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Dietary supplements are legally considered foods despite frequently including medicinal plants as ingredients. Currently, the consumption of herbal dietary supplements, also known as plant food supplements (PFS), is increasing worldwide and some raw botanicals, highly demanded due to their popularity, extensive use, and/or well-established pharmacological effects, have been attaining high prices in the international markets. Therefore, botanical adulteration for profit increase can occur along the whole PFS industry chain, from raw botanicals to plant extracts, until final PFS. Besides the substitution of high-value species, unintentional mislabeling can happen in morphologically similar species. Both cases represent a health risk for consumers, prompting the development of numerous works to access botanical adulterations in PFS. Among different approaches proposed for this purpose, mass spectrometry (MS)-based techniques have often been reported as the most promising, particularly when hyphenated with chromatographic techniques. Thus, this review aims at describing an overview of the developments in this field, focusing on the applications of MS-based techniques to targeted and untargeted analysis to detect botanical adulterations in plant materials, extracts, and PFS.  相似文献   

Multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) were applied to combine strontium and oxygen isotope abundance ratios of green coffees from 20 geographical origins in order to evaluate the suitability of these parameters as indicators of geographical origin, which is an important parameter of coffee quality. Results show that both isotopic systems of green coffee beans show a relation to environmental factors that influence processes occurring during the growth of the coffee bean. The final results allowed discrimination of local provenances investigated in this study by principal component analysis (PCA) and exhibit the potential to proof authenticity of world coffees. A good discrimination was obtained especially for coffee of South America region and coffees originating from islands.  相似文献   

Edible oils and fats are one of the foods most frequently counterfeited in many countries. Therefore, monitoring the authenticity and overall quality of these products is ultimately required. Chemometric analyses, such as Partial Least Square (PLS), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA), and others, applied to vibrational spectroscopic data have enabled the development of methods useful to assess quality aspects (authenticity, adulteration, free fatty acids and trans content, iodine, peroxide and saponification values, and others) of edible fats and oils. The methods are potential analytical tools for industries and inspection agencies for characterization of samples during the development, processing, quality control and inspection of oils and fats. In this original review, applications of near, mid and Raman infrared spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis to authenticate, detect adulteration and determine intrinsic quality parameters in edible fats and oils are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic distances evaluated via SSR-based profiling can be usefully assessed by using capillary electrophoresis. In order to set up a method to distinguish pure Italian rice varieties from imported Asian blends, seven Italian rice genotypes and seven uncharacterized rice samples coming from outside Italy were studied using a classical SSR polymorphism analysis coupled with Lab-on-a-chip® microcapillary electrophoresis. A special algorithm for the elaboration of the raw outputs provided by the software was generated, thus overcoming the problems connected to the instrument intrinsic limits of resolution. The results showed that even considering just the smallest verifiable genetic distance between the employed samples, locally cultivated Italian rice varieties clustered separately from other foreign cultivars. Moreover, it was possible to clearly identify an artificial blend formed by Venere rice mixed with a black variety from Thailand, thus confirming the usefulness of this new post-analysis approach.  相似文献   

Consumer demand for pomegranate juice has considerably grown, during the last years, for its potential health benefits. Since it is an expensive functional food, cheaper fruit juices addition (i.e., grape and apple juices) or its simple dilution, or polyphenols subtraction are deceptively used.  相似文献   

针对碳酸饮料所产生的浑浊、沉淀问题,应用HACCP法,从原料到产品全过程进行危害分析,确定关键控制点,提出有效的防范,以确保产品的质量。  相似文献   

生物技术在饮料生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
重点阐述了生物技术在饮料生产中的作用及在饮料原辅料生产,含乳饮料加工、果蔬汁饮料生产、蛋白饮料脱腥、发酵乳酸饮料及保健饮料生产中的应用。  相似文献   

有关2001年的统计数字表明,在全球和中国,分别有9类和8类食品及饮料产品的销售实现两位数字的增长。就中国的饮料市场而言,以北京、广州和上海三大重点城市计算,其碳酸饮料、瓶装水、果汁和即饮茶的总销售量增长高达19%,足见饮料市场巨大的发展潜力。面对注重营养健康的市场趋势,功能成分配料如富含维生素的蔬果,纷纷被加进饮料配方中,带来更大的附加值。事实上,饮料行业的发展,同时促进了容器制造及灌装技术的革新,其中最为人们关注的无疑是塑料容器(PET瓶)的广泛应用。值得一提的是,为饮料行业配套的贴标及编码技术,同样得以成功研发。  相似文献   

The effects of clarification agents and methods on pomegranate juice quality were studied. Fruits were pressed as whole, and extracted juice was clarified with gelatin, polyvinylypolypyrrolidone (PVPP) and natural sedimentation. In order to determine the effects of these clarifying techniques on product quality, pH, total phenolic substances (TPS), anthocyanin, turbidity, and total colour density tests were applied to each sample. In clarification, the main purpose was to reduce the amount of phenolic substances. Phenolic substances were controlled in each clarification method. The most effective method was the application of 1 g/L gelatine for clarification. Sensory evaluation also applied for clarified juices and gelatin application was selected by panelists to be superior.  相似文献   

酶技术在茶饮料生产中的应用研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
论述了各种酶在茶饮料生产中的应用现状,并预测其在茶饮料生产中的发展方向。  相似文献   

一种鉴别酱香型白酒真伪度技术方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用近红外光谱分析法,建立一种鉴别酱香型白酒真伪度的技术方法,同时为建立酱香型白酒红外指纹图谱库提供科学的研究数据。研究结果表明,近红外光谱分析技术,具有特征明显、专属性强的特点,且操作方便、快速,是一种分析鉴定白酒的理想方法。  相似文献   

Influence of processing and storage conditions on anthocyanin stability and antioxidant activity of clarified and cloudy juices from arils of the ‘Mollar’ pomegranate variety was studied. Clarification process reduced the content of total monomeric and individual anthocyanins, and increased the antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice. Thermal treatments (65 and 90 °C for 30 or 5 s) decreased the percentage of polymeric anthocyanin form, increasing on the contrary the monomeric one. In any case, storage temperature was the main factor affecting all the parameters tested. Cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (Cy3G) was more instable than delphinidin 3,5-di (Dp3,5dG) and cyaniding 3,5-diglucosides (Cy3,5dG). A linear relationship was observed between oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and total monomeric anthocyanins, suggesting that they contributed strongly to the antioxidant capacity. Results presented in this study show that hurdle technology (heating plus refrigeration) may help to reduce anthocyanin degradation in pasteurized pomegranate juice, avoiding a dramatic impact on its colour and preserving the beneficial effects of this specific bioactive compounds on human health.  相似文献   

<正> 焦糖色素是以食品级糖类为原料,配上少量的食品级酸、碱或盐,经120℃以上高温热处理而制成的无定形褐色物质,有时也叫焦化糖,是食用天然色素。 一般来说,食品在进行蒸煮时会出现焦糖化作用,这种化学变化很复杂。大致来说,在酸性、热和压力的影响下,较大的糖分子就会变小,然后产生缩合或聚合作用,使简单的糖重新结合成较大的、复杂的有色体。 焦糖色素的制造方法根据美国“焦糖检定标准”,用于制  相似文献   

Meat fraud implies many illegal procedures affecting the composition of meat and meat products, something that is commonly done with the aim to increase profit. These practices need to be controlled by legal authorities by means of robust, accurate and sensitive methodologies capable to assure that fraudulent or accidental mislabelling does not arise. Common strategies traditionally used to assess meat authenticity have been based on methods such as chemometric analysis of a large set of data analysis, immunoassays or DNA analysis. The identification of peptide biomarkers specific of a particular meat species, tissue or ingredient by proteomic technologies constitutes an interesting and promising alternative to existing methodologies due to its high discriminating power, robustness and sensitivity. The possibility to develop standardized protein extraction protocols, together with the considerably higher resistance of peptide sequences to food processing as compared to DNA sequences, would overcome some of the limitations currently existing for quantitative determinations of highly processed food samples. The use of routine mass spectrometry equipment would make the technology suitable for control laboratories.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Folin–Ciocalteu method is routinely used to calculate total polyphenol concentrations (TPP) in food products. However, the use of inappropriate standards such as gallic acid (GA) may give inaccurate estimates of TPP content. A method for the production of a pomegranate (Punica granatum L. ‘Wonderful’) standard was developed and validated to avoid this problem. The PPS was produced by solid phase (C18) isolation of polyphenols from POMx powder (a nutritional supplement) and used for TPP analysis. RESULTS: TPP content of POMx was > 90% using PPS, whereas the GA standard underestimated TPP by up to 30%. Compositional analysis confirmed a balance of about 9% non‐polyphenolic compounds. Mass spectrometry analysis corroborated polyphenol composition and confirmed pomegranate‐specific peaks, i.e., punicalagin and punicalin. CONCLUSION: Results support the use of pomegranate‐specific standards to accurately determine TPP. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

An introduction to the traditional fermented foods and beverages of Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fermented foods and beverages, whether of plant or animal origin, play an important role in the diet of people in many parts of the world. Fermented foods not only provide important sources of nutrients but have also great potential in maintaining health and preventing diseases. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts are the major group of microorganisms associated with traditional fermented foods. Many different types of traditional fermented foods and beverages are produced at household level in Anatolia. These include fermented milks (yoghurt, torba yoghurt, kurut, ayran, kefir, koumiss), cereal-based fermented food (tarhana), and non-alcoholic beverage (boza), fermented fruits, and vegetables (tur?u, ?algam, hardaliye), and fermented meat (sucuk). However, there are some differences in the preparation of traditional foods and beverages from region to region. The focus of this article is to describe the traditional fermented foods and beverages of Turkey.  相似文献   

解凯 《饮料工业》1998,1(6):43-45
对目前市场现调饮料质量现状进行了分析,找出现调饮料存在的问题,提出了改善现调饮料质量的方案。  相似文献   

滤膜法可有效消除样品中抑菌物质的干扰,且可增加取样量,因而检测结果比平皿法更准确、可靠;该法适用于饮料原辅料、成品及半成品、包装材料、消毒剂和接触面等的微生物检验。  相似文献   

Practical application of DNA fingerprinting to trace beef   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA fingerprinting allows the verification of conventional methods used to implement beef traceability. At any point along the supply chain, the identity of an animal or piece of meat can be checked by comparison of its DNA profile with an initial sample. Practical application of DNA fingerprinting to trace beef requires a choice of DNA markers as well as the optimization of sampling methods. This has been achieved as the result of collaboration between meat technicians and geneticists over a period of 4 years. The discrimination power of nine highly polymorphic microsatellite markers was evaluated. We propose that three markers (with a 0.001 probability that two individual profiles match by chance) are adequate for routine tests. Two key points along the production-commercialization chain where sampling must be systematic were defined: (i) the tagging of the calf (identity control) and (ii) after slaughter (slaughter control), before the animal loses its external appearance. The identity control was blood collected on a filter paper adapted to the ear tag; the slaughter control was the tagged ear itself. These constituted the control samples, which were archived with a code matching the individual tag number. Test samples were obtained on a random basis from live animals, carcasses, and pieces of meat at cutting halls and at the retail outlet and in cases when the verification of identity was needed. The DNA profiles of the test samples and the controls were then obtained and compared, to verify either an individual identity or the origin of a piece of meat from the stated animal.  相似文献   

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