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关于FIR数字滤波器的频域实现存在一种错误的观点和做法,即直接在离散傅利叶变换域将输入信号属于阻带的谱线清零,而属于通带的谱线保留,再离散傅利叶反变换到时域,并且认为通过这种方法得到的信号是对输入信号理想滤波的结果.本文针对这一观点,利用频域取样的概念,从时域和频域两个角度分析,指出该做法并不能实现理想滤波,并且滤波性能通常不能达到指标要求. 相似文献
在数字滤波器设计与应用当中,相比于以牺牲线性相位频率特性为代价的无限冲击响应(IIR)数字滤波器,有限冲击响应(FIR)数字滤波器不仅保证了精确严格的线性相位特性,并且结构简单稳定。但在实现相同的设计指标时,有限冲击响应需要更高的阶数,为满足高速高阶数字滤波器设计,文章提出一种改进的分布式算法。该算法利用主流现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)芯片的多相分解结构和流水线技术,采用多路复用加法器对数据进行预相加,减少传统分布式结构的查找表规模。利用Matalb仿真设计,Quartus II编译测试,并下载到现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)中进行运行分析,结果显示文章的方法有效地减少了滤波器对硬件资源的消耗,能够较好地实现高阶的FIR滤波器。 相似文献
在满足幅度特性的要求下,FIR系统可以保证严格的线性相位特性,合理设计滤波器各参数以逼近理想滤波器,从而满足设计性能指标。反之,在某种准则下设计滤波器各参数,可获取最优结果。这里借助MATLAB软件工具箱,采用三种不同的方法设计FIR数字滤波器,并进行对比。 相似文献
数字滤波器是一种用来过滤时间离散信号的数字系统,通过对抽样数据进行数学处理来达到频域滤波的目的。根据其单位冲激响应函数的时域特性可分为两类:无限冲激响应(IIR)滤波器和有限冲激响应(FIR)滤波器。与IIR滤波器相比,FIR的实现是非递归的,它总是稳定的,更重要的是,FIR滤波器在满足幅频响应要求的同时,可以获得严格的线性相位特性。因此,它在高保真的信号处理,[第一段] 相似文献
根据子滤波器抽头级联法,采用梳状滤波器作为子滤波器,设计了一种新型FIR数字滤波器.通过C语言编程的方法来选择子滤波器阶数,使原型滤波器的过渡带宽度最宽.采用经过变换的通带和阻带边界频率来进行原型滤波器的设计,使得原型滤波器的阶数比传统实现方法低很多.采用该方法实现的FIR滤波器乘法器个数比传统方法少很多,硬件实现更为简单,大幅减小了硬件开销.该方法已成功用于回声消除和噪声抑制芯片,FIR滤波器的面积约为传统方法的50%,用180 nm 3.3 V/1.8 V 6层金属混合信号CMOS工艺流片,结果表明,对于过渡带较窄的滤波器,该方法非常有效. 相似文献
The frequency domain of wide-band linear sampleddata filters is considered. The sampled-data filter is termed ?wideband? when the frequency range of useful approximation to its continuous counterpart approaches half the sampling frequency. Sampled-data filter representations for continuous filters can be obtained using several different design procedures.[1] A particular design method utilizing the bilinear transformation is developed. The method is especially useful in designing wide-band sampleddata filters which exhibit relatively flat frequency-magnitude characteristics in successive pass- and stop-bands. Filters of this type are widely used in network simulation and data processing problems.[2] The design method possesses two chief advantages over the standard z transform.[3] The first is that the transformation used is purely algebraic in form. This means it can be applied easily to a continuous filter having a rational transfer characteristic expressed in either polynomial or factored form. The second advantage is the elimination of aliasing[4] errors inherent in the standard z transform. Thus, the sampled-data filter obtained by this design method exhibits the same frequency response characteristics as the continuous filter, except for a nonlinear warping of the frequency scale. Compenation for this warping can be made by a suitable frequency scale modification. Some of the more common filter networks to which the design method can be applied effectively are the Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev, and elliptic-filter structures. The design method consists first of obtaining a rational transfer characteristic for a continuous filter that satisfies the design specifications. 相似文献
Hime A. Oliveira Jr. Antonio Petraglia Mariane R. Petraglia 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2009,28(6):899-911
An alternative approach to digital filter design is presented. The overall technique is as follows: Starting from frequency domain constraints and a parameterized expression of the filter family under adaptation, a corresponding training set is created, an error function is synthesized and a global minimization process is executed. At the end, the point that minimizes globally the particular cost function at hand determines the optimal filter. The adopted numerical optimization algorithm is based upon the well-known simulated annealing paradigm and its implementation is known as fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing. Although it is used in this paper to fit FIR filters to frequency domain specifications, the method is suitable to application in other problems of digital filter design, where the matter under study can be stated as finding the global minimum of a numerical function of filter parameters. Design examples are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
FIR数字滤波器的设计与实现 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在数字信号处理中,数字滤波器是一种被广泛使用的信号处理部件。分析了FIR(有限冲激响应)数字滤波器的结构特征,得到了满足系统要求的数字滤波器设计方法,结合实际工程所要求的数字滤波器指标,利用MATLAB对FIR数字滤波器进行了设计和仿真,并根据FIR数字滤波器输出的幅频特性和相频特性图对滤波器的参数进行调整,从而得到满足性能要求的最佳数字滤波器参数。采用DSP芯片实现所设计的FIR数字滤波器。 相似文献
基于MATLAB的FIR数字滤波器的设计 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
数字滤波技术是数字信号处理的一个重要组成部分.文中叙述了数字滤波的相关理论,介绍了应用MATLAB仿真工具设计有限冲击响应(FIR)数字滤波器的流程,并给出了滤波器频率响应曲线的仿真结果,结果表明满足技术指标的要求. 相似文献
本文利用重叠数字滤波理论,给出一种新的频率域重叠结构滤波器,该滤波器具有优良的传输特性,通带波动很少而且具有较大的阻带衰减。运用此结构文中编程实现了低通、带通和高通滤波器的设计,物理意义明确。通过对滤波器特性的理论分析给出了加窗序列改进方案,基本消除了通带和阻带内的波动。 相似文献