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基于 Petri网的柔性制造系统动态优化模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为解决柔性制造系统的动态优化调度问题,在基于扩展高级全局决策Petri网的柔性制造系统优化模型的基础上,提出了实时一优化切换控制Petri网模型。该模型在柔性制造系统发生加工设备故障、急件插入等异常情况时,自动切换并运行全局优化调度算法,并在系统允许的时间范围内,再切换返回到原有系统状态,按照新的优化结果运行。最后,以实时一优化切换控制Petri网模型与基于遗传的最小平衡算法结合为例,证实了该模型是有效的。 相似文献
Bid construction scheme for job flow time reduction
in auction-based fully-distributed manufacturing systems 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Dharmaraj Veeramani Kung-Jeng Wang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,29(5-6):541-550
A manufacturing cell can be modelled using discrete event simulation in order to predict its performance under various combinations
of input parameters, related to design issues as well as operation issues. Such models suffer from inherent lack of generality
and are useful on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, determination of the best values of design and operation parameters in
combination cannot be performed rigorously, but only on an experimentation basis. This work proposes a systematic procedure
for optimisation. The final stage is an optimisation procedure using a genetic algorithm which uses the classic genetic operators
tuned with due care to avoid local maxima of the fitness function. The actual value of the fitness function corresponding
to each breeding case could be obtained by running the discrete event simulation application, but that would make for lengthy
response. Therefore, a first stage of the optimising procedure is proposed that calculates the essential part of the fitness
function by a neural network metamodel generalising on simulation results. Conditions for successful application of the above
procedures are discussed. 相似文献
Hunmo Kim 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2000,14(10):1089-1103
A Problem of relevant interest to some industries is that of obtaining optimum two-dimensional layout. To solve this proviem, one is given a number of rectangular sheets and an order for a specified number of each of certain types of two-dimensional regular and irregular shapes. The aim is to cut the the shapes out of the sheets in such a way as to minimize the amount of waste produced. A DCS (Distributed Control System) is an integrated system which applies the decentralization concept to a control system handling both sequential and analog control. A DCS performs many operations such as data gathering, data processing, data storing and monitoring the operatin conditions for the operator. IN this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm based on rotation parameters from which the best pattern of layout is found as well as a layout method for better performance time. A DCS for the plate cutting process system, which is performed by a virtual system, is also identified. 相似文献
Reza Vatankhah Barenji Ali Vatankhah Barenji Majid Hashemipour 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2014,71(9-12):1773-1791
Flexible manufacturing systems are complex, stochastic environments requiring the development of innovative, intelligent control architectures that support flexibility, agility, and reconfigurability. Distributed manufacturing control system addresses this challenge by introducing an adaptive production control approach supported by the presence of autonomous control units that are cooperating with each other. Most of the currently distributed control systems still suffer from lack of flexibility and agility when the product verity is high and is not reconfigured in case of ad hoc events. To overcome this limitation, a drawback of an excessive dependence on up-to-date information about the products and other elements that move within the system is essential. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a new emerging technology which uses radio frequency waves to transfer data between a reader and movable item for identification, tracking, and categorization purpose. This paper discusses the architecture devised to deploy RFID-enabled distributed control and monitoring system by means of a set of agents that are responsible for the realization of different control and monitoring tasks and for cooperating to enhance agility, flexibility, and reconfigurability of manufacturing system. 相似文献
S. Saravana Sankar S. G. Ponnanbalam C. Rajendran 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2003,22(3-4):229-236
Though the designers of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) strive to ensure the maximum flexibility in the system, in practice, after the implementation of such systems the operational executives often find it hard to accommodate frequent variations in the part designs of incoming jobs. This difficulty can very well be overcome by scheduling the variety of incoming parts into the system efficiently. In this work an appropriate scheduling mechanism is designed to generate a nearer-to-optimum schedule using Genetic Algorithm (GA) with two different GA Coding Schemes. Two contradictory objectives of the system were achieved simultaneously by the scheduling mechanism. The results are compared with those obtained by different scheduling rules and conclusions are presented. 相似文献
Z. Binghai X. Lifeng C. Yongshang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2004,23(11-12):903-908
Part type selection and machine loading are two major problems in the production planning of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). The two problems are viewed as selecting subsets from the jobs of part types in a planning horizon and allocating jobs of the subsets among machines. In this paper, in order to develop a practical and efficient approach to solving FMS production planning problems, a heuristic algorithm is suggested that develops heuristic rules with the objective of minimisation of the number of tool changes and minimisation of the imbalance in per machine. To compare the proposed algorithm, a series of computational experiments is done on randomly generated test problems and the results show that the developed algorithm is very simple and efficient. 相似文献
Yumin He Milton L. Smith 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》2007,19(4):392-409
In the increasingly competitive global markets, enterprises face challenges in responding to customer orders quickly, as well
as producing customized products cost-effectively. This paper proposes a dynamic heuristic-based algorithm for the part input
sequencing problem of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) in a mass customization (MC) environment. The FMS manufactures
a variety of parts, and customer orders arrive dynamically with order size as small as one. Segmental set functions are established
in the proposed algorithm to apply the strategy of dynamic workload balancing, and the shortest processing time (SPT) scheduling
rule. Theoretical analysis is performed and the effectiveness of the algorithm in dynamic workload balancing under the complex
and dynamic environment is proven. The application of the algorithm is illustrated by an example. The potential of its practical
applications to the FMSs in make-to-order (MTO) supply chains is also discussed. Further research is provided.
Milton L. SmithEmail: |
《Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems》1998,11(3):217-228
The enormous growth in manufacturing automation has produced a plethora of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) with diverse features. These AMTs could consist of semi- and fully automated systems or equipment. Manufacturing companies are seeking ways to gain a competitive edge over their competitors by investing in AMTs, where the ability to make rational choices among these AMTs is important for success. Integration of AMTs in an enterprise brings many islands of automation into a single database-shared entity. Effective integration by efficient communication links among these AMTs will generate significant benefits across many traditional functional units, eliminate many functional barriers, and provide opportunities to achieve the competitive goals. The effect of synergy caused by the integration of AMTs will have an impact on various functional units of the enterprise. This paper provides a methodology, firstly to identify appropriate technologies for a company based on their strategic focus, and secondly to estimate the functional interrelationships within the framework of a unified approach for the justification of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). These derived functional interrelationships are utilised to assess the effect of synergy in an integrated enterprise and identify the optimal capital investments in AMTs as system components of CIM. 相似文献
《Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems》1991,4(4):229-238
In a dynamic competitive environment where consumer demands are getting more sophisticated and technology advancement is very fast, a firm that can quickly improve its workforce's skill level to match the introduction of advanced manufacturing technology will gain a competitive edge. This paper discusses how expert system technology should be modified and integrated with conventional analytical techniques like statistical estimation, pattern recognition, parameter estimation, etc., to provide on-line assistance to less experienced production operators, as well as to provide off-line support of continuous learning and the accumulation of experiences. A new paradigm that integrates the fault-tree (AND-OR graph) and the flow chart is developed. It is shown how such a paradigm can be applied to various applications in the production process, and how it can play an important role in the continuous learning process which will increase the speed of the workforce's skill improvement and production performance. 相似文献
Dr Jau-Woie Chang Shean-Shyong Chiou Yih-Ping Luh 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1997,13(6):434-442
This paper deals with the function modules demanded for production control in a distributed cellular manufacturing system. Cells are the distributed components of any manufacturing system. A proposed multipassing distributed simulating scheduling system (MPDSSS) deals with the production control functions regarding process planning (working-cell selection), scheduling, rescheduling, and real-time dispatching. The process planning function aims at selecting a good route for each job. The multipassing scheduling aims at providing a scheduling bidding strategy in a distributed fashion. The rescheduling aims at dealing with the large-effort change of the system with updating the precedence schedule to run in a new manufacturing period. The real-time scheduling deals with the small-effort change of the system with a real-time dispatching rule. All the production controlling functions have been implemented in distributed fashions. A simulation experiment demonstrates that the proposed MPDSSS leads to good results in the following criteria: minimum mean flow time, minimum waiting time, maximum machine utilisation, and minimum imbalance of cell utilisation.Nomenclature {A}
grouping set ofA
function-identical set of celli
- BC
the weighted bidding cost for the operation in celli
- {C}
performance criteria set
ith element of {C}
- CU
f avg
average cell utilisation inA
- CU
f max
maximum cell utilisation inA
- CU
average cell utilisation of celli
- CUmax
maximum CU
- CUmin
minimum CU
- {D}
dispatching rule base
ith rule in {D}
earliest finishing time
- EFTmax
maximum EFT
the imbalance of cell utilisation inA
- P
previously actual system performance for criterionC
- RC
rescheduling cost when using ruleD
- SC
improvement rate for system cost using ruleD
- SP
actual system performance
- SP
preceding simulation performance of theC
with ruleD
- SP
ideally predictable system performance
actual system performance deviation
total imbalance of cell utilisation using ruleD
weighting factor 相似文献
Weidong Zhu Weiwei Qu Lianghong Cao Di Yang Yinglin Ke 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2013,68(9-12):2535-2545
Off-line programming systems are essential tools for the effective use of robots in the manufacturing environment. This paper presents a dedicated off-line programming system for robotic drilling in aerospace manufacturing. Following a brief introduction of the system architecture, the paper discusses two major problems of off-line programming for robotic drilling, i.e., redundancy resolution and position correction. A new performance index is proposed for the combined requirements of singularity and joint-limit avoidance, followed by a discussion of the redundancy resolution scheme by using numerical optimization at the joint displacement level. A position correction method using measurement data of reference holes is developed for the enhancement of robotic drilling accuracy. Robot programs generated by using the developed system have been tested on a robotic drilling system, and the experimental results are provided. 相似文献
Ahmed M. Deif Waguih ElMaraghy 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,32(5-6):557-562
Responsiveness to dynamic market changes in a cost-effective manner is becoming a key success factor for any manufacturing
system in today’s global economy. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs) have been introduced to react quickly and effectively
to such competitive market demands through modular and scalable design of the manufacturing system on the system level, as
well as on the machine components’ level. This paper investigates how RMSs can manage their capacity scalability on the system
level in a cost-effective manner. An approach for modeling capacity scalability is proposed, which, unlike earlier approaches,
does not assume that the capacity scalability is simply a function of fixed increments of capacity units. Based on the model,
a computer tool that utilizes a genetic algorithm optimization technique is developed. The tool aids the systems’ designers
in deciding when to reconfigure the system in order to scale the capacity and by how much to scale it in order to meet the
market demand in a cost-effective way. The results showed that, in terms of cost, the optimal capacity scalability schedules
in an RMS are superior to both the exact demand capacity scalability approach and the approach of supplying all required capacity
at the beginning of the planning period, which is adopted by flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). The results also suggest
that the cost-effective implementation of an RMS can be realized through decreasing the cost of reconfiguration of these new
systems. 相似文献
《Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems》1990,3(4):252-263
FIRST (Flexible Industrial Robotics Simulation Tool) is a software system for the simulation of complex distributed production systems. A synthetic overview of dynamic simulation methodology is presented and the use of advanced tools for modelling (extended Petri nets) and software implementation (logic programming) is illustrated. A detailed examination of FIRST architecture is made and some possible future developments and improvements are suggested. The results of some practical experiences are illustrated as evidence of the most interesting and useful features of FIRST. 相似文献
Hamed Fazlollahtabar Borna Rezaie Hassan Kalantari 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2010,51(9-12):1149-1158
An automated manufacturing system (AMS) is a complex network of processing, inspecting, and buffering nodes connected by system of transportation mechanisms. For an AMS, it is desirable to be capable to increase or decrease the output with the rise and fall of demand. Such specifications show the complexity of decision making in the field of AMSs and the need for concise and accurate modeling methods. Therefore, in this paper, a flexible jobshop automated manufacturing system is proposed to optimize the material flow. The flexibility is on the multi-shops of the same type and also multiple products that can be produced. An automated guided vehicle is applied for material handling. The objective is to optimize the material flow regarding the demand fluctuations and machine specifications. An illustrative example is presented to test the validity of the proposed mathematical model. 相似文献
Quan-Ke Pan Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan Tay J. Chua T. X. Cai 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2010,46(9-12):1229-1237
Manpower scheduling problem is one of the key scheduling problems with extensive applications in manufacturing. This paper presents a mixed-integer programming model with a two-stage heuristic algorithm for solving the manpower scheduling problem in the precision engineering industry. Firstly, a mixed-integer programming formulation is developed to model the manpower scheduling problem in this high-mix low-volume manufacturing environment. Secondly, a two-stage heuristic algorithm is proposed where the first stage is deployed to calculate the skill requirements for each shift by considering the jobs, machines, and their production schedule and the second stage is designed to assign operators to the machines by considering the skill set requirements and the operator's expressed preferences. Lastly, the computational results based on problem instances emulating real-world scenarios demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed heuristic. 相似文献
柔性装配制造系统中生产优化的Petri网方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文在基本Petri网的基础上,给出了一种进行周期性生产的柔性装配制造系统的模型;同时,针对该系统,给出了一个求稳定需求下最佳生产指量的启发式调度方法。 相似文献
A novel optimal assembly algorithm for haptic interface applications of a virtual maintenance system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Christiand Jungwon Yoon Prasanth Kumar 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2009,23(1):183-194
A virtual maintenance system in a virtual environment can be used to simulate a real-world maintenance system. The efficiency
of the simulation depends mainly on the assembly/disassembly task sequence. During simulation, path planning of mechanical
parts becomes an important factor since it affects the overall efficiency of the maintenance system in terms of saving energy
and time. Therefore, planners must consider the path-planning factors under constraints such as obstacles and the initial/final
positions of the parts, as well as the assembly sequence such as number of gripper exchanges and direction changes. We propose
a novel optimal assembly algorithm that considers the assembly sequence of mechanical parts and the path-planning factors
for a virtual maintenance simulation system. The genetic algorithm is used to determine the optimal sequence of parts to minimize
the numbers of gripper exchanges and direction changes, as well as find a repulsive force radius by using the potential field
method to generate the shortest optimal distance for transferring each part during the assembly operation. By applying the
proposed algorithm to a virtual maintenance system, users can be haptically guided to the optimized assembly solution during
mechanical parts assembly operations.
This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Jong Hyeon Park
Christiand received a B.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Indonesia in 2006. He then went on to receive his M.Eng.
from Gyeongsang National University in 2008. He is currently a member of engineering staff at Electronics and Telecommunication
Research Institute (ETRI) in Daejeon, Korea.
Jungwon Yoon received the B.S. degree in precision mechanical engineering in 1998 from the Chonbuk National Univ., Korea, and the M. S.
degree in the Department of Mechatronics in 2000 from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Kwangju, Korea,
where he received the Ph.D. in 2005. He had worked as a senior researcher in Electronics Telecommunication Research Institute
(ETRI), Daejeon, Korea, and a visiting researcher at Virtual Reality Lab, the Rutgers University, U.S.A, from 2001 to 2002.
In 2005, he joined the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea, where he
is currently an assistant professor. His research interests include virtual reality haptic devices & locomotion interfaces,
and rehabilitation robots. 相似文献