment, but was significantly augmented by the combined administration of L-NAME with 48/80. The mucosal MPO activity, TBA reactants and vascular permeability in the stomach were all increased after 48/80 treatment, but these changes were also significantly mitigated by co-administration of L-NAME. The Ca(2+)-independent NOS activity in the mucosa was increased four times during 48/80 treatment, and this change was also inhibited by dexamethasone. These results suggest that: 1) the repeated administration of 48/80 induced inflammatory gastric lesions in the rat stomach; 2) the pathogenic mechanism of these lesions involves endogenous NO produced by iNOS, in addition to oxyradical formation; and 3) the deleterious role of NO during 48/80 treatment may be accounted for by a cytotoxic action of peroxynitrite, which is formed in the presence of NO and superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

CR Coggins 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,26(3):307-14; discussion 315
In this paper, I review the results of a representative selection of chronic inhalation studies with rats and mice exposed to mainstream cigarette smoke and describe the inhalation exposures and the histopathological changes reported by various authors. Many of the studies used nose-only exposure systems, whereas others simply used large whole-body chambers. Smoke-induced epithelial hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia were reported in the conducting airways in most of the studies, along with increased numbers of intra-alveolar macrophages that were occasionally associated with alveolar metaplasia. Lung adenomas and adenocarcinomas were reported in only a few of the studies. No statistically significant increase in the incidence of malignant lung tumors was seen in either species as a result of smoke exposure, a finding that does not agree with the results of epidemiological studies in humans. Possible reasons for this lack of correlation are given.  相似文献   

The protective effect of mild irritants against the subsequent gastric injury induced by necrotizing agents has been termed 'adaptive cytoprotection'. In this study, the possible pathway and mechanisms of adaptive cytoprotection induced by 20% ethanol were investigated. An ex-vivo gastric chamber preparation was used. The gastric mucosa was exposed to 20% ethanol before subsequent administration of 100% ethanol 15 min later. Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy or drug pretreatment was carried out in order to elucidate the mechanisms of adaptive cytoprotection by 20% ethanol. The results showed that 20% ethanol pre-exposure significantly protected the gastric mucosa against damage caused by 100% ethanol. This protective action was completely abolished by atropine or lidocaine pretreatment, whereas vagotomy and hexamethonium failed to have a significant influence. The cytoprotective effect, however, was independent of the gastric secretory volume, titratable acid content, luminal soluble mucus level and gastric mucosal blood flow. Exposure of only half the gastric mucosa to the mild irritant resulted in the protection of both sides of the mucosa. All these findings indicate that the adaptive cytoprotection of 20% ethanol involves the participation of chemoreceptors and muscarinic receptors in the gastric mucosa. An internal enteric reflex arc, with transmission of signals within the gastric mucosa, may also contribute to the cytoprotective process of the mild irritant.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of the newly synthesized agent, roxatidine bismuth citrate (N-[3-(3-(1-piperidinyl-methyl)phenoxy)propyl]-hydroxyacetamide-2- hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate-bismuth(3+) complex), code name MX1, against acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)- and indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. Effects of MX1 (12.5, 50, 125, 184, 250 mg/kg) were compared to the effects of equimolar doses of roxatidine and bismuth subcitrate. Effect of MX1 (10(-6) M) on mucin biosynthesis measured by [3H] glucosamine incorporation in rat gastric corpus has been determined. MX1-pretreatment dose-dependently decreased the mean ulcer number and length in all doses used in an extent similar to that of roxatidine and more pronounced in comparison with bismuth subcitrate. The morphometrical results have been confirmed histomorphologically. The biosynthesis of mucin was found to be significantly enhanced after MX1 addition. The results of the present study suggest that MX1 has a gastroprotective effect against ASA- and indomethacin-induced ulcers which might be due both to its H2-blocking and mucus-stimulating activity.  相似文献   

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