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该文章对某金属材料制成的圆筒形试件进行水下近距爆炸试验,得到了水下近距爆炸条件下材料的动态断裂应变,结合能量方法,给出了水下近距爆炸时材料的动态屈服强度,并和静态拉伸试验及霍普金森拉杆试验(SHTB)结果对比,比较了屈服强度、极限拉伸应变和能量吸收率等参数,并探讨了SHTB试验所得失效判据在水下爆炸对某金属材料制成的圆筒形试件进行水下近距爆炸试验,得到水下近距爆炸条件下材料的动态断裂应变,结合能量方法,给出水下近距爆炸时材料的动态屈服强度,并和静态拉伸试验及霍普金森拉杆试验(SHTB)结果对比,比较屈服强度、极限拉伸应变和能量吸收率等参数,并探讨SHTB试验所得失效判据在水下爆炸条件下的适用性。对比材料失效判据常规研究方法和水下爆炸实际效果,对于船体及其模型的结构抗爆设计和评估具有参考价值。条件下的适用性。该文章创新的对比了材料失效判据常规研究方法和水下爆炸实际效果,对于船体及其模型的结构抗爆设计和评估具有参考价值。 相似文献
某炼油厂柴油加氢精制装置的高压临氢管道在使用过程中突然爆炸起火.对该管道的失效原因进行较详尽分析后指出:由于管道长期在H2、H2S、高温、高压等恶劣工作环境下服役,材料受到氢腐蚀导致材质劣化使管道爆裂失效.严格按照Nelson曲线选用适宜的材料可以延长管道的使用寿命. 相似文献
油气管道失效分析与完整性管理 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
论述了油气管道的失效模式和失效原因,以及完整性管理的概念、流程和关键技术.对失效分析和完整性管理的关系进行了讨论,认为失效分析是油气管道完整性管理的基础;完整性管理是油气管道失效分析的延伸,是全面、科学有效的预测、预防管道失效的措施. 相似文献
本文针对某失效过热蒸汽管道,阐述了蒸汽管道常见的失效形式,并从微观和宏观角度出发,对失效管道的化学成分、机械性能、金相组织等理化检验及断口分析方面展开研究,从而准确判断过热蒸汽管道的失效原因。 相似文献
本文在总结石化公司管道检验情况的基础上,分析了在用压力管道失效的原因及对策研究,并指出加强压力管道检验与管理的重要性。 相似文献
An accurate prediction on the failure pressure of line pipe is very important in the engineering design and integrity assessment of oil and gas transmission pipelines. This paper analytically investigates the failure pressure of line pipes with or without corrosion defects, and focus on the high strength steels. Based on von Mises strength failure criterion, a classic strength failure criterion, the failure pressure of end-capped and defect-free pipe pM is theoretically deduced with the strain hardening material. In order to derive a general solution for corrosion defect assessment of high strength pipelines, an extensive series of finite element analyses on various elliptical corrosion defects was performed. Finally, a new formula for predicting the failure pressure of corroded pipe in the material of high strength steels is formulated, based on the FE models and pM, and is validated using 79 groups of full-scale burst test data, which contain the low, middle and high strength pipeline. The results indicated that the proposed formula for predicting the failure pressure is closely matches the experimental data for the high strength steels. 相似文献
Failure analysis of cone bit bearing seals is important in reducing production cost and preventing in-service component failure. However, a generally accepted criterion for their failure has not yet been established because of complexities in both their material properties and the environment. In this study, a two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element analysis (FEA) numerical model was established. FEA software was developed based on the Mooney–Rivlin constitutive model of the rubber material, and the penalty function contact algorithm. The distributions of stress, strain and contact pressure were analyzed to establish their effect on failure. The locations and causes of the failure and preventive measures were determined by comparison with an actual failure case. It was found that stress concentration and uneven pressure distribution occur at the seal. Rubber rings are highly and unequally compressed. Metal ring structure mainly determines sealing performance. To reduce the occurrence of failure, the structure must be improved by: designing an appropriate angle-tapered metal ring end face structure instead of a plane to change the trend in pressure distribution, increasing the contact area of the metal ring end face to reduce contact pressure and make the contact pressure distribution more uniform to reduce sealing surface wear, reducing the radial thickness to reduce the compression of the rubber ring, and improving back support structures to reduce the stress concentration. Results from the study can prevent and minimize risk for future failures to increase bit life and reduce drilling costs. 相似文献
Design optimization of composites using genetic algorithms and failure mechanism based failure criterion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, minimum weight design of composite laminates is presented using the failure mechanism based (FMB), maximum stress and Tsai–Wu failure criteria. The objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly proposed FMB failure criterion (FMBFC) in composite design. The FMBFC considers different failure mechanisms such as fiber breaks, matrix cracks, fiber compressive failure, and matrix crushing which are relevant for different loading conditions. A genetic algorithm is used for the optimization study. The Tsai–Wu failure criterion over predicts the weight of the laminate by up to 86% in the third quadrant of the failure envelope compared to FMB and maximum stress failure criteria, when the laminate is subjected to compressive–compressive loading. It is found that the FMB and maximum stress failure criteria give comparable weight estimates. The FMBFC can be considered for use in the strength design of composite structures. 相似文献
This paper reports on work being undertaken in the Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures Ltd. (CRC-ACS) to develop improved techniques for predicting the failure of composite materials. The procedures being investigated include a maximum strain criterion for fibre failure. For failure of the resin a new approach, which includes determination of the residual stresses due to manufacturing, is being trialed. This work closely parallels the new criteria proposed by Gosse and Hart-Smith [AIAA/CRC-ACS text on composite materials, submitted for publication] and we have subsequently replaced a simple stress criterion for matrix failure with their proposals based on strain invariants. The new procedures are applied to the failure of laminates in bolted joints with complex steered fibre patterns. Thermal residual stress was included to predict the matrix failure of T-section laminates under loads that open the angle between the flanges and the web. Here a transverse tension stress criterion was used. 相似文献
Failure analysis of carbon steel pipes used for underground condensate pipeline in the power station
In this paper, the cause of failure of an ASTM A53 Grade B carbon steel pipe was investigated. The investigated ASTM A53 Grade B pipe was used for a condensate pipeline and was found to be cracked after six months in service. The failed parts were investigated by means of stereoscopic microscope, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy micro-analysis, spark emission spectrometer, tension tester and Vickers hardness tester, in order to identify the failure causes and to suggest preventive solutions. A specially instrumented indentation tester was used for the measurement of residual stress on welding seam. The study shows that failure was mainly due to stress corrosion cracking caused by chloride and tensile residual stress on the welding seam due to insufficient heat input or low compression, etc during welding processing. 相似文献
In this study, a method of evaluating the static strength of a V-shaped notch based on the singular stress field at the notch
tip is studied. The singular stress fields is defined by two parameters, and , which correspond to the intensities of symmetric stress field and the skew-symmetric field, respectively. Four kinds of
fracture criteria are considered; two of them are based on the tensile strength σ
and the other two are based on the fracture toughness K
. The usefulness of the criteria is investigated through the experimental results carried out on plane specimens of acrylic
resin having a sharp notch for various notch configurations such as the opening angle, the inclined angle and the notch depth.
It is shown that the criteria using stress intensity factor and the energy release rate not sensitive to the length of the
virtual crack . 相似文献
Zohar Yosibash Elad Priel Dominique Leguillon 《International Journal of Fracture》2006,141(1-2):291-312
The failure criterion of Leguillon at reentrant corners in brittle elastic materials (Leguillon 2002, Eur J Mech A/Solids
21: 61–72; Leguillon et al. (2003), Eur J Mech A—Solids 22(4): 509–524) validated in (Yosibash et al. 2004, Int J Fract 125(3–4):
307–333) for mode I loading is being extended to mixed mode loading and is being validated by experimental observations. We
present an explicit derivation of all quantities involved in the computation of the failure criterion. The failure criterion
is validated by predicting the critical load and crack initiation angle of specimens under mixed mode loading and comparison
to experimental observations on PMMA (polymer) and Macor (ceramic) V-notched specimens. 相似文献
An analysis was performed to evaluate the bearing strength of pin-loaded composite joints using a two parameter characteristic curve model. This model involves determination of characteristic dimensions in tension and compression and based on this model, a two-dimensional stress analysis was used to determine the stress distribution around the fastener hole. In this analysis, characteristic dimensions in tension and compression were evaluated using the point stress failure criterion and joint bearing failure evaluated using the Yamada-Sun failure criterion. Results were compared with available experimental data for joints made from AS4/3501-6 graphite epoxy composite laminates and good correlation observed when evaluated as function of edge distance to hole diameter. However, the analysis yields conservative results when joint strength is evaluated as a function of plate width to hole diameter. 相似文献
A mathematical methodology for analyzing void closure in the forging process of steel ingot with a large size was proposed from the view of strain function. A numerical simulation of the forging process was established to describe the distribution field of compressive strain within deformed steel ingot. Then the analytic function of compressive strain distribution was given by mathematical fitting on the basis of Gaussian function (including the models without and with void). And finally the quantitative relationship between void closure and compressive strain, namely mathematical expressions of the criterion for central and non-central void closure, was presented by derivation and calculation of this function. The criterion for central and non-central void closure was verified by finite element simulation for a typical steel ingot. This new methodology gives an acute prediction in terms of elimination of void defects, where the deviation is less than 7%. 相似文献