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Aperiodic task scheduling for Hard-Real-Time systems   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
A real-time system consists of both aperiodic and periodic tasks. Periodic tasks have regular arrival times and hard deadlines. Aperiodic tasks have irregular arrival times and either soft or hard deadlines. In this article, we present a new algorithm, the Sporadic Server algorithm, which greatly improves response times for soft deadline aperiodic tasks and can guarantee hard deadlines for both periodic and aperiodic tasks. The operation of the Sporadic Server algorithm, its performance, and schedulability analysis are discussed and compared with previously published aperiodic service algorithms.  相似文献   

Aperiodic servers in a deadline scheduling environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A real-time system may have tasks with soft deadlines, as well as hard deadlines. While earliest-deadline-first scheduling is effective for hard-deadline tasks, applying it to soft-deadline tasks may waste schedulable processor capacity or sacrifice average response time. Better average response time may be obtained, while still guaranteeing hard deadlines, with an aperiodic server. Three scheduling algorithms for aperiodic servers are described, and schedulability tests are derived for them. A simulation provides performance data for these three algorithms on random aperiodic tasks. The performances of the deadline aperiodic servers are compared with those of several alternatives, including background service, a deadline polling server, and rate-monotonic servers, and with estimates based on the M/M/1 queueing model. This adds to the evidence in support of deadline scheduling,versus fixed priority scheduling.  相似文献   

This paper explores the energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks on a non-ideal DVS processor in the presence of resource sharing. We assume that tasks are periodic, preemptive and may access to shared resources. When dynamic-priority and fixed-priority scheduling are considered, we use the earliest deadline first (EDF) algorithm and the rate monotonic (RM) algorithm to schedule the given set of tasks. Based on the stack resource policy (SRP), we propose an approach, called blocking-aware two-speed (BATS) algorithm, to synchronize the tasks with shared resources and to calculate appropriate execution speeds so that the shared resources can be accessed in a mutual exclusive manner and the energy consumption can be reduced. Particularly, BATS uses a static low speed to execute tasks initially, and then it switches to a high speed dynamically whenever a task blocks a higher priority task. More specifically, the processor runs at the high speed from the beginning of the blocking until the deadline of the blocked task or the processor becomes idle. In order to guarantee that the deadlines of tasks are met, the static low speed and the dynamic high speeds are derived based on the theoretical analysis of the schedulability of tasks. Compared with existing work, BATS achieves more energy saving because its dynamic high speeds are lower than that of existing work and the processor has less chance to execute tasks at the high speeds. The schedulability analysis and the properties of our proposed BATS are provided in this paper. We also evaluated the capabilities of BATS by a series of experiments, for which we have some encouraging results.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of jointly scheduling tasks with both hard and soft real time constraints. We present a new analysis applicable to systems scheduled using a priority preemptive dispatcher, with priorities assigned dynamically according to the EDF policy. Further, we present a new efficient online algorithm (the acceptor algorithm) for servicing aperiodic work load. The acceptor transforms a soft aperiodic task into a hard one by assigning a deadline. Once transformed, aperiodic tasks are handled in exactly the same way as periodic tasks with hard deadlines. The proposed algorithm is shown to be optimal in terms of providing the shortest aperiodic response time among fixed and dynamic priority schedulers. It always guarantees the proper execution of periodic hard tasks. The approach is composed of two parts: an offline analysis and a run time scheduler. The offline algorithm runs in pseudopolynomial time O(mn), where n is the number of hard periodic tasks and m is the hyperperiod/min deadline  相似文献   

Many industrial applications with real-time demands are composed of mixed sets of tasks with a variety of requirements. These can be in the form of standard timing constraints, such as period and deadline, or complex, e.g., to express application specific or nontemporal constraints, reliability, performance, etc. As many algorithms focus on specific sets of task types and constraints only, system design has to focus on those supported by a particular algorithm, at the expense of the rest. In this paper, we present a method to deal with a combination of mixed sets of tasks and constraints: periodic tasks with complex and simple constraints, soft and firm aperiodic, and sporadic tasks. We propose the use of an offline scheduler to manage complex timing and resource constraints of periodic tasks and transform these into a simple EDF model with start-times and deadlines. At run-time, the execution of the offline scheduled tasks is flexibly shifted in order to allow for feasible inclusion of dynamically arriving sporadic and aperiodic tasks. Sporadic tasks are guaranteed offline based on their worst-case activation frequencies. At run-time, this pessimism is reduced by the online algorithm which uses the exact knowledge about sporadic arrivals to reclaim resources and improve response times and acceptance of firm aperiodic tasks.  相似文献   

针对包含有截止期限限制的周期任务和有响应时间要求的非周期任务的实时系统混合任务集,提出常带宽服务器混合任务低功耗调度算法(constant bandwidth server mix task low power scheduling algorithm, CBSMTLPSA).该算法是2阶段调度算法,并且结合了动态电压调节(dynamic voltage scaling, DVS)技术和动态功耗管理(dynamic power management, DPM)技术.离线阶段确定任务的离线速度,充分利用处理器的资源;在线阶段通过回收周期任务提早完成的空闲时间以及服务器产生的空闲时间,利用DVS技术调节处理器的运行速度,并且当处理器处于空闲状态时,判断是否使用DPM技术以达到进一步降低能耗的目的.仿真实验表明所提出的CBSMTLPSA算法比CBS/DRA-W(constant bandwidth server for dynamic reclaim algorithm base workload)算法节约6.02%~34.14%的能耗;CBSMTLPSA算法的能耗与非周期任务的响应时间的乘积比CBS/DRA-W算法低5.86%~34.06%.  相似文献   

An increasing number of DRTS (Distributed model. The key challenges of such DRTS are guaranteeing Real-Time Systems) are employing an end-to-end aperiodic task utilization on multiple processors to achieve overload protection, and meeting the end-to-end deadlines of aperiodic tasks. This paper proposes an end-to-end utilization control architecture and an IC-EAT (Integration Control for End-to-End Aperiodic Tasks) algorithm, which features a distributed feedback loop that dynamically enforces the desired utilization bound on multiple processors. IC-EAT integrates admission control with feedback control, which is able to dynamically determine the QoS (Quality of Service) of incoming tasks and guarantee the end-to-end deadlines of admitted tasks. Then an LQOCM (Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Model) is presented. Finally, experiments demonstrate that, for the end-to-end DRTS whose control matrix G falls into the stable region, the IC-EAT is convergent and stable. Moreover,it is capable of providing better QoS guarantees for end-to-end aperiodic tasks and improving the system throughput.  相似文献   

A scheduling technique is presented to minimize service delay of aperiodic tasks in hard real‐time systems that employ dynamic‐priority scheduling and do not allow task preemption. In a real‐time scheduling process, the execution of periodic tasks can be deferred as long as this does not cause other tasks to violate their time constraints. However, aperiodic tasks that usually have urgent missions should complete execution as early as possible. In this paper, it is assumed that aperiodic tasks also have time constraints. Thus, the problem of deciding whether an aperiodic task with an unpredictable arrival time can be scheduled successfully or not is difficult to solve because delaying periodic tasks may cause them to fail to meet their time constraints. We present a dynamic scheduling technique to solve this problem which makes use of the symmetric property of a schedule. The maximum possible idle slot is always reserved at every scheduling point so that aperiodic tasks can be serviced immediately if the reserved idle slot is big enough to service them. The proposed technique also maximizes utilization of idle slots by reserving them for the longest possible time span.  相似文献   

基于RMS调度周期、非周期混合任务集的一种新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种利用速率单调(RMS)算法确定计算机实时系统中整个任务集优先级的新方法。该方法利用数理统计的规律克服了普通RMS算法只能对系统中周期任务进行有效调度而不能对系统中的非周期任务进行有效调度的局限,扩大了RMS算法的适用范围,简化了非周期任务的处理过程,减小了系统开销。利用该方法在先进飞机电气综合控制与管理系统中进行了整个任务集的可调度性测试、验证,并给出了任务集的实际调度的验证实例。  相似文献   

In certain real-time applications, ranging from multimedia to telecommunication systems, timing constraints can be more flexible than scheduling theory usually permits. In this paper, we deal with the problem of scheduling hybrid sets of tasks, consisting of firm periodic tasks (i.e. tasks with deadlines which can occasionally skip one instance) and soft aperiodic requests, which have to be served as soon as possible to achieve good responsiveness. We propose and analyze an algorithm, based on a variant of earliest-deadline-first scheduling, which exploits skips to minimize the response time of aperiodic requests. One of the most interesting features of our algorithm is that it can easily be tuned to balance performance vs. complexity, for adapting it to different application requirements. Extensive simulation experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach with respect to existing methods. Schedulability bounds are also derived to perform off-line analysis  相似文献   

In a distributed heterogeneous computing system, the resources have different capabilities and tasks have different requirements. To maximize the performance of the system, it is essential to assign the resources to tasks (match) and order the execution of tasks on each resource (schedule) to exploit the heterogeneity of the resources and tasks. Dynamic mapping (defined as matching and scheduling) is performed when the arrival of tasks is not known a priori. In the heterogeneous environment considered in this study, tasks arrive randomly, tasks are independent (i.e., no inter-task communication), and tasks have priorities and multiple soft deadlines. The value of a task is calculated based on the priority of the task and the completion time of the task with respect to its deadlines. The goal of a dynamic mapping heuristic in this research is to maximize the value accrued of completed tasks in a given interval of time. This research proposes, evaluates, and compares eight dynamic mapping heuristics. Two static mapping schemes (all arrival information of tasks are known) are designed also for comparison. The performance of the best heuristics is 84% of a calculated upper bound for the scenarios considered.  相似文献   

An ad hoc grid is a wireless heterogeneous computing environment without a fixed infrastructure. This study considers wireless devices that have different capabilities, have limited battery capacity, support dynamic voltage scaling, and are expected to be used for eight hours at a time and then recharged. To maximize the performance of the system, it is essential to assign resources to tasks (match) and order the execution of tasks on each resource (schedule) in a manner that exploits the heterogeneity of the resources and tasks while considering the energy constraints of the devices. In the single-hop ad hoc grid heterogeneous environment considered in this study, tasks arrive unpredictably, are independent (i.e., no precedent constraints for tasks), and have priorities and deadlines. The problem is to map (match and schedule) tasks onto devices such that the number of highest priority tasks completed by their deadlines during eight hours is maximized while efficiently utilizing the overall system energy. A model for dynamically mapping tasks onto wireless devices is introduced. Seven dynamic mapping heuristics for this environment are designed and compared to each other and to a mathematical bound.  相似文献   

Utilization Bounds for EDF Scheduling on Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The utilization bound for earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling is extended from uniprocessors to homogeneous multiprocessor systems with partitioning strategies. First results are provided for a basic task model, which includes periodic and independent tasks with deadlines equal to periods. Since the multiprocessor utilization bounds depend on the allocation algorithm, different allocation algorithms have been considered, ranging from simple heuristics to optimal allocation algorithms. As multiprocessor utilization bounds for EDF scheduling depend strongly on task sizes, all these bounds have been obtained as a function of a parameter which takes task sizes into account. Theoretically, the utilization bounds for multiprocessor EDF scheduling can be considered a partial solution to the bin-packing problem, which is known to be NP-complete. The basic task model is extended to include resource sharing, release jitter, deadlines less than periods, aperiodic tasks, non-preemptive sections, context switches, and mode changes.  相似文献   

We provide a constant time schedulability test and priority assignment algorithm for an on-line multiprocessor server handling aperiodic tasks. The so called Dhall’s effect is avoided by dividing tasks in two priority classes based on their utilization: heavy and light. The improvement in this paper is due to assigning priority of light tasks based on slack—not on deadlines. We prove that if the load on the multiprocessor stays below \((3 - \sqrt{5} )/2 \approx 38.197\%\), the server can accept an incoming aperiodic task and guarantee that the deadlines of all accepted tasks will be met. This is better than the current state-of-the-art algorithm where the priorities of light tasks are based on deadlines (the corresponding bound is in that case 35.425%).The bound \((3 - \sqrt{5} )/2\) can be improved if the number of processors m is known. There is a formula for the sharp bound \(U_{\mathit{threshold}}(m) = \frac{3m - 2 - \sqrt{5m^{2} - 8m + 4}}{2(m - 1)}\), which converges to \((3 - \sqrt{5} )/2\) from above as m→∞. For m≥3, the bound is higher (i.e., better) than the corresponding sharp bound for the state-of-the-art algorithm where the priorities of light tasks are based on deadlines.A simulation study also indicates that when m>3 the best effort behavior of the priority assignment scheme suggested here is better than that of the traditional scheme where priorities are based on deadlines.  相似文献   

Efficient scheduling algorithms based on heuristic functions are developed for scheduling a set of tasks on a multiprocessor system. The tasks are characterized by worst-case computation times, deadlines, and resources requirements. Starting with an empty partial schedule, each step of the search extends the current partial schedule by including one of the tasks yet to be scheduled. The heuristic functions used in the algorithm actively direct the search for a feasible schedule, i.e. they help choose the task that extends the current partial schedule. Two scheduling algorithms are evaluated by simulation. To extend the current partial schedule, one of the algorithms considers, at each step of the search, all the tasks that are yet to be scheduled as candidates. The second focuses its attention on a small subset of tasks with the shortest deadlines. The second algorithm is shown to be very effective when the maximum allowable scheduling overhead is fixed. This algorithm is hence appropriate for dynamic scheduling in real-time systems  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of scheduling soft aperiodic requests in systems where periodic tasks are scheduled on a fixed-priority, preemptive basis. First, we show that given any queueing discipline for the aperiodic requests, no scheduling algorithm can minimize the response time of every aperiodic request and guarantee that the deadlines of the periodic tasks are met when the periodic tasks are scheduled on a fixed-priority, preemptive basis. We then develop two algorithms: Algorithm is locally optimal in that it minimizes the response time of the aperiodic request at the head of the aperiodic service queue. Algorithm is globally optimal in that it completes the current backlog of work in the aperiodic service queue as early as possible.  相似文献   

Supervisory control theory is a well-established theoretical framework for feedback control of discrete event systems whose behaviours are described by automata and formal languages. In this article, we propose a formal constructive method for optimal fault-tolerant scheduling of real-time multiprocessor systems based on supervisory control theory. In particular, we consider a fault-tolerant and schedulable language which is an achievable set of event sequences meeting given deadlines of accepted aperiodic tasks in the presence of processor faults. Such a language eventually provides information on whether a scheduler (i.e., supervisor) should accept or reject a newly arrived aperiodic task. Moreover, we present a systematic way of computing a largest fault-tolerant and schedulable language which is optimal in that it contains all achievable deadline-meeting sequences.  相似文献   

A class of renewable-resource-allocation problems is studied for the processing of dynamically arriving tasks with deterministic deadlines. The model presented explicitly considers time available, time required, resources available, resources required, stochastic arrivals of multiple types of tasks, importance of tasks, timeliness of processing, and accuracy of resource allocation. After state augmentation, the problem becomes a Markovian decision problem, and can be solved, at least in principle, by using a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) method. Effects of key system parameters on optimal decisions are investigated and analyzed through numerical examples  相似文献   

Real-time systems are often designed using preemptive scheduling and worst-case execution time estimates to guarantee the execution of high priority tasks. There is, however, an interest in exploring non-preemptive scheduling models for real-time systems, particularly for soft real-time multimedia applications. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that uses multiple scheduling strategies for efficient non-preemptive scheduling of tasks. Our goal is to improve the success ratio of the well-known Earliest Deadline First (EDF) approach when the load on the system is very high and to improve the overall performance in both underloaded and overloaded conditions. Our approach, known as group-EDF (gEDF) is based on dynamic grouping of tasks with deadlines that are very close to each other, and using Shortest Job First (SJF) technique to schedule tasks within the group. We will present results comparing gEDF with other real-time algorithms including, EDF, Best-effort, and Guarantee, by using randomly generated tasks with varying execution times, release times, deadlines and tolerance to missing deadlines, under varying workloads. We believe that grouping tasks dynamically with similar deadlines and utilizing a secondary criteria, such as minimizing the total execution time (or other metrics such as power or resource availability) for scheduling tasks within a group, can lead to new and more efficient real-time scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of the dynamic scheduling of skippable periodic task sets (i.e., period tasks allowing occasional skips of instances), together with aperiodic tasks. Scheduling of tasks is handled thanks to the merging of two existing approaches: the Skip-Over task model and the EDL (Earliest Deadline as Late as possible) aperiodic task server. The objective is to provide two on-line scheduling algorithms, namely EDL-RTO and EDL-BWP, in order to minimize the average response time of soft aperiodic requests, while ensuring that the QoS (Quality of Service) of periodic tasks will never be less than a specified bound. We also extend our results to the acceptance of sporadic tasks (i.e., aperiodic tasks with deadlines). We show that these novel scheduling algorithms have better performance compared to related algorithms regarding aperiodic response time and acceptance ratio. Audrey Marchand guaduated in Computer Engineering at the Ecole polytechnique of the University of Nantes (France), in 2002. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Nantes. Her research interests include real-time scheduling theory, aperiodic service mechanisms, quality of service guarantees in soft real-time systems, and Linux-based real-time operating systems and applications. Maryline Chetto received the degree of Docteur de 3ème cycle in control engineering and the degree of Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches in Computer Science from the University of Nantes, France, in 1984 and 1993, respectively. From 1984 to 1985, she held the position of Assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Rennes, while her research was with the Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires, Rennes. In 1986, she returned to Nantes and is currently a professor with the Institute of Technology of the University of Nantes. She is conducting her research at IRCCyN. Her main research interests include scheduling and fault-tolerance technologies for real-time applications. She has published more than 60 journal articles and conference papers in the area of real-time operating systems. She is the leader of a French national R&D project, namely Cleopatre, supported by the French government, which aims to provide free open source real-time solutions.  相似文献   

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