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The motivation of collaborative filtering (CF) comes from the idea that people often get the best recommendations from someone with similar tastes. With the growing popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online reviews, new opportunities arise as we can identify the preferences from user opinions. The main idea of our approach is to elicit user opinions from online reviews, and map such opinions into preferences that can be understood by CF-based recommender systems. We divide recommender systems into two types depending on the number of product category recommended: the multiple-category recommendation and the single-category recommendation. For the former, sentiment polarity in coarse-grained manner is identified while for the latter fine-grained sentiment analysis is conducted for each product aspect. If the evaluation frequency for an aspect by a user is greater than the average frequency by all users, it indicates that the user is more concerned with that aspect. If a user's rating for an aspect is lower than the average rating by all users, he or she is much pickier than others on that aspect. Through sentiment analysis, we then build an opinion-enhanced user preference model, where the higher the similarity between user opinions the more consistent preferences between users are. Experiment results show that the proposed CF algorithm outperforms baseline methods for product recommendation in terms of accuracy and recall.  相似文献   

e-Commerce recommender systems select potentially interesting products for users by looking at their purchase histories and preferences. In order to compare the available products against those included in the user’s profile, semantics-based recommendation strategies consider metadata annotations that describe their main attributes. Besides, to ensure successful suggestions of products, these strategies adapt the recommendations as the user’s preferences evolve over time. Traditional approaches face two limitations related to the aforementioned features. First, product providers are not typically willing to take on the tedious task of annotating accurately a huge diversity of commercial items, thus leading to a substantial impoverishment of the personalization quality. Second, the adaptation process of the recommendations misses the time elapsed since the user has bought an item, which is an essential parameter that affects differently to each purchased product. This results in some pointless recommendations, e.g. including regularly items that the users are only willing to buy sporadically. In order to fight both limitations, we propose a personalized e-commerce system with two main features. On the one hand, we incentivize the users to provide high-quality metadata for commercial products; on the other, we explore a strategy that offers time-aware recommendations by combining semantic reasoning about these annotations with item-specific time functions. The synergetic effects derived from this combination lead to suggestions adapted to the particular needs of the users at any time. This approach has been experimentally validated with a set of users who accessed our personalized e-commerce system through a range of fixed and handheld consumer devices.  相似文献   

Along with the growth of Internet and electronic commerce, online consumer reviews have become a prevalent and rich source of information for both consumers and merchants. Numerous reviews record massive consumers’ opinions on products or services, which offer valuable information about users’ preferences for various aspects of different entities. This paper proposes a novel approach to finding the user preferences from free-text online reviews, where a user-preference-based collaborative filtering approach, namely UPCF, is developed to discover important aspects to users, as well as to reflect users’ individual needs for different aspects for recommendation. Extensive experiments are conducted on the data from a real-world online review platform, with the results showing that the proposed approach outperforms other approaches in effectively predicting the overall ratings of entities to target users for personalized recommendations. It also demonstrates that the approach has an advantage in dealing with sparse data, and can provide the recommendation results with desirable understandability.  相似文献   

There are increasingly many personalization services in ubiquitous computing environments that involve a group of users rather than individuals. Ubiquitous commerce is one example of these environments. Ubiquitous commerce research is highly related to recommender systems that have the ability to provide even the most tentative shoppers with compelling and timely item suggestions. When the recommendations are made for a group of users, new challenges and issues arise to provide compelling item suggestions. One of the challenges a group recommender system must cope with is the potentially conflicting preferences of multiple users when selecting items for recommendation. In this paper, we focus on how individual user models can be aggregated to reach a consensus on recommendations. We describe and evaluate nine different consensus strategies and analyze them to highlight the benefits of group recommendation using live-user preference data. Moreover, we show that the performance is significantly different among strategies.  相似文献   

The activity of Social-TV viewers has grown considerably in the last few years—viewers are no longer passive elements. The Web has socially empowered the viewers in many new different ways, for example, viewers can now rate TV programs, comment them, and suggest TV shows to friends through Web sites. Some innovations have been exploring these new activities of viewers but we are still far from realizing the full potential of this new setting. For example, social interactions on the Web, such as comments and ratings in online forums, create valuable feedback about the targeted TV entertainment shows. In this paper, we address this last setting: a media recommendation algorithm that suggests recommendations based on users’ ratings and unrated comments. In contrast to similar approaches that are only ratings-based, we propose the inclusion of sentiment knowledge in recommendations. This approach computes new media recommendations by merging media ratings and comments written by users about specific entertainment shows. This contrasts with existing recommendation methods that explore ratings and metadata but do not analyze what users have to say about particular media programs. In this paper, we argue that text comments are excellent indicators of user satisfaction. Sentiment analysis algorithms offer an analysis of the users’ preferences in which the comments may not be associated with an explicit rating. Thus, this analysis will also have an impact on the popularity of a given media show. Thus, the recommendation algorithm—based on matrix factorization by Singular Value Decomposition—will consider both explicit ratings and the output of sentiment analysis algorithms to compute new recommendations. The implemented recommendation framework can be integrated on a Web TV system where users can view and comment entertainment media from a video-on-demand service. The recommendation framework was evaluated on two datasets from IMDb with 53,112 reviews (50 % unrated) and Amazon entertainment media with 698,210 reviews (26 % unrated). Recommendation results with ratings and the inferred preferences—based on the sentiment analysis algorithms—exhibited an improvement over the ratings only based recommendations. This result illustrates the potential of sentiment analysis of user comments in recommendation systems.  相似文献   

推荐算法是数据挖掘中最重要的算法之一.地点推荐是推荐系统的重要研究内容.针对目前地点推荐面临的数据稀疏、冷启动、个性化程度低等问题,设计并实现了基于Spark并行化处理的改进混合地点推荐模型.该算法融合了基于内容的推荐和基于协同过滤的推荐,结合了用户当前的偏好和其他用户的意见.使用基于用户-地点属性偏好的矩阵填充方式,以此改善数据稀疏性问题;同时,对于海量数据,系统采用Spark分布式集群实现并行计算,缩短了模型训练时间.实验结果表明,与其他推荐算法相比,该算法能有效改善数据稀疏性、提升推荐效果.  相似文献   

Conversational recommender systems guide users through a product space, alternatively making concrete product suggestions and eliciting the user's feedback. Critiquing is a common form of user feedback, where users provide limited feedback at the feature-level by constraining a feature's value-space. For example, a user may request a cheaper product, thus critiquing the price feature. Usually, when critiquing is used in conversational recommender systems, there is little or no attempt to monitor successive critiques within a given recommendation session. In our experience this can lead to inefficiencies on the part of the recommender system, and confusion on the part of the user. In this paper we describe an approach to critiquing that attempts to consider a user's critiquing history, as well as their current critique, when making new recommendations. We provide experimental evidence to show that this has the potential to significantly improve recommendation efficiency.  相似文献   

With the popularity of social media services, the sheer amount of content is increasing exponentially on the Social Web that leads to attract considerable attention to recommender systems. Recommender systems provide users with recommendations of items suited to their needs. To provide proper recommendations to users, recommender systems require an accurate user model that can reflect a user’s characteristics, preferences and needs. In this study, by leveraging user-generated tags as preference indicators, we propose a new collaborative approach to user modeling that can be exploited to recommender systems. Our approach first discovers relevant and irrelevant topics for users, and then enriches an individual user model with collaboration from other similar users. In order to evaluate the performance of our model, we compare experimental results with a user model based on collaborative filtering approaches and a vector space model. The experimental results have shown the proposed model provides a better representation in user interests and achieves better recommendation results in terms of accuracy and ranking.  相似文献   

The emergence of social networks and the vast amount of data that they contain about their users make them a valuable source for personal information about users for recommender systems. In this paper we investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing existing available data from social networks for the recommendation process, specifically from Facebook. The data may replace or enrich explicit user ratings. We extract from Facebook content published by users on their personal pages about their favorite items and preferences in the domain of recommendation, and data about preferences related to other domains to allow cross-domain recommendation. We study several methods for integrating Facebook data with the recommendation process and compare the performance of these methods with that of traditional collaborative filtering that utilizes user ratings. In a field study that we conducted, recommendations obtained using Facebook data were tested and compared for 95 subjects and their crawled Facebook friends. Encouraging results show that when data is sparse or not available for a new user, recommendation results relying solely on Facebook data are at least equally as accurate as results obtained from user ratings. The experimental study also indicates that enriching sparse rating data by adding Facebook data can significantly improve results. Moreover, our findings highlight the benefits of utilizing cross domain Facebook data to achieve improvement in recommendation performance.  相似文献   

Recommender systems combine ideas from information retrieval, user modelling, and artificial intelligence to focus on the provision of more intelligent and proactive information services. As such, recommender systems play an important role when it comes to assisting the user during both routine and specialised information retrieval tasks. Like any good assistant it is important that users can trust in the ability of a recommender system to respond with timely and relevant suggestions. In this paper, we will look at a collaborative recommendation system operating in the domain of Web search. We will show how explicit models of trust can help to inform more reliable recommendations that translate into more relevant search results. Moreover, we demonstrate how the availability of this trust-model facilitates important interface enhancements that provide a means to declare the provenance of result recommendations in a way that will allow searchers to evaluate their likely relevance based on the reputation and trustworthiness of the recommendation partners behind these suggestions.  相似文献   

In most of the recommendation systems, user rating is an important user activity that reflects their opinions. Once the users return their ratings about items the systems have suggested, the user ratings can be used to adjust the recommendation process.However, while rating the items users can make some mistakes (e.g., natural noises). As the recommendation systems receive more incorrect ratings, the performance of such systems may decrease. In this paper, we focus on an interactive recommendation system which can help users to correct their own ratings. Thereby, we propose a method to determine whether the ratings from users are consistent to their own preferences (represented as a set of dominant attribute values) or not and eventually to correct these ratings to improve recommendation. The proposed interactive recommendation system has been particularly applied to two user rating datasets (e.g., MovieLens and Netflix) and it has shown better recommendation performance (i.e., lower error ratings).  相似文献   

一种基于用户播放行为序列的个性化视频推荐策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对在线视频服务网站的个性化推荐问题,提出了一种基于用户播放行为序列的个性化推荐策略.该策略通过深度神经网络词向量模型分析用户播放视频行为数据,将视频映射成等维度的特征向量,提取视频的语义特征.聚类用户播放历史视频的特征向量,建模用户兴趣分布矩阵.结合用户兴趣偏好和用户观看历史序列生成推荐列表.在大规模的视频服务系统中进行了离线实验,相比随机算法、基于物品的协同过滤和基于用户的协同过滤传统推荐策略,本方法在用户观看视频的Top-N推荐精确率方面平均分别获得22.3%、30.7%和934%的相对提升,在召回率指标上分别获得52.8%、41%和1065%的相对提升.进一步地与矩阵分解算法SVD++、基于双向LSTM模型和注意力机制的Bi-LSTM+Attention算法和基于用户行为序列的深度兴趣网络DIN比较,Top-N推荐精确率和召回率也得到了明显提升.该推荐策略不仅获得了较高的精确率和召回率,还尝试解决传统推荐面临大规模工业数据集时的数据要求严苛、数据稀疏和数据噪声等问题.  相似文献   

Online reviews are often accessed by users deciding to buy a product, see a movie, or go to a restaurant. However, most reviews are written in a free-text format, usually with very scant structured metadata information and are therefore difficult for computers to understand, analyze, and aggregate. Users then face the daunting task of accessing and reading a large quantity of reviews to discover potentially useful information. We identified topical and sentiment information from free-form text reviews, and use this knowledge to improve user experience in accessing reviews. Specifically, we focus on improving recommendation accuracy in a restaurant review scenario. We propose methods to derive a text-based rating from the body of the reviews. We then group similar users together using soft clustering techniques based on the topics and sentiments that appear in the reviews. Our results show that using textual information results in better review score predictions than those derived from the coarse numerical star ratings given by the users. In addition, we use our techniques to make fine-grained predictions of user sentiments towards the individual topics covered in reviews with good accuracy.  相似文献   

Recommender systems apply knowledge discovery techniques to the problem of making personalized recommendations for products or services during a live interaction. These systems, especially collaborative filtering based on user, are achieving widespread success on the Web. The tremendous growth in the amount of available information and the kinds of commodity to Web sites in recent years poses some key challenges for recommender systems. One of these challenges is ability of recommender systems to be adaptive to environment where users have many completely different interests or items have completely different content (We called it as Multiple interests and Multiple-content problem). Unfortunately, the traditional collaborative filtering systems can not make accurate recommendation for the two cases because the predicted item for active user is not consist with the common interests of his neighbor users. To address this issue we have explored a hybrid collaborative filtering method, collaborative filtering based on item and user techniques, by combining collaborative filtering based on item and collaborative filtering based on user together. Collaborative filtering based on item and user analyze the user-item matrix to identify similarity of target item to other items, generate similar items of target item, and determine neighbor users of active user for target item according to similarity of other users to active user based on similar items of target item.In this paper we firstly analyze limitation of collaborative filtering based on user and collaborative filtering based on item algorithms respectively and emphatically make explain why collaborative filtering based on user is not adaptive to Multiple-interests and Multiple-content recommendation. Based on analysis, we present collaborative filtering based on item and user for Multiple-interests and Multiple-content recommendation. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the results and compare them with collaborative filtering based on user and collaborative filtering based on item, respectively. The experiments suggest that collaborative filtering based on item and user provide better recommendation quality than collaborative filtering based on user and collaborative filtering based on item dramatically.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that individual users’ preferences for the level of diversity, popularity, and serendipity in recommendation lists cannot be inferred from their ratings alone. We demonstrate that we can extract strong signals about individual preferences for recommendation diversity, popularity and serendipity by measuring their personality traits. We conducted an online experiment with over 1,800 users for six months on a live recommendation system. In this experiment, we asked users to evaluate a list of movie recommendations with different levels of diversity, popularity, and serendipity. Then, we assessed users’ personality traits using the Ten-item Personality Inventory (TIPI). We found that ratings-based recommender systems may often fail to deliver preferred levels of diversity, popularity, and serendipity for their users (e.g. users with high-serendipity preferences). We also found that users with different personalities have different preferences for these three recommendation properties. Our work suggests that we can improve user satisfaction when we integrate users’ personality traits into the process of generating recommendations.  相似文献   


Recently, recommendation system has become popular in many e-commerce websites. It helps users by suggesting products which they could buy. Existing work till now uses past feedback of user, similarity of other users’ buying pattern, or a hybrid approach in which both type of information is used. But the pitfall of these approaches is that there is a need to collect and process huge amount of data for good recommendation. This paper is aimed at developing an efficient recommendation system by incorporating user’s emotion and interest to provide good recommendations. The proposed system does not require any of aforementioned data and works without the continuous and interminable attention of the user. In this framework, we capture user’s eye-gaze and facial expression while exploring websites through inexpensive, visible light “webcam”. The eye-gaze detection method uses pupil-center extraction of both eyes and calculates the reference point through a joint probability. The facial expression uses landmark points of face and analyzes the emotion of the user. Both methods work in approximate real time and the proposed framework thus provides intelligent recommendations on-the-fly without requirement of feedback and buying patterns of users.


Tag recommender schemes suggest related tags for an untagged resource and better tag suggestions to tagged resources. Tagging is very important if the user identifies the tag that is more precise to use in searching interesting blogs. There is no clear information regarding the meaning of each tag in a tagging process. An user can use various tags for the same content, and he can also use new tags for an item in a blog. When the user selects tags, the resultant metadata may comprise homonyms and synonyms. This may cause an improper relationship among items and ineffective searches for topic information. The collaborative tag recommendation allows a set of freely selected text keywords as tags assigned by users. These tags are imprecise, irrelevant, and misleading because there is no control over the tag assignment. It does not follow any formal guidelines to assist tag generation, and tags are assigned to resources based on the knowledge of the users. This causes misspelled tags, multiple tags with the same meaning, bad word encoding, and personalized words without common meaning. This problem leads to miscategorization of items, irrelevant search results, wrong prediction, and their recommendations. Tag relevancy can be judged only by a specific user. These aspects could provide new challenges and opportunities to its tag recommendation problem. This paper reviews the challenges to meet the tag recommendation problem. A brief comparison between existing works is presented, which we can identify and point out the novel research directions. The overall performance of our ontology‐based recommender systems is favorably compared to other systems in the literature.  相似文献   

Recommender systems arose with the goal of helping users search in overloaded information domains (like e-commerce, e-learning or Digital TV). These tools automatically select items (commercial products, educational courses, TV programs, etc.) that may be appealing to each user taking into account his/her personal preferences. The personalization strategies used to compare these preferences with the available items suffer from well-known deficiencies that reduce the quality of the recommendations. Most of the limitations arise from using syntactic matching techniques because they miss a lot of useful knowledge during the recommendation process. In this paper, we propose a personalization strategy that overcomes these drawbacks by applying inference techniques borrowed from the Semantic Web. Our approach reasons about the semantics of items and user preferences to discover complex associations between them. These semantic associations provide additional knowledge about the user preferences, and permit the recommender system to compare them with the available items in a more effective way. The proposed strategy is flexible enough to be applied in many recommender systems, regardless of their application domain. Here, we illustrate its use in AVATAR, a tool that selects appealing audiovisual programs from among the myriad available in Digital TV.  相似文献   


One of the most significant disadvantages of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the overload of information. More information makes it harder to find valuable information. Recommendation systems identify the most suitable items for a given user. The recommended result is only valid if the system users know what they want, and clearly and explicitly convey their needs to the system. Because the role of a recommendation system is to calculate the similarity between the given request and each item, and to rank the similarity, the requests and identity of items should be clear to obtain correct results. However, in most situations in which recommendations are made, requests are implicit and ambiguous. A good recommendation system should make a reliable list of items, even with ambiguous requests. This paper proposes a model of generating recommendations for implicit requests. The model employs two methods that reveals the desire of the requestor and uses content curation with a customized layout to display the recommendations. The first method for revealing the requestor’s desire is to specify the implicit request by combining the user’s customized preference with the collective intelligence. The second method for employing content curation is to arrange the recommendation for users to accept spontaneously. To persuade users, the recommendations are transformed into a layout based on a personalized cognitive bias. Through these processes, reliable and beneficial recommendations can be provided to any user even if their requests are implicit or unclear.


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