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Clones of an African cassava mosaic virus isolate originating from Nigeria (ACMV-NOg) were shown to be infectious to cassava by biolistic inoculation. The production of pseudorecombinants between ACMV-NOg and clones of an ACMV isolate originating from Kenya (ACMV-K) indicated that the lack of infectivity of ACMV-K to cassava was due to defect(s) in the DNA B genomic component; this component encodes two proteins involved in cell-to-cell movement. This is the first demonstration of infectivity of a cloned geminivirus to cassava and conclusively proves that ACMV is the causative agent of cassava mosaic disease. The potential uses of infectious ACMV clones and the means by which to introduce them into cassava are discussed.  相似文献   

African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV) are whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (WTGs) which are widespread in cassava in Africa and cause serious yield losses. Recently, a new geminivirus affecting cassava in South Africa (SACMV) has been reported. In this work SACMV was found to have DNA-A and DNA-B components. Comparisons of amino acid sequences of the putative coat protein, and nucleotide sequences of the common region and a 687-bp DNA B fragment of SACMV with other WTGs, showed that SACMV clustered with the Old World subgroup of the Begomovirus genus of geminiviruses. Despite its bipartite nature, SACMV was most closely related to monopartite TYLCVs, but was sufficiently different to justify designating it as a distinct virus. In serological studies, SACMV grouped biologically with EACMV isolates.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important endogenous inhibitor of apoptosis, and here we report that NO prevents hepatocyte apoptosis initiated by the removal of growth factors or exposure to TNFalpha or anti-Fas antibody. We postulated that the mechanism of the inhibition of apoptosis by NO would include an effect on caspase-3-like protease activity. Caspase-3-like activity increased coincident with apoptosis due to all three stimuli, and treatment with the caspase-3-like protease inhibitor N-acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aldehyde inhibited both proteolytic activity and apoptosis. Endogenous or exogenous sources of NO prevented the increase in caspase-3-like activity in hepatocytes. Exposure of purified recombinant caspase-3 to an NO or NO+ donor inhibited proteolytic activity. Dithiothreitol (DTT), but not glutathione, reversed the inhibition of recombinant caspase-3 by NO. When lysates from cells stimulated to express inducible NO synthase or cells exposed to NO donors were incubated in DTT, caspase-3-like activity increased to about 55% of cells not exposed to a source of NO. Similarly, administration of an NO donor to rats treated with TNFalpha and D-galactosamine also prevented the increase in caspase-3-like activity as measured in liver homogenates. The effect of the NO donor was reversed by about 50% if the homogenate was incubated with DTT. TNFalpha-induced apoptosis and caspase-3-like activity were also reduced in cultured hepatocytes exposed to 8-bromo-cGMP, and both effects were inhibited by the cGMP-dependent kinase inhibitor KT5823. The suppression in caspase-3-like activity in hepatocytes exposed to an NO donor was partially blocked by an inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase, 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3, -a]quinoxalin-1-one, (ODQ), while the incubation of these lysates in DTT almost completely restored caspase-3-like activity to the level of TNFalpha-treated controls. These data indicate that NO prevents apoptosis in hepatocytes by either directly or indirectly inhibiting caspase-3-like activation via a cGMP-dependent mechanism and by direct inhibition of caspase-3-like activity through protein S-nitrosylation.  相似文献   

Cassava vein mosaic virus (CsVMV) is a pararetrovirus that infects cassava plants in Brazil. A promoter fragment isolated from CsVMV, comprising nucleotides -443 to +72, was previously shown to direct strong constitutive gene expression in transgenic plants. Here we report the functional architecture of the CsVMV promoter fragment. A series of promoter deletion mutants were fused to the coding sequence of uidA reporter gene and the chimeric genes were introduced into transgenic tobacco plants. Promoter activity was monitored by histochemical and quantitative assays of beta-glucuronidase activity (GUS). We found that the promoter fragment is made up of different regions that confer distinct tissue-specific expression of the gene. The region encompassing nucleotides -222 to -173 contains cis elements that control promoter expression in green tissues and root tips. Our results indicate that a consensus as1 element and a GATA motif located within this region are essential for promoter expression in those tissues. Expression from the CsVMV promoter in vascular elements is directed by the region encompassing nucleotides -178 to -63. Elements located between nucleotides -149 and -63 are also required to activate promoter expression in green tissues suggesting a combinatorial mode of regulation. Within the latter region, a 43 bp fragment extending from nucleotide -141 to -99 was shown to interact with a protein factor extracted from nuclei of tobacco seedlings. This fragment showed no sequence homology with other pararetrovirus promoters and hence may contain CsVMV-specific regulatory cis elements.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of glutathione on the replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in chronically infected macrophages, a known reservoir of the virus in the body. We found that exogenous GSH strongly suppresses the production of p24gag protein as well as the virus infectivity. This is related to a dramatic decrease in both budding and release of virus particles from chronically infected cells (either macrophages or lymphocytes), together with a selective decrease in the expression of gp120, the major envelope glycoprotein, rich in intrachain disulfide bonds and thus potentially sensitive to the effect of a reducing agent such as GSH. Overall data suggest that GSH can interfere with late stages of virus replication. This would be in agreement with data obtained in cells exposed to herpesvirus type 1 (a DNA virus) or to Sendai (an RNA virus), showing that the suppression of virus replication by GSH is related to the selective inhibition of envelope glycoproteins. These results suggest a potential role of GSH in combination with other antivirals in the treatment of virus-related diseases.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a heterodimeric cytokine produced by antigen-presenting cells that has the ability to induce gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) secretion by T and natural killer cells and to generate normal Th1 responses. These properties suggest that IL-12 may play an important role in the immune response to many viruses, including hepatitis B virus (HBV). Recently, we have shown that HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes inhibit HBV replication in the livers of transgenic mice by a noncytolytic process that is mediated in part by IFN-gamma. In the current study, we demonstrated that the same antiviral response can be initiated by recombinant murine IL-12 and we showed that the antiviral effect of IL-12 extends to extrahepatic sites such as the kidney. Southern blot analyses revealed the complete disappearance of HBV replicative intermediates from liver and kidney tissues at IL-12 doses that induce little or no inflammation in these tissues. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the disappearance of cytoplasmic hepatitis B core antigen from both tissues after IL-12 treatment, suggesting that IL-12 either prevents the assembly or triggers the degradation of the nucleocapsid particles within which HBV replication occurs. Importantly, we demonstrated that although IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IFN-alpha/beta mRNA are induced in the liver and kidney after IL-12 administration, the antiviral effect of IL-12 is mediated principally by its ability to induce IFN-gamma production in this model. These results suggest that IL-12, through its ability to induce IFN-gamma, probably plays an important role in the antiviral immune response to HBV during natural infection. Further, since relatively nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-12 profoundly inhibit HBV replication in the liver and extrahepatic sites in this model, IL-12 may have therapeutic value as an antiviral agent for the treatment of chronic HBV infection.  相似文献   

1. Presynaptic inhibition of excitatory transmitter release evoked by inhibitory axon stimulation was studied at individual release boutons of the crayfish opener neuromuscular junction. 2. Presynaptic inhibition was maximal (approximately 30%) when a single inhibitory action potential preceded the excitatory test action potential by 1-2 ms. This inhibition lasted at most 5 ms. It was blocked by 50 microM picrotoxin, and is probably mediated mainly by gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors. 3. Presynaptic inhibition produced by a brief train of inhibitory action potentials (5 pulses at 100 Hz) was maximal (approximately 60%) when the last inhibitory action potential (of the train) preceded the excitatory test action potential by 10 ms. This inhibition lasted up to 50 ms. It seems that in this case GABAB receptors were activated as well, because the combined action of picrotoxin (50 microM) and 20H-Saclofen (100 microM) was required to block the inhibition. 4. We thus show that one and the same inhibitory release bouton can differentially activate two distinct mechanisms for presynaptic inhibition by activating GABAA and GABAB receptors.  相似文献   

The effects of U50488, kappa-opioid agonist on P-type Ca2+ channels, were studied. U50488 inhibited depolarization-induced Ca2+ uptake into rat brain synaptosomes, which was sensitive to omega-Agatoxin IVA (omega-AgaIVA; P-type Ca2+ channel blocker) and inhibited P-type Ca2+ channel currents recorded from rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by the whole-cell patch clamp method. Dynorphin A also inhibited P-type Ca2+ channel currents. The inhibition by U50488 was biphasic; high affinity component (21%, IC50 = 8.9 x 10(-8) M) and low affinity component (79%, IC50 = 1.1 x 10(-5) M). At low concentrations of U50488 (10(-6) M), P-type Ca2+ channel current inhibition was attenuated by norbinartorphimine (nor-BNI), kappa-opioid antagonist, and by dialysis of cells with a pipette solution containing guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP-beta S). At high concentrations of U50488 (10(-5) M), P-type Ca2+ channel current inhibition was frequency-dependent. Thus U50488-induced current inhibition is mediated by two mechanisms. Its high affinity component is produced by activation of kappa-opioid receptors, whereas the low affinity component is due to its direct action on the P-type Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

Observations made with Escherichia coli have suggested that a lag between replication and methylation regulates initiation of replication. To address the question of whether a similar mechanism operates in mammalian cells, we have determined the temporal relationship between initiation of replication and methylation in mammalian cells both at a comprehensive level and at specific sites. First, newly synthesized DNA containing origins of replication was isolated from primate-transformed and primary cell lines (HeLa cells, primary human fibroblasts, African green monkey kidney fibroblasts [CV-1], and primary African green monkey kidney cells) by the nascent-strand extrusion method followed by sucrose gradient sedimentation. By a modified nearest-neighbor analysis, the levels of cytosine methylation residing in all four possible dinucleotide sequences of both nascent and genomic DNAs were determined. The levels of cytosine methylation observed in the nascent and genomic DNAs were equivalent, suggesting that DNA replication and methylation are concomitant events. Okazaki fragments were also demonstrated to be methylated, suggesting that the rapid kinetics of methylation is a feature of both the leading and the lagging strands of nascent DNA. However, in contrast to previous observations, neither nascent nor genomic DNA contained detectable levels of methylated cytosines at dinucleotide contexts other than CpG (i.e., CpA, CpC, and CpT are not methylated). The nearest-neighbor analysis also shows that cancer cell lines are hypermethylated in both nascent and genomic DNAs relative to the primary cell lines. The extent of methylation in nascent and genomic DNAs at specific sites was determined as well by bisulfite mapping of CpG sites at the lamin B2, c-myc, and beta-globin origins of replication. The methylation patterns of genomic and nascent clones are the same, confirming the hypothesis that methylation occurs concurrently with replication. Interestingly, the c-myc origin was found to be unmethylated in all clones tested. These results show that, like genes, different origins of replication exhibit different patterns of methylation. In summary, our results demonstrate tight coordination of DNA methylation and replication, which is consistent with recent observations showing that DNA methyltransferase is associated with proliferating cell nuclear antigen in the replication fork.  相似文献   

In mammals, olfactory stimuli are detected by sensory neurons at two distinct sites: the olfactory epithelium (OE) of the nasal cavity and the neuroepithelium of the vomeronasal organ (VNO). While the OE can detect volatile chemicals released from numerous sources, the VNO appears to be specialized to detect pheromones that are emitted by other animals and that convey information of behavioral or physiological importance. The mechanisms underlying sensory transduction in the OE have been well studied and a number of components of the transduction cascade have been cloned. Here, we investigated sensory transduction in the VNO by asking whether VNO neurons express molecules that have been implicated in sensory transduction in the OE. Using in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses, we found that most of the olfactory transduction components examined, including the guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit (G-alpha-olf), adenylyl cyclase type III, and an olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel subunit (oCNC1), are not expressed by VNO sensory neurons. In contrast, VNO neurons do express a second olfactory CNG channel subunit (oCNC2). These results indicate that VNO sensory transduction is distinct from that in the OE but raise the possibility that, like OE sensory transduction, sensory transduction in the VNO might involve cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

Muscle cells depend on motoneurons for the initiation of postsynaptic differentiation during early development of the neuromuscular junction. Motoneurons secrete specific isoforms of the extracellular matrix protein agrin which trigger the aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on the muscle surface. Both motoneuron- and agrin-induced AChR aggregation are inhibited by heparin. Here we show that this inhibition is due to two separate and distinguishable mechanisms. At high concentrations, heparin directly binds to agrin isoforms which contain the peptide KSRK, resulting in a virtually complete inhibition of AChR clustering. Heparin and other polyanions do not bind to agrin splicing variants without KSRK insert. Isoforms containing or lacking the KSRK insert have a high potency to induce AChR aggregation in the presence of an activating eight-amino-acid insert. This activity is inhibited by low concentrations of heparin even in the absence of any binding of heparin to agrin. Therefore, this second type of inhibition is due to the interaction of heparin with a downstream component of the agrin-induced clustering pathway. Binding of heparin to this yet unidentified component substantially decreases, but does not completely abolish AChR aggregation. The inhibition is particularly strong on myotubes which have not completely matured in culture.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic genomes, methylation of cytosine residues commonly occurs in repetitive sequences. This methylation correlates with reduced gene expression and suppression of recombination, and is thus thought to serve as a genome-defense mechanism that guards against the deleterious effects of multicopy transposable elements and aberrant gene duplications. Analysis of methylation in fungi and plants suggests that the ability of DNA repeats to pair with one another is a key to their selection for methylation. Recent data have outlined the substrate requirements for the establishment and maintenance of methylation in eukaryotic repeated sequences. Substrate-methylation patterns could help us to understand the way in which methyltransferase enzymes recognize their substrates.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 (IL-10) limits inflammatory responses by inhibiting macrophage activation. In macrophages, IL-10 activates Stat1 and Stat3. We characterized IL-10 responses of the J774 mouse macrophage cell line, and of J774 cells expressing wild-type hIL-10R, mutant hIL-10R lacking two membrane-distal tyrosines involved in recruitment of Stat3 (hIL-10R-TyrFF), a truncated Stat3 (DeltaStat3) which acts as a dominant negative, or an inducibly active Stat3-gyraseB chimera (Stat3-GyrB). A neutralizing anti-mIL-10R monoclonal antibody was generated to block the function of endogenous mIL-10R. IL-10 inhibited proliferation of J774 cells and of normal bone marrow-derived macrophages, but not J774 cells expressing hIL-10RTyrFF. Dimerization of Stat3-GyrB by coumermycin mimicked the effect of IL-10, and expression of DeltaStat3 blocked the anti-proliferative activity of IL-10. For macrophage de-activation responses, hIL10R-TyrFF could not mediate inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced TNFalpha, IL-1beta or CD86 expression, while DeltaStat3 did not interfere detectably with these IL-10 responses. Thus signals mediating both anti-proliferative and macrophage de-activation responses to IL-10 require the two membrane-distal tyrosines of IL-10R, but Stat3 appears to function only in the anti-proliferative response.  相似文献   

The interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (p68 kinase) has long been implicated as one of the antiviral agents responsible for overcoming virus infections. To investigate the antiviral potential of p68 kinase, we have generated a recombinant vaccinia virus that expresses human p68 kinase under the control of lac operator/repressor element. Upon induction of p68 kinase gene with the inducer isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG), we observed in cultured cells a severe (> 90%) inhibition of virus protein synthesis; this inhibition correlated with autophosphorylation of p68 kinase. As a result of inhibition in the synthesis of virus polypeptides, there was a 100-fold decrease in virus yields. When cells were infected with the recombinant virus expressing lys296-->arg296 mutant p68 kinase there was no reduction in virus yields. Our findings demonstrate that human p68 kinase once activated severely inhibits vaccinia virus replication as a result of inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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