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Our research question concerns the usefulness of wikis in corporate settings. The answer to this question is not clear. On one hand, business firms are aware of the impact wikis have had on the Internet, and perceive wikis as an up-and-coming technology for supporting collaborative work. On the other hand, the fundamental principles underlying wikis - openness, non-attribution, egalitarianism, and decentralized control - run in contrast to traditional command-and-control management. To date, little information is available regarding wikis' usage in corporate settings. This paper examines the actual use of wikis in a business setting, to identify factors driving user participation, and to assess the extent to which wikis provide value to both individuals and the organization.  相似文献   

软件逐渐成为影响电能表质量的关键因素,但目前对智能电能表软件的质量分析手段欠缺。该文引入软件工程中软件度量技术用于电能表软件品质分析,以LOC度量、Ma Cabe度量、Fan in/Fan out度量几个典型的复杂性度量法为主,选择关键的度量元及指标,利用现代化分析工具Sci Tools Understand及LDRA Testbed对电能表软件代码自动进行测量。根据结果可以为了解、分析及控制智能电能表软件质量提供了一种量化的手段,是一种降低软件复杂性,指导优化可靠性、规范性设计的可行方法。  相似文献   

秦伟建  宗刚 《中国电力》2007,40(9):34-37
核电作为能源的一种形式,在资源相对有限的条件下,其经济性评价不能仅衡量核电项目本身,以电力市场的大环境评价核电的经济性有着现实的必要性。在现行市场条件下,通过百万级核电机组与煤电机组贴现净利润和现金流的比较,核电40a经济运行期的整体效益存在一定的经济优势,而煤电的短期盈利能力比较强。良好的现金流和成本控制能力是判断企业持续经营的前提,基于核电的长期效益和煤电的短期盈利能力,常规电力集团参与核电发展是解决核电短期现金流和常规电力长期成本控制的有效途径,核电与常规电力作为投资组合运营可以化解资源约束,低风险实现核电产业规模化。  相似文献   

Regardless of the indisputable benefits of the modulation transfer function (MTF) method to radiographic image quality evaluation, most radiologists simply do not have the means for utilizing it due to the experimental difficulties in its application to mammography practice. One of the most significant difficulties for radiological departments is having the necessary equipment to digitize slit radiographic images-a microdensitometer, for example-to be used in quality assurance programs. Therefore, the authors propose the application of the transfer function method for quality evaluation of mammography equipment using a different procedure. This procedure is based on the calculation of the MTF from a simulated line spread function derived from the focal-spot projection. Since this technique does not need digitized images and can be performed on a PC, it will allow the use of the transfer function method in quality control programs without the constraints associated with the complexity of classical experimental procedures  相似文献   

为提高在噪声环境下电能质量扰动检测定位的准确性,提出基于改进小波阈值函数和完备总体经验模态分解(CEEMD)的电能质量扰动检测算法。在采用CEEMD处理电能质量扰动信号的基础上,通过排列熵计算各固有模态函数的随机噪声强度,利用小波改进阈值函数对噪声强度高于排列熵值的分量降噪,并对降噪后分量进行Hilbert-Huang变换,求取定位扰动起止点以及频率等参数。将该算法与CEEMD舍弃高频分量和小波阈值函数降噪方法的对比分析,结果表明算法不仅具有较强的抗噪性,而且能有效保留高频信息不被滤除。以PSCAD/EMTC双馈式风力发电系统中的单相短路和两相短路为例,仿真验证了所提算法的有效性,最后搭建了基于PXI和Lab VIEW平台电能质量扰动检测平台,为应用于工程实践中奠定基础。  相似文献   

介绍了基于变电站自动化系统的综合电能质量监控设备的组成,详细阐述了具有扰动触发功能的电能质量监测仪的硬件电路组成和触发单元的工作原理.该电能质量监测仪可以进行有功、无功、谐波畸变率、不平衡度等稳态电能质量的测量,同时可以检测电能质量瞬态扰动信号.当监测仪检测到瞬态电能质量扰动信号时产生单元触发信号,通知中央处理器记录触发时刻前后的扰动波形,记录的扰动波形通过CAN总线传输到上位机.触发单元使用抽取算法,对瞬态扰动信号进行检测,提出的检测方法对于被检测信号的频率偏移和零均值误差扰动信号均具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

GetRight—实现断点续传吴雅娟北京成人电子信息大学(100031)我们在网上下载软件的时候,经常会遇到这样的情况:花费很长时间下载的软件,很快就要传完了,可就在这时,下载过程突然中断,一切都要从头开始。这使我们浪费了许多的在线时间,增加了不少网...  相似文献   

The fundamental characteristics of SOA, loose coupling and on-demand integration, enable organizations to seek more flexibility and responsiveness from their business IT systems. However, this brings challenges to assure QoS, especially availability, which should be considered in an integrated way in an SOA environment. Traditionally, availability is measured for each IT resource, but within SOA environments, rather than being considered individually, availability should be analyzed from an end-to-end view from both business and IT perspectives. In this paper, to address the availability problem of SOA, we propose a methodology that analyzes availability weak points in SOA deployment frameworks, leveraging workflow definitions that specify availability requirements at business level. This methodology includes an effective way to calculate high availability enhancement recommendations for a given SOA deployment topology with near-minimum cost, while meeting the business-level availability requirements. A prototype has been implemented as an extension to IBM's SOA deployment framework. Its efficiency and performance are analyzed here.  相似文献   

This analysis explores the impact that the evolution of retail electricity tariffs can have on the deployment of solar photovoltaics. It suggests that ignoring the evolution of tariffs resulted in up to a 36% higher prediction of the capacity of distributed PV in 2050, compared to scenarios that represented tariff evolution. Critically, the evolution of tariffs had a negligible impact on the total generation from PV—both utility-scale and distributed—in the scenarios that were examined.  相似文献   

针对GB 50545-2010对铁塔设计提出的新优化要求,通过对国内最常用的道亨铁塔满应力分析(MYL)软件与东北电力设计院的自立式铁塔内力分析(translation tower analysis,TTA)软件2种铁塔设计软件进行分析,认为MYL软件建模速度和计算速度快可实时动态显示模型,操作直观,能提高铁塔设计效率...  相似文献   

Recent trends have led to the expanded use of digital computers in large complex system applications. The major burden of meeting the requirements for these systems has fallen on the flexibility of software. This has placed many demands on all areas associated with digital systems development. A significant impact has been on the development of software personnel required to develop and manage these complex systems. The purpose of this paper is to present a three level program for software education of executives, managers, and engineers which is being offered at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The needs and approaches in satisfying software engineering education requirements are presented. Educational objectives for executives, managers, and engineers serve as the foundation of the curricula, courses, and topics presented.  相似文献   

Software as math     
Discrete mathematics and abstract algebra courses are frequently required for computer science and engineering undergraduates. One could say these subjects define the mathematical basis for computing. Unfortunately, interest in the topics discussed in these courses frequently ends with the final exam. This paper presents a reason to continue looking and exploring  相似文献   

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