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Designing a spectrally efficient wireless channel requires a comprehensive understanding of its time and frequency varying characteristics, making it a stochastic medium of communication. These characteristics become more challenging to cater at the receiving terminal in a multipath transmission. This is because of the fading effect and Doppler shift of the transmitted frequency, specifically in cellular mobile radio systems and vehicle to vehicle communications. This paper presents the modeling, simulation, and then characterization of a cellular mobile radio multipath channel over its time and frequency varying fading gain. For this purpose, a discrete-time Finite Impulse Response (FIR) type filter of such a channel is designed, modeled, and simulated using time and frequency varying characteristics of the received signal. The simulated channel response is further analyzed in terms of coherence bandwidth, coherence time, delay spread, Doppler spread, and symbol time.


李媚  杨铁军 《电子科技》2007,(7):17-19,35
主要研究了MIMO-OFDM系统中快速时变信道的信道估计问题,将3种自适应信道估计算法: RLS,QRD-RLS,IQRD-RLS,应用于快速时变信道进行比较研究,并对其进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,3种算法性能相似,其中,QRD-RLS和IQRD-RLS算法的收敛速度要快于RLS算法,对于实时系统而言,这两种算法的效率更高。因此,QRD-RLS和IQRD-RIS算法更适合于快速时变信道。  相似文献   

Based on superimposed training methods, a novel time‐varying multipath channel estimation scheme is proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. We first develop a linear least square channel estimator, and meanwhile find the optimal superimposed sequences with respect to the channel estimates’ mean square error. Next, a low‐rank approximated channel estimator is obtained by using the singular value decomposition. As demonstrated in simulations, the proposed scheme achieves not only better performance but also higher bandwidth efficiency than the conventional pilot‐aided approach.  相似文献   

王常健  毛卫宁 《电声技术》2006,(12):11-12,16
多径时延可用于估计水下声源距离与深度,由时延估计协方差矩阵可知这些时延存在一定的相关性,时延的相关性影响距离深度估计方差,仅利用独立时延可提高估计精度。分析了存在直达波与水面反射两路多径情况下时延估计相关性及其对距离与深度估计的影响,并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

In this paper, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for time-based range estimation (TBRE) in a separable multipath channel is investigated and analyzed with respect to its accuracy. First, the Cramer–Rao lower bound (CRLB) in a separable multipath channel is theoretically derived, and indicates a similar expression to that for a single path channel. The CRLB for non-data-bearing (NDB) OFDM transmission is compared to that for pseudo-noise (PN) transmission, demonstrating a large performance gap in favor of the NDB OFDM. Furthermore, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for TBRE in a separable multipath channel is theoretically derived, also demonstrating a similar expression to that in a single path channel, except that several peaks instead of one peak are expected in a separable multipath channel corresponding to all arrival paths. The MLE for TBRE is then compared to the commonly used MLE for channel estimation, showing an equal performance in terms of mean square error when using an NDB OFDM transmission. Simulation results demonstrate a good agreement with our proposed theory.  相似文献   

Super-Resolution Time Delay Estimation in Multipath Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The super-resolution time delay estimation in multipath environment is very important for many applications. Conventional super-resolution approaches can only deal with signals with wideband and flat spectra. In this paper, we propose a novel super-resolution time delay estimation method that can treat signals with narrowband spectra. In our method, the time delay estimation is first transformed into the frequency domain, in which the problem is converted into the parameter estimation of sinusoidal signals with lowpass envelopes. Then a MUSIC-type algorithm taking account of the envelope variation is applied to achieve the super-resolution estimation. Time delay estimation in active and passive systems are considered. Simulation results confirm that the proposed estimators provide better performance than the classical correlation approach and the conventional MUSIC algorithm for separating closely spaced signals with narrowband spectra.  相似文献   

李丹  柯峰 《信号处理》2012,28(2):193-199
现有的OFDM系统快时变信道估计方法均为时域估计方法,假定信道为整数倍采样信道,利用理想的等间隔均匀导频恢复信道时域响应函数,进而采用基扩展模型拟合并估计其时变特性。而实际的信道通常为非整数倍采样信道,频带内可用的导频也并非假定的理想模式。此时,恢复的信道时域响应出现能量泄漏,导致算法性能大大受限。本文提出一种频域快时变信道估计方法,利用信道频域时变传输函数辅助估计,从而估计得到信道频域响应矩阵。该方法在频域实现,性能不受信道时域响应能量泄露影响。仿真实验从误码率、均方误差两方面分别验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

使用带网格的观测字典进行稀疏信道估计是近年来常用的多径稀疏信道估计方法,而网格的存在使得这种方法存在估计精度较差的问题,尤其在网格间距较大时,这种方法的劣势更加明显。本文针对这个问题,抛弃了传统的观测字典,采用连续压缩感知方法,结合线性调频训练序列的使用,提出了更加精确的多径稀疏信道估计方法。这种方法避免了网格化带来的误差,实现了高精度、高分辨率的估计。本文首先对此进行了理论阐述,进而在两种不同的多径稀疏信道模型下进行了仿真试验,并从估计精度、计算效率等方面与其他稀疏估计算法进行了对比。仿真结果证明,采用本文提出的方法进行多径稀疏信道估计时,相比其他算法可以更加精确地估计出信道冲激响应。   相似文献   

In this paper, we present computationally efficient iterative channel estimation algorithms for Turbo equalizer-based communication receiver. Least Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive least Square (RLS) algorithms have been widely used for updating of various filters used in communication systems. However, LMS algorithm, though very simple, suffers from a relatively slow and data dependent convergence behaviour; while RLS algorithm, with its fast convergence rate, finds little application in practical systems due to its computational complexity. Variants of LMS algorithm, Variable Step Size Normalized LMS (VSSNLMS) and Multiple Variable Step Size Normalized LMS algorithms, are employed through simulation for updating of channel estimates for turbo equalization in this paper. Results based on the combination of turbo equalizer with convolutional code as well as with turbo codes alongside with iterative channel estimation algorithms are presented. The simulation results for different normalized fade rates show how the proposed channel estimation based-algorithms outperformed the LMS algorithm and performed closely to the well known Recursive least square (RLS)-based channel estimation algorithm.  相似文献   

CDMA信号码片内多径时延估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对CDMA信号的特点,提出了低信噪比条件下估计延迟差小于一个码片周期的多径信号时延的有效算法,该文首先建立了一个能够有效抑制噪声影响的多径功率延迟函数,然后推导了建立在此函数基础上的高分辨率时延估计算法,给出了算法的具体步骤,分析了算法的性能,最后通过对比仿真和性能仿真证明了该方法具有低信噪比条件下高频谱分辨率的特点。  相似文献   

多通道干扰下的多径时延估计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
刘颖  王树勋  梁应敞 《电子学报》2001,29(6):762-765
在考虑多通道非平稳信号干扰及背景噪声的情况下,本文提出的基于循环相关的参数型时间延时估计方法,可准确地进行多径传输情况下的时间延时估计,有效地抑制干扰和噪声的影响.在估计性能方面,该方法优于基于相关的方法.在运算量和适应性能方面,该方法优于基于高阶累积量的方法.文章最后采用计算机模拟验证了文中的结论.  相似文献   

研究多径传输条件下的时延估计问题。利用三阶累积量的一维切片作为高阶统计量,结合相关算法原理,提出一种新的时延估计算法。为提高时延估计精度,对相关数据进行了加权处理。该算法可有效抑制空间相关高斯噪声或对称分布噪声,得到非高斯信号准确的时延估计。算法具有计算量小,易于实现的优点。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

稀疏度自适应匹配追踪(SAMP)算法重构过程中存在其迭代终止条件设置不够合理的情况,需要对SAMP算法进行改进.在信道稀疏度未知时,改进SAMP算法依据残差之差的相对能量小于设定的停止门限来终止迭代过程,通过自适应调整可变步长逐步逼近信道的稀疏度,从而实现了重构UWB信道.仿真结果表明,改进SAMP算法低信噪比时重构精度高于SAMP算法,具有更好的重构性能和广泛的实用性.  相似文献   

基于循环平稳性的约束自适应多径时延估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在有多径信号、多通道非平稳干扰信号以及平稳背景噪声的情况下,不考虑多径信号传输的时延估计方法不能准确地估计时延,甚至估计性能会恶化.为此,本文提出了基于循环平稳性的约束自适应多径时延估计算法,并对算法的收敛性能进行了分析.该算法可以有效地抑制干扰和噪声的影响,在低信噪比的情况下直接地、准确地进行自适应多径时延估计,特别对噪声是空间相关的情形也适用,克服了传统算法不能直接估计非整数倍采样间隔的时延和多径时延的缺点.计算机仿真试验验证了新方法的有效性.  相似文献   

从理论上分析了多径效应和多普勒效应对无线信道的影响,并分别从时域和频域给出了信号经历信道后的仿真图形,分析了典型时变多径衰落信道理论模型,并在此基础上建立了抽头延迟线(TDL)的确定性仿真模型;仿真分析表明,通过改变时延功率谱和确定性模型的参数计算方法,此模型可以进一步扩展并用于多种传播环境下的小尺度衰落仿真。  相似文献   

一种鲁棒的变导频功率多径信道估计方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
文章提出了一种基于一阶统计量变导频功率多径信道估计方法,导出了信道估计和方差运算表达式,进行了估计器性能及峰均功率比分析.没有信息速率损失,且具有很强的估计鲁棒性.理论分析和仿真结果均证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel fuzzy channel estimator for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access systems with time-varying multipath fading channels under impulsive noise. The proposed estimator combines a least-squares channel estimator with a fuzzy median filter which is based on fuzzy rank ordering of samples. Simulation results clearly show the superior channel estimation success of the proposed estimator under highly impulsive noise.  相似文献   

针对多径环境下麦克风阵列时延估计问题,将归一化最小均方误差法(NLMS)与互关联法(CR)相结合,提出了NLMS-CR算法.对该算法的结构和原理进行了详细的分析,并将其与传统的相位变换广义互相关法(GCC-PHAT)和NLMS进行了比较;同时,在不同的信噪比(SNR)与声源环境下验证了该算法的效能.仿真结果表明:在较严重的多径环境下,NLMS-CR的性能优于其他传统的算法;当信噪比较高且接收信号相关性较低时,NLMS-CR具有很高的时延估计准确率.  相似文献   

王云龙  吴瑛 《信号处理》2014,30(8):979-986
传统的MUSIC超分辨时延估计技术是直接基于测量数据,其性能往往只对宽带且频谱近似平坦的信号较优,而对窄带信号估计性能较差。针对上述问题,本文通过利用谐波频率估计模型和DOA (Direction of Arrival)估计模型之间的等价性,将时延估计问题转化为谐波频率估计问题,提出了一种改进SSMUSIC(Signal Subspace Scaled Multiple Signal Classification)超分辨多径时延估计算法。改进后的算法采用平滑的思想和SSMUSIC算法的思想构造协方差矩阵和MUSIC谱,实现了对多径时延的超分辨估计。仿真表明,该算法能够实现对窄带信号多径时延超分辨估计且具有DP(Direct-Path)不模糊和谱峰陡峭的特点,估计性能优于传统的超分辨算法。   相似文献   

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