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For the first time, a pseudomorphic GaInAsN DWELL laser with laser emission at 1.36 /spl mu/m and a low transparency current density (206 A/cm/sup 2/) grown by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. The GaInAsN DWELL laser shows a redshift in comparison to an N-free GaInAs DWELL laser of about 90 nm and a transparency current density of 35 A/cm/sup 2/ per single QD layer.  相似文献   

Continuous-wave (CW) operation of GaInNAs laser diodes in the 1.4 /spl mu/m range has been realised for the first time. A GaInNAs double quantum well separate confinement heterostructure was grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy. Threshold currents as low as 66 mA and external efficiencies as high as 0.29 W/A could be demonstrated in CW operation. Lasing was observed up to 150/spl deg/C and a characteristic temperature T/sub 0/ of 111K was demonstrated. The emission wavelength at room temperature was centred at 1417 nm.  相似文献   

For the first time, GaAs-based 1.5 /spl mu/m singlemode emission has been realised utilising GaInNAs active-layer material and lateral distributed feedback. The double quantum well separate confinement laser structure was grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. A threshold current of 240 mA and an external efficiency of 0.11 W/A could be demonstrated with a sidemode suppression ratio of better than 26 dB in pulsed operation. Singlemode emission up to 1506.5 nm has been realised.  相似文献   

A GaInAsSb-AlGaAsSb large optical cavity triple-quantum-well structure was grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Shallow mesa ridge-waveguide lasers with stripe width of 100 /spl mu/m were fabricated and tested. An internal losses coefficient as low as 4 cm/sup -1/ and a high internal quantum efficiency of 70% were obtained. In the pulsed regime at room temperature, the extrapolated threshold current densities for infinite cavity length is 78 A/cm/sup 2/. The threshold current density per quantum well is as low as 34 A/cm/sup 2/ for a 3-mm-long cavity.  相似文献   

GaInNAsSb/GaNAs double quantum well ridge waveguide laser diodes with room temperature lasing wavelength of 1532 nm are reported. The devices exhibit leakage-corrected threshold current densities as low as 969 A cm/sup -2/ per quantum well in pulsed mode, with characteristic temperatures as high as 90 K.  相似文献   

A 2 mum semiconductor disk laser with a tuning range of 35 nm and output power exceeding 500 mW is reported. The method for generating wavelength-tunable radiation is based on self-seeding the disk laser using optical feedback from a diffraction grating  相似文献   

High frequency characterisation of three-quantum well GaInNAs/GaAs lasers operating at 1.35 /spl mu/m is reported. A relaxation frequency as high as 7.4 GHz and a 9.7 GHz small-signal bandwidth are demonstrated, indicating the potential for high bit rate (10 Gbit/s) direct modulation of these dilute nitrides on GaAs devices.  相似文献   

An InP/InGaAs-based photonic band-edge laser bonded on silicon operating near 1.55 mum is presented. A gold reflector positioned below the slab containing the active layer reduces the optical losses of the Bloch-mode resonator. As a result, a quality factor exceeding 8000 is obtained at transparency leading to a laser threshold as low as 3.4 muJ/cm2  相似文献   

Improvement of the output parameters of 2.3 mum GaSb-based laser diodes was observed with increase of the quantum-well compressive strain. A continuous-wave (CW) power of 1.15 W and quasi-CW power of 1.4 W were obtained at room temperature from 2 mm-long single emitters with a 100 mum-aperture.  相似文献   

The first 1.55 /spl mu/m room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation of GaAs-based laser diodes utilising GaInNAsSb/GaNAs double quantum well active regions grown by molecular beam epitaxy is reported. In electrically-pumped CW operation the narrow ridge waveguide devices have a room temperature lasing wavelength of 1550 nm near threshold, increasing to 1553 nm at thermal rollover. The CW threshold current was 132 mA for a 3/spl times/589 /spl mu/m device, with a characteristic temperature of 83 K, measured in pulsed mode between 20 and 70/spl deg/C.  相似文献   

Ohtani  K. Fujita  K. Ohno  H. 《Electronics letters》2007,43(9):520-522
A room-temperature InAs/AlSb quantum-cascade laser operating at 8.9 mum is reported. The laser structure is grown on an n-InAs (100) substrate by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy. The active region utilises a diagonal intersubband transition in an InAs/AlSb three-quantum-well structure. Observed threshold current density in pulse mode is 2.6 kA/cm2 at 80 K and 12.0 kA/cm2 at 300 K. The maximum operation temperature is 305 K  相似文献   

A ten-stage interband cascade laser with 13 mum-wide, 4 mm-long ridge waveguide and Au electroplating for improved epitaxial-side-up heatsinking operates CW to a temperature of 269 K, where the emission wavelength is 4.05 mum. Maximum CW output powers are 130 mW at 78 K, 58 mW at 200 K, and 9 mW at 260 K, and the threshold current density at T=260 K is 660 A/cm2  相似文献   

Buried heterostructure quantum cascade lasers emitting at 5.64 /spl mu/m are presented. Continuous-wave (CW) operation has been achieved at -30/spl deg/C for junction down mounted devices with both facets coated. A 750 /spl mu/m-long laser exhibited 3 mW of CW power with a threshold current density of 5.4 kA/cm/sup 2/.  相似文献   

The development of quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) at 2.1 THz (/spl lambda//spl sime/141 /spl mu/m), which is the longest wavelength QCL to date without the assistance of magnetic fields, is reported. This laser uses a structure based on resonant-phonon depopulation, and a metal-metal waveguide to obtain high modal confinement with low waveguide losses. Lasing was observed up to a heatsink temperature of 72 K in pulsed mode and 40 K in continuous-wave (CW) mode, and 1.2 mW of power was obtained in CW mode at 17 K.  相似文献   

We report terminal electrical noise measurements on 1.55-/spl mu/m DBR tunable laser diodes in the 1 Hz-1 MHz frequency range, performed using an electrical correlation method. These measurements are compared with a comprehensive electrical model based on rate equation formalism. Taking into account diffusion phenomenon and structural parameters, we obtain a complete agreement between the model and the measurements above threshold and a quite similar tendency below threshold. The influence of Bragg section bias is also discussed.  相似文献   

By growing the InGaAs active layer at temperatures lower than in conventional growth, we extended the lasing wavelength and presented the high reliability in InGaAs strained-quantum-well laser diodes. Equivalent I-L characteristics were obtained for 1.02-, 1.05-, and 1.06-/spl mu/m laser diodes with a cavity length of 1200 /spl mu/m. Maximum output power as high as 800 mW and fundamental transverse mode operation at up to 400 mW were obtained at 1.06 /spl mu/m and an 1800-/spl mu/m cavity. Stable operation was observed for over 14 000 h under auto-power-control of 225 mW at 50/spl deg/C for the 1.02-, 1.05-, and 1.06-/spl mu/m lasers with a 900-/spl mu/m cavity.  相似文献   

A new type of high-power laser diodes is fabricated with a broad-area waveguide tilted at 7/spl deg/ from the facet normal. For the current between 0.6 and 1.2 A, it behaves like a superluminescent diode with 40-nm spectral width and 40-mW output power. The far field emits at about 25/spl deg/ away from the facet normal. For the current above 1.2 A, it oscillates with a narrow spectrum. The far field emits along the facet normal with its angle only twice of the diffraction limit. The output power per facet could be 1 W at 12 A.  相似文献   

Yokozeki  M. Mitomo  J. Sato  Y. Hino  T. Narui  H. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(17):1060-1061
Room-temperature continuous-wave operation of a 1.5 /spl mu/m range GaInNAs laser grown by metal organic chemical vapour deposition is reported. The lasing wavelength of the GaInNAs/GaAs double quantum well laser was 1.50 /spl mu/m and the threshold current was 245 mA. The characteristic temperature between 10 and 50/spl deg/C was about 119 K under pulse operation.  相似文献   

We report ridge-waveguide superluminescent diodes based on five stacks of self-assembled InAs-GaAs quantum dots. Devices with output powers up to 10 mW emitting around 1.3 /spl mu/m are demonstrated. Spectral analysis shows a broad emission peak (26-nm full-width at half-maximum) from the dot ground state at low injection, and an additional peak from the excited state at higher bias. Temperature characteristics in the range 10/spl deg/C-80/spl deg/C are also reported. The experimental curves are in good agreement with simulations performed using a traveling-wave rate equation model.  相似文献   

A GaAs-based laser module, which combines the output of four singlemode lasers operating at 1.3 /spl mu/m by using photonic crystal mirrors and combiners, has been developed. The complete device size is around 0.2 mm/sup 2/. The lasers can be operated individually or in parallel with sidemode suppression ratios better than 20 dB.  相似文献   

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