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Responses of onion flies,Delia antiqua, to known attractants were measured in the laboratory with a novel tube-trap bioassay. The relative numbers of flies caught in tube traps baited with enzymatic yeast hydrolysate, brewer's yeast, andn-dipropyl disulfide were similar to those obtained previously with cone traps in the field. Changing the shape of the bioassay cage from a cuboid to a cylinder decreased the experimental error obtained from analysis of variance, as did rotating the floor of the circular cage. This bioassay should be useful in evaluating attractants for other insects that orient along the substrate.Diptera: Anthomyiidae.Paper No. 11327 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Received for publication June 8, 1984. 相似文献
Responses ton-dipropyl disulfide by ovipositing onion flies: Effects of concentration and site of release 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Onion fly females,Delia antiqua (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) laid the most eggs on ovipositional dishes havingn-dipropyl disulfide (Pr2S2) release rates of 1–6 ng/sec from polyethylene capsules placed beneath a sand substrate. When dipropyl disulfide was released from the wax coating of surrogate foliage rather than from the substrate, ovipositing females again responded differentially to various concentrations, laying more eggs around stems containing 0.075 and 0.089 mg/stem. Factorial combinations of several concentrations released from surrogate foliage and substrate showed that releases from surrogate foliage stimulated four times more egg-laying than releases from the substrate. Females tended to lay more eggs around surrogate stems having Pr2S2 at the base rather than on the upper half of foliage. Observations of individual females performing preovipositional examining behaviors on Pr2S2-treated surrogate stems indicated that females tended to land on the upper portions of the foliage, but after landing, spent most of their time examining areas of soil and surrogate within 1 cm of the soil-surrogate foliage interface. Surrogate stems provide a realistic context for investigating effects of plant chemicals on host-acceptance behaviors.Journal article No. 12034 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.This work was supported by USDA Competitive Grant 5901-0410-9-0229-0. 相似文献
Of various chopped vegetables tested,Allium spp. high in propyl-containing alkyl sulfides (e.g.,cepa group) caught the most onion flies in trapping tests in the field. Fly catches to chopped onion increased with bait quantity. Attractancy of chopped onion changed dramatically during aging in the field; catch increased over the first few days, peaked at ca. fivefold over fresh material by 3–5 days, and then declined sharply. This age-dependent increase in attraction was not seen for garlic (known to have antimicrobial properties) nor with chopped onion mixed with chopped garlic. These data suggested that attraction of onion flies to onions was strongly influenced by microbial activity associated with decomposing onions. The bacteriumKlebsiella pneumoniae was identified as a major colonizer of onions maximally attractive to onion flies. This increased attraction is not due to the previously reported microbially produced volatiles ethyl acetate and tetramethyl pyrazine.Diptera: Anthomyiidae.Paper No. 11047 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
In laboratory choice experiments, the spices dill, paprika, black pepper, chili powder, ginger, and red pepper deterredDelia antiqua oviposition by 88–100%. Dose-response choice tests demonstrated that 1 mg of ground cayenne pepper (GCP) placed within 1 cm of artificial onion foliage reduced oviposition by 78%. A synthetic analog of capsaicin, the principal flavor ingredient of red peppers, deterred oviposition by 95% when present at 320 ppm in the top centimeter of sand (the ovipositional substrate). However, in no-choice conditions 10 mg GCP was not an effective deterrent. Sevana Bird Repellent and Agrigard Insect Repellent both use red pepper as a principal ingredient; at recommended field rates, neither of these materials was an effective ovipositional deterrent either in laboratory or field. Capsaicin-based materials do not appear to be candidates for onion maggot control via behavioral modification.Paper No. 12514 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
Decomposing onions at certain microbial successional stages produce potent volatile attractants and ovipositional stimulants of the onion fly,Delia antiqua (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). A reproducible source of these compounds was obtained by culturingErwinia carotovora var.carotovora (EC) on sterile onion tissue. In laboratory choice tests, EC-inoculated onion was more attractive thanKlebsiella pneumoniae (KP) cultured on onion, EC cultured on potato (a nonhost of onion fly), or the chemical synthetic baits dipropyl disulfide and an aqueous solution of 2-phenylethanol and pentanoic acid. Onion flies were mildly attracted to potato after inoculation with EC, but females did not accept EC-inoculated potato for oviposition. This work emphasizes that sources of semiochemicals may need to be defined microbiologically as well as physically and chemically.Diptera: Anthomyiidae.Paper No. 12106 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
Experiments conducted in the laboratory tested the hypotheses that aggregated oviposition by onion maggot flies,Delia antiqua (Meigen), is caused by stimuli associated with ovipositing females, newly laid eggs, or both. Using a paired oviposition station bioassay that eliminated visual stimuli associated with the treatment under study, 67% of the eggs laid by caged females were in response to the odor of females already ovipositing on an onion slice, as opposed to 33% of the eggs laid in response to an onion slice alone. When newly laid eggs were transferred to onion slices and held for either 24 or 48 hr before being bioassayed against similarly aged untreated onions, 74% and 97% of the eggs were laid at the egg-treated onion stations, respectively. Similar results were achieved when an aqueous wash of newly laid eggs was applied to the onion slice. When the egg wash was processed through a bacterial filter or when eggs were present but not in contact with onions, all response was eliminated. These results implicate microorganisms transmitted on the egg surface in creating an attraction for ovipositing females. Heptane extracts of ovipositor tips from mated, ovipositing females induced 72% of the test females to oviposit near points at which extracts were applied to the oviposition station floor. A behavioral sequence for an optimal host-selection strategy is hypothesized, whereby host-seeking female onion flies respond to host-derived alkyl sulfides at long range and metabolic by-products of microbially infested hosts and visual cues at short range (ca. l m), with final selection of oviposition sites potentially reinforced by contact with an aggregation pheromone released or left on the substrate by ovipositing females. 相似文献
Yeast and corn hydrolysates and other nutritious materials as attractants for onion and seed flies 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The attractancy of enzymatic yeast hydrolysate, a corn hydrolysate, brewers' yeast, honey, ammonia,n-dipropyl disulfide, and several combinations of these treatments was tested in an onion field containing onion flies,Hylemya antiqua (Meigen) and seedcorn flies,H. platura (Meigen). Enzymatic yeast hydrolysate (concentrated powder) proved to be highly attractive to both fly species; females were more responsive than males. Brewers' yeast and corn hydrolysate were intermediately attractive, while all other treatments were only slightly or not at all attractive. Although no steps were taken to prolong release of volatiles, some of the nutritious materials remained highly attractive even after 11 days. The yeast products may, at certain times, be even more attractive than specific host volatiles. However, their activity was not constant over time and may be influenced by the stage of reproductive development of female flies.Diptera: AnthomyiidaePaper No. 9511 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
Stimulo-deterrent diversion: A concept and its possible application to onion maggot control 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Considerable basic information has been gathered on the interaction between the onion fly (Delia antiqua) and its host plant, the onion (Allium cepa). An attempt is underway to manipulate ovipositional behavior of this pest by treating onion seedlings with chemical deterrents while simultaneously providing deeply planted onion culls on which onion flies prefer to lay. This bipolar strategy of behavioral manipulation, termed stimulo-deterrent diversion (SDD), has the advantages of: (1) avoiding severe pest deprival and concomitant overriding of deterrents, (2) combining the effects of push and pull multiplicatively, and (3) providing opportunities for enhanced biological control in sites where the pest becomes concentrated. The suggestion is made that using SDD along with soil insecticide might relax or even reverse selection for physiological resistance ofD. antiqua to insecticides. As tools of molecular biology open new possibilities for manipulating plants and their allelochemicals, applied chemical ecologists should consider arranging situations where the allelochemicals have clear and adaptive messages for the pest. By combining toxins and deterrents at sites where feeding should be prevented, while simultaneously expediting use of alternative plants or plant parts, it might be possible to guide pest evolution toward paths of less conflict with human interest. 相似文献
An olfactometer bioassay was used to follow attractant for screwworm flies,Cochliomyia hominivorax, in steam distillates of bovine blood under different distillation and storage conditions and after HPLC separation of components in a water-methanol gradient. In addition, fly responsiveness was examined in relation to sex and ovarian stage. Gravid and vitellogenic nullipars were attracted to the blood, although the former predominated four to one. Males did not respond at a dose that attracted 76% of gravid females. Maximum attractiveness occurred when distillate was stored in sealed glass ampoules. An argon atmosphere made storage at ambient temperatures feasible, but offered no advantage during storage at ca. –60°C or during distillation. The HPLC separation produced four fractions that duplicated the attractiveness of the distillate when recombined but showed little activity when presented as two-fraction, and most three-fraction, mixtures. Availability of the HPLC fractions for combination with other samples will facilitate location via bioassay of attractant components in samples obtained from subsequent or alternate isolations that preserve only one or two elements of the multicomponent mixture.Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for its use by the USDA. 相似文献
Cinnamyl derivatives and monoterpenoids as nonspecific ovipositional deterrents of the onion fly 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
R. S. Cowles J. R. Miller R. M. Hollingworth M. T. Abdel-Aal F. Szurdoki K. Bauer G. Matolcsy 《Journal of chemical ecology》1990,16(8):2401-2428
Laboratory dose-response choice tests and discriminate-dosage bioassays revealed wide variation in the effectiveness of cinnamyl, cinnamoyl, monoterpene, and phenethyl alcohol derivatives as ovipositional deterrents toDelia antiqua (Meigen), the onion fly. (E)-Cinnamic acids were not detectably deterrent. When formulated in particles of polyethylene glycol, (E)-cinnamaldehyde had a BR90 (concentration eliciting 90% deterrency) of 1.0% and (E)-4-methoxycinnamaldehyde had a BR90 of 0.38%. Among nine monoterpenoids tested,p-cymene was inactive, citronellal had a BR90 of 3.7%, and terpinene-4-ol had a BR90 of 0.46%. Para-substituted phenethyl alcohols gave increasing deterrence in the order: –NO2, CH3O–, –Cl, –CH3, –H. Wide varieties of structures were deterrent: C-8 to C-13, intermediate in polarity, and possessing either oxygen-containing or nitrile functional groups. The air concentration of (E)-cinnamaldehyde at its BR90 was 1.7 ng/ml. This relatively high concentration, the diversity in deterrent structures, and the lack of differences in deterrency among positional and optical isomers suggest that ovipositional deterrency in onion flies is mediated by receptors broadly tuned for detecting phenylpropenoid, phenolic, monoterpenoid, and perhaps other classes of allelochemicals. 相似文献
The effect of fly or fruit treatments on quality and/or quantity of host-marking pheromone (HMP) trail substance released by apple maggot flies (Rhagoletis pomonella) following oviposition was evaluated. Among flies, considerable variation existed in the amount of HMP substance deposited, but overall, the amount of substance released on successively offered fruit (over a day or a week) did not change appreciably. Fly diet did not influence pheromone activity. Older flies (28 days) or smaller flies released less or less active HMP trail substance than younger flies (14 days) or larger flies. Females deposited a similar amount of trail substance on large (18–19 mm diam.) or HMP-marked fruit as on small (12–13 mm) or unmarked fruit. Starvation reduced the amount of measurable trail substance deposited but resulted in a more active HMP deposition. Discrepancy between trail measurement and behavioral bioassay results for the starvation treatment indicated that trail measurement results may be misleading under conditions that reduce gut contents of the fly. 相似文献
R. S. Vernon J. H. Borden H. D. Pierce Jr. A. C. Oehlschlager 《Journal of chemical ecology》1977,3(4):359-368
An oviposition bioassay for the onion maggot,Hylemya antiqua (Meigen), is described in which females, in response to volatile stimulants, oviposit through small apertures onto moistened filter paper. Onion volatiles that act as attractants and oviposition stimulants were captured in Porapak Q from air passed over chopped onions in glass chambers. Pentane extracts from odor-impregnated Porapak Q induced 30–50% of the oviposition that occurred in response to 15-g onion-slice stimuli. Extracts presented in pentane on waxed dental cotton wicks induced more constant oviposition over a 3-day period than extracts on unwaxed wicks. Extract of the Porapak Q-captured volatiles from bulbs of fresh, actively growing onions elicited a much stronger response than did stem and leaf extracts from the same onions. The bioassay techniques and chemical procedures developed in this study could be used in chemical isolation programs for host attractants or oviposition stimulants forH. antiqua or similar species.Diptera:Anthomyiidae.Research supported by National Research Council of Canada, Grant Nos. A3881 and A3706. 相似文献
Responses of onion flies,Hylemya antiqua (Meigen), to various synthetic onion and microbial volatiles as well as volatiles from microbial cultures and decomposing onions were tested to characterize the most effective host-finding stimuli. Of nine onion and microbial volatiles tested individually, only the known attractant,n-dipropyl disulfide, caught significant numbers of flies. However, a blend of these volatiles attracted more flies than any single chemical, includingn-dipropyl disulfide. In another experiment, agar plates inoculated with microorganisms from decomposing onions did not attract onion flies. However, cut onions inoculated with microorganisms and conditioned 4 days caught more onion flies than freshly cut onions andn-dipropyl disulfide. These results suggest that a blend of chemicals, rather than a single key chemical, is the more effective host-finding stimulus, and that microbial activity enhances the attractancy of a blend of onion volatiles. Large numbers ofFannia canicularis (L.), the little house fly, responded to the microbial cultures, demonstrating the existence of a potent attractant for this muscid.Diptera: Anthomyiidae.Diptera: Muscidae.Paper No. 9470 of the Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Received for publication May 23, 1980. 相似文献
Coenosia tigrina larvae feed on earthworms. We hypothesized that earthworm mucus contains a kairomone that stimulates oviposition behavior in adultC. tigrina females, thus minimizing the search area in the soil required for newly eclosed larvae to find earthworms. In bioassays, adult females responded with extension of the ovipositor 25–43% of the time to earthworm-mucus-soaked filter paper disks compared to 6–7% in response to water-soaked disks. Ovipositor extension on mucus-soaked disks was followed by egg-laying 29% of the time and 0% of the time on water-soaked disks. Egg-laying byC. tigrina followed a diurnal periodicity, with most eggs laid in the latter half of the photophase even in the absence of earthworm mucus. More eggs were deposited from 1600 to 1800 hr by females given access to earthworm mucus during that period than were deposited by females not given access. There was no difference in the number of eggs deposited from 0600 to 0800 hr, by females given access to earthworm mucus or not. This is a time of day when few eggs are normally laid. This paper is the first report of an earthworm-produced kairomone in an insect-earthworm interaction. The kairomone may have potential for enhancing biological control of the onion maggot,Delia antiqua, which is a prey of adultC. tigrina. 相似文献
The onion fly Delia antiqua is a specialist herbivore attacking only onions and closely related Allium species. n-Dipropyl disulfide (Pr2S2) has long been known to be attractive to onion flies in the laboratory and in the field. However, the insect's response is highly variable. Using behavioral bioassays we found that Pr2S2 was highly attractive to gravid, mated female onion flies, but did not stimulate oviposition. The response of female onion flies was concentration dependent. The physiological state of the flies (i.e., age, mating status, egg load/oviposition experience) also affected their responsiveness. The response of both sexes of onion flies varied with age, but females were always more strongly attracted than males. Responsiveness of females increased during the first 10 days after emergence. It stayed at a high level until 21 days after which the experiment was terminated. The responsiveness of males reached a maximum at 6–7 days after which it declined. Mated, gravid females responded more strongly to Pr2S2 than unmated, gravid females. Females deprived of the opportunity to oviposit were more attracted compared to females that had oviposited on cut onions prior to the experiment. Electroantennograms (EAG) of females revealed a higher response to stimulation compared to males. The EAG-response of females was not affected by mating status. 相似文献
Responses ofRhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae) flies to host fruit visual stimuli (apples or models of apples) and chemical stimuli (synthetic apple volatile blend) were studied in semidwarf field-caged apple trees. Three different fruit or model densities (1, 4, or 16 fruit or models/ tree) and two odor release rates [ca. 0.7g/hr (close to the natural release rate of a ripe apple) and ca. 500g/hr (amount of odor released by commercially sold apple maggot traps)] were tested. Individually released flies were followed as they moved within a tree for a maximum of 20 min. We recorded three-dimensional search paths followed by foraging flies and computed such variables as total relative distance traveled before alighting on a fruit or model, track length between individual alightment sites, and directness of flight to fruits or models. Effect of odor on propensity to alight on fruit or models and host-searching behavior prior to alighting on fruit or on models varied according to fruit or model color and density. If the fruit visual stimulus was strong (e.g., red color), odor did not increase the probability of finding fruit or fruit models. As the visual stimulus became progressively weaker (red to green to clear), odor (irrespective of concentration) appeared to aid flies during the fruit-finding process. As density of fruit or models increased, the probability of flies finding a fruit or model also increased (e.g., 50% of flies found a red fruit model at 1 model/tree while 90% found a red model at 16 models/tree; 4% of flies found a clear model with odor at 1 model/tree while 35% found a clear model with odor at 16 models/tree). Findings reported elsewhere indicate thatR. pomonella flies are able to discover a point source of odor (an odor-bearing tree in a patch of trees) by flying upwind (in the tree patch) in response to intermittent exposure to odor. Findings here indicate that after arrival on a host tree (point source), flies discover individual apparent and abundant host fruit on the basis of vision. If fruit are less apparent or scarce, odor appears to interact with vision during the fruit-finding process. 相似文献
L. Hammack 《Journal of chemical ecology》1987,13(6):1419-1430
Laboratory mating tests and bioassays for a contact, mating-stimulant pheromone were conducted within and between two strains of the screwworm fly,Cochliomyia hominivorax. No strain or sex difference in pheromone activity occurred at emergence. However, the pheromone activity of females increased with age in one strain but declined in the other. Activity also declined in males of both strains but more steeply than in the females. Thus, sexual dimorphism in pheromone activity developed with age in both strains but to differing degrees. The decline in female pheromone activity was partly compensated for within that strain by a higher male responsiveness to pheromone. Female pheromone activity and mating success were positively correlated. Virgin females and those inseminated 24–48 hr previously were equally stimulatory. It appears that the strain differences arose from selection for reduced pheromone activity during laboratory colonization. 相似文献
Under dry conditions, oviposition-deterring pheromone (ODP) of the apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) on host fruit proved deterrent to ovipositing females for at least three weeks, with a half-life of ca. 11 days. There was no difference in decline of residual activity under lab vs. field conditions or between fly-deposited ODP vs. an application of a water extract of ODP. A decline in pheromone activity resulted from exposure to both natural and simulated rainfall. For natural rainfall, greatest losses (50– 61%) in activity resulted from high-intensity rains, with substantially less activity lost (13–35%) following light or moderate intensity rains.R. pomonella females discriminated against fruit without ODP but with conspecific larvae. Discrimination against infested fruit was manifested within fewer days following infestation of small fruit (9 mm diam.) as compared to larger fruit (15 mm diam.). 相似文献
Fiaboe MK Chabi-Olaye A Gounou S Smith H Borgemeister C Schulthess F 《Journal of chemical ecology》2003,29(4):921-929
In the Republic of Benin, the African pink stem borer Sesamia
calamistis Hampson is kept under control by the two scelionid egg parasitoids Telenomus busseolae (Gahan) and T. isis (Polaszek). A third species, the trichogrammatid Lathromeris ovicida Risbec, although commonly obtained from egg batches, is of low importance. High egg and egg batch parasitism by Telenomus spp. at low host densities suggests excellent host-finding capacity. Previously it was hypothesized that pheromones produced by calling S. calamistis virgins play an important role in attracting the parasitoids to the area where oviposition is likely to occur. Thus, after determining the effect of age (1–4 days) on the calling rhythm of S. calamistis, 1-day-old virgin females were chosen to investigate the response of the parasitoids to calling and noncalling females and two empty controls, in a four-arm olfactometer. The results showed that calling started earliest and lasted longest with 1-day-old females, but was similar for 2- to 4-days-old females. The percentage of females calling was higher in early than latter scotophases. The highest percentage of active females was obtained between 8 and 9 hr after the beginning of the first scotophase. All three parasitoid species responded to calling females, while there were no differences between noncalling females and the empty controls. The response pattern was similar for the two Telenomus spp. but considerably weaker for L. ovicida, reflecting differing host specificity of the three parasitoid species. 相似文献
James R. Rocca James L. Nation Lucjan Strekowski Merle A. Battiste 《Journal of chemical ecology》1992,18(2):223-244
Volatiles emitted byAnastrepha suspensa andAnastrepha ludens males were trapped and compared by GC-MS. Both species emitted previously reported nine-carbon alcohols, (Z)-3-nonenol and (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienol, and epimeric lactones, anastrephin and epianastrephin. A third isomeric lactone, the macrolide suspensolide, which was previously known only fromA. suspensa is reported here for the first time in the volatiles ofA. ludens. We also report that both species released different proportions of the same three sesquiterpene hydrocarbons:-farnesene,-bisabolene, and-trans-bergamotene. The-bisabolene was isolated in sufficient quantity fromA. suspensa volatiles to establish its absolute configuration as the (R)-(+)-enantiomer. Some plausible biosynthetic relationships of farnesol to the isoprenoid lactones and sesquiterpenes identified in this study are discussed. Finally, we report thatA. suspensa produces the monoterpene (Z)--ocimene whileA. ludens volatiles contained limonene. 相似文献