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The longitudinal-mode stability of a single-frequency intracavity frequency-doubling laser can be enhanced by increasing the ratio between the nonlinear spectral bandwidth and the gain bandwidth of the laser. A 4 W long-term stable cw single-frequency green laser is obtained using an etalon inside the laser cavity as a spectral filter. No mode hopping is observed when the laser operates for 6 h and the power fluctuation is less than +/-1.2%. In contrast, in the situation of no etalon inside the laser cavity, mode hopping can be observed at irregular intervals and the power fluctuation is +/-3.8% when the laser operates for 4 h. 相似文献
A detailed experimental investigation of the polarization characteristics of a diode laser side-pumped Nd:YAG laser has been performed. A Brewster plate inserted into the cavity resulted in a decrease of 50% of the output power that is due to depolarization. A thin-film polarizer (TFP) was introduced into the cavity and the depolarization loss served as the output coupling. By introduction of a quarter-wave plate (QWP) the output coupling rate and the beam shape were improved. An analytical expression for the output coupling rate of a cavity containing a TFP and a QWP has been derived. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simplified theoretical analysis. 相似文献
A laser-diode-pumped Nd:YVO(4) microchip laser was built and actively frequency stabilized relative to a Fabry-Perot cavity with the frequency-modulated sideband technique. The error signal reaches the shot-noise level of 7.4 mHz/√Hz around 1 kHz. Excess intensity noise sets a lower limit of16.5 mHz/√Hz for the relative frequency noise, corresponding to a spectral linewidth of 860 μHz. We discuss the method for reconstructing the actual frequency deviation from the observed error signal. 相似文献
We demonstrate a high-power laser diode stacks double-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 1064 nm slab laser with a folded stable-unstable hybrid resonator. An output power of 220 W was obtained at the pump power of 490 W with optical conversion efficiency of 44.9%. At the output power of 202 W, the M2 factors in the unstable direction and in the stable direction were 1.7 and 2.3, respectively. 相似文献
The magneto-optic Q-switched operation of a neodymium-doped bismuth germinate crystal (Nd:BGO) laser that is end pumped by a cw 500-mW laser diode is reported. The crystal is a new host for Nd lasers. Here it acts as a magneto-optic modulator as well as a laser medium. A pulse energy of 2 μJ with a FWHM of 100 ns has been obtained. The device operates at a repetition rate of 1 kHz, and the fluctuation of the shot-to-shot intensity is less than ±1%. 相似文献
A compact, high-power, high-repetition-rate Q-switched laser oscillator is presented in this paper. Adopting the acousto-optics Q-switching mechanism, the maximum output power of 57 W of 1064 nm fundamental wave at 200 kHz is obtained under 110 W 888 nm pumping. The stable working range extends from 30 to 250 kHz, while the beam quality factor M(2) is smaller than 1.30. Subsequently, based on the 42 W of fundamental wave with the beam quality better than 1.10, 29.5 W of 532 nm green laser and 18 W of 355 nm ultraviolet wave are achieved. 相似文献
We report on a high-power (cw) red laser at 671 nm by intracavity frequency doubling of a double-end-pumped 1342 nm Nd:YVO4 laser based on the nonlinear crystal LiB3O5. A red output power of 3.38 W is obtained for a pump power of 27 W, with corresponding optical-to-optical efficiency of 12.5%. The 671 nm beam is nearly diffraction limited. 相似文献
We have observed a sizable astigmatism in the output beam from a diode-pumped unstable resonator Nd:YVO(4) laser operating in a single polarization and a single-longitudinal and transverse mode. The anisotropic index of refraction of the vanadate crystal has been identified as the source of this astigmatism. A theoretical prediction of the eigenmode astigmatism based on this index anisotropy is consistent with our experimental measurements. 相似文献
Efficient cw end-pumped, end-cooled Nd:YVO(4) diode-pumped laser 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Using a novel end-pumped, end-cooled geometry, we demonstrated a Nd:YVO(4) cw laser that produces close to 2 W of single-mode output when pumped by a high-brightness 100-mum-core diode fiber source. An optical-optical conversion efficiency of 49% was obtained. Beam quality was found to be nearly diffraction-limited (M(2) = 1.08) and independent of pumping power. 相似文献
We report periodic pulse oscillation in an intracavity-doubled Nd:YVO(4) laser. The pulse oscillation is caused by alternate oscillation between two modes. We investigated improvement of green-light power with the pulse oscillation in a Nd:YVO(4) laser. The pulse oscillation gave a factor of approximately 2 higher average green-light power than that for cw oscillation at the same pumping power. 相似文献
We demonstrate, for the first time as far as we know, a passively Q-switched operation of a Nd:YVO(4) laser in which a Cr(4+):YAG crystal and a laser-diode bar are used as the saturable absorber and the pump source, respectively. Stable laser pulses as short as 28 ns with 20-muJ energy can be generated with this laser, which has the advantages of simplicity, high efficiency, and good long-term stability. 相似文献
AbstractMulti-wavelength self-Raman laser from a passively Q-switched c-cut Nd: YVO4 laser at 1066.8 nm to four discrete Stokes lines at 1097.2, 1129.2, 1168.3 and 1178.8 nm is demonstrated simultaneously for the first time. With a 0.27 at% c-cut Nd:YVO4 crystal, the total output power of Stokes lines is 267 mW at a pump power of 5.0 W. 相似文献
In this paper, a diode-pumped CW Kerr lens mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser is demonstrated in the megahertz (MHz) oscillations mode-locked regime for the first time. Considered the beam mode size in the laser crystal and the Kerr lens sensitivity, an effective laser system with a symmetrical z-shaped cavity is strictly designed by the ABCD matrix and experimentally researched. The laser system can be self-starting without the need of any additional components. When an incident pump power is of 8 W, the maximum output power is 1.65 W, with a slope efficiency of 23.8%. The mode-locked repetition rate and pulse width are 530 MHz and 15.1 ps, respectively. 相似文献
A highly efficient and compact Nd:YVO(4) laser is proposed. In cw operation, a single-longitudinal-mode output of 95 mW and a multilongitudinal-mode output of 435 mW have been observed at 1.06 μm with a 1-W diode laser. Using a KTP crystal in the short laser cavity, a green output of 105 mW was generated. A Q-switched pulse with a peak power of 230 W and a pulse width of 8 ns was obtained with the intracavity KTP crystal, which was used as both an electro-optic Q switch and a frequency doubler. 相似文献
Semianalytical thermal analysis on a Nd:YVO(4) crystal 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Based on analytical theory of anisotropy, distributions of thermal distortion and temperature field within a diode-end-pumped rectangular Nd:YVO(4) laser crystal are investigated. A thermal model that matches the actual working state of the laser crystal is established by analyzing the working characteristics of the Nd:YVO(4) laser crystal. A novel method, to the best of our knowledge, is adopted to solve the heat conduction equation of the anisotropic medium. General solutions of the temperature field, thermal strain field, and thermal distortion field of the Nd:YVO(4) crystal are obtained. The effect of anisotropic thermal parameters on the thermal strain field of the Nd:YVO(4) laser crystal is also analyzed quantitatively. Research results show that a maximum temperature rise of 244.9 degrees C and a maximum thermal distortion of 1.99 mum can be obtained in the center of the pump face when the Nd:YVO(4) laser crystal doped with 0.5 at. % Nd(3+) is diode end pumped in the center of the front end face with 15 W output power. This method can be applied to other thermal analyses of laser crystals and offers a theoretical basis to solve thermal problems effectively in the laser system. 相似文献
Application of a metallic thin-film selector to the single-frequency oscillation of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO(4) laser has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. We show that a chromium thin-film selector with a thickness between 8 and 9 nm provides single-frequency output within a power range of 0.6 W. Single-frequency operation, slow smooth tuning, or chirping was realized by the output coupler movement with a piezoceramic transducer. Chirping at a repetition rate of 0.5 kHz in the 0.5-10-GHz range was achieved. Physical and technical limitations caused by the wide-gain bandwidth, thermal effects, and mechanical vibrations of cavity elements are discussed. 相似文献
We report on the performance of highly efficient, high-power continuous-wave (CW) Nd:YAG lasers that are side pumped by p-polarized diode laser beams. In this configuration pump light is directly coupled into the Nd:YAG rod through a threefold symmetric gold-coated flow tube. The polarization direction of our pump diode bars is perpendicular to the rod's axis (p-polarized). In a closed coupled resonator, a maximum output power of 195 W in multimode operation is obtained for a pump power of 423 W, which corresponds to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 46% and an electrical-to-optical efficiency of 23%. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest electrical-to-optical efficiency reported for a CW diode side-pumped Nd:YAG laser. By the pump-power leakage analysis method, we measured the pumping efficiency to be approximately 94%. The high efficiency of the system can be attributed to wing pumping, which results in uniform pump-light distribution and better pumping efficiency because of the use of p-polarized pump beams. 相似文献
The intensity-noise reduction of a laser-diode-pumped single-frequency ring Nd:YVO4 laser when different optoelectronic control systems are used is theoretically and experimentally investigated. It has been demonstrated that combining two techniques, optoelectronic feedback control of the drive current of the pump laser diode and feed-forward control of the output laser beam, is a good way to significantly suppress the intensity noise of a laser at low frequency. 相似文献
A diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser passively Q switched by a semiconductor absorber is demonstrated. The Q-switched operation of the laser has an average output power of 135 mW with a 1.6 W incident pump power. The minimum pulse width is measured to be about 8.3 ns with a repetition rate of 2 MHz. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a solid-state laser passively Q-switched by such a composite semiconductor absorber. 相似文献