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The U.S. Department of Agriculture UV-B Monitoring Program measures ultraviolet light at seven wavelengths from 300 to 368 nm with an ultraviolet multifilter rotating shadow-band radiometer (UV-MFRSR) at 25 sites across the United States, including Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Column ozone has been retrieved under all-sky conditions near Boulder, Colorado (40.177 degrees N, 105.276 degrees W), from global irradiances of the UV-MFRSR 332- and 305-nm channels (2 nm FWHM) using lookup tables generated from a multiple-scattering radiative transfer code suitable for solar zenith angles (SZA's) up to 90 degrees. The most significant sources of error for UV-MFRSR column ozone retrievals at SZA's less than 75 degrees are the spectral characterizations of the filters and the absolute calibration uncertainty, which together yield an estimated uncertainty in ozone retrievals of +/-4.0%. Using model sensitivity studies, we determined that the retrieved column ozone is relatively insensitive (<+/-2%) to typical variations in aerosol optical depth, cloud cover, surface pressure, stratospheric temperature, and surface albedo. For 5 months in 1996-1997 the mean ratio of column ozone retrieved by the UV-MFRSR divided by that retrieved by the collocated Brewer was 1.024 and for the UV-MFRSR divided by those from a nearby Dobson was 1.025. The accuracy of the retrieval becomes unreliable at large SZA's of more than 75 degrees as the detection limit of the 305-nm channel is reached and because of overall angular response errors. The UV-MFRSR advantages of relatively low cost, unattended operation, automated calibration stability checks using Langley plots, and minimal maintenance make it a unique instrument for column ozone measurement.  相似文献   

Tolton BT  Drummond JR 《Applied optics》1999,38(10):1897-1909
A ground-based remote sounding instrument that uses a length-modulated radiometer to measure the total atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) column has been built. Measurements made in Toronto during August and September of 1994 showed average CO concentrations of 125 to 150 parts per billion in volume (ppbv, parts in 10(9)). Similar measurements made in October at a rural site 80 km north of Toronto showed concentrations of approximately 100 ppbv. The latter measurements are shown to agree with other simultaneous ground- and satellite-based measurements. This instrument is an advanced prototype of the MOPITT (Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere) satellite instrument.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light was measured at four channels (305, 311, 318, and 332 nm) with a precision filter radiometer (UV-PFR) at Arosa, Switzerland (46.78 degrees , 9.68 degrees , 1850 m above sea level), within the instrument trial phase of a cooperative venture of the Swiss Meteorological Institute (MeteoSwiss) and the Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center. We retrieved ozone-column density data from these direct relative irradiance measurements by adapting the Dobson standard method for all possible single-difference wavelength pairs and one double-difference pair (305/311 and 305/318) under conditions of cloud-free sky and of thin clouds (cloud optical depth <2.5 at 500 nm). All UV-PFR retrievals exhibited excellent agreement with those of collocated Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers for data obtained during two months in 1999. Combining the results of the error analysis and the findings of the validation, we propose to retrieve ozone-column density by using the 305/311 single difference pair and the double-difference pair. Furthermore, combining both retrievals by building the ratio of ozone-column density yields information that is relevant to data quality control. Estimates of the 305/311 pair agree with measurements by the Dobson and Brewer instruments within 1% for both the mean and the standard deviation of the differences. For the double pair these values are in a range up to 1.6%. However, this pair is less sensitive to model errors. The retrieval performance is also consistent with satellite-based data from the Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (EP-TOMS) and the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment instrument (GOME).  相似文献   

The design of a nonselective radiometer that functions on the basis of the principle of electrical substitution is described. The assembled radiometer possesses high current-voltage sensitivity on the order of 10 V/W, time constant 7 sec, and error in measurement of the emissive power at most 0.3%. It is designed for exact photometric measurements in the visible and infrared bands of the spectrum. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 5, pp. 18–21, May, 1997.  相似文献   

An airborne UV-visible spectrometer, the Gas Analyzer Spectrometer Correlating Optical Differences, airborne version (GASCOD/A4pi) was successfully operated during the Airborne Polar Experiment, Geophysica Aircraft in Antarctica airborne campaign from Ushuaia (54 degrees 49' S, 68 degrees 18' W), Argentina in southern spring 1999. The instrument measured scattered solar radiation through three optical windows with a narrow field of view (FOV), one from the zenith, two from the horizontal, as well as actinic fluxes through 2pi FOV radiometric heads. Only a few airborne measurements of scattered solar radiation at different angles from the zenith are available in the literature. With our configuration we attempted to obtain the average line-of-sight concentrations of detectable trace gases. The retrieval method, based on differential optical absorption spectroscopy, is described and results for ozone are shown and compared with measurements from an in situ instrument as the first method of validation.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet narrowband filter radiometer (UV-RAD) designed by the authors to take ground-based measurements of UV solar irradiance, total ozone, and biological dose rate is described, together with the main characteristics of the seven blocked filters mounted on it, all of which have full widths at half maxima that range 0.67 to 0.98 nm. We have analyzed the causes of cosine response and calibration errors carefully to define the corresponding correction terms, paying particular attention to those that are due to the spectral displacements of the filter transmittance peaks from the integer wavelength values. The influence of the ozone profile on the retrieved ozone at large solar zenith angles has also been examined by means of field measurements. The opportunity of carrying out nearly monochromatic irradiance measurements offered by the UV-RAD allowed us to improve the procedure usually followed to reconstruct the solar spectrum at the surface by fitting the computed results, using radiative transfer models with field measurements of irradiance. Two long-term comparison campaigns took place, showing that a mean discrepancy of +0.3% exists between the UV-RAD total ozone values and those given by the Brewer #63 spectroradiometer and that mean differences of +0.3% and -0.9% exist between the erythemal dose rates determined with the UV-RAD and those obtained with the Brewer #63 and the Brewer #104 spectroradiometers, respectively.  相似文献   

Arasa J  Royo S  Tomàs N 《Applied optics》2000,39(25):4529-4534
We present a simple method for increasing the number of data points obtained during performance of profilometric measurements with the Ronchi test. The method is based on multiple ronchigram acquisitions that are superimposed after a few very simple data-processing operations. The measurement method, experimental setup, and data processing are described in detail from the ronchigram to the measured profile, and experimental results for a concave surface of an spherical ophthalmic lens are provided. The radius of curvature values measured for that surface are compared with the ones obtained with a high-precision radioscope, showing very good agreement and demonstrating the capability of the technique to measure topographic profiles of reflective samples.  相似文献   

Devara PC  Raj PE  Pandithurai G 《Applied optics》1995,34(21):4416-4425
The scattering properties of aerosols over a tropical urban station, Pune, India, (18° 32' N, 73° 51' E, 559 m above mean sea level), are studied with a bistatic, multiwavelength, continuous-wave, argon-ion lidar. The scattered-intensity profiles (up to 1000 m above ground level) measured at four wavelengths (0.4765, 0.4880, 0.4965, and 0.5145 μm) of the laser during November 1987-March 1990 revealed certain spectral dependence, in conformity with the Mie theory of aerosol particles. Methods for retrieving the bulk as well as the height variation of aerosol-size distribution from the inversion of angular distribution of scattered-light-intensity measurements from a constant altitude and scattered-intensity verticalprofile measurements at different wavelengths are explained. Results obtained from these approaches are presented and compared with results reported by other investigators. The deviations in the results are discussed in relation to the assumptions involved and the terrain-atmospheric conditions at the experimental station. It is found that the aerosol-size-distribution parameter is altitude dependent beside its dependence on refractive index and wavelength of incident radiation. The results of the study suggest that the information content from bistatic, multiwavelength laser scattering measurements is useful for inferring aerosol-size distribution.  相似文献   

Detection methods based on Cherenkov radiation make use of the directionality and velocity dependence of the light emitted during charged particle passage through appropriate dielectrics. Although these features appear of little value for calorimetry measurements, it turns out they can be used to excellent advantage. A review is given of the general features of their application in the total energy measurement for electromagnetic showers and hadronic cascades. A number of examples are described, covering energies between 100 MeV and the multi-TeV region.  相似文献   

Behrendt A  Nakamura T  Tsuda T 《Applied optics》2004,43(14):2930-2939
We describe the performance of a combined Raman lidar. The temperature is measured with the rotational Raman technique and with the integration technique simultaneously. Additionally measured parameters are particle extinction and backscatter coefficients and water vapor mixing ratio. In a previous stage of the system, instrumental problems restricted the performance. We describe how we rebuilt the instrument and overcame these restrictions. As a result, the measurement time for the same spatial resolution and accuracy of the rotational Raman temperature measurements is reduced by a factor of approximately 4.3, and their range could be extended for the first time to the upper stratosphere.  相似文献   

针对传统机载测试系统在空间狭小、结构复杂部位难以部署、带宽过低、同步性能较低等问题,结合我国大飞机项目中机载测试系统的实际要求,提出基于实时以太网EtherCAT技术的网络化机载测试系统,同时使用标准的EtherCAT设备搭建实际的测试系统。以该系统为测试平台,根据大飞机测试系统中系统同步性能和带宽的指标要求,对单链、多链等结构及多种条件下的基于EtherCAT网络化机载测试系统同步性能和带宽进行测试,以此为依据对EtherCAT技术应用于机载测试系统可行性进行详细的论证说明。实验结果表明:EtherCAT技术在同步性和带宽方面可满足机载测试系统多方面的要求,并且具有较高的余量,可以应用于我国大飞机项目的机载测试系统。  相似文献   

Cheng AY  Chan MH 《Applied optics》2005,44(26):5536-5543
Measurements of column densities of atmospheric gases can be achieved by a solar spectroscopic method that uses differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Because of the scintillation of sunlight intensity in the atmosphere, the variation in intensity will introduce a low-frequency modification of the measured solar spectrum. A spectral capturing-type CCD spectrometer takes milliseconds to capture a solar spectrum, and the effect of sunlight scintillation is negligible. In contrast, without scintillation correction, a scanning-type spectrometer spending minutes to obtain a complete solar spectrum will introduce some amount of errors. We demonstrate an intensity-compensation technique in a scanning-type spectrometer, based on a solid-state acousto-optic tunable filter, for solar spectroscopic measurements.  相似文献   

Hua D  Kobayashi T 《Applied optics》2005,44(30):6474-6478
A UV Rayleigh-Mie scattering lidar system at 355 nm has been upgraded for more-accurate temperature profiling of the troposphere by use of a new multicavity Fabry-Perot etalon (MCFPE) filter. The MCFPE filter, which was designed to improve the stability and operational characteristics of the lidar system, has three filter bandpass functions and separates one Mie scattering and two Rayleigh scattering signals from the lidar return signal and simultaneously acts as a laser frequency discriminator to lock the laser frequency. Moreover, a high-resolution grating is employed to block signal interference from Raman scattering and the solar background. A practical lidar system, which features strong system stabilization and high measurement accuracy, has been built, and the performance of the lidar system has been verified by comparison of temperature profiling between the lidar and a radiosonde. Good agreement between the two instrument measurements was obtained in terms of lapse rate and inversion layer height. Statistical temperature errors of less than 1 K up to a height of 3 km are obtainable with 5 min observation time for daytime measurements.  相似文献   

Dress P  Belz M  Klein KF  Grattan KT  Franke H 《Applied optics》1998,37(21):4991-4997
A fiber optic system for water analysis with high transparency in the deep-UV region (lambda >/= 190 nm) is presented. The system consists of special UV-improved silica fibers and a liquid-core waveguide (LCW) as an optical cell. The apertures of both light guides, the silica fiber and the LCW, are matched. The optical losses of the device are investigated experimentally and compared with theory, especially with a standard free-space geometry. The performance of the system with respect to UV absorption spectroscopy is demonstrated for nitrate and chlorine pollution in pure water. For a 203-mm-long LCW the detection limits have been determined to be as low as 22 mug/L for nitrate and 26 mug/L for chlorine.  相似文献   

The influence of fluctuating concentrations and temperature on the laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF) measurement of CO in turbulent flames is described, under conditions in which the fluorescence and the temperature are measured independently. The analysis shows that correlations between CO concentration and temperature can bias the averaged mole fraction extracted from LIF measurements. The magnitude of the bias can exceed the order of the average CO mole fraction. Further, LIF measurements of CO concentrations in a turbulent, nonpremixed, natural gas flame are described. The averaged CO mole fractions are derived from the fluorescence measurements by the use of flame temperatures independently measured by coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. Analysis of the fluctuations in measured temperature and fluorescence indicates that temperature and CO concentrations in flame regions with intensive mixing are indeed correlated. In the flame regions where burnout of CO has ceased, the LIF measurements of the CO mole fraction correspond to the probe measurements in exhaust.  相似文献   

A methodology for direct-Sun ozone retrieval using the ultraviolet multifilter rotating shadow-band radiometer (UV-MFRSR) is presented. Total vertical column ozone was retrieved in three stations: Mauna Loa, Hawaii, in the U.S., and Regina, Saskatchewan, and Toronto, Ontario, in Canada, from direct solar irradiances of the UV-MFRSR at 325-, 305-, 332-, and 311-nm channels (2-nm FWHM). The total uncertainty of ozone retrievals in this study is +/-2.0%. For Mauna Loa the mean ratios of the UV-MFRSR column ozone retrievals to the collocated Dobson and Brewer were 0.998 and 0.986 between May and September of 1999. The mean ratio of UV-MFRSR retrievals to the collocated Brewer retrievals was 1.012 in Toronto between April and August of 1999, and the mean ratio of retrievals of the UV-MFRSR to the collocated Brewer was 0.988 in Regina between June and September of 1999. Total vertical column ozone values for solar zenith angles of >70 degrees were not considered, because of the signal-to-noise ratio and the angular response of the instruments, and were not used in the evaluation. The advantages of total vertical column ozone retrieval using UV-MFRSR include relatively low cost, computer-controlled operation, automated calibration stability checks, and minimal maintenance. It allows for the real-time measurement of total vertical column ozone. The UV-MFRSR is being used at 28 sites across the United States and 2 sites in Canada that form the U.S. Department of Agriculture UV-B Radiation Monitoring and Research Program. This constitutes a unique network of total vertical colunm ozone measurement.  相似文献   

The grating division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter (G-DOAP) is an instrument that exploits the multiple-beam-splitting, polarizing, and dispersive properties of diffraction gratings for the time-resolved measurement of the complete state of polarization of collimated broadband incident light, as represented by the four Stokes parameters as a function of wavelength across the spectrum. It is a compact, high-speed sensor that has no moving parts and is simple to install and operate. These characteristics make the G-DOAP well suited for in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) applications for monitoring and controlling thin-film processes. The design and performance of a prototype instrument are presented. Precise SE measurements, to +/-0.04 degrees in psi and +/-0.1 degrees in delta, are demonstrated in the 550-940-nm wavelength range.  相似文献   

Residual stresses which arise from thermal expansion and contraction due to welding may have contributed to the brittle fracture exhibited by welded steel beam-to-column connections during the Northridge Earthquake. These residual stresses have a strong influence on crack initiation and crack propagation in the vicinity of stress concentrations (i.e., unfused backup bar in welded steel beam-to-column connections) and account for changes in the driving force for fracture. They affect material toughness by changing the constraint condition under which fracture occurs. Currently, all methods of dealing with residual stresses are hampered by the lack of a consistent means of measuring the magnitudes and distribution of these stresses. This paper describes a new acoustic microscopy technique that allows the mapping of residual stresses in welded connections with high spatial resolution. The technique is based on the sensitivity of polarized acoustic modes to local elastic anisotropy induced by stress. The technique furthermore allows the mapping of residual stresses in a tomographic way by changing the frequencies of the acoustic waves. The results reveal that the magnitude of the residual stresses is influenced by the local microstructure of the steel and the weld metal. Ductile microstructures within the weld and the heat affected zone release residual stresses by yielding, whereas brittle microstructures retain residual stresses.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose the novel "thermally tuned tandem column (T3C)" concept for the optimization of selectivity in LC by continuous adjustment of the stationary phase. Two columns with distinctly different chromatographic selectivities (e.g., polybutadiene- and carbon-coated zirconia) are serially coupled and independently temperature-controlled. Selectivity is "tuned" by adjusting the individual temperatures of the two columns. The effect of changing column temperature is quite analogous to changing the relative column lengths, thereby altering the relative and absolute contribution each column makes to the overall retention time in T3C. The distinct selectivity differences between polybutadiene- and carbon-coated zirconia as well as the extraordinary thermal stability of zirconia-based phases (thermally stable to 200 degrees C) allow us to tune the overall chromatographic selectivity over a very substantial range. We have developed a simplified useful model, which characterizes retention and selectivity for the T3C system as a function of the two column temperatures. The model is in good agreement with the experimental results. We also describe a simple computer-assisted optimization strategy based on the window diagram method, which facilitates the optimization of the T3C system with only four or five initial runs.  相似文献   

A new method for experimental determination of the thermal diffusion factor T for binary gas mixtures with a thermal diffusion column (TDC) is developed, based on A. M. Rozen's equation of TDC. The experimental results for T are obtained in a reduced form in this approximation. An experimental reference point, determined in the same TDC with a standard gas mixture, is used for the transformation of the results for T in absolute units. The proposed method is applicable for arbitrary gas mixtures, irrespective of the mass difference of the components.  相似文献   

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