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基于UML的需求分析模型度量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾亮  刘宗田等 《计算机科学》2001,28(10):122-125
一、引言从最初软件度量概念的提出到现在,软件度量学已经历了四十多年的发展,它作为软件工程的一个研究方向,其根本目的就是要用软件度量学的方法来科学地评价软件质量,更有力地对软件开发过程进行控制和管理,合理地组织和分配资源,制定切实可行的软件开发计划,以低成本获得高质量软件。然而事实上软件度量学并没有充分发挥其应有的作用,目前的各种软件度量方案大多还具有事后性,不能在软件生命周期的早期进行有效的度量,从而在早期不能对项目进行有效的评价和估计。因此,针对需求阶段的模型进行度量一直是软件度量学关注的一个焦点。在目前,软件界有两种占主导地位的需求分析建模方案:结构化建模和面向对象建模。针对二者,人们提出了一些较好的度量方案。 1.1 结构化建模的度量方案  相似文献   

面向对象软件度量技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了OO度量评价规则和标识一组OO度量套件的方法,一组切实可行的OO度量套件及其形式化描述方法,评价OO关键概念和结构特性。质量度量模型是软件质量评价体系中的关键技术,采用层次结构的度量模型。通过质量度量模型,就建立了软件内部属性和外部属性间的客观的定量的联系。OO软件度量框架用以规范化地帮助评测软件产品质量的过程。  相似文献   

随着软件项目需求增长,软件开发过程和质量度量的研究十分活跃.怎样把握好软件度量模型分析和软件过程的关系,显得十分重要.由于软件度量体系模型用在软件开发过程中,对软件质量提高和保障有积极的现实价值.本文就质量控制的度量模型做些探讨.  相似文献   

软件质量的重要性和必要性已被越来越多的软件开发人员所认识。拓宽、融合、改进、完善Logiscope和McCabe的软件度量体系,选取16个度量元作为评价软件质量的度量指标,进而建立评分值分布函数模型,并通过测试9个不同型号的软件确定出模型参数,同时依据度量元权值的不同,对软件进行综合评分,以量化数据的形式计算出软件程序代码的质量水平。  相似文献   

软件质量度量及其模型指标的研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软件开发技术是信息技术的核心,如何提高软件的质量始终是计算机科学领域研究的重要方向之一,基于度量的量化管理是最有效的质量保证手段。阐述了度量的概念和范围,提出了一种软件度量模型,并对相关度量模型方法进行了比较。  相似文献   

由于混源软件包含自主代码、开源代码等不同来源代码,从而具有更高的多样性和复杂性,对其质量的度量评估与传统软件存在极大区别。为了度量混源软件质量,建立混源软件质量度量模型和方法是非常必要的。通过分析混源软件质量特性,提出混源软件质量模型。然后利用层次分析法、幂性法及线性法构建度量方法体系。最后对UbuntuKylin操作系统进行了实验性的度量评估,验证了模型与方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

软件文档质量的度量方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
季超英  宋晓秋 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(17):4068-4071,4085
软件文档的质量一直是软件开发人员,尤其是软件评测人员关注的问题.目前软件文档的质量存在着较多的问题,但是却没有相应的方法来判断文档的质量好坏程度.基于这种状况,提出了度量软件文档质量的一种方法.提出了使用质量度量模型和综合评判模型来度量软件文档质量.通过这个方法的应用,可以进行比较客观的判断文档的质量,同时得出被度量的软件文档存在不足的方面.长期的应用这种方法,可以对软件文档的编写质量进行循序渐进的改进,从而得到让使用人员满意的软件文档.  相似文献   

软件度量是提高和保证软件质量的关键。在给出的面向对象软件度量的结构模型基础上,讨论了实现该模型要解决的关键问题。通过度量结果的分析和评价,能够有效地对面向对象软件的测试和提高软件质量提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

郭晓东  孟莉 《计算机科学》2009,36(4):155-158
为满足软件企业不同角色的度量需求,基于GDM方法提出了一个面向企业应用的集成软件过程度量模型,模型包含组织结构定义、角色职责定义、GDM分析结果、业务目标和度量目标评价函数等基础元素,定义了元素间的关联关系.模型支持项目度量元收集范围的确立,维护了组织内数据加工及数据分析流程,可以为角色定制度量分析视图,并辅助确定过程改善活动的目标过程.基于此模型,开发了企业集成软件过程度量系统,在系统支持下,企业度量活动的自动化程度及效率得到了提高.  相似文献   

基于UML模型的全功能点自动化度量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
软件规模在项目估算和决策中起着举足轻重的作用。基于软件需求从用户角度和功能角度度量规模的全功能点(FFP)广受欢迎,但为手工操作,弊端显而易见,所以亟需自动化度量。本文提出并实现了基于UML模型全功能点自动化度量系统,不但能得到精确的量化结果,而且能减轻工作量、降低花费,以及很大程度上避免抽取数据及度量过程中差错所造成的风险,更重要的是具有可重复性,从而易于功能规模度量方法的推广。  相似文献   

面向对象耦合性度量工具的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
软件度量是保障软件质量的重要手段。结合软件度量技术,设计并实现一个面向对象耦合性度量工具,用于全面度量面向对象系统的耦合性。给出了此度量工具的体系结构,详细讲述了该工具各个模块的设计与实现方法,其中着重讲述了中间信息库的设计,给出了度量结果示例。最后介绍了该度量工具的特点。  相似文献   

软件度量是保障软件质量的重要手段。结合软件度量技术,设计并实现一个面向对象耦合性度量工具,用于全面度量面向对象系统的耦合性。给出了此度量工具的体系结构,详细讲述了该工具各个模块的设计与实现方法,其中着重讲述了中间信息库的设计,给出了度量结果示例。最后介绍了该度量工具的特点。  相似文献   

Empirical validation of software metrics suites to predict fault proneness in object-oriented (OO) components is essential to ensure their practical use in industrial settings. In this paper, we empirically validate three OO metrics suites for their ability to predict software quality in terms of fault-proneness: the Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics, Abreu's Metrics for Object-Oriented Design (MOOD), and Bansiya and Davis' Quality Metrics for Object-Oriented Design (QMOOD). Some CK class metrics have previously been shown to be good predictors of initial OO software quality. However, the other two suites have not been heavily validated except by their original proposers. Here, we explore the ability of these three metrics suites to predict fault-prone classes using defect data for six versions of Rhino, an open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java. We conclude that the CK and QMOOD suites contain similar components and produce statistical models that are effective in detecting error-prone classes. We also conclude that the class components in the MOOD metrics suite are not good class fault-proneness predictors. Analyzing multivariate binary logistic regression models across six Rhino versions indicates these models may be useful in assessing quality in OO classes produced using modern highly iterative or agile software development processes.  相似文献   

基于软件构件质量模型的度量及应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着软件复用实践的深入,可复用构件数量不断增加,构件库规模也不断扩大。构件的质量将影响到最终的软件质量和CBSD的推广应用,但是目前缺乏对构件质量有效的评价模型。本文基于ISO/IEC9126软件质量度量模型,提出了软件构件质量模型,及专门针对软件构件质量模型的可操作的度量方法,重点描述了构件可复用性的度量,并将该方法实际应用于上海构件库部分构件,本文提出的度量模型和方法可作为构件库管理者和构件用户在管理及使用构件时对构件进行评价参考。  相似文献   

计和实现。  相似文献   

青鸟构件库的构件度量   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
梅宏  谢涛  袁望洪  杨芙清 《软件学报》2000,11(5):634-641
对软件产业发展所需要的软件生产率和软件质量的重视引起了对软件复用技术的研究,同时,有关复用度量的研究和应用也引起了广泛的重视.青鸟构件库系统可以对可复用构件进行描述、管理、存储和检索,用以满足基于“构件-构架”复用的软件开发过程的需要.该文介绍了青鸟构件库中的构件度量模型,并阐述了利用青鸟程序分析系统中的面向对象度量工具和青鸟构件库后期度量系统(包括反馈信息的收集、处理和分析工具)来实现模型的方法.  相似文献   

面向对象软件度量工具体系框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文首先从系统分析、模型创建、度量计算以及结果表示四个方面讨论了面向对象软件度量工具的体系框架,然后介绍了度量工具信息库的设计,并就若干度量模型实例,对信息的覆盖范围做了统计分析。  相似文献   

In the past four years, we have worked with several research programs that were developing intelligent software for use by intelligence analysts. Our involvement in these programs was to develop the metrics and methodologies for assessing the impact on users; in this case, on intelligence analysts. In particular, we focused on metrics to evaluate how much the intelligent systems contribute to the users’ tasks and what the cost is to the user in terms of workload and process deviations. In this paper, we describe the approach used. We started with two types of preliminary investigations – first, collecting and analyzing data from analysts working in an instrumented environment for a period of 2 years, and second, developing and conducting formative evaluations of research software. The long-term studies informed our ideas about the processes that analysts use and provided potential metrics in an environment without intelligent software tools. The formative evaluations helped us to define sets of application-specific metrics. Finally, we conducted assessments during and after technology insertions. We describe the metrics and methodologies used in each of these activities, along with the lessons learned.  相似文献   

Data warehouses are powerful tools for making better and faster decisions in organizations where information is an asset of primary importance. Due to the complexity of data warehouses, metrics and procedures are required to continuously assure their quality. This article describes an empirical study and a replication aimed at investigating the use of structural metrics as indicators of the understandability, and by extension, the cognitive complexity of data warehouse schemas. More specifically, a four-step analysis is conducted: (1) check if individually and collectively, the considered metrics can be correlated with schema understandability using classical statistical techniques, (2) evaluate whether understandability can be predicted by case similarity using the case-based reasoning technique, (3) determine, for each level of understandability, the subsets of metrics that are important by means of a classification technique, and assess, by means of a probabilistic technique, the degree of participation of each metric in the understandability prediction. The results obtained show that although a linear model is a good approximation of the relation between structure and understandability, the associated coefficients are not significant enough. Additionally, classification analyses reveal respectively that prediction can be achieved by considering structure similarity, that extracted classification rules can be used to estimate the magnitude of understandability, and that some metrics such as the number of fact tables have more impact than others.
Mario PiattiniEmail:

Manuel Serrano   is MSc and PhD in Computer Science by the University of Castilla – La Mancha. Assistant Professor at the Escuela Superior de Informática of the Castilla – La Mancha University in Ciudad Real. He is a member of the Alarcos Research Group, in the same University, specialized in Information Systems, Databases and Software Engineering. His research interests are: DataWarehouses Quality & Metrics, Software Quality. His e-mail is Manuel.Serrano@uclm.es Coral Calero   is MSc and PhD in Computer Science. Associate Professor at the Escuela Superior de Informática of the Castilla – La Mancha University in Ciudad Real. She is a member of the Alarcos Research Group, in the same University, specialized in Information Systems, Databases and Software Engineering. Her research interests are: advanced databases design, database/datawarehouse quality, web/portal quality, software metrics and empirical software engineering. She is author of articles and papers in national and international conferences on these subjects. Her e-mail is: Coral.Calero@uclm.es Houari Sahraoui   received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Pierre Marie Curie University, Paris in 1995. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operational Research, University of Montreal where he is leading the software engineering group (GEODES). His research interests include object-oriented software quality, software visualization and software reverse and re-engineering. He has published more than 80 papers in conferences, workshops and journals and edited two books. He has served as program committee member in several major conferences and as member of the editorial boards of two journals. He was the general chair of IEEE Automated Software Engineering Conference in 2003. His e-mail is sahraouh@iro.umontreal.ca Mario Piattini   is MSc and PhD in Computer Science by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Certified Information System Auditor by ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association). Full Professor at the Escuela Superior de Informática of the Castilla – La Mancha University. Author of several books and papers on databases, software engineering and information systems. He leads the ALARCOS research group of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Castilla – La Mancha, in Ciudad Real, Spain. His research interests are: advanced database design, database quality, software metrics, object oriented metrics, software maintenance. His e-mail address is Mario.Piattini@uclm.es   相似文献   

In spite of considerable prior research, a generic framework has not emerged for structuring work on object-oriented (OO) metrics. We propose such a framework (Generic Framework) for object-oriented product metrics. The framework captures the generic structure of the underlying metrics space (Metrics Space) based on a mereological and set theoretic perspective of the building blocks of OO systems and relational measurement theory. We validate the framework by applying it to a repository of about 350 product metrics. The validation shows that the framework does, indeed, capture the underlying metrics space, and can be useful in identifying gaps and additional metrics that can extend the manner in which Metrics Space is currently populated.  相似文献   

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