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采用双槽电化学腐蚀法制备多孔硅(porous silicon, PS), 对其进行超声后处理.以PS为模板采用一步浸渍沉积法制备大小均匀、形状规则的铜纳米颗粒, 并研究沉积时间对纳米颗粒形状、尺寸的影响.结果表明:PS超声后处理并未造成其物理和化学结构的破坏, 大量的硅氢键(SiHx)和蜂窝状多孔结构(直径150 nm左右)分别为纳米铜的形成和生长提供了还原剂和场所;沉积时间对铜纳米颗粒形貌具有重要影响, 当沉积时间为40s时得到形状和尺寸较为均匀的铜纳米颗粒.  相似文献   

以明胶高分子网格为模板,硫酸氨为硫化剂,在较低温度下(700℃)通过氢气还原法制备La2O2S纳米颗粒。产物用差热-热重(DTA-TG)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和光致发光(PL)光谱分析方法进行表征。实验表明,明胶网格在稀土氢氧化物沉淀和热分解以及(LaO)2SO4生成过程中,能有效地控制颗粒的形貌,抑制颗粒的长大和团聚。用明胶网络模板法合成的La2O2S相纯度高,粒度均匀,粒子近似球形,大小约为30—50 nm。合成的(La0.95Tb0.05)2O2S和(La0.98Pr0.02)2O2S纳米粒子在水溶液中都观察到绿光发射,分别来源于Tb3 离子5D4到7Fj(j=3,4,5和6)的跃迁发射和Pr3 离子的3P0-3H4和3P1-3H4跃迁发射。  相似文献   

化学气相沉积制备碳化钨纳米晶薄膜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用氟化钨(WF6)和甲烷(CH4)为前驱体,采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)方法制备具有纳米晶结构的碳化钨薄膜.采用SEM,XRD,EDS等方法表征了碳化钨薄膜的形貌、晶体结构和化学组成.通过表征,表明在前驱体混合气体中的甲烷与氟化钨气体的流量比(碳钨比)为20,基底温度为800 ℃的条件下得到的碳化钨薄膜是由直径为20~35 nm的圆球状纳米晶构成.通过分析影响薄膜的晶体结构、化学组成的因素后,认为要得到具有纳米晶结构的碳化钨薄膜,主要应控制前驱体气体中的碳钨比以及基底温度.  相似文献   

以低分子量聚丙烯酸(PAA)为高分子模板构建自组装体系,合成核-壳结构的PAA/PbCrO4纳米颗粒.通过TEM、XRD、FT-IR、UV-vis、荧光光谱等表征手段对产物的结构、形貌与光学性能进行研究.结果表明:PAA通过羧基与Pb2+的配位作用包覆在PbCrO4纳米颗粒表面,形成核-壳结构,内核PbCrO4尺寸为50~100 nm,为单斜晶系;外壳PAA层厚20 nm.与普通PbCrO4体相材料相比,产物在829~854 cm-1红外吸收峰变宽,紫外与荧光光谱产生了"蓝移",表现出纳米粒子所具有的特殊光学现象.  相似文献   

利用火焰喷雾法成功制备了ZnO纳米颗粒,通过对样品的X射线衍射谱(XRD)和场发射扫描电子显微照片(FESEM)分析,发现制备的颗粒大小较为均匀,直径在10-20nm左右;结合多种物理方法对样品进行分散处理后,FESEM表征显示颗粒间的团聚得到较好改善;光致发光谱表明随着颗粒尺寸的减小,样品的紫外发光和可见发光的强度逐渐增强.  相似文献   

利用沸腾无皂乳液聚合法制备了粒径均一的聚苯乙烯(PS)聚合物纳米微球,考察了单体浓度、反应时间对所得微球的影响以及聚合过程中微球形貌随反应时间的变化。实验结果表明:通过优化反应条件,可实现单分散PS微球的快速合成。  相似文献   

气相沉积法的薄膜制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对薄膜的应用现状、气相沉积法制备薄膜的常规方法及高能精密薄膜制备方法作了综述.认为开发薄膜复合处理工艺,实现制膜过程精密控制,以及节能环保的绿色镀膜将会成为薄膜制备新的趋势.  相似文献   

微波等离子体化学气相沉积法制备的新型纳米片状碳膜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在甲烷和氢气的混合系统中,利用石英管型微波等离子体化学气相沉积方法,在硅片上制备了新型的纳米片状碳膜.利用场发射扫描电子显微镜和拉曼光谱仪对碳膜的结构进行了表征,结果表明碳膜是由长1μm、宽100nm的纳米碳片相互缠绕而成.最后简单讨论了新型碳纳米片的形成机理.  相似文献   

乳液聚合法合成单分散交联PS纳米微球   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用乳液聚合法合成一系列粒径在 60~ 2 0 0 μm间的单分散交联PS微球 ,并探讨影响乳液聚合稳定性、粒径大小及微球单分散性的因素。结果表明 :实验范围内 ,增加乳化剂用量 ,减少引发剂用量 ,降低搅拌速度和反应温度有利于常规乳液聚合体系的稳定。减少乳化剂用量和采用分批加入乳化剂的方式使交联PS微球粒径增大 ,微球粒径的单分散性提高 ;提高聚合温度和延长聚合时间也有利于增大交联PS微球粒径和提高微球粒径的单分散性  相似文献   

采用化学气相沉积法(CVD)在覆盖有催化剂薄膜的硅片表面直接制备出碳纳米管阵列,使用透射电镜(TEM)和场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)对其进行了检测,并探讨了实验条件对碳管形貌的影响。结果表明:所制备的碳管具有明显的取向性,能够形成致密有序的碳纳米管阵列;制备催化剂所用的硝酸铁溶液浓度为2mol/L时,最适宜碳管阵列的生长;匀胶机的转速提高,可减小催化剂颗粒直径,增强颗粒分散性,有利于碳管生长;碳纳米管的直径随反应温度的升高和时间的延长而增加,680℃为最佳反应温度;碳管生长模式为顶部生长和底部生长。  相似文献   

A Ti interlayer with thickness about 300 nm was sputtered on Cu microchannels, followed by an ultrasonic seeding with nanodiamond powders. Adherent diamond film with crystalline grains close to thermal equilibrium shape was tightly deposited by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition(HF-CVD). The nucleation and growth of diamond were investigated with micro-Raman spectroscope and field emission scanning electron microscope(FE-SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray detector(EDX). Results show that the nucleation density is found to be up to 1010 cm-2. The enhancement of the nucleation kinetics can be attributed to the nanometer rough Ti interlayer surface. An improved absorption of nanodiamond particles is found, which act as starting points for the diamond nucleation during HF-CVD process. Furthermore, finite element simulation was conducted to understand the thermal management properties of prepared diamond/Cu microchannel heat sink.  相似文献   

Single crystal silicon was found to be very beneficial to the growth of aligned carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition with C2H2 as carbon source. A thin film of Ni served as catalyst was deposited on the Si substrate by the K575X Peltier Cooled High Resolution Sputter Coater before growth. The growth properties of carbon nanotubes were studied as a function of the Ni catalyst layer thickness. The diameter, growth rate and areal density of the carbon nanotubes were controlled by the initial thickness of the catalyst layer. Steric hindrance between nanotubes forces them to grow in well-aligned manner at an initial stage of growth. Transmission electron microscope analysis revealed that nanotubes grew by a tip growth mechanism. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50435030)  相似文献   

A novel powder catalyst Cu-Cr-O applied to the synthesis of carbon nanotubes(CNTs) was developed, which was prepared via ammonia precipitation method. Techniques of thermo-gravimetric/ differential scanning calorimeter(TG-DSC), X-ray diffraction(XRD) as well as scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) have been employed to characterize the thermal decomposition procedure, crystal phase and micro structural morphologies of the as-synthesized materials, respectively. The results show that carbon nanotubes are successfully synthesized using Cu-Cr-O as catalyst when the precursors are calcined at 400, 500, 600, and 700 ℃. The results indicate that the calcination of the Cu-Cr-O catalyst at 600 ℃ is an effective method to get MWCNT with few nano-tube defects or amorphous carbons.  相似文献   

Copper nanoparticles with a size of about 150 nm were prepared in toluene using oleic acid as protecting agent. The nanoparticles were used to prepare conductive Cu ink with a polyurethane binder. Oleic acid was used to prevent the nanoparticles from oxidization and agglomeration. The prepared Cu nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The resistivity of the copper film on glass substrate that was prepared using Cu nanoparticle ink reached about 1.5× 10-4 2. cm-1 after it was annealed to 120 ~C. Both the nanoparticle ink and the films were characterized by XRD, fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), and the thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry instrument (TG- DSC).  相似文献   

Well-aligned carbon nitrogen nanotube films have been synthesized successfully on meso-porous silica substrates by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MWPCVD) method. Studies on their morphology, structure, and composition by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), respectively, indicate that these nanotubes consist of linearly polymerized carbon nitrogen nanobells, and the nitrogen atoms have been doped into carbon netweork to form a new structure C1-xNx( x = 0.16±0.01). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results of the samples further demonstrate that carbon bonds cova-lently with nitrogen in all the carbon nitrogen nanotube films.  相似文献   

Boron-substituted carbon powder, B x C1−x with x up to 0.17, has been successfully synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The boron concentration in prepared B x C1−x samples can be controlled by varying the relative proportions of methane and diborane. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy loss spectrum confirm the successful synthesis of an amorphous BC5 compound, which consists of 10–20 nm particles with disk-like morphology. Thermogravimetry measurement shows that BC5 compound starts to oxidize approximately at 620°C and has a higher oxidation resistance than carbon. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10474083, 50472051, 50532020, 50672081) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB724400)  相似文献   

Argon ion laser was used as the induced light source and ethane(C2H4) was selected as the precursor gas,in the variety ranges of laser power from 0.5 W to 4.5 W and the pressure of the precursor gas from 225×133.3 Pa to 680×133.3 Pa,the experiments of laser induced chemical vapor deposition were proceeded for fabrication of micro carbon pillar.In the experiments,the influences of power of laser and pressure of work gas on the diameter and length of micro carbon pillar were investigated,the variety on averaged growth rate of carbon pillar with the laser irradiation time and moving speed of focus was discussed.Based on experiment data,the micro carbon pillar with an aspect ratio of over 500 was built through the method of moving the focus.  相似文献   

Yttria-stabilized zirconia and α-alumina films were prepared by laser chemical vapor deposition at deposition rates of several hundred micrometers per hour. Moreover, the structural oxide coatings by laser chemical vapor deposition are reviewed. The laser can significantly accelerate the chemical reaction and grain growth in CVD, yielding high deposition rates. The films contain large amounts of nanopores that act as thermal insulation and are thus promising as coating materials for gas turbine blades of Ni-based superalloys and WC-Co cutting tools.  相似文献   

本实验以四水硝酸钙和磷酸氢二铵为原料,并使用非离子表面活性剂聚乙二醇(PEG)作为模板在低温常压下制备了纳米羟基磷灰石粉体.采用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)、透射电镜(TEM)和扫描电镜(SEM)对纳米羟基磷灰石粉体进行了分析表征.结果表明,聚乙二醇具有诱导晶体成核生长和控制晶粒尺寸的作用.纳米羟基磷灰石粉体在80 ℃二干燥后的粒度在40 nm左右.  相似文献   

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