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Ritanserine had a positive effect on children with Rett's syndrome and children with autistic syndrome and mental retardation. The most marked effect was observed in reduction of psychomotor instability, impaired concentration of attention and partly also in autism.  相似文献   

A major problem encountered in the field of autism is the children's characteristic lack of motivation. This problem is especially apparent when autistic children attempt to complete learning tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of correct vs incorrect task completion on children's motivation to respond to such tasks. Ss were 3 autistic children aged 6 yrs 1 mo, 11 yrs 11 mo, and 12 yrs 3 mo. Results demonstrate that when Ss worked on tasks at which they were typically incorrect, their motivation for those tasks decreased to extremely low levels. However, designing treatment procedures to prompt Ss to keep responding until they completed the tasks correctly served to increase Ss' motivation to respond to those tasks. The implications of these findings are that (a) autistic children's learning handicaps (which typically lead to low levels of correct responding) may result in few or inconsistent rewards for attempting to respond at all, thus decreasing the children's motivation; and (b) treatment procedures designed to keep the children responding until they complete a task correctly may result in coincidental reinforcement for perseverance, increasing the children's motivation to respond to those tasks. Results are discussed in relation to the literature on learned helplessness. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents a lumped-parameter model that stimulates the in vivo electrical properties of a guinea pig cochlea implanted with a multielectrode stimulating array. A basic model of the low-frequency electroanatomy in a normally functioning guinea pig cochlea is developed by adding critical membrane capacitances to Strelioff's resistive network model [1]. The basic model of normal cochlear tissues is modified to account for anatomical and physiological differences between a normal and implanted cochlea, which results in an impedance model of an implanted cochlea. Simulating the results of in vivo cochlear stimulation verifies the accuracy with which the modified cochlear model represents electrical properties within an electrically stimulated cochlea. Generalized simulations using this model suggest a straightforward phasing scheme capable of achieving sharply focused, channel-independent multielectrode cochlear stimulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a Kampo medicine (Sai-boku-to) for treatment of patients with glossodynia. STUDY DESIGN: Sai-boku-to or an antianxiety drug (diazepam) with vitamin B complex was administered orally for 3 months to each of 200 patients with glossodynia. Clinical examination evaluated the following subjective symptoms: pain, burning sensation, and discomfort. Effectiveness was evaluated as follows: "markedly effective," all 3 symptoms disappeared; "effective," pain improved; "ineffective," no improvement in pain. RESULTS: The effective rates were 70% after 1 month, 85% after 2 months, and 92% after 3 months of administration of Sai-boku-to (the Kampo group) and 74% after 1 month, 71% after 2 months, and 69% after 3 months of administration of the antianxiety drug with vitamin B complex (the control group). No significant side effect was noted in the Kampo group, but sleepiness was recorded in 33 cases in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that Sai-boku-to may be a clinically useful medicine for the long-term treatment of patients with glossodynia.  相似文献   

The present study examined quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) profile for children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Five-minute QEEG data were obtained from 90 normal controls (NCs) and 66 children with ASD. Spectrum analyses revealed that ASD children showed significantly less relative alpha and more relative delta than NC. Specifically, 26% of ASD children and 2% of NCs showed 1.5 SDs of relative alpha below the normative mean. Children with this QEEG profile had 17 times the risk of having ASD than those without such a profile. Sensitivity and specificity of relative alpha were 91% and 73%, respectively. Split-half cross-validation yielded a sensitivity of 76%. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ten autistic, 10 schizophrenic, and 10 outstandingly successful children operated a lever controlling the volume of tape-recorded sound, in a laboratory study designed to follow up clinical reports of abnormal responsiveness to auditory stimulation in autistic children. Results indicated (p  相似文献   

Compared the performance of 19 autistic 5-13 yr olds (mean MA: 4 yrs, 3 mo) on an object discrimination learning set task with that of MA and IQ matched control groups of normal and retarded Ss. All but 2 of the autistic Ss acquired a learning set. About 1/2 of the Ss in each control group also acquired a learning set. However, the mean number of problems to criterion was similar for both the autistic and control groups of Ss who acquired a learning set. It is suggested that the superior performance of autistic Ss on a task which is believed to be related to MA indicates that the MA of these children may be higher than that which is usually obtained with standard measuring techniques. Results provided somewhat equivocal evidence for a relation between MA, IQ, and learning set formation in the normal and retarded Ss. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five autistic and five normal children were allowed to register a sensory modality preference by bar pressing to select either a visual (slides) or an auditory (music) stimulus. The children were then taught a discrimination between the presence or absence of a compound auditory-visual stimulus (white noise and light). Testing for stimulus overselectivity revealed that the autistic children attended to only one aspect of the compound stimulus. In all cases this was the sensory modality that was selected during the preference test. Significant correlations were obtained between Gesell developmental scores and degree of overselectivity. Normal children registered an equal preference for music and slides and displayed no overselectivity.  相似文献   

Sixty-five children with pervasive developmental disturbance (autism and atypical childhood psychosis) were screened by standard urinary amino acid detection testing methods. Three of the children showed abnormalities in these screening tests, leading to the diagnosis of phenylketonuria. This was verified by repeated urinary testing and blood phenylalanine determinations. The children with phenylketonuria were treated with low-phenylalanine diets and have shown improvement in functioning and developmental level since treatment. Urinary genetic screening should be a standard test for all children being evaluated for serious developmental disturbances of childhood.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of intertrial interval duration on the performance of autistic children during teaching situations. The children were taught under the same conditions existing in their regular programs, except that the length of time between trials was systematically manipulated. With both multiple baseline and repeated reversal designs, two lengths of intertrial interval were employed; short intervals with the SD for any given trial presented approximately one second following the reinforcer for the previous trial versus long intervals with the SD presented four or more seconds following the reinforcer for the previous trial. The results showed that: (1) the short intertrial intervals always produced higher levels of correct responding than the long intervals; and (2) there were improving trends in performance and rapid acquisition with the short intertrial intervals, in contrast to minimal or no change with the long intervals. The results are discussed in terms of utilizing information about child and task characteristics in terms of selecting optimal intervals. The data suggest that manipulations made between trials have a large influence on autistic children's learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of an electropermeabilization method in the administration of a chemotherapeutic agent in bladder cancer in the rat. MATERIALS AND METHODS: N-Butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine was used to induce bladder tumors in Wistar rats. Rats in group 1 were given a sham treatment. Rats in group 2 received an injection of bleomycin (BLM). Rats in group 3 received a series of eight 100- micros square-wave pulses at an electric field intensity of 1,000 V/cm (electropermeabilization) applied to the bladder. Rats in group 4 were treated with square-wave pulses after the injection of BLM. Nine days after the various treatments, all the bladders were removed and examined histopathologically. RESULTS: Histopathological examination revealed severe damage to tumors in group 4 exclusively. CONCLUSION: The cytotoxic effect of BLM on bladder cancer tissue was enhanced by electropermeabilization.  相似文献   

By means of antibodies labeled with horseradish peroxidase, autologous albumin and IgG were visualized in electron microscopy on the alveolar epithelial surface of the rat lung, as a continuous cell coat, as free granular deposits, or associated with tubular myelin figures. These 2 proteins were detected by immunochemistry in alveolar washing. After ultracentrifugation of alveolar washing, they were still found in the phospholipid-rich precipitate fraction by immunization of rabbits and by immunoelectron microscopy. Thus, albumin and IgG appeared as normal alveolar components in the rat lung; fibrinogen was not found under normal conditions.  相似文献   

Reinforced 6 autistic, 5 retarded, and 5 normal children for responding to a complex stimulus involving the simultaneous presentation of auditory, visual, and tactile cues. After discrimination was established, elements of the complex were presented separately to assess which aspects of the complex stimulus had acquired control over the S's behavior. It was found that (a) the autistics responded primarily to only 1 of the cues, normals to all 3 cues, and retardates to 2 cues; and (b) conditions could be arranged such that a cue which had remained nonfunctional when presented in association with other cues could be established as functional when trained separately. Data fail to support theories that any 1 sense modality is impaired in autistic children. When presented with a stimulus complex, autistic Ss' attention was overselective. Findings are related to the literature on selective attention. Since much learning involves contiguous or near-contiguous pairing of 2 or more stimuli, failure to respond to 1 of the stimuli may be an important factor in the development of autism. (27 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied 5 sets of parents with autistic children, and 2 with schizophrenic offspring. Demographic, intelligence, and personality data on their families were examined. Rimland's retrospective checklist (Form E-1) was useful in distinguishing between autistic and schizophrenic disorders. Demographic and IQ findings were not supportive of conjectures about parents' remarkable intelligence and achievement levels. Parental MMPI and "A-B therapist" measures (the Kemp version of the Whitehorn-Betz A-B scale) seemed contradictory to related psychogenic hypotheses about severe childhood disturbances. Results are contrary both to positions depicting parents of autistic children as exceedingly brilliant people and as "emotional refrigerators." (26 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on a possible pathological relationship of autoimmunity to autism, antibodies reactive with myelin basic protein (anti-MBP) were investigated in the sera of autistic children. Using a screening serum dilution of 1:400 in the protein-immunoblotting technique, approximately 58% (19 of 33) sera of autistic children (< or = 10 years of age) were found to be positive for anti-MBP. This result in autistics was significantly (p < or = .0001) different from the controls (8 of 88 or only 9% positive), which included age-matched children with normal health, idiopathic mental retardation (MR) and Down syndrome (DS), and normal adults of 20 to 40 years of age. Since autism is a syndrome of unknown etiology, it is possible that anti-MBP antibodies are associated with the development of autistic behavior.  相似文献   

Despite its widespread application, the teaching of speech does not appear to be effective with all autistic and other severely dysfunctional, nonverbal children. A body of recent evidence points to the peculiarities in the information processing of these children and to the importance of gestures as aids or alternatives to speech. The present study reports on the use of simultaneous communication (gestures plus speech) with five such children. The fact that four of the five children showed marked gains in their ability to communicate over a 5-week period raises some theoretical and methodological issues pertinent to the treatment of autistic and autistic-like children and to our general understanding of the processes involved in nonverbal communication.  相似文献   

Studied negativism in 9 autistic, 9 behavior-disturbed, and 9 normal 5-12 yr olds in 3 different stimulus conditions (verbal requests for verbal responses, verbal requests for nonverbal responses, and nonverbal requests for nonverbal responses). Each condition included 2 tasks, which were requested 15 consecutive times. Ss demonstrated that they could perform the tasks before testing, and their responses were scored according to the similarity between the response and the request. Results demonstrate that the autistic and behavior-disturbed Ss responded similarly, except when requests required verbal responses, in which case the autistic Ss were much more negative. Results suggest applications to diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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