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Mycoplasma hominis mutants were selected stepwise for resistance to ofloxacin and sparfloxacin, and their gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE quinolone resistance-determining regions were characterized. For ofloxacin, four rounds of selection yielded six first-, six second-, five third-, and two fourth-step mutants. The first-step mutants harbored a single Asp426-->Asn substitution in ParE. GyrA changes (Ser83-->Leu or Trp) were found only from the third round of selection. With sparfloxacin, three rounds of selection generated 4 first-, 7 second-, and 10 third-step mutants. In contrast to ofloxacin resistance, GyrA mutations (Ser83-->Leu or Ser84-->Trp) were detected in the first-step mutants prior to ParC changes (Glu84-->Lys), which appeared only after the second round of selection. Further analysis of eight multistep-selected mutants of M. hominis that were previously described (2) revealed that they carried mutations in ParE (Asp426-->Asn), GyrA (Ser83-->Leu) and ParE (Asp426-->Asn), GyrA (Ser83-->Leu) and ParC (Ser80-->Ile), or ParC (Ser80-->Ile) alone, depending on the fluoroquinolone used for selection, i.e., ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, or pefloxacin, respectively. These data indicate that in M. hominis DNA gyrase is the primary target of sparfloxacin whereas topoisomerase IV is the primary target of pefloxacin, ofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic pathway for production of the antibiotic fosfomycin by Streptomyces wedmorensis consists of four steps including the formation of a C-P bond and an epoxide. Fosfomycin production genes were cloned from genomic DNA using S. wedmorensis mutants blocked at different steps of the biosynthetic pathway. Four genes corresponding to each of the biosynthetic steps were found to be clustered in a DNA fragment of about 5 kb. Nucleotide sequencing of a large fragment revealed the presence of ten open reading frames, including the four biosynthetic genes and six genes with unknown functions.  相似文献   

Hantaviruses cause an important human illness, HFRS. Blood samples from 22 HFRS-positive, six seronegative patients and 15 healthy controls were examined in 1995, during the largest HFRS epidemic in Croatia. Results of double- and triple-colour immunofluorescence analysis showed an increased percentage of cytotoxic T cells (CD3+CD8+) in seropositive patients compared with seronegatives and healthy controls. The majority of seropositive HFRS patients expressed activation and memory antigens on T and B lymphocytes. The percentage of CD23+ and CD21+ B lymphocytes was lower in seropositive patients. HFRS patients had elevated levels of sCD23 and five had elevated total IgE. The increased expression of both early and late T cell activation antigens, e.g. CD25, CD71 and HLA-DR, memory cells and sCD23 positively correlated with biochemical parameters (AST, ALT, urea, alpha2-globulin) during the acute phase of HFRS. The phenotypic changes observed, especially early and late T cell activation markers, as well as memory cells, could be useful parameters in the evaluation of HFRS course, and prognostic factors of HFRS severity. Additional attention should be paid to liver involvement in the pathogenesis of HFRS.  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequences of the gyrB genes (DNA gyrase B subunit genes) of 15 Acinetobacter strains, including the type and reference strains of genomic species 1 to 12 (A. calcoaceticus [genomic species 1], A. baumannii [genomic species 2], Acinetobacter genomic species 3, A. haemolyticus [genomic species 4], A. junii [genomic species 5], Acinetobacter genomic species 6, A. johnsonii [genomic species 7], A. lwoffii [genomic species 8], Acinetobacter genomic species 9, Acinetobacter genomic species 10, Acinetobacter genomic species 11, and A. radioresistens [genomic species 12]), were determined by sequencing the PCR-amplified fragments of gyrB. The gyrB sequence homology among these Acinetobacter strains ranged from 69.6 to 99.7%. A phylogenetic analysis, using the gyrB sequences, indicates that genomic species 1, 2, and 3 formed one cluster (87.3 to 90.3% identity), while genomic species 8 and 9 formed another cluster (99.7% identity). These results are consistent with those of DNA-DNA hybridization and of biochemical systematics. On the other hand, the topology of the published phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA sequences of the Acinetobacter strains was quite different from that of the gyrB-based tree. The numbers of substitution in the 16S rRNA gene sequences were not high enough to construct a reliable phylogenetic tree. The gyrB-based analysis indicates that the genus Acinetobacter is highly diverse and that a reclassification of this genus would be required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the sexual behaviour of women harbouring Mycoplasma hominis in the vagina. SETTING: Two family planning clinics and a youth clinic for contraceptive advice. METHODS: The vaginal flora of 996 women were investigated microbiologically, including culturing for M. hominis from the posterior vaginal fornix. Cultures and tests were also made to diagnose genital Chlamydia trachomatis infections, gonorrhoea, genital herpes, cervical human papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis, genital warts and human immunodeficiency virus. The sexual behaviour of these women was investigated by structured in-depth personal interviews. RESULTS: Of the 996 women, 123 (12.3%) harboured M. hominis in the vagina. The remainder (87.7%), who had a negative M. hominis culture, served as a reference group. Those with M. hominis were significantly more likely to have had more than 10 partners during their lifetime, had a greater frequency of more than one sexual partner during the preceding month and the last six months, and reported more frequent experience of "casual sex', including casual "travel sex'. More of them also had experience of group sex and were more likely to have been sexually abused than the women in the reference group. Fewer women with M. hominis had a current steady partner and were less often cohabitors, but more had had sexual intercourse during the previous week than those in the reference group. There was an association between the occurrence of M. hominis and bacterial vaginosis and genital chlamydial infection. Adjustment in multifactorial regression analyses therefore changed the results only marginally. CONCLUSIONS: Women with M. hominis have almost the same sexual risk behaviour as women with classic sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases (topos) are essential enzymes that participate in many cellular processes involving DNA. The presence of the DNA-gyrase genes in various mycoplasmas has been reported elsewhere. However, the characterization of DNA topo activity in mycoplasmas has not been previously undertaken. In this study, we characterized the topo activity in extracts of Mycoplasma fermentans K7 and incognitus and in Mycoplasma pirum, as well as in partially purified extract of M. fermentans K7. The topo activity in these microorganisms had the following properties. (i) The relaxation of supercoiled DNA was ATP dependent. (ii) ATP independent relaxation activity was not detected. (iii) Supercoiling of relaxed topoisomers was not observed. (iv) The relaxation activity was inhibited by DNA gyrase and topo IV antagonists (novobiocin and oxolinic acid) and by eukaryotic topo II (m-AMSA [4'-(9-acridylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide]) and topo I antagonists (camptothecin). Other eukaryotic topo II antagonists (teniposide and etoposide) did not affect the topo relaxation activity. (v) Two polypeptides of 66 and 180 kDa were found to be associated with the mycoplasma topo activity. These results suggest that the properties of the topo enzyme in these mycoplasma species resemble those of the bacterial topo IV and the eukaryotic and the bacteriophage T4 topo II. The findings that mycoplasma topo is inhibited by both eukaryotic topo II and topo I antagonists and that m-AMSA and camptothecin inhibited the growth of M. fermentans K7 in culture support our conclusion that these mycoplasma species have topo with unique properties.  相似文献   

The Etest was compared with microbroth dilution for performing in vitro susceptibility tests in 38 isolates of Mycoplasma hominis chosen to represent a wide range of MIC values. MIC50s were 4 micrograms/ml for both methods; whereas, MIC90s were 64 and > 256 micrograms/ml for broth and Etest, respectively. Etest MICs determined on SP 4 agar were usually two or more dilutions greater than microbroth MICs in SP 4 broth, and values were prone to change by one to two dilutions when different inoculum densities were used. Inocula of 10(5) to 10(6) color-changing units/ml gave the most consistently readable MICs, with discrete colony formation surrounding the ellipse. Etest MICs for 5 isolates tested a second time at the same inoculum on SP 4 agar agreed with the original value within 1 dilution. For 12 isolates tested on A 8 agar simultaneously with SP 4 agar, MICs for 10/12 agreed within one dilution; whereas, in the other 2 isolates, MICs varied by two dilutions. These findings suggest that the Etest, when properly controlled, can be used to determine tetracycline MICs for M. hominis.  相似文献   

HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 23-year-old woman was admitted with typical signs of an acute urinary tract infection: fever, pain on tapping over both renal areas and in both flanks, urgency and dysuria. She had a history of renal colic with spontaneous passage of a renal stone. INVESTIGATIONS: There was marked leukocytosis and raised C-reactive protein, leukocyturia and haematuria, but no nitrites or protein in the urine. All blood and urine cultures were sterile and renal ultrasound was unremarkable. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: As signs and laboratory data indicated acute pyelonephritis (PN) she was treated with gyrase inhibiting antibiotics. But while symptoms improved, fever, leukocyturia and haematuria continued; no micro-organism could be demonstrated. Mycoplasma was therefore considered as a rare cause of PN. Special urine cultures then grew M. hominis, > 10(5) organisms/ml. On the basis of sensitivity tests doxycycline was administered. All symptoms quickly improved and all inflammation parameters and urine sediments became normal. CONCLUSION: In rare instances M. hominis may be isolated as the causative organism of PN. If, in cases with appropriate symptoms, routine tests fail to demonstrate the causative agent, M. hominis should be included in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

For many years, DNA gyrase was thought to be responsible both for unlinking replicated daughter chromosomes and for controlling negative superhelical tension in bacterial DNA. However, in 1990 a homolog of gyrase, topoisomerase IV, that had a potent decatenating activity was discovered. It is now clear that topoisomerase IV, rather than gyrase, is responsible for decatenation of interlinked chromosomes. Moreover, topoisomerase IV is a target of the 4-quinolones, antibacterial agents that had previously been thought to target only gyrase. The key event in quinolone action is reversible trapping of gyrase-DNA and topoisomerase IV-DNA complexes. Complex formation with gyrase is followed by a rapid, reversible inhibition of DNA synthesis, cessation of growth, and induction of the SOS response. At higher drug concentrations, cell death occurs as double-strand DNA breaks are released from trapped gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV complexes. Repair of quinolone-induced DNA damage occurs largely via recombination pathways. In many gram-negative bacteria, resistance to moderate levels of quinolone arises from mutation of the gyrase A protein and resistance to high levels of quinolone arises from mutation of a second gyrase and/or topoisomerase IV site. For some gram-positive bacteria, the situation is reversed: primary resistance occurs through changes in topoisomerase IV while gyrase changes give additional resistance. Gyrase is also trapped on DNA by lethal gene products of certain large, low-copy-number plasmids. Thus, quinolone-topoisomerase biology is providing a model for understanding aspects of host-parasite interactions and providing ways to investigate manipulation of the bacterial chromosome by topoisomerases.  相似文献   

The adsorption of tributylphenol ethylene oxide isomers containing various lengths of ethylene oxide chain and positional isomers of tributylphenol on a riverine sediment was studied by thin-layer chromatography combined with high-performance liquid chromatography. The adsorption capacity of the sediment was compared with that of silica, alumina and diatomaceous earth. It was established that the adsorption capacity of the riverine sediment is similar to that of silica. The adsorption of surfactants on the sediment surface is not selective. Neither the length of the ethylene oxide chain nor the position of the butyl substituents on the phenol ring influence significantly the adsorption.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the large protein (L) gene derived from two wild-type measles viruses (MV) and two SSPE brain-derived viruses have been determined. All sequences have single large open reading frames encoding 2183 amino acid residues. The deduced L proteins are well conserved and the proposed functional domains which have been identified for rhabdo- and paramyxoviruses are completely conserved in all strains. The degree of variability of L proteins is the lowest of all structural proteins of MV, reflecting its role in virus reproduction and persistence. Biased hypermutation was not observed in the L genes derived from SSPE brain tissue. None of the nucleotide changes can be associated with the attenuated phenotype of the Edmonston vaccine viruses.  相似文献   

Some strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli associated with human diarrhoeal disease produce a class of pili represented by those called CS1. For the assembly of the major-pilin subunit, CooA, into pili, each of four linked genes, cooB, A, C, and D, is required. In this study, we have determined the subcellular localization of CooB, C and D, and investigated the molecular interactions of these proteins using specific antisera. CooD appears to be an integral pilus protein because it co-purifies with, and is strongly associated with, CS1 pili. In keeping with its role as an assembly protein, the CooD minor pilin (when overexpressed in CS1-piliated strains) was detected in periplasmic intermolecular complexes with the major-pilin subunit CooA. CooB is an assembly protein found exclusively in the periplasm of CS1-piliated strains. CooB also forms periplasmic intermolecular complexes with CooA, but does not constitute part of the final pilus structure. Immunoblot analysis of cell fractions showed that CooC is an outer membrane protein of CS1-piliated E. coli. Based on this information, we have proposed a model for CS1-pilus assembly which is very similar to the model for polymerization of the PapA pilin of uropathogenic E. coli. As the assembly proteins of Pap and CS1 pili are structurally unrelated, this may represent a case of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems were developed for detection of 3 pathogenic bovine mycoplasmas, Mycoplasma alkalescens (Mak), M. bovigenitalium (Mbg) and M. bovirhinis (Mbr). The primers were selected from the sequences of the 16S rRNA from each of the mycoplasmas. Neither the Mbg-PCR system nor the Mbr-PCR system showed cross-amplification among 24 bovine, caprine-ovine and human mycoplasma species (including Acholeplasma and Ureaplasma species) tested. The Mak-PCR system showed cross-amplification with M. canadens ATCC29418T (T = type strain). The sensitivity of each PCR system to detect the proper mycoplasma was 10(3) colony forming units (CFU) when a pure culture was tested, and 2 x 10(3) CFU when the mycoplasma culture was spiked into a calf nasal swab sample. The target mycoplasmas in a clinical nasal swab sample that could be detected by the direct plate method could also be detected by these PCR systems.  相似文献   

In vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate active variants of the 50 nt hairpin catalytic RNA motif following randomization of individual ribozyme domains and intensive mutagenesis of the ribozyme-substrate complex. Active and inactive variants were characterized by sequencing, analysis of RNA cleavage activity in cis and in trans, and by substrate binding studies. Results precisely define base-pairing requirements for ribozyme helices 3 and 4, and identify eight essential nucleotides (G8, A9, A10, G21, A22, A23, A24 and C25) within the catalytic core of the ribozyme. Activity and substrate binding assays show that point mutations at these eight sites eliminate cleavage activity but do not significantly decrease substrate binding, demonstrating that these bases contribute to catalytic function. The mutation U39C has been isolated from different selection experiments as a second-site suppressor of the down mutants G21U and A43G. Assays of the U39C mutation in the wild-type ribozyme and in a variety of mutant backgrounds show that this variant is a general up mutation. Results from selection experiments involving populations totaling more than 10(10) variants are summarized, and consensus sequences including 16 essential nucleotides and a secondary structure model of four short helices, encompassing 18 bp for the ribozyme-substrate complex are derived.  相似文献   

Few data exist concerning expiratory muscle function in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We studied 26 patients with ALS (16 with respiratory symptoms and 10 without) and measured the maximal static expiratory mouth pressure (MEP), the gastric pressure during a maximal cough (Cough Pga), and the gastric pressure after magnetic stimulation of the lower thoracic nerve roots (Tw Pga). These measurements were related to the ability to generate transient supramaximal flow during a cough (cough spikes), to arterialized capillary blood gases, and to inspiratory muscle strength. Vocal cord motion was examined endoscopically in 11 of the 16 symptomatic patients. Expiratory muscle weakness was related to inability to generate cough spikes with a threshold effect such that spikes were absent for Cough Pga < 50 cm H2O (p = 0.009) or Tw Pga < 7 cm H2O (p = 0.006) and was usually associated with inspiratory muscle weakness. However, in multivariate analysis, PaCO2 was only significantly associated with the maximal sniff esophageal pressure (p = 0.02). Symptomatic patients had significantly lower inspiratory muscle strength, whereas, of the expiratory muscle tests, only Tw Pga was significantly lower (p = 0.0009) in symptomatic patients. Abnormal vocal cord motion was observed in two of the 11 patients examined. We conclude that abdominal muscle weakness in ALS, when substantial, results in an inability to generate transient supramaximal flow during a cough. However, the primary determinant of both ventilatory failure and respiratory symptoms seems to be inspiratory muscle weakness.  相似文献   

The in situ content of cells of the reticuloendothelial system and lymphatic cells was examined in the skin of eight symptom-free HIV-positive individuals, three AIDS patients and eleven healthy immunocompetent volunteers. The epidermis was obtained in vivo by the suction blister technique. The numbers of CD68+, CD3+, CD8+, CD25-(IL2R)+ and HLA-DR+ intraepidermal cells proved to be independent of the number of CD4+ peripheral blood lymphocytes. At the same time, the intraepidermal concentrations of these cells were generally low in symptom-free HIV-infected individuals. The strong inverse correlation between the number of epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) and the severity of immunodeficiency was quantitatively confirmed; an increase in LC in symptom-free HIV-infected individuals was found. Thus, the reduction in these cells which was observed in the epidermis of AIDS patients began at a significantly elevated level. In contrast to results from other studies, in AIDS patients, in the present study, the concentration of epidermal LC did not differ significantly from that of healthy immunocompetent volunteers. The immunohistochemical technique can be as effective as in situ hybridization for the detection of HIV in the skin. Our results suggest that the viral load of the skin is rather low in HIV-infected subjects. HIV was demonstrated in one cell of one AIDS case by in situ techniques and this result was confirmed by a polymerase chain reaction examination using the same amount of tissue as for the in situ techniques.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) regulate intracellular levels of cAMP and cGMP by hydrolyzing them to their corresponding 5' monophosphates. We report here the cloning and characterization of a novel cAMP-specific PDE from mouse testis. This unique phosphodiesterase contains a catalytic domain that overall shares <40% sequence identity to the catalytic domain of all other known PDEs. Based on this limited homology, this new PDE clearly represents a previously unknown PDE gene family designated as PDE8. The cDNA for PDE8 is 3,678 nucleotides in length and is predicted to encode an 823 amino acid enzyme. The cDNA includes a full ORF as it contains an in-frame stop codon before the start methionine. PDE8 is specific for the hydrolysis of cAMP and has a Km of 0.15 microM. Most common PDE inhibitors are ineffective antagonists of PDE8, including the nonspecific PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Dipyridamole, however, an inhibitor that is generally considered to be relatively specific for the cGMP selective PDEs, does inhibit PDE8 with an IC50 of 4.5 microM. Tissue distribution studies of 22 different mouse tissues indicates that PDE8 has highest expression in testis, followed by eye, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, 7-day embryo, kidney, ovary, and brain in decreasing order. In situ hybridizations in testis, the tissue of highest expression, shows that PDE8 is expressed in the seminiferous epithelium in a stage-specific manner. Highest levels of expression are seen in stages 7-12, with little or no expression in stages 1-6.  相似文献   

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