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建筑现象学的产生是为了探寻建筑存在的本质意义以及在此意义指导下的空间环境塑造行为.城市空间与建筑空间有着密不可分的辩证关系,城市空间在宏观意义上可以类似于建筑空间.因此,运用"场所精神"对具体的、狭义的空间环境感知拓展至更加宏观抽象的、广义的城市本质的感知,并以此解释城市的本质对于人们的城市辨别感、认同感等方面的意义....  相似文献   

人性的回归──城市步行空间的创造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从人的城市生活需求与行为特征入手,分析了创造城市步行空间对城市生活诸方面的意义。由步行空间中人的行为特征出发,探讨了现代城市步行空间的特征以及城市步行空间的空间组织手段,提出“以人为本”的设计思想。  相似文献   

孙婷  刘昊 《城乡规划》2021,(3):111-117
行为与空间的互动理论认为,外部环境对个体行为产生行为选择影响,个体行为对环境空间具有改造潜质.本文从"出行行为—空间环境"互动的视角出发,探究出行行为与慢行环境之间的互动影响机制,对近年来慢行空间环境要素的识别方法、结果及可能存在的差异性进行分析,总结归纳基于要素改善的慢行环境规划在人本回归、交通网络化、出行环境智能化设计等关键议题中的研究动向,希望通过对比分析国内外学者的研究方法与研究结论,以便为城市慢行空间环境优化研究提供借鉴与思考.  相似文献   

慢行行为在城市滨水区所有活动中占比最大,由于城市水道的线性空间限制,很多慢行者在滨水空间中存在“回游”行为。这一行为,目前尚缺少针对性的相关研究。该文通过分析慢行“回游”者的行为特征及心理需求,对滨水慢行空间的设计提出具体的相应策略,以期能够提高“回游”者在滨水空间中的体验感受,推动城市设计更为精细化、人本化。  相似文献   

城市公共开放空间是城市整体空间的重要组成部分,对完善城市功能、塑造城市形象、改善城市环境质量、传承历史文化有不可低估的作用。同时,城市公共开放空间是城市公共生活发生的“舞台”,支持着城市市民的公共生活与各种行为活动,也有利于提高公众素质、塑造公众良好行为风尚。  相似文献   

以实证研究的方法讨论和辨析中心城市与外围区域空间发展中的"理性"与"异化"现象。回顾上海周边地区"接轨上海"的空间发展现象的相关政策导向和空间演进过程,从市场和政府两个角度对这一现象进行分析,指出"沪宁轴"沿线城市的"上海指向区域"的配置效率较高,应"理性"地施以组织和引导发展。但这类城际间"接轨发展"应主要是一种发展理念,即要重视宏观的区位价值和体制机制接轨,而不要"异化"为仅是沿中心城市行政区边界的微观空间行为。  相似文献   

咖啡馆一直是城市生活中不可或缺的空间场所之一,是人类精神文化生活在城市发展中的一种物化体现形式。以长沙为例,通过基于日常生活的“仪式”和“叙事性”,结合空间领域,利用环境心理学的方法,分析城市咖啡馆中人们的空间行为,通过问卷调查了解到空间特质影响人的空间行为结果,得出提升咖啡馆的空间品质需要从人的角度出发,避免趋同性的结论。  相似文献   

广州骑楼文化与城市交通李小静,潘安类与城市的关系,主要表现为社会群体行为与城市公共活动空间相互影响的关系。宏观上看,城市公共活动空间大致可分为三种类型:街区空间、绿色空间、广场空间。其中,街区空间的变化最丰富,受到社会群体行为影响也最大。历史条件、文...  相似文献   

创造"以人为本"的城市商业步行系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从人的行为活动、视觉感受、空间心理感受以及交通组织等方面来分析城市商业步行系统,同时以上海市南京东路步行街为例,对其特点作出了评价,提出有待改进的建议,并指出了我国城市步行系统的发展趋势.  相似文献   

张斌  杜雁  高翅 《规划师》2009,25(6):31-35
项城市新城牛心区景观规划设计以“城市厅”作为城市公共空间的价值取向,提出城市“绿厅”的意匠,将市民广场和滨河休闲带两个功能相异的空间有机地整合在起,尊重人与自然的行为规律,营造城市空间秩序.对地域性历史文化进行空间转译,塑造人性化的公共空间。  相似文献   

贾子达  王宁 《住宅科技》2007,27(11):36-38
通过对城镇建设过程中遗留的"边角空间"的形成过程的调查研究,分析了目前城镇"边角空间"设计利用中存在的一系列问题,提出以人为本、整体和谐、科学合理的设计原则,并且从功能性、装饰与美化和文化景观等不同角度考虑,做出了更人性化的"边角空间"的设计利用构想,促使城镇空间形态协调发展。  相似文献   

冯叶  魏春雨 《中外建筑》2010,(6):132-133
本文主要探讨街头边角空间所形成的根本原因,总结街头边角空间的特征及其规律,通过对街头边角空间类型划分,针对位于不同类型的街头所产生边角空间的功能和特点,对目前建设中存在的问题,从空间使用的主体,从人的角度出发,提出相应的建设优化方案。  相似文献   

本文在分析校园边角空间现状的基础上,阐述在其中营造场所感与归属感的重要性,再以此为目标,探讨校园边角空间的设计原则及其策略。通过塑造触动情感的空间意境、以人为本的空间环境,以及文化特性的注入和交往活动的诱导,实现由低效利用的边角空间向特色空间的转化,尺度宜人、舒适完善的空间构成元素促进积极空间的形成,重视并提倡使用者的参与性,使校园场所精神得以良性延续,力求使焕发新生的边角空间能作为校园所匮乏的场所感与归属感的有效补充。  相似文献   

李晓东  张烨 《世界建筑》2009,(1):114-116
我国快速的城市化进程暴露出城市发展中的诸多问题,城市空间及其丰富内涵也在对经济增长、城市扩张以及建设水平的单纯而盲目的追逐中被压缩和侵蚀,城市空间的本质在逐渐被人们遗忘。本文在重新审视空间和城市空间的基础上,针对城市问题提出“遗余空间”的概念,试图从一个新的视角对当前的城市空间问题、城市发展的进程和状态进行反思和批判。  相似文献   

Tectonic Gardens     
The Tectonic Gardens initiative focuses on small, unremarkable, and often forgotten places adjacent to the lives of underserved people. Located in the boundary between architecture and landscape, these projects seek to create experiential delight out of small-scale design opportunities. Through the adaptive reuse and recycling of leftover urban space, Tectonic Gardens augment and enhance existing building infrastructures with new, primarily outdoor spaces that provide pragmatic functions, promote play, and exhibit a social and environmental conscience.  相似文献   


The Tectonic Gardens initiative focuses on small, unremarkable, and often forgotten places adjacent to the lives of underserved people. Located in the boundary between architecture and landscape, these projects seek to create experiential delight out of small-scale design opportunities. Through the adaptive reuse and recycling of leftover urban space, Tectonic Gardens augment and enhance existing building infrastructures with new, primarily outdoor spaces that provide pragmatic functions, promote play, and exhibit a social and environmental conscience.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals designed for humans and animals often remain unused for a variety of reasons, ranging from expiration to a patient's non-compliance. These leftover, accumulated drugs represent sub-optimal delivery of health care and the potential for environmentally unsound disposal, which can pose exposure risks for humans and wildlife. A major unknown with respect to drugs as pollutants is what fractions of drug residues occurring in the ambient environment result from discarding leftover drugs. To gauge the significance of leftover drugs as potential pollutants, data are needed on the types, quantities, and frequencies with which drugs accumulate. Absence of this data has prevented assessments of the significance of drug accumulation and disposal as a contributing source of drug residues in the environment. One particular source of drug accumulation is those drugs that become "orphaned" by the death of a consumer. A new approach to acquiring the data needed to assess the magnitude and extent of drug disposal as a source of environmental pollution is presented by using the inventories of drugs maintained by coroner offices. The data from one metropolitan coroner's office demonstrates proof of concept. Coroner data on leftover drugs are useful for measuring the types and amounts of drugs accumulated by consumers. This inventory also provides an accurate measure of the individual active ingredients actually disposed into sewage by coroners. The types of questions these data can address are presented, and the possible uses of these data for deriving estimates of source contributions from the population at large are discussed. The approach is proposed for nationwide implementation (and automation) to better understand the significance of consumer disposal of medications.  相似文献   

Art in public space in South Africa is increasingly a more visible locus of sociopolitical resistance and recalibration of the public sphere. This article focuses upon an emblematic example: the sculpture of a former colonialist, removed from its public university site in Cape Town following sustained protests. Since April 2015, the empty plinth of Cecil John Rhodes has become a site of re-imagination – from graffiti interventions to performance and installation art. While the plinth continually morphs in symbolism and significance, its ousted artwork waits at an undisclosed location for its fate to be decided. This interregnum represents a liminal condition that theorists call ‘third space’, extended in this research towards a fourth dimension of performativity. The physical disappearance of the artwork has triggered a second life, its apogee a national protest movement with global resonance. Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall are student-led calls for university decolonisation and free education arguably best understood as provocation around systemic issues in society. As this deeper work ensues amid fractious contestations, the artwork's re-animation of the public sphere is clear. Its leftover plinth is political, making visible other kinds of structural voids. It is also poetic: a zombie monument demonstrating through its reinventions public space as common space – contested, negotiated and performed in the daily creation of city futures.  相似文献   

Assessing farmers' practices on disposal of pesticide waste after use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Common practices of farmers on disposal of pesticide waste after use were surveyed in five regions of the rural area of Pieria in northern Greece using a structured questionnaire administered via personal interviews. Concerning leftover spray solutions, most farmers reported that they normally re-spray the treated field area until the spraying tank is empty (54.9%) or they apply the leftover spray solutions to another crop listed on the product label (30.2%). A minority of the farmers (4.3%) mentioned that they often release the leftover spray solutions near or into irrigation canals and streams. As regards rinsates generated from washing the application equipment, most farmers reported that they release the rinsates over a non-cropped area (45.7%) or they drop the rinsates near or into irrigation canals and streams (40.7%). Moreover, a great proportion of the farmers stated that they dump the empty containers by the field (30.2%) or they throw them near or into irrigation canals and streams (33.3%). Burning the empty containers in open fire (17.9%) or throwing the empty containers in common waste places (11.1%) was also reported. Several farmers stated that they continue to use old pesticides for spraying (35.8%). Training programs which raise awareness of farmers of the potential hazards of pesticide use and particularly of the proper management of waste products, recycling programs and collection systems for unwanted agricultural chemicals to prevent inappropriate waste disposal, as well as improving packaging of pesticides to minimize waste production are essential for promoting safety during all phases of pesticide handling.  相似文献   

本文通过时代商贸城设计构思,引发出一些思考,阐述了当前市场经济发展中,要树立现代的设计创作意识观。从平面布置到立面造型、空间处理、色彩运用都应以人为本,既要丰富内部空间又要创造具有时代感的建筑造型。  相似文献   

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