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With the advent of Internet services, big data and cloud computing, high-throughput computing has generated much research interest, especially on high-throughput cloud servers. However, three basic questions are still not satisfactorily answered: (1) What are the basic metrics (what throughput and high-throughput of what)? (2) What are the main factors most beneficial to increasing throughput? (3) Are there any fundamental constraints and how high can the throughput go? This article addresses these issues by utilizing the fifty-year progress in Little??s law, to reveal three fundamental relations among the seven basic quantities of throughput (??), number of active threads (L), waiting time (W), system power (P), thread energy (E), Watts per thread ??, threads per Joule ??. In addition to Little??s law L = ??W, we obtain P = ??E and ?? = L???, under reasonable assumptions. These equations help give a first order estimation of performance and power consumption targets for billion-thread cloud servers.  相似文献   

Privacy breaches and their regulatory implications have attracted corporate attention in recent times. An often overlooked cause of privacy breaches is human error. In this study, we first apply a model based on the widely accepted GEMS error typology to analyze publicly reported privacy breach incidents within the U.S. Then, based on an examination of the causes of the reported privacy breach incidents, we propose a defense-in-depth solution strategy founded on error avoidance, error interception, and error correction. Finally, we illustrate the application of the proposed strategy to managing human error in the case of the two leading causes of privacy breach incidents. This study finds that mistakes in the information processing stage constitute the most cases of human error-related privacy breach incidents, clearly highlighting the need for effective policies and their enforcement in organizations.  相似文献   

We consider group identification models in which the aggregation of individual opinions concerning who is qualified in a given society determines the set of socially qualified persons. In this setting, we study the extent to which social qualification can be changed when societies expand, shrink, or partition themselves. The answers we provide are with respect to the computational complexity of the corresponding control problems and fully cover the class of consent aggregation rules introduced by Samet and Schmeidler (J Econ Theory, 110(2):213–233, 2003) as well as procedural rules for group identification. We obtain both polynomial-time solvability results and NP-hardness results. In addition, we also study these problems from the parameterized complexity perspective, and obtain some fixed-parameter tractability results.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new and straightforward method for controlling spatially distributed plants based on low-order models obtained from spatial discretization techniques. A suitable level of discretization is determined by computing the sequence of ν-gaps between weighted models of successively finer spatial resolution, and bounding this by another sequence with an analytic series. It is proved that such a series forms an upper bound on the ν-gap between a weighted model in the initial sequence and the spatially distributed weighted plant. This enables the synthesis, on low-order models, of robust controllers that are guaranteed to stabilize the actual plant, a feature not shared by most model reduction methods where the gap between the high-order model and plant is often not known, and where the gap between high-order and reduced models may be too expensive to compute. Since the calculation of the current bound is based on weighted models of small state-dimension, the new method avoids the numerical problems inherent in large-scale model reduction based approaches. The ideas presented in this paper are demonstrated on a disturbance rejection problem for a 1D heat equation.  相似文献   


The radical limit of post-anthropocentric creativity is a mode of completely nonhuman creative endeavour. Yet, the anthropocentrism prevails and conceptions of radically different civilisations and cultures are defined by current human thought that shapes and limits the understanding of what a genuinely alternative cultural production might entail. This article uses the Kardashev scale of civilisations, classified according to energy consumption at the planetary, stellar and galactic scales to consider culture beyond the current limits of an inherently anthropocentric perspective. In considering microdimensional, informational and universal extensions of Kardashev's scale, critical reflections on the anthropocentric limits of cultural epistemology create an opportunity to posit a universal framework of creativity.  相似文献   

Already 30 years have passed since the first prediction of C60 by Professor Osawa. A family of cage-type fullerenes and carbon nanotubes were experimentally found as the third form of carbon molecules in the 1980s. After this discovery, much research has been conducted experimentally and theoretically on these new materials. The all-electron full-potential approach is important for fully understanding the quantum mechanical behavior of the fullerenes and related molecules. We show some results of band calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

Even though these are early days for digital libraries, three decades of research on human-computer interaction in general, and the recent history of hypermedia research in particular, indicate that whatever else occurs, the usability of digital library applications will prove crucial to widespread acceptance. In the present paper an evaluation framework (termed TIME) is outlined. TIME offers designers and implementers of digital libraries a framework to address key human factors in a user-centered manner. Bridging all levels of human factors, from the ergonomic to the user goal, TIME is a multilevel framework that highlights the interplay of multiple issues affecting user response to digital documents. Received: 15 December 1997 / Revised: June 1999  相似文献   

This paper reviews the need for a new land administration vision that takes a more integrated approach rather than the historic fragmented approach and examines change management of land administration and cadastral systems in the context of global drivers of change. This results in the development of a framework for re-engineering land administration systems. After discussing a land administration vision the paper reviews trends and issues in the context of this framework. While the paper discusses global issues and trends, the paper concentrates on the experiences and ongoing land administration research of the authors' and their colleagues with a focus on Australia.  相似文献   

Why a ring?     
In a world increasingly populated with Ethernets and Ethernet-like nets there nevertheless continues to be a strong interest in rings of active repeaters for local data communication. This paper explores some of the engineering problems involved in designing a ring that has no central control. It then compares one ring design with the Ethernet on several different operational and subtle technical points of design, maintainability, and future prospects. On each of these points the ring possesses important or interesting advantages. At the same time, the most commonly cited advantage of a ring, “deterministic access time,” is shown to be illusory. The paper concludes that the data communication ring is a sound idea that will prove its value on operational rather than theoretical issues.  相似文献   

In order to cope with the complexity of the online control system, the DELPHI experiment at CERN (Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration, Nucl. Instr. & Methods Phys. Res. A 303 (1991) 233–276) developed, in collaboration with the CERN OC group, a new concept for the coding of the control logic. In this concept — SMI, the State Management Interface (Barlow et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 36 (1989) 1549–1553) — the experiment is viewed as a collection of objects behaving as finite state machines. These objects are typically organized in hierarchical structures, allowing up to the full automation of the experiment by a a top-level object. This concept has been extended and is being redesigned using object-oriented techniques in SMI++ for the BaBar experiment at SLAC.  相似文献   

Minds and Machines - An increasing number of technology firms are implementing processes to identify and evaluate the ethical risks of their systems and products. A key part of these review...  相似文献   

In human–robot interaction, the robot controller must reactively adapt to sudden changes in the environment (due to unpredictable human behaviour). This often requires operating different modes, and managing sudden signal changes from heterogeneous sensor data. In this paper, we present a multimodal sensor-based controller, enabling a robot to adapt to changes in the sensor signals (here, changes in the human collaborator behaviour). Our controller is based on a unified task formalism, and in contrast with classical hybrid visicn–force–position control, it enables smooth transitions and weighted combinations of the sensor tasks. The approach is validated in a mock-up industrial scenario, where pose, vision (from both traditional camera and Kinect), and force tasks must be realized either exclusively or simultaneously, for human–robot collaboration.  相似文献   

Will the artificial intelligences of the future learn to love? Will intelligent agents be able to understand and mimic human emotions? Will computer programs become more sensitive to their users' moods? These are a few of the questions, some serious, some not, that AI researchers are confronting as they seek to determine the place of emotions in their field. Researchers are studying the role of emotions in AI from a variety of viewpoints: to develop agents and robots that interact more gracefully with humans, to develop systems that use the analog of emotions to aid their own reasoning, or to create agents or robots that more closely model human emotional interactions and learning.  相似文献   

A parameter optimization procedure is presented for large-scale problems arising in linear control system design that include equality and inequality constraints. The procedure is based on a novel min—max algorithm for locating a constrained relative minimum without the use of penalty functions or slack variables. This algorithm is constructed from an auxiliary minimization problem with equality constraints. Inequality constraints then are introduced using the notion of an effective constraint. Typical problem formulations are discussed, and an extensive design example is presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational method for the solution of a class of optimal control problems with a free final time. The method is based on the combination of the modified quasilinearization and the gradient method. A numerical example is included for illustration.  相似文献   

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