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65nm工艺很快将迎来实用化阶段,并将开始解决45nm提出的挑战,积极进行着其支撑工艺与生产设备的技术开发.本文为Selete(Semiconductor Leading-edgeTechnologies Inc.)专家对半导体前端工艺技术的现状与未来的看法.  相似文献   

Tailoring the chemical environment in plasmas by addition of reactive gases to affect byproduct formation has been demonstrated to reduce perfluorocompound (PFC) emissions. Perfluorocompound emissions from dielectric etch processes are reduced by oxygen addition, which reduces polymerization and increases etch rates, primarily by affecting the fluorine or carbon in the plasma, and secondarily, by affecting resist erosion. Oxygen or water vapor introduced upstream of plasma abatement devices reduces PFC reformation by preferentially combining with carbon and fluorine-containing radicals to form thermodynamically favorable byproducts that are non- or low-global warming. Introducing oxygen to low-k chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chamber clean processes also reduces PFC emissions, primarily by reducing CF/sub 4/ by forming thermodynamically stable CO and CO/sub 2/. Analogously, adjusting the fuel or the oxidizer flow in fuel-fired abatement devices provides a higher flame temperature where thermal cracking of higher molecular weight low-k CVD organosilicon precursors can more readily occur, allowing the carbon-rich precursors to more completely oxidize.  相似文献   

半导体硅片退火工艺对生产硅片具有十分重要的作用,为此,本文加强对硅片的退火技术检测,希望能够控制硅片技术质量。因为自然界当中并不存在单体硅,硅主要以氧化物或者是硅酸盐的形式出现,需要通过提纯与精炼的方式才能够形成硅片。这个过程中硅需要进行退火工艺处理,消除硅片中氧施主的影响,内部缺陷也在这个过程中减少。这个工艺流程是制造半导体硅片的重要环节。退火后的技术检测则是实现硅片生产的最后一个环节,是确保硅片质量的重要基础。本文侧重对半导体硅片退火检测工艺发展情况进行具体阐述。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术、分布式技术的长足发展以及云计算、物联网技术的日趋成熟,在软件开发领域,多用户协同开发的软件开发工作模式已经逐渐取代了集中式软件开发工作模式.对计算机软件信息化技术进行建模并做相应的研究,对保证这种模式下软件开发过程的规范和提高软件产品质量有着重要意义.将计算机支持的协同工作(Computer Supported Cooperative Work,简称CSCW)引入软件开发领域,结合软件过程建模理论,提出软件协同开发过程,对计算机信息化软件技术建模过程进行优化.  相似文献   

Efficiently combining active and passive elements in integrated optics is a key ingredient for their successful employment. Here, we present the fabrication of an optimized PMMA substrate structure for improved coupling of laser light generated by organic semiconductor distributed feedback lasers into single-mode deep ultraviolet induced waveguides. For production, electron beam lithography on an oxidized silicon wafer and subsequent reactive ion etching is used to form the feedback grating of the laser. Afterwards, an aligned second electron beam lithography step on top of the grating allows the fabrication of a topographical step of 1.67 μm on the edges of the grating area. Metal is evaporated on this resulting master structure serving as a plating base for electroforming of a Ni tool. The tool is then used for hot embossing of the structure into PMMA bulk material. On a length of 500 μm the imprinted grating lines, having a period of 200 nm, are 100 nm wide and 60 nm high. Aligned deep ultraviolet exposure to induce a passive single- or multi-mode waveguide and co-evaporation of the active material Alq3:DCM finish the coupling region. This structure optimizes the coupling of laser light generated in the laser structure into the passive waveguide. In combination with microfluidic channels, the laser light can be considered for sensing applications on a PMMA lab-on-chip system.  相似文献   

经过半个世纪的发展,半导体技术不仅在制造功能强大的IC及各式各样的半导体分立器件方面,对社会发展起到不可估量的推动作用,而且对其他技术领域也产生了深刻的影响。在当前世界经济衰退浪潮的冲击下,无源电子元件领域借鉴、融合半导体技术以提高自身创新能力,加快产品升级是抵御冲击的值得关注的措施之一。  相似文献   

仿真技术在半导体和集成电路生产流程优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半导体和集成电路制造是一个流程高度复杂,资金高度密集的加工过程。集成电路制造的特殊性表现在产品工序的繁多,对设备的高利用率要求,和“再进入”(Re-entry)的流程特点。这种特殊的工艺流程特点决定了半导体集成电路工序中的排队优化选择策略比其他制造行业更为复杂,对生产效率和制造周期有更直接的影响。本文通过EXTEND仿真软件对英特尔的一个微型晶圆试验台进行初步研究,来说明计算机仿真手段在半导体集成电路生产流程优化中的作用。  相似文献   

The CCST embodies a wide range of capabilities for advancing the stae of the art in compound semiconductor device development. The next generation of devices will depend critically on advances in materials and materials processing, and the CCST has been at the forefront in developing both the new materials and the necessary processing techniques to realize exciting new device concepts. In these efforts, Sandia's CCST is interested in increasingly teaming with the private sector to accelarate the conjunction between research and development and near-term industry applications. Numerous companies are already engaged in collaborative efforts with Sandia; these include  相似文献   

We present a review of industrial heterostructure devices based on SiGe/Si and III–V compound semiconductors analyzed by means of numerical simulation. A comparison of device simulators and current transport models is given and critical modeling issues are addressed. Results from two-dimensional hydrodynamic analyses of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) are presented in good agreement with measured data. The examples are chosen to demonstrate technologically relevant issues which can be addressed by device simulation.  相似文献   

Semiconductor devices in the presence of a magnetic field have been modeled numerically. The two-dimensional distributions of the electric potential, the electron concentration, and the hole concentration in a silicon slab exposed to a magnetic field have been computed. We have generalized the well-known Scharfetter-Gummel scheme to the case of two dimensions and nonzero magnetic field and employed a finite-difference technique. Our results are in support of earlier results in case of Hall plates. In intrinsic or closely intrinsic silicon, our results show both magnetoconcentration and space-charge effects. As a realistic example of a magnetic-field sensor, we have modeled a p+-i-n+silicon diode with split contacts.  相似文献   

半导体工业中超纯水制备工芤的特点和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍近年来半导体工业中超纯水制备工艺的特点和发展,包括纯水回收系统EDI技术,膜接触器技术等。  相似文献   

Metals have been deposited on semiconductors from standard plating solutions, in defined areas which have been lightly damaged by ion bombardment. The contacts are either ohmic or rectifying, depending on bombardment dose and plating conditions. The process has been used to make gallium-arsenide f.e.t.s.  相似文献   

A numerical model that identifies the high-leverage variables associated with profitability in semiconductor manufacturing is presented. Varying the parameters of the model demonstrates that a rapid yield-learning rate determines profitability more than any other factor does. Factors such as ramping-up early, adding fab capacity, depressing the terminal fault density, and shrinking die size all yield diminishing returns. The model also suggests that developing a rapid problem-solving capability in the early stages of process development enables successful yield learning.  相似文献   

半导体微细加工中的刻蚀设备及工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与传统湿法腐蚀比较,干法刻蚀具有各向异性、对不同材料选择比差别较大、均匀性与重复性好、易于实现自动连续生产等优点。目前,刻蚀技术已经成为集成电路生产中的标准技术,干法刻蚀设备亦成为关键设备。本文对半导体生产中刻蚀的原理、分类,结合生产实际对刻蚀工艺进行了较系统的论述,并介绍了随着硅片尺寸的增大,工艺线条进入亚微米级时代,相应刻蚀设备的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Docker是一种开源容器级虚拟化技术,基于它可建立PaaS云服务。在软件开发中应用Docker技术能够使程序的部署和运行更加高效。通过研究Docker技术的架构,然后在开发环境中应用Kubernetes自动化容器平台,保证了容器集群的高可用和弹性伸缩。最后基于Docker在开发中的具体工作实现,指出了Docker技术在软件开发、运维中的重要性。  相似文献   

A literature search on semiconductor device modeling was performed and a bibliography of 486 references was compiled. Electrical and Electronics Abstracts and Engineering Index of January 1970 to May 1974 were the main sources used in this search. Selected articles from the literature prior to 1970 are also included in this bibliography. For easy access to the needed references, the bibliography is divided into twenty-nine sections. A cross reference is given at the end of each section.  相似文献   

This paper explores the application of single-wafer processing (SWP) tools to rapidly create high-value added, innovative processes technologies, using the example of SiGe BiCMOS process technology development to highlight the unique advantages that SWP provides to rapidly develop a cost-effective and innovative platform. This paper also reviews the unique requirements necessary for SiGe BiCMOS technology development. SWP equipment is shown to be ideally suited to meeting both the technical and schedule requirements for rapidly and efficiently executing a technology development plan. In addition, the flexibility of single-wafer tooling is well suited to a lower volume technology without compromising the ability to modularly scale the SiGe unit process to meet higher volume production requirements.  相似文献   

随着Internet的发展,应用系统也逐渐发生了改变,应用软件和系统软件逐渐向着智能化的方向发展。软件开发作为软件技术的基础,其开发方式决定着软件系统的结构和功能,与传统的软件相比,应用系统更符合现代市场需求。那么,软件的开发又是如何运作的,在开发过程中运用到哪些技术?针对这些问题,文章将重点探讨应用软件与传统软件的区别,分析软件工程中的模型设计和项目管理,从设计开发层面介绍了系统软件开发过程中的软件工程技术。  相似文献   

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