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In recent years, a new method to measure transverse blood flow, based on the decorrelation of the radio frequency (RF) signals has been developed. In this paper, we investigated the influence of nonuniform flow on the velocity estimation. The decorrelation characteristics of transverse blood flow using an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) array catheter are studied by means of computer modeling. Blood was simulated as a collection of randomly located point scatterers; moving this scattering medium transversally across the acoustical beam represented flow. First-order statistics were evaluated, and the signal-to-noise ratio from the signals were measured. The correlation coefficient method was used to present the results. Three velocity profiles were simulated: random spread of blood-flow velocity, linear blood-flow velocity gradient, and parabolic blood-flow. Radio frequency and envelope signals were used to calculate the decorrelation pattern. The results were compared to the mean decorrelation pattern for plug blood-flow. The RF signals decorrelation patterns were in good agreement with those obtained for plug blood flow. Envelope decorrelation patterns show a close agreement with the one for plug blood flow. For axial blood flow, there is a discrepancy between decorrelation patterns. The results presented here suggest that the decorrelation properties of an IVUS array catheter for measuring quantitative transverse blood flow probably will not be affected by different transverse blood-flow conditions  相似文献   

Onofri F 《Applied optics》2006,45(14):3317-3324
It is proposed to use three interfering and coplanar laser beams to form the probe volume of laser Doppler systems. This allows us to obtain, for each particle crossing this probe volume, a Doppler signal whose frequency amplitude spectrum exhibits two characteristic peaks. Electromagnetic calculations and experimental validations clearly demonstrate that we can estimate simultaneously, from the analysis of these two frequency peaks, the particle position along the optical axis and one velocity component. This technique is expected to have great potentialities for velocity profile measurements in microfluidic or boundary layer flows, as well as for the sizing of spherical particles.  相似文献   

Piao D  Zhu Q 《Applied optics》2003,42(25):5158-5166
Recently we introduced a novel procedure that estimates Doppler angle and flow velocity simultaneously by combining Doppler-shift and Doppler-bandwidth measurements with a conventional single-beam optical Doppler tomography device. Here we validate this method experimentally with two Intralipid flow setups that correspond to fixed Doppler angle and fixed flow speed. One set of data has a fixed flow speed of 53.6 mm/s with a Doppler angle that changes from 56 degrees to 90 degrees; the other has a fixed Doppler angle of 80 degrees with flow speed that changes from 18.5 to 141.9 mm/s. As obtained with the method introduced here, the Doppler-angle estimation accuracies of the two sets are 97.6% and 98.2%, respectively, and the estimation accuracies of flow speeds of the two sets are 94.3% and 90.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

The management of blood pressure in hemodialysis patients greatly affects not only their quality of life, but also the duration of dialysis (dialysis life). Approximately 25% of dialysis patients suffer from continuous low blood pressure; however, the relationship between blood pressure and blood flow during dialysis has not been established. We hypothesized that with complete extracorporeal circulation, blood purification methods might affect blood flow, resulting in a change in blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to develop a noninvasive continuous monitoring method (NICOMM) as a microcirculation monitor by devising a laser-Doppler flowmeter (LDF) system with a wavelength of 780 nm. The aim was to use this system to simultaneously measure blood flow rate in both the head and the foot during dialysis and to determine the effectiveness of NICOMM by measuring blood flow and arterial distensibility. When exhibiting a significant decline in blood pressure at 240 min after the initiation of hemodialysis, a drop in blood flow in parallel with the blood pressure fall was recorded by the LDF. However, no changes were observed, in the readings by a continuous hematocrit monitor (Crit-Line monitor, CLM). Furthermore, a significant correlation was registered between mean arterial blood pressure and blood flow rate in the earlobe tissue from 180 min after the initiation of hemodialysis to the completion of hemodialysis (p < 0.001, r = 0.78). Comparisons were made by measuring vascular dehydration using the CLM. NICOMM showed more stable readings than the CLM in monitoring blood flow in response to changes in blood pressure.  相似文献   

The flow field dynamics in open and packed segments of capillary columns has been studied by a direct motion encoding of the fluid molecules using pulsed magnetic field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance. This noninvasive method operates within a time window that allows a quantitative discrimination of electroosmotic against pressure-driven flow behavior. The inherent axial fluid flow field dispersion and characteristic length scales of either transport mode are addressed, and the results demonstrate a significant performance advantage of an electrokinetically driven mobile phase in both open-tubular and packed-bed geometries. In contrast to the parabolic velocity profile and its impact on axial dispersion characterizing laminar flow through an open cylindrical capillary, a pluglike velocity distribution of the electroosmotic flow field is revealed in capillary electrophoresis. Here, the variance of the radially averaged, axial displacement probability distributions is quantitatively explained by longitudinal molecular diffusion at the actual buffer temperature, while for Poiseuille flow, the preasymptotic regime to Taylor-Aris dispersion can be shown. Compared to creeping laminar flow through a packed bed, the increased efficiency observed in capillary electrochromatography is related to the superior characteristics of the electroosmotic flow profile over any length scale in the interstitial pore space and to the origin, spatial dimension, and hydrodynamics of the stagnant fluid on the support particles' external surface. Using the Knox equation to analyze the axial plate height data, an eddy dispersion term smaller by a factor of almost 2.5 than in capillary high-performance liquid chromatography is revealed for the electroosmotic flow field in the same column.  相似文献   

Bioethanol produced from lignocellulosic resources is a promising candidate for the replacement of fossil fuels. In this study, we aim to determine the perspectives to produce lignocellulosic ethanol in Austria. Technical, environmental and economic aspects are being considered. Thirteen biotechnological production concepts using the raw materials straw and softwood were established and simulated with the steady state flowsheeting software IPSEpro. Bioethanol production cost and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for each system were calculated based on mass and energy balances obtained from process simulation. The emission of GHGs along the entire bioethanol process chain (“from well to wheel”) are compared to two reference systems producing the same amounts of by-products. In all concepts, process heat and considerable amounts of the by-products electricity, heat, pellets, C5 molasses, or biomethane could be obtained from residual biomass. Compared to a reference system driven by fossil energy, GHG emissions can be reduced by up to 76%. The production cost of ethanol was found to between 0.66?€ and 0.94?€ per liter of gasoline equivalent. The type and amount of by-product influence technical, economic, and environmental performance significantly. Converting all straw and softwood available in Austria to ethanol would result in an annual production of 340?kt.  相似文献   

The results of measurements of the mass velocities of a flow of water drops and steam in air in the case of a turbulent flow in a cold and electrically heated tube of diameter 20 mm and length 900 mm are presented.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 1089–1097, December, 1979.  相似文献   

Summary It is well established that the extra tensor in constant stretch history (csh) flow can be expressed either in terms ofD, the rate of strain tensor, and , the (relative) rate of rotation, or as an isotropic function ofD and its first two Jaumann derivatives. Explicit results are reported here for planar and non-swirling axisymmetric csh flows. Even the term directly proportional toD already allows for shear thinning and extension thickening. If this quasi-Newtonian fluid is used in numerical calculations a flow classification parameterX is needed which locally distinguishes weak from strong flows. It is shown thatX depends upon the type of flow, i.e.X in planar flow differs fundamentally from the classification parameter for non-swirling axisymmetric flows.  相似文献   

Shear-induced migration of red blood cells (RBCs) is a well-known phenomenon characterizing blood flow in the small vessels (micrometre to millimetre size) of the cardiovascular system. In large vessels, like the abdominal aorta and the carotid artery (millimetre to centimetre size), the extent of this migration and its interaction with secondary flows has not been fully elucidated. RBC migration exerts its influence primarily on platelet concentration, oxygen transport and oxygen availability at the luminal surface, which could influence vessel wall disease processes in and adjacent to the intima. Phillips'' shear-induced particle migration model, coupled to the Quemada viscosity model, was employed to simulate the macroscopic behaviour of RBCs in four patient-specific geometries: a normal abdominal aorta, an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), a normal carotid bifurcation and a stenotic carotid bifurcation. Simulations show a migration of RBCs from the near-wall region with a lowering of wall haematocrit (volume fraction of RBCs) on the posterior side of the normal aorta and on the lateral-external side of the iliac arteries. A marked migration is observed on the outer wall of the carotid sinus, along the common carotid artery and in the carotid stenosis. No significant migration is observed in the AAA. The spatial and temporal patterns of wall haematocrit are correlated with the near-wall shear layer and with the secondary flows induced by the vessel curvature. In particular, secondary flows accentuate the initial lowering in RBC near-wall concentration by convecting RBCs from the inner curvature side to the outer curvature side. The results reinforce data in literature showing a decrease in oxygen partial pressure on the inner curvature wall of the carotid sinus induced by the presence of secondary flows. The lowering of wall haematocrit is postulated to induce a decrease in oxygen availability at the luminal surface through a diminished concentration of oxyhaemoglobin, hence contributing, with the reported lowered oxygen partial pressure, to local hypoxia.  相似文献   

We describe a microfluidic technique for separation of particles and cells and a device that employs this technique to separate white blood cells (WBC) from whole human blood. The separation is performed in cross-flow in an array of microchannels with a deep main channel and large number of orthogonal, shallow side channels. As a suspension of particles advances through the main channel, a perfusion flow through the side channels gradually exchanges the medium of the suspension and washes away particles that are sufficiently small to enter the shallow side channels. The microfluidic device is tested with a suspension of polystyrene beads and is shown to efficaciously exchange the carrier medium while retaining all beads. In tests with whole human blood, the device is shown to reduce the content of red blood cells (RBC) by a factor of approximately 4000 with retention of 98% of WBCs. The ratio between WBCs and RBCs reached at an outlet of the device is 2.4 on average. The device is made of a single cast of poly(dimethylsiloxane) sealed with a cover glass and is simple to fabricate. The proposed technique of separation by perfusion in continuous cross-flow could be used to enrich rare populations of cells based on differences in size, shape, and deformability.  相似文献   

N. Afzal 《Acta Mechanica》2001,151(3-4):171-183
Summary The classical two layers (the inner and outer layers) from open equations of mean turbulent motion, in a fully developed pipe flow, at large Reynolds number in MMX are matched by the application of the Millikan-Kolmogorov hypothesis. In the overlap region, the classical solution of the open functional equation for the velocity profile is the log law region. It is shown here that the open functional equation also possesses another functional solution, the power law velocity profile in the overlap region. The non-unique nature of the solution of the open functional equation predicts both a power law and log law velocity profile. At large Reynolds number the equivalence of the power law and log law is analysed. The comparison of the theory with classical data of Nikuradse and super-pipe data of Zagarola is encouraging.  相似文献   

Aït-Mokhtar  A.  Amiri  O.  Dumargue  P.  Bouguerra  A. 《Materials and Structures》2004,37(2):107-113
Materials and Structures - This paper deals with flow properties of mercury (Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, MIP) and water (permeability measurements and capillarity) in building materials. The aim...  相似文献   

Dietsche G  Ninck M  Ortolf C  Li J  Jaillon F  Gisler T 《Applied optics》2007,46(35):8506-8514
We present a technique for the measurement of temporal field autocorrelation functions of multiply scattered light with subsecond acquisition time. The setup is based on the parallel detection and autocorrelation of intensity fluctuations from statistically equivalent but independent speckles using a fiber bundle, an array of avalanche photodiodes, and a multichannel autocorrelator with variable integration times between 6.5 and 104 ms. Averaging the autocorrelation functions from the different speckles reduces the integration time in diffusing-wave spectroscopy experiments drastically, thus allowing us to resolve nonstationary scatterer dynamics with single-trial measurements. We present applications of the technique to the measurement of arterial and venous blood flow in deep tissue. We find strong deviations both of the shape and characteristic decay time of autocorrelation functions recorded at different phases of the pulsation cycle from time-averaged autocorrelation functions.  相似文献   

The characteristics of flow and heat transfer of a fluid in a channel with oscillatory stretching walls in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field are investigated. The fluid considered is a second-grade viscoelastic electrically conducting fluid. The partial differential equations that govern the flow are solved by developing a suitable numerical technique. The computational results for the velocity, temperature and the wall shear stress are presented graphically. The study reveals that flow reversal takes place near the central line of the channel. This flow reversal can be reduced to a considerable extent by applying a strong external magnetic field. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of earlier investigations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stabilized mixed finite element method for shear-rate dependent fluids. The nonlinear viscosity field is a function of the shear-rate and varies uniformly in space and in time. The stabilized form is developed via application of Variational Multiscale (VMS) framework to the underlying generalized Navier–Stokes equation. Linear and quadratic tetrahedral and hexahedral elements are employed with equal-order interpolations for the velocity and pressure fields. A variety of benchmark problems are solved to assess the stability and accuracy properties of the resulting method. The method is then applied to non-Newtonian shear-rate dependent flows in bifurcating artery geometry, and significant non-Newtonian fluid effects are observed. A comparative study of the proposed method shows that the additional computational costs due to the nonlinear shear-rate dependent viscosity are only ten percent more than the computational cost for a Newtonian model.  相似文献   

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