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In this paper, we address the problem of planning the requirements of some of the important resources in flexible manufacturing systems. Specifically, we model the problem of estimating the required numbers and types of machines and tools in the context of a cellular layout. A two-stage procedure is developed which first forms the part families, using the complete-linkage clustering method based on a new similarity index defined in terms of the tooling requirements, and then subsequently estimates the resource requirements to manufacture the part families using an integer programming model. Several variations of the model are discussed and a numerical example is given.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a novel methodology for operations analysis of computer integrated manufacturing systems. The methodology employs an integrated set of personal computer-based manufacturing systems modelling software, and is conducted in three stages. The methodology is illustrated in detail for analysis of materials flow and staffing for a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) installed at a medical instruments manufacturing plant. First, a rough-cut capacity and materials flow analysis was performed using a queueing model. Second, a detailed analysis of FMS system characteristics was conducted by creating and analysing a discrete-event simulation model. Finally, a graphical animation package was used to verify previous results and provide visual feedback on FMS system performance. Analysis results were obtained rapidly and conveniently, and were used to advise manufacturing managers regarding FMS operating policy. This analysis methodology can be applied to a wide range of computer integrated manufacturing systems and manufacturing cells.  相似文献   

There are two aspects to cell formation in flexible manufacturing systems, cell sizing or deciding on the optimum number of machines to be allocated to each cell, and then allocation of specific machines to each cell. Although the latter problem has been investigated extensively there is a paucity of published work on the former. This paper discusses the effects of cell sizing on operational flexibility.Operational flexibility is that aspect of flexibility that enables manufacturing systems to respond with speed and efficiency to changes in the manufacturing environment while maintaining an effective level of control.  相似文献   

General job shop scheduling and rescheduling with alternative route choices for an FMS environment is addressed in this paper. A genetic algorithm is proposed to derive an optimal combination of priority dispatching rules pdrs (independentpdrs one each for one Work Cell WC), to resolve the conflict among the contending jobs in the Giffler and Thompson GT procedure. The performance is compared with regard to makes-pan criteria and computational time. The optimal WCwise-pdr is proved to be efficient in providing optimal solutions in a reasonable computational time. Also, the proposed GA based heuristic method is extended to revise schedules on the arrival of new jobs, and on the failure of equipment to address the dynamic operation mode of flexible manufacturing systems. An iterative search technique is proposed to find the best route choice for all operations to provide a feasible and optimal solution. The applicability and usefulness of the proposed methodology for the operation and control of FMS in real-time are illustrated with examples. The scope of the genetic search process and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates error detection and recovery for flexible assembly systems. A method for error recovery based upon an expert system is presented. An expert system is used to control the assembly cell, but the robot controller controls the assembly operation. This ensures adequate speed of the assembly cycle. The robot signals the expert system when an error occurs. It determines the cause of the error and recommends a preprogrammed recovery procedure to correct the error automatically. The system is flexible and new error recovery routines are easily added to the system. The proposed method was implemented in the Mark II assembly cell at 1VF-KTH in Stockholm. The reliability of the assembly cell increased considerably after installation of the error detection and recovery system. The error detection did not affect the cycle time and error recovery took less than 10 seconds on average.  相似文献   

In a globally competitive market for products, manufacturers are faced with an increasing need to improve their flexibility, reliability, and responsiveness to meet the demands of their customers. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) have become an important manufacturing paradigm, because they broadly encompass the ability to react efficiently to this environment by providing the exact capacity and functionality needed when needed. This paper studies how such new systems can manage their capacity scalability planning in a cost effective manner. An approach for modeling capacity scalability planning is proposed. The development of the model is based on set theory and the regeneration point theorem which is mapped to the reconfigurable manufacturing paradigm as the capacity scalability points of that system. The cost function of the model incorporates both the physical capacity cost based on capacity size and costs associated with the reconfiguration process which referred to as the scalability penalty cost and scalability effort cost. A dynamic programming (DP) approach is manipulated for the development of optimal capacity scalability plans. The effect of the reconfiguration costs on the capacity scalability planning horizon and overall cost is investigated. The results showed the relation between deciding on the optimal capacity scalability planning horizon and the different reconfiguration costs. Results also highlighted the fact that decreasing costs of reconfiguration will lead to cost effective implementation of reconfigurable manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

利用数字化装配设计以及可视化装配环境,秉承柔性制造技术思想,针对多品种小批量生产模式,对柔性工装设计技术、柔性装配技术组成以及柔性装配工艺技术等进行了研究,报告目前国内外飞机柔性装配技术的现状,分析了数字化定义下柔性装配体系中的关键技术,以及在未来飞机制造业中的作用。  相似文献   

Job sequencing and machine loading are two vital and interrelated production planning problems in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). In this research, attempts have been made to address the combined job sequencing and machine loading problem using minimization of system unbalance and maximization of throughput as objective functions, while satisfying the constraints related to available machining time and tool slots. This research describes two heuristics to deal with the problems. Heuristic I uses predetermined fixed job sequencing rules as inputs for operation allocation decision on machines, whereas heuristic II uses genetic algorithm based approach for simultaneously addressing job sequences and operation machine allocation issues. Performance of these heuristics has been tested on problems representing three different FMS scenarios. Heuristic II (Genetic algorithm based) has been found more efficient and outperformed heuristic I in terms of solution quality.  相似文献   

The economy of production in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) depends mainly on how effectively the production is planned and how the resources are used. This requires efficient and dynamic factory scheduling and control procedures. This paper addresses two knowledge-based scheduling schemes (work cell attribute oriented dynamic schedulers WCAODSs) to control the flow of parts efficiently in real-time for FMS in which the part-mix varies continually with the planning horizon. The present work employs a hybrid optimisation approach in the generalised A1 framework. A genetic algorithm that provides an optimal combination of a set of priority dispatching rules, one for each work cell WC (WCwisepdr set), for each of the problem instances characterised by their WC attributes, is used for generating examples. The WC attributes reflect the information about the operating environment of each individual WC. Two inductive learning algorithms are employed to learn the examples, and scheduling rules are formulated as a knowledge base. The learning algorithms employed are: the Genetic CID3 (Continuous Interactive Dichotomister3 algorithm extended with genetic program for weight optimisation) and the Classification Decision Tree algorithm. The knowledge base obtained through the above learning schemes generates robust and effective schedules intelligently with respect to the part-mix changes in real-time, for makespan criteria. The comparison made with a GA-based scheduling methodology shows that WCAODSs provide solutions closer to the optimum.  相似文献   

Production planning in flexible manufacturing may require the solution of a large-scale discrete-event dynamic stochastic optimization problem, due to the complexity of the system to be optimized, and to the occurrence of discrete events (new orders and hard failures). The production planning problem is here approached for a multistage multipart-type manufacturing shop, where each work cell can share its processing time among the different types of parts. The solution of this problem is obtained by an open-loop-feedback control strategy, updated each time a new event occurs. At each event time, two coupled problems are solved: 1) a product-order scheduling problem, conditioned on estimated values of the production capacities of all component work cells; and 2) a production-capacity planning problem, conditioned on predefined sequences of the product orders to be processed. In particular, the article aims at defining a production planning procedure that integrates both analytical tools, derived from mathematical programming, and knowledge-based rules, coming from experience. The objective is to formulate a hybrid (knowledge-based/analytical) planning architecture, and to analyze its use for multicell multipart-type manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop a recursive formulation for the flexible dynamic manufacturing analysis of open-loop robotic systems. The nonlinear generalized Newton-Euler equations are used for flexible bodies that undergo large translational and rotational displacements. These equations are formulated in terms of a set of time invariant scalars, vectors and matrices that depend on the spatial coordinates as well as the assumed displacement fields. These time invariant quantities represent the dynamic manufacturing couplings between the rigid body motion and elastic deformation. This formulation applies recursive procedures with the generalized Newton-Euler equations for flexible bodies to obtain a large, loosely coupled system equation describing motion in flexible manufacturing systems. The techniques used to solve the system equations can be implemented in any computer system. The algorithms presented in this investigation are illustrated using cylindrical joints for open-loop robotic systems, which can be easily extended to revolute, slider and rigid joints. The recursive Newton-Euler formulation developed in this paper is demonstrated with a robotic system using cylindrical mechanical joints.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of manufacturing makes rescheduling essential in today's complex production environment, particularly in flexible and re-configurable systems. Research on optimising schedules, which includes deadlock avoidance, is rather limited. Furthermore, the deadlock problem is mostly ignored in research on rescheduling. A rescheduling algorithm, that uses time petri-nets and the minimal siphons concept, was developed to deal with sources of disturbance such as machine breakdowns in real-time. The algorithm guarantees a deadlock-free new schedule. The existence of alternative routes, availability of material handling facilities and the limitation of buffer capacities were taken into consideration. The developed algorithm modifies only the affected portion of the original schedule, rather than rescheduling all jobs, in order to limit changes to the original schedule and reduce the impact on the response time.The effect of flexible routing, machine breakdowns, machine downtime, routing criterion and the use of the dispatching rule on the performance of manufacturing systems was studied. The systems performance was measured by the average flow time, the makespan and the average machine utilisation. The results indicate that utilising the system routing flexibility in real-time rescheduling, while avoiding deadlocks, improves system performance. Moreover, routing the interrupted operation to an alternative machine, based on the minimum expected completion time rather than the least utilised machine criterion, resulted in better performance.  相似文献   

We present a rough-cut analysis tool that quickly determines a few potential cost-effective designs at the initial design stage of flexible assembly systems (FASs) prior to a detailed analysis such as simulation. It uses quantitative methods for selecting and configuring the components of an FAS suitable for medium to high volumes of several similar products. The system is organized as a series of assembly stations linked with an automated material-handling system moving parts in a unidirectional flow. Each station consists of a single machine or of identical parallel machines. The methods exploit the ability of flexible hardware to switch almost instantaneously from product to product. Our approach is particularly suitable where the product mix is expected to be stable, since we combine the hardware-configuration phase with the task-allocation phase.For the required volume of products, we use integer programming to select the number of stations and the number of machines at each station and to allocate tasks to stations. We use queueing network analysis, which takes into account the mean and variance of processing times among different products to determine the necessary capacity of the material-handling system. We iterate between the two analyses to find the combined solution with the lowest costs. Work-in-process costs are also included in the analysis. Computational results are presented.  相似文献   

AGV schedule integrated with production in flexible manufacturing systems   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) comprise, automated machine tools, automated material handling, and automated storage and automated retrieval systems (AS/RS) as essential components. Effective sequencing and scheduling of the material handling systems (MHS) can have a major impact on the productivity of the manufacturing system. The material handling cannot be neglected while scheduling the production tasks. It is necessary to take into account the interaction between machines, material handling systems and computer. In this context, this paper attempts to link the operation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) with the production schedule and suggests a heuristic algorithm that employs vehicle dispatching rules (vdr) for conflict resolution. The vdrs considered in this paper are: shortest operation time (SPT), longest operation time (LPT), longest travel time (LTT) and shortest travel time (STT). The performance of the vdrs in the proposed heuristic is compared with makespan criteria. The results show that the STT provides the best solutions compared to other vdrs.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine some of the general principles and analysis methods that are used to design an automated material handling system. The paper focuses on one type of automated handling system that seems especially suitable for automation in discrete-product manufacturing. These types of automated handling systems are called automated guided vehicle systems. These systems are most applicable for the automation of low-and medium-volume handling situations, where the routeing of materials is more individualised. For guided vehicles, a new quantitative method for analysing these systems is developed in the paper. Examples are presented to demonstrate the method.  相似文献   

Operational flexibility quantification in a make-to-order assembly system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manufacturing flexibility is becoming a fundamental production objective, along with cost, quality, and delivery time. Current production systems face quick changes in market conditions and they need to adapt in this environment. The supply chain and industrial globalization give an important role for assembly systems. Placed at the end of the value chain, assembly systems must face those quick changes successfully to reach the expected performance. The key performance indicators are normally based on cost, quality, and delivery time objectives. Reducing costs and improving quality are almost universal goals. Delivery time is typically determined by customer demand in the supply chain, planning from make-to-stock to make-to-order, and aspiring to reach a just-in-time manufacturing system. In this context, flexibility could be the differential advantage to tackle uncertainty. Closely related to the rest of production objectives and the overall performance of the system, flexibility must be integrated in the system for successful decision-making in operations. This work presents this approach of flexibility. A brief review of flexibility concepts and measurements in the literature precedes an introduction to flexibility, defined based on the function of utility. This function represents the expectations of system performance. This approach allows the formulation of the taxonomy of operational flexibility in agreement with the classical types identified in former works. Next, an integer model is programmed to simulate the basic behavior of task planning in a make-to-order assembly system. This first application illustrates flexibility quantification based on utility evolution. The use of common industrial parameters to quantify operational flexibility will finally facilitate an integrated interpretation of system performance trends.  相似文献   

Manufacturing organizations worldwide are re-inventing their product development practices in an effort to satisfy changing customer requirements. In the context of these changes influencing the manufacturing community, there is a need to develop frameworks, architectures, and methods to facilitate the creation, implementation, and functioning of virtual enterprises (VEs). This paper presents an Internet-based framework, which supports distributed process planning activities in the context of a VE. Typically, in a VE, the enterprise partners are distributed, and possess diverse skills and heterogeneous software resources, which employ heterogeneous computing platforms. Using the developed approach, physically distributed product development partners can collaborate virtually via the Internet and integrate their life-cycle product development activities through seamless information exchange. In this framework, the distributed manufacturing resources communicate with each other via the Internet inter-ORB protocol (IIOP) using an object request broker (ORB) at each distributed site.  相似文献   

Global competition and the rapid pace of technological change now require the almost continual introduction of product upgrades by any manufacturer. Thus, such a manufacturer is likely to market older and newer versions of a product simultaneously, not to mention niche-specific editions of any product upgrade. An increasingly successful response to this product proliferation is the implementation of flexible assembly systems. In the context of a flexible assembly system (FAS), the ability to estimate the impact of various product and process options on the maximal level of system output becomes crucial to managing the ever-changing product mix. This paper presents a tool for such impact estimation that can facilitate concurrent development and engineering. Experience with an actual FAS is the basis for the reported results. The tool is a specialized combination of discreteevent computer simulation, experimental design, and regression analysis. Application of the tool assumes FAS use with a cellular manufacturing philosophy. Thus, uncluttered process flow for a family of products in the sense of group technology places the focus on potential bottlenecks. The new tool here models the impact of process and product options on bottleneck and, hence, FAS behavior.Working paper presented at the Third ORSA/TIMS Special Interest Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems, August 14–16, 1989, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of designing a control scheme capable of avoiding deadlock conditions for a class of manufacturing systems. The considered model for the system under control is based on Petri nets, and is formulated according to well-known modelling rules. A deadlock avoidance policy is proposed which is an extension of a previously presented one. The proofs of its main properties are briefly sketched. Finally, an example of an automated manufacturing system for which such a deadlock avoidance policy has been applied is discussed.  相似文献   

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