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The capabilities of XSLT processing are widely used to transform XML documents into target XML documents. These target XML documents conform to output schemas of the used XSLT stylesheet. Output schemas of XSLT stylesheets can be used for a static analysis of the used XSLT stylesheet, to automatically detect the XSLT stylesheet of target XML documents or to reason on the output schema without access to the target XML documents. In this paper, we develop an approach to automatically determining the output schema of an XSLT stylesheet. We also describe several application scenarios of output schemas. The experimental evaluation shows that our prototype can determine the output schemas of nearly all typical XSLT stylesheets and the improvements in preciseness in several application scenarios when using output schemas in comparison to when not using output schemas.  相似文献   

In name and in practice, the World‐Wide Web (hereafter Web) is used around the World beyond English‐speaking areas. This creates a tremendous need to internationalize standard terminology used in the technologies that make the Web possible. Existing efforts on XML internationalization (i18n) and localization (i10n) have focused on the content of XML documents instead of the terms used in markup (annotations) such as elements and attributes. The SGML standard ISO 8879 supports the use of Unicode (ISO 10646) throughout a document, including markups. However, most elements and attributes of XML documents are still defined in English, thereby limiting their use among non‐English speakers. This paper presents an XSLT‐based method that can completely localize the markup of XML documents into different natural languages. We also describe how the proposed technique can be applied to translation problems in programming (e.g. C and Java) or documentation (e.g. LATEX or other formatting languages) so that a program or a document can be converted to and from an XML format. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一个XSLT处理器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
XSLT样式表语言是用来定义如何在XML文档之间进行格式转换的语言,首先介绍了XSLT,接着是一个基于Java的用于XML信息处理(特别是XSLT处理)的应用程序编程接口JAXP,最后阐述作者实现的一个XSLT处理器的设计,并给出了与其他XSLT处理器的比较。  相似文献   

XML is the standard data interchange format and XSLT is the W3C proposed standard for transforming and restructuring XML documents. It turns out that XSLT has very powerful query capabilities as well. Hovewer, due to its complex syntax and lack of formal specification, it is not a trivial task to decide whether two XSLT stylesheets yield the same result, even if for an XSLT subset. We isolate such fragment, powerful enough for expressing several interesting queries and for manipulating XML documents and show how to translate them into queries expressed in a properly extended version of TAX, a powerful XML query algebra, for which we provide a collection of equivalence rules. It is then possible to reason about XSLT equivalences, by translating XSLT stylesheets into XTAX expressions and then statically verifying their equivalence, by means of the mentioned equivalence rules.  相似文献   

XSLT is a very popular and flexible language for transforming XML documents which provides a powerful implementation of a tree‐oriented transformation language for transmuting instances of XML using a single vocabulary into a desired output. In this paper, we propose a processing model that enables the XSLT processor to encrypt and decrypt XML documents. The details of the implementation are presented. Our model supports a more general encryption scope than previous models. The implementation and experimental results demonstrate the practicality of the proposed model. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用XML文档可以实现异构数据库之间的数据交换。各个应用系统只需将数据转换为符合行业规定的XML文档格式.就寸以相互识别交换的数据。文章介绍了在.NET框架下如何利用ADO.NET和XSLT技术将关系型数据转换为规定格式的XML文档。  相似文献   

开发一种通用化的处理程序,它可以自动从指定的Web页面中提取地震事件公报,采用XSLT将数据转换为指定格式的XML文档,存入地震信息数据库,实现了Web数据的清理与集成.  相似文献   

在现有研究的基础上提出了一种基于式样单(stylesheet)划分的XML数据并行转换方法,并针对该方法所涉及的以下关键问题进行了讨论:1)如何从式样单中获得多个相互独立的转换单元,它们可以并行执行而互不影响;2)如何根据运行环境自动调整转换任务的数量和负载;3)如何将多个并行转换得到的结果进行有效的合并。将提出的算法应用于实际的Open XML-UOF文档格式转换项目,取得了很好的效果。该方法对于在并行环境下有效地提高XML的数据转换性能具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

SVG技术在统计图表中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SVG是一套基于XML的二维图形描述语言,可以用来描述矢量图形、图像及文字等图形对象。这些图形对象可以被分组、加入式样、被转换或者用来构成其他的对象。XSLT是一种把一个XML文档转换为另一个XML文档的语言。该文在简要介绍了SVG及其相关的技术后,重点介绍了一种基于XML、SVG和XSLT等技术的统计图表定义方法。使用这个方法可以把统计数据及其图表布局定义为XML文档,并利用XSLT程序将它们转换为能够表示饼图、条形图和折线图等统计图表的SVG图形文档。  相似文献   

We study the typechecking problem for XML (eXtensible Markup Language) transformers: given an XML transformation program and a DTD for the input XML documents, check whether every result of the program conforms to a specified output DTD. We model XML transformers using a novel device called a k-pebble transducer, that can express most queries without data-value joins in XML-QL, XSLT, and other XML query languages. Types are modeled by regular tree languages, a robust extension of DTDs. The main result of the paper is that typechecking for k-pebble transducers is decidable. Consequently, typechecking can be performed for a broad range of XML transformation languages, including XML-QL and a fragment of XSLT.  相似文献   

XML's increasing diffusion makes efficient XML query processing and indexing all the more critical. Given the semistructured nature of XML documents, however, general query processing techniques won't work. Researchers have proposed several specialized indexing methods that offer query processors efficient access to XML documents, although none are yet fully implemented in commercial products. In this article the classification of XML indexing techniques identifies current practices and trends, offering insight into how developers can improve query processing and select the best solution for particular contexts.  相似文献   

XML因为它在可扩展性和灵活性上的优点以及W3C不遗余力的为它制定各种标准,已经成为Internet上的主要语言。如何对XML文档进行转换以满足不同用户的需要,成为一个非常重要的问题,利用XSLT可以很好的解决这个问题。本文详细描述了基于XSLT转换XML文档的方法,深入讨论其工作原理,并结合一个具体应用实例,进一步阐明了基于XSLT转换XML文档的过程。  相似文献   

XML文档信息的几种转换方法分析与应用实例   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1.引言 XML(eXtensible Markup Language,可扩展标记语言)是最近几年发展十分迅速的一项技术。由于其各种突出优点,以及W3C(World Wide Web Consortium,万维网协会)正不遗余力给它制定的各项应用标准,可以预见,XML将会在更广泛和更深入的领域取得重要的应用。  相似文献   

提出一种基于W3C XSLT技术标准的验证方法,利用XSLT和XPath相关技术,通过定义规范化的输入输出信息结构以及约束规则,完成了对XML文档节点之间约束关系的验证.  相似文献   

张晶  张云生 《计算机工程》2007,33(10):52-54
实时数据查询技术在工业企业信息平台中具有广泛的用途,XML数据标准能够实现各子系统数据的统一描述。该文用成熟的关系数据库查询机制处理符合DTD的XML文档,提出了一整套数据模型、转换规则、算法描述,可以将XML文档转换为关系元组,从而达到用XML实现基于关系数据库的实时数据一致性描述和查询处理的目的。  相似文献   

XML技术在化学深层网数据提取中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Internet上的化学数据库是宝贵的化学信息资源,如何有效地利用这些数据是化学深层网所要解决的问题。本文总结了化学深层网的特点,基于XML技术实现从数据库检索返回的半结构化HTML页面中提取数据的目标,使之成为可供程序直接调用做进一步计算的数据。在数据提取过程中,先采用JTidy规范化HTML,得到格式上完整、内容无误的XHTML文档,利用包含着XPath路径语言的XSLT数据转换模板实现数据转换和提取。其中XPath表达式的优劣决定了XSLT数据转换模板能否长久有效地提取化学数据,文中着重介绍了如何编辑健壮的XPath表达式,强调了XPath表达式应利用内容和属性特征实现对源树中数据的定位,并尽可能地降低表达式之间的耦合度,前瞻性地预测化学站点可能出现的变化并在XSLT数据转换模板中采取相应的措施以提高表达式的长期有效性。为创建化学深层网数据提取的XSLT数据提取模板提供方法指导。  相似文献   

In the software development (e.g. with product lines or refactoring) transformations play an increasing role. To ease and automate these transformations, we propose a solution based on the operator hierarchy concept. It allows to define transformation operator hierarchies containing different levels of transformation operators. The operators capture reusable knowledge units. The concrete realization of such a higher-level transformation language construction is demonstrated by an application of the XML operator hierarchy concept to the transformation language XSLT. XSLT serves as an example which is employed to provide the elementary transformation operators. On top of these elementary operators the layered concept allows the definition of new higher-level operators, e.g. domain-independent and domain-specific ones. In an application example the construction of the higher-level language XML2DSV is presented. This is a stand-alone domain-specific transformation language, which can be used to create delimiter-separated values (DSV) files from XML documents, on the base of XSLT. We developed XTC (XML Transformation Coordinator) to automate the multi-level transformation process.  相似文献   

XML graphs have shown to be a simple and effective formalism for representing sets of XML documents in program analysis. It has evolved through a six year period with variants tailored for a range of applications. We present a unified definition, outline the key properties including validation of XML graphs against different XML schema languages, and provide a software package that enables others to make use of these ideas. We also survey the use of XML graphs for program analysis with four very different languages: Xact (XML in Java), Java Servlets (Web application programming), XSugar (transformations between XML and non-XML data), and XSLT (stylesheets for transforming XML documents).  相似文献   

XSLT提供了一种将XML文档转换为HTML的强有力的工具。然而,当这种转换需要涉及更多逻辑的时候,就会显现出它的不足之处。文中讲述了如何使用Java扩展XSLT,从而更好地发挥两种语言的特色。最后给出一实例来具体展示如何将XML节点传送到Java类并返回到样式表以进一步处理。  相似文献   

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