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The psychometric properties of analogue assessment measures of child behavior problems are reviewed. Analogue assessment refers to an observational measure of targeted behaviors that are elicited by simulated experimental conditions, which, in turn, are devised to approximate natural circumstances. For the most part, this assessment approach has been used sporadically in the clinical setting with children who are behaviorally disturbed. Lack of standardization of measures and inconsistent findings of ecological validity are among several concerns noted. The paucity of available data limits conclusions that can be drawn at this time about the role of analogue assessment in the evaluation and treatment of child behavior problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Targeted programs designed to prevent conduct problems in childhood and adolescence rely on screening systems to identify high-risk individuals. This study examines the proximal usefulness of a multiple-gating approach to screening, using teacher and parent ratings in a 2-step procedure with a sample of 382 kindergarten children. The study explored differences in the accuracy of the 2 steps of screening information and whether parents' reports of parenting practices augments the prediction of negative outcomes. The 2-step screening system was found to effectively predict negative behavior outcomes over 1 year later, although some false-positive and false-negative predictions were evident. The Parenting Practices Screen did not substantially add to prediction accuracy. The discussion emphasizes the potential contributions and problems of using screening measures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 1st of 2 experiments examined the referral rates of children to a psychology clinic. Only 2-child families were studied to avoid confounds related to family size. A multiple-contingency analysis of the frequency of referral showed a significant effect for sex, birth order, and a Sex by Birth Order interaction. Further analyses of the interaction showed there was a sex difference only among firstborns and a birth order effect only among males. In Exp II, preschool teachers who were blind to the variables under study rated 83 children from 2-child families on the Behar Preschool Behavior Questionnaire. Results of statistical analysis show no significant main effects for birth order, and a significant effect for sex was found only for the Hyperactive-Distractible factor of the questionnaire. Significant interactions between sex and birth order were found, however, for all factors (Hostile-Aggressive, Anxious-Fearful, Hyperactive-Distractible, and total score). As in Exp I, firstborn males were rated higher on all 4 scores than any other group. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Definitional problems surrounding the terms "hyperactivity" and "learning disabilities" cannot be fully resolved unless dimensions of behavior (intercorrelated core characteristics) can be independently identified that correspond in some way with these terms. Previous factor-analytic studies, however, argue against the existence of such dimensions of behavior. Methodological differences, particularly in the nature of the item pool subjected to factor analysis, between the few studies that extracted hyperactivity or learning disabilities factors and those that failed to identify such factors may account for the difference in results. The present study utilized a broad item pool containing many items putatively related to learning disabilities and hyperactivity and extracted independent factors that might be given these labels. 19 teachers generated 404 ratings of 4th–8th graders from 2 schools that included both regular and special education classes. Results of a principal-components analysis and a variance-maximizing rotation procedure suggest that independent dimensions of problem behavior that correspond to the terms "hyperactivity" and "learning disabilities" may be identifiable. If so, the identification of such factors may allow more meaningful selection of Ss and dependent variables in studies of etiology and treatment methods. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A parent and teacher agreement index was developed as a measure of agreement on child temperament. Data was presented from three studies representing parents, their preschool children, and their children's teachers from diverse backgrounds and settings. The parent–teacher agreement index correlated with a variety of teacher and parent ratings over several samples. Across the three studies emerged a consistent pattern in which the more parents and teachers agreed on child temperament, the more likely it was that the child was a nonproblem, socially adaptable, confident and academically skillful child. The utility of the data for understanding the meaning of temperament as rated by mothers, fathers, and teachers is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. S. Drabman et al (see record 1988-15423-001) investigated children's month of birth in relation to mental health referrals and found that the younger children in a class were disproportionately referred for services. We conducted a replication and extension of the Drabman et al. investigation. Data were collected on children's (N?=?222) cognitive and academic competencies. Results indicated that (a) younger children in a class were disproportionately referred, (b) the referral pattern remained constant across all grades examined, (c) the referral pattern could not be explained by differences in children's competencies, and (d) although the youngest children in the class were referred most frequently, they had the lowest rate of qualification for special services. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Associations among parents', teachers', and children's self-reports of internalizing and externalizing child behavior problems were examined in two studies. In the first, both teachers' and parents' reports were modestly and independently associated with children's self-reported behavior problems. In the second, mothers' and fathers' reports of their children's behavior problems were moderately associated with parents' self-reports of their own psychological symptoms as well as with their children's self-reports of their behavior problems. Implications of these studies for the use of multiple perspectives in the assessment of children's behavior problems are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Behavior problems were examined across 3 groups of children (8–12 years of age), living in families characterized by recent physical spousal violence. The groups were (a) 47 children who reported observing marital violence that included the threat or use of knives or guns (observed); (b) 57 children who did not report witnessing marital violence involving knives or guns but whose mothers reported that violence involving knives or guns had occurred in a recent marital dispute (occurred); and (c) 51 children who did not report witnessing marital violence involving knives or guns and whose mothers also reported no violence involving knives or guns (neither). Children in the observed group displayed higher levels of behavior problems than did children in the neither group, but they did not differ from children in the occurred group. Children in the occurred group also displayed higher levels of behavior problems than did children in the neither group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

None of the current surgical alternatives for the short bowel syndrome is sufficiently safe and effective to be used routinely. Surgical therapy should be considered only in selected patients to achieve specific results. Patients with dilated intestinal segments and stasis may benefit from intestinal tapering and lengthening. The results of intestinal transplantation in animals have improved and justify clinical attempts, but recent experience in humans has been disappointing. Growing neomucosa has not been shown to increase absorption, but the patching technique may be useful in preserving intestinal length. Patients with sufficient absorptive area but rapid transit may benefit from colon interposition or intestinal valves. Thus, the surgical emphasis should continue to be prevention of intestinal resection and conservation of intestinal length when resection is required.  相似文献   

A program for the prevention of conduct problems among preschool-age sons of alcoholic fathers was implemented to interrupt what is likely to be a major mediating factor in the development of alcoholism in later years. A population-based sample of 42 families participated in a 10-month intervention involving parent training and marital problem solving. Differences in treatment outcome were examined, with the expectation that level of treatment involvement—entailing both level of participation and level of investment—would account for variability in child outcome at termination. Significant changes in positive and negative child behaviors were observed only within the group of families who completed the program and where the mothers demonstrated a higher level of treatment investment. When pretreatment child, parent, and family predictors of child behavior change were accounted for, subsequent analyses identified maternal treatment investment as a significant predictor of child outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study considers the intergenerational consequences of experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage within the family of origin. Specifically, the influence of socioeconomic disadvantage experienced during adolescence on the timing of parenthood and the association between early parenthood and risk for harsh parenting and emerging child problem behavior was evaluated. Participants included 154 3-generation families, followed prospectively over a 12-year period. Results indicated that exposure to poverty during adolescence, not parents' (first generation, or G1) education, predicted an earlier age of parenthood in G2. Younger G2 parents were observed to be harsher during interactions with their own 2-year-old child (G3), and harsh parenting predicted increases in G3 children's externalizing problems from age 2 to age 3. Finally, G3 children's externalizing behavior measured at age 3 predicted increases in harsh parenting from ages 3 to 4, suggesting that G3 children's behavior may exacerbate the longitudinal effects of socioeconomic disadvantage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

College Ss were exposed to 3 variations in amount of agreement by a partner in responding to a judgmental task. Training to imitate the partner was then carried out. The competence of the partner was varied during the imitation trials. During the 1st block of imitative trials, reciprocation of agreement was indicated. Over the remaining trials, amount of prior agreement was inversely related to imitation. High Model's Competence led to greatest facilitation of imitative learning following disagreement. Variations in social agreement were interpreted as affecting imitative learning in a manner similar to direct indications of task success or failure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Do clinic-referred children and their parents agree on the problems for which treatment is undertaken? The authors asked 381 outpatient-clinic-referred children and their parents to list, independently, the child's target problems. Of the parent-child pairs, 63 % failed to agree on even a single problem. When problems were grouped into broad categories (e.g., delinquent, withdrawn), more than a third of the pairs still failed to agree on a single broad problem area. Parent-child agreement was higher for externalizing than for internalizing problem categories (though poor for both). Low parent-child agreement may help explain the poor outcomes often reported for clinic-based child therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relationship of marital adjustment to maternal personal adjustment, maternal personality, maternal perception of child adjustment, maternal parenting behavior, and child behavior using 20 maritally distressed and 20 maritally nondistressed mothers and their children (aged 3–7 yrs). Ss were given a battery of tests that included the Beck Depression Inventory, the Trait form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Personality Research Form—Form A. Results indicate that, compared to mothers in the maritally nondistressed group, mothers in the distressed group perceived themselves as significantly more anxious and depressed and perceived their children as having significantly more behavior problems, particularly in the area of undercontrol. There were no differences between the groups with respect to maternal personality. Maritally distressed mothers showed less appropriate parenting behavior than did nondistressed mothers and the children of maritally distressed mothers were more deviant than were children of nondistressed mothers. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although correlations between interparental conflict and child maladjustment are well-established, the processes connecting these 2 phenomena are less understood. The present study tested whether an aggressogenic cognitive style mediates the relationship between interparental conflict and child aggression. A multiethnic sample of 115 families with a child between the ages of 7 and 13 years participated. Questionnaires were used to assess parents' and children's perceptions of interparental conflict, children's social problem-solving strategies and beliefs about aggression, and parent and teacher reports of child aggression. Support was found for the mediating effect of aggressogenic cognitions on children's school aggression but not on children's aggression at home. Implications for understanding the associations among interparental conflict, children's social cognitions, and child aggression in different environmental contexts are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between objective measures of childhood competence and behavior problems in 474 2nd–6th graders. Daily classwork measured the academic competence, and peer ratings measured social competence. Median splits formed 4 groups, with competent Ss highest and incompetent Ss lowest on the relatively independent dimensions of academic and social competence. Competent Ss excelled on attitudinal measures of a competent lifestyle and on the Harter Competence (HC) Scales. Teacher ratings on the Behavior Problem Checklist (BPC) attributed fewest problems to competent Ss. Conversely, incompetent Ss achieved the lowest HC and the highest BPC scores. Ss high on social competence and low on academic competence were distinguished by BPC conduct problems and nervousness. Peer nominations of depression on the Peer Nomination Inventory characterized all Ss low on social competence. (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fathers have seldom been the focus of research investigating the causes and correlates of early behavior problems. Two studies examined fathers of preschool boys with and without clinic-referred behavior problems. Six domains of risk were examined: life stress, social support, psychological symptoms, parenting attitudes, positive involvement, and harsh discipline. Clinic fathers differed from fathers of matched comparison boys with respect to all of these except social support, but only harsh discipline contributed uniquely to clinic status. These domains correctly classified 81% of the boys. Within the clinic group, teacher-rated problem severity 1 year later was predicted by fathers' life stress, psychological symptoms, and positive involvement, indicating that different factors may account for initial clinic status versus stability of problems. Mothers' self-report data better predicted clinic group membership, whereas fathers' data better predicted Year 2 outcomes for clinic boys. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several issues are raised including: the definition of professional versus commercial standards, restriction on the scope of the professional relationship, the maintenance of test security, the question of to whom to release test scores, test publication and advertising practices, and the problem of client welfare. "Unless we clean house by a tough minded tightening of standards and a more effective campaign against questionable practices engaged in by a few psychologists, all psychologists will suffer by implication in the eyes of the general public." 3 cornerstones of ethical behavior are: high standards of personal competence, painstaking avoidance of misrepresentations, and primary concern for the integrity and welfare of the persons with whom the psychologist works. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Manageability problems during early childhood for boys were hypothesized to disrupt parental discipline practices. In turn, disrupted parental discipline practices were hypothesized to interact with manageability problems during late childhood to predict change in antisocial behavior during the transition from elementary to middle school. Results indicated that maternal retrospective perceptions of unmanageability predicted observed maternal discipline practices, even when maternal antisocial behavior and depressed mood and the disruptive and antisocial behavior of the boy were statistically controlled. Graphical analyses and latent class growth models indicated that level of temper tantrums interacted with maternal discipline in predicting change in teacher ratings of antisocial behavior. The nature of the interaction indicated that maternal discipline was a risk factor for growth in antisocial behavior only for boys with high levels of tantrums. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attempted to provide a tool that could be used by preschool teachers and child-care workers to identify children who show symptoms that may suggest emotional disturbance. A modification of Rutter's Children's Behaviour Questionnaire was standardized on a sample of 496 normal and 102 emotionally disturbed preschool children. The modified questionnaire (renamed the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire) was found to possess criterion validity and high interrater and test-retest reliabilities. 3 factors were extracted and were labeled Hostile-Aggressive, Anxious-Fearful, and Hyperactive-Distractible. Data indicate that the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire may be valuable in either clinical or research settings for the first step in early detection of emotional problems. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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