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The strain-induced corrosion cracking (SICC) behaviour of different low-alloy reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and piping steels and of a RPV weld filler/weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) material was characterized under simulated boiling water reactor (BWR)/normal water chemistry (NWC) conditions by slow rising load (SRL) and very low-frequency fatigue tests with pre-cracked fracture mechanics specimens. Under highly oxidizing BWR/NWC conditions (ECP +50 mVSHE, 0.4 ppm dissolved oxygen), the SICC crack growth rates were comparable for all materials (hardness <350 HV5) and increased (once initiated) with increasing loading rates and with increasing temperature with a possible maximum/plateau at 250 °C. A minimum KI value of 25 MPa m1/2 had to be exceeded to initiate SICC in SRL tests. Above this value, the SICC rates increased with increasing loading rate dKI/dt, but were not dependent on the actual KI values up to 60 MPa m1/2. A maximum in SICC initiation susceptibility occurred at intermediate temperatures around 200–250 °C and at slow strain rates in all materials. In contrast to crack growth, the SICC initiation susceptibility was affected by environmental and material parameters within certain limits.  相似文献   

The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of low-alloy, reactor-pressure-vessel (RPV) steels in oxygenated, high-temperature water and its relevance to boiling water reactor (BWR) power operation, in particular its possible effect on both RPV structural integrity and safety, has been a subject of controversial discussions for many years. This paper presents the results of an experimental study on crack growth through SCC in three, nuclear-grade, steels (SA 533 B Cl.1, SA 508 Cl.2, 20 MnMoNi 5 5) under simulated, BWR water-chemistry conditions. Modern, high-temperature water loops, on-line crack-growth monitoring and fractographic analysis in the scanning electron microscope were used to quantify the cracking response of pre-cracked, fracture-mechanics specimens under a variety of mechanical and environmental conditions. Corrosion-assisted crack advance could be only initiated by active loading within the environment. If SCC crack advance at constant load was observed, initiation of crack growth had always occurred while increasing the load to the intended value for subsequent, static-load testing. During the constant load period the rate of SCC crack advance rapidly decayed and crack arrest occurred within a period of <100 h (for tests with KI60 MPa m1/2). Supplementary experiments with slowly increasing loading revealed that the initiation of crack growth, and the extent of further crack advance, are crucially dependent upon maintaining both a positive crack-tip strain rate and a high sulphur-anion activity in the crack-tip environment. It is concluded that there is no sustainable susceptibility to SCC crack growth under purely static loading, as long as small-scale-yielding conditions prevail at the crack-tip and the water chemistry is maintained within current BWR/NWC operational practice (EPRI water chemistry guidelines). However, sustained, fast SCC (with respect to operational time scales) cannot be excluded for faulted water-chemistry conditions (>EPRI action level 3) and/or for highly stressed specimens either loaded near to KIJ or with a high degree of plasticity in the remaining ligament.  相似文献   

The presented paper summarizes the results of general corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility tests in supercritical water (SCW), studied for austenitic stainless steel 316L, with the aim to identify maximum SCW temperature usability and specific failure mechanisms prevailing during slow strain-rate tensile (SSRT) tests in ultra-pure demineralized SCW solution with controlled oxygen content. The general corrosion tests clearly revealed the applicability of austenitic stainless steel in SCW to be limited to 550 °C as maximum temperature as oxidation rates of austenitic stainless steels 316L increase dramatically above 550 °C. The SSRT tests were performed using a step-motor controlled loading device in an autoclave at 550 °C SCW. Besides the strain rate (resp. crosshead speed), the oxygen content was varied in the series of tests. The obtained results showed that even at the lowest strain rate, a serious increase of SCC susceptibility, as typically characterized by IGSCC crack growth, was not observed. The fractography confirmed that failure was due to a combination of transgranular SCC and transgranular ductile fracture. Based on fractographic findings a phenomenological map describing the SCC regime of SSRT test parameters could be proposed for AISI 316L.  相似文献   

As part of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Heavy-Section Steel Technology Program, studies have been conducted to determine flaw density in a section of reactor pressure vessel cut from the Hope Creek Unit 2 vessel. This boiling water reactor vessel was never in service. One objective was to evaluate the approximate 0.7- by 3-m (2- by 10-ft) segment of the vessel provided using ultrasonic flaw detection methods performed with both ASME Code techniques and supplemental ultrasonic methods. A second objective was to evaluate the inner surface stainless steel cladding for cracks with a high sensitivity penetrant examination. Both objectives were successfully completed. Five Code-recordable indications were detected ultrasonically; however, all were found to be anomalies associated with the cladding. One flaw was detected by the supplemental ultrasonic tests, and it was analyzed destructively. This flaw was pipelike indication, about 20 mm (0.8 in.) long extending along the length of the longitudinal weld in which it was located and was about 20 mm below the cladding surface. The flaw had a through-wall dimension (or length) of about 6 mm (0.24 in.) for an approximate 3-mm (0.1-in.) distance along the 20-mm major length. No flaws were detected by the penetrant examination of the cladding surface.  相似文献   

Most of past studies devoted to the creep rupture of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower head under severe accident conditions, have focused on global deformation and rupture modes. Limited efforts were made on local failure modes associated with penetration nozzles as a part of TMI-2 vessel investigation project (TMI-2 VIP) in 1990s. However, it was based on an excessively simplified shear deformation model. In the present study, the mode of nozzle failure has been investigated using data and nozzle materials from Sandia National Laboratory's lower head failure experiment (SNL-LHF). Crack-like separations were revealed at the nozzle weld metal to RPV interfaces indicating the importance of normal stress component rather than the shear stress in the creep rupture. Creep rupture tests were conducted for nozzle and weld metal materials, respectively, at various temperature and stress levels. Stress distribution in the nozzle region is calculated using elastic–viscoplastic finite element analysis (FEA) using the measured properties. Calculation results are compared with earlier results based on the pure shear model of TMI-2 VIP. It is concluded from both LHF-4 nozzle examination and FEA that normal stress at the nozzle/lower head interface is the dominant driving force for the local failure. From the FEA for the nozzle weld attached in RPV, it is shown that nozzle welds failure occur by displacement controlled fracture of nozzle hole not by load controlled fracture of internal pressure. Considering these characteristics of nozzle weld failure, new concept of nozzle failure time prediction is proposed.  相似文献   

Researchers at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory performed an assessment of the aging of the reactor internals in boiling water reactors (BWRs), and identified the unresolved technical issues related to the degradation of these components. The overall life-limiting mechanism is intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking, fatigue, and thermal aging embrittlement are other potential degradation mechanisms. Several failures in BWR internals have been caused by a combination of factors such as environment, high residual or preload stresses, and flow-induced vibration. The ASME Code Section XI in-service inspection requirements are insufficient for detecting aging-related degradation at many locations in reactor internals. Many of the potential locations for IGSCC or fatigue are not accessible for inspection.  相似文献   

The different toughness tests performed on two pressure vessel steels with very different upper shelves served to make a number of observations concerning the shifts in the transition temperature due to the effect of irradiation, as well as changes in toughness with temperature in the ductile region.With respect to shifts in the transition temperature, the following was observed: the shift obtained with precracked charpy test specimens was narrower than with the others; the shift obtained with charpy V impact tests was substantially equal to that obtained with CT test specimens — wider in the case of steel A, but slightly narrower in that of steel H.With respect to toughness values in the ductile region: the toughness values obtained using precracked charpy test specimens are significantly higher than those obtained with CT test specimens for static tests; 25and 12.5 mm thick CT test specimens display comparable variations in J1C and dJ/da, but with wide scattering; the effect of irradiation, if any, is of the same order of magnitude as the scattering of the results — however, a test temperature effect is observed; the variation in toughness with temperature is determined more easily by considering a J value corresponding to a stable crack propagation of 1 mm, so that ; this variation of JΔal with temperature is substantially the same for both steels, or about −30% at 70 or 80°C, and −50% at 290°C.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a theoretical analysis of the spray cooling of a Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) head in a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). To this end a detailed computational model has been developed. The model predicts the trajectories, diameters and temperatures of subcooled droplets moving in saturated vapor. The model has been validated through comparison with experimental data, in which droplet temperatures were measured as functions of the distance that they cover in saturated vapor from the moment they leave the sprinkler outlet to the moment they impact on the RPV head inner wall. The calculations are in very good agreement with measurements, confirming the model adequacy for the present study. The model has been used for a parametric study to investigate the influence of several parameters on the cooling efficiency of the spray system. Based on the study it has been shown that one of the main parameters that govern the temperature increase in a subcooled droplet is its initial diameter. Comparisons are also made between conclusions from the theoretical model and observations made through flow and temperature measurements in the plant (Forsmark 1 and 2). One of these observations is that the rate at which the RPV head temperature decreases on the way down from hot to cold standby is constant and independent of the sprinkling flow rate as long as the flow rate is above a certain minimum value. Accordingly, the theoretical model shows that if one assumes that the cooling of the RPV head is through a water film built on the inner wall due to sprinkling, the heat removal rate is only very weakly dependent on the sprinkling flow rate.  相似文献   

Low cycle fatigue resistance of low-alloy pressure vessel steels was investigated in simulated boiling water reactor (BWR) water. Much attention was paid to the effects of loading factors on fatigue life and environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) behavior, in which strain rate, strain waveform and strain amplitude were taken into account. The fatigue resistance and EAC behavior of the steels in simulated BWR water were found to be closely dependent on the strain rate, strain waveform and strain amplitude applied. The above fatigue behavior may be attributed to loading-factor-induced change in dominant EAC processes in high temperature water environments. Related EAC mechanisms are also discussed.  相似文献   

Critical Heat Flux (CHF) is an important parameter for the thermal design of any heat generating system, most importantly, nuclear reactors. Owing to the complex mechanisms of CHF there has been a large proliferation of the correlations, each having narrow range of validity, which shows that the empirical correlation is not an appropriate approach for the CHF prediction for a wide range of validity. This limitation has led to the development of the phenomenological approach of the CHF prediction. The film dryout mechanism is applicable to the high quality CHF corresponding to the annular flow pattern in which the progressive depletion of the liquid film leads to dryout. The basic concern in the prediction of dryout is the accuracy in the evaluation of the droplet deposition and entrainment. There are various models for the estimation of the entrainment and deposition of droplets. However, most of these models are based on the air-water data at the atmospheric conditions and hence their applicability to the BWR conditions needs to be confirmed. Some of the models are based on the steam-water data which needs to be validated for the dryout prediction under BWR conditions. In this paper, the film dryout modelling has been carried out for the prediction of CHF using appropriate models for entrainment fraction and deposition coefficient. The results have been compared with the CHF data generated to substantiate the appropriateness of the selected models under BWR conditions.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of positron annihilation spectroscopy to irradiation-induced precipitates in reactor pressure vessel steels is discussed in the light of recent positron affinity and lifetime calculations. Carbide and nitride precipitates are found to trap positrons only if they contain metal vacancies. Copper precipitates are also attractive to positrons but they are probably detected through annihilation at the precipitate-matrix interface. These findings are related to available experimental data.  相似文献   

The term “strain-induced corrosion cracking” (SICC) is introduced to describe crack formation involving dynamic straining, but in the absence of obvious, cyclic loading. Its origins in slow-strain-rate testing and in corrosion failures in boiler systems are described and the links with “classical” stress corrosion cracking and low-cycle corrosion fatigue are identified. Four areas, in which SICC of low-alloy steels in LWR systems has occurred, are described in detail and the typical features are used, together with literature data from laboratory testing, to identify conditions leading to susceptibility. Indications are given of remedial measures and of areas in which further work is necessary.  相似文献   

The irradiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessels (RPV) can be reduced by thermal annealing at temperatures higher than the normal operating conditions. The objective of this work was to analyze the pertinent data and develop quantitative models for estimating the recovery in 41 J (30 ft-lb) Charpy transition temperature (TT) and Charpy upper shelf energy (USE) due to annealing. An analysis data base was developed, reviewed for completeness and accuracy, and documented as part of this work. Models were developed based on a combination of statistical techniques, including pattern recognition and transformation analysis, and the current understanding of the mechanisms governing embrittlement and recovery. The quality of models fitted in this project was evaluated by considering both the Charpy annealing data used for fitting and a surrogate hardness data base. This work demonstrates that microhardness recovery is a good surrogate for shift recovery and that there is a high level of consistency between the observed annealing trends and fundamental models of embrittlement and recovery processes.  相似文献   

Relations are suggested for the means and standard deviations of three toughness measures for reactor pressure vessel steels: static initiation, dynamic initiation, and arrest. All of the relations are of the form: KIx = KLS{1 + exp[(T − [RTNDT + δT])/TO]}, where KIx is the toughness measure of interest, KLS is the lower-shelf toughness, T is the temperature, RTNDT is the reference transition temperature, δT is a temperature shift, and TO is a temperature which characterizes the breadth of the transition. The mean of KLS differs for initiation and arrest and its standard deviation accounts for variation within a single heat. The mean of δT differs for all three toughness measures and its standard deviation accounts for heat-to-heat variability. However, it is shown that a value of To = 33.2°C can be used for all of the toughness measures. Finally, the lower bound curves of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are shown to represent toughness levels of low probability.  相似文献   

In order to design more stable and safer core configurations, experimental and theoretical studies about BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) instability have been performed to characterize the phenomenon and to predict the conditions for its occurrence. The instabilities can be caused by interdependencies between thermal-hydraulic and reactivity feedback parameters such as the void-coefficient, for example, during a pressure perturbation event. In this work, the RELAP5-MOD3.3 thermal-hydraulic system code and the PARCS-2.4 3D neutron kinetic code were coupled to simulate BWR transients. The pressure perturbation is considered in order to study in detail this type of transient. Two different algorithms developed at the University of Pisa were used to calculate the Decay Ratio (DR) and the natural frequency (NF) from the power oscillation signals obtained from the transient calculations. The validation of a code model set up for the Peach Bottom-2 BWR plant is performed against Low-Flow Stability Tests (LFST). The four series of Stability Tests were performed at Peach Bottom Unit 2 in 1977 at the end of cycle 2 in order to measure the reactor core stability margins at the limiting conditions used in design and safety analysis.  相似文献   

The low-frequency corrosion fatigue (CF) crack growth behaviour of different low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels was characterized under simulated boiling water reactor conditions by cyclic fatigue tests with pre-cracked fracture mechanics specimens. The experiments were performed in the temperature range of 240-288 °C with different loading parameters at different electrochemical corrosion potentials (ECPs). Modern high-temperature water loops, on-line crack growth monitoring (DCPD) and fractographical analysis by SEM were used to quantify the cracking response. In this paper the effect of ECP on the CF crack growth behaviour is discussed and compared with the crack growth model of General Electric (GE). The ECP mainly affected the transition from fast (‘high-sulphur’) to slow (‘low-sulphur’) CF crack growth, which appeared as critical frequencies νcrit = fK, R, ECP) and ΔK-thresholds ΔKEAC = f(ν, R, ECP) in the cycle-based form and as a critical air fatigue crack growth rate da/dtAir,crit in the time-domain form. The critical crack growth rates, frequencies, and ΔKEAC-thresholds were shifted to lower values with increasing ECP. The CF crack growth rates of all materials were conservatively covered by the ‘high-sulphur’ CF line of the GE-model for all investigated temperatures and frequencies. Under most system conditions, the model seems to reasonably well predict the experimentally observed parameter trends. Only under highly oxidizing conditions (ECP ? 0 mVSHE) and slow strain rates/low loading frequencies the GE-model does not conservatively cover the experimentally gathered crack growth rate data. Based on the GE-model and the observed cracking behaviour a simple time-domain superposition-model could be used to develop improved reference CF crack growth curves for codes.  相似文献   

The dependence of neutron induced embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels on irradiation temperature and neutron exposure was investigated for steels with different copper content. A pronounced increase of the ductile to brittle transition temperature shift with decreasing irradiation temperature was found and quantitatively determined. The influence of the neutron energy spectrum and flux density on the embrittlement was not significant.Rigs for irradiating assemblies of fracture mechanics specimens (CT and WOL) up to 100 mm thickness and also for irradiation experiments under cyclic loading were developed. Irradiation experiments with these rigs are in progress.Creep experiments on canning tubes under different load conditions (uniaxial load and biaxial load under internal and external overpressure) as well as an irradiation device for investigating defective PWR fuel rods are briefly reported.  相似文献   

Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) results on neutron irradiated Fe-Cu are presented and discussed and compared to positron annihilation results. An extended discussion is presented regarding a comparison of earlier positron annihilation and SANS measurements and their interpretation for different Soviet type reactor pressure vessel steels. It is suggested that the irradiation-induced precipitates contain vacancies and might be metal carbides.  相似文献   

Since the suggestion of external reactor vessel cooling (ERVC), the effects of melting and cooling on the response of structural integrity of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) under core melting accident conditions have been investigated. To investigate the initial behavior of RPV lower head and the effects of analysis conditions on the structural integrity of RPV, the transient analysis is utilized considering the transient state. To obtain an analogy with real phenomena, the material properties were determined by combining and modifying the existing results considering phase transformation and temperature dependency. The temperature and stress analyses are performed for core melting accident by using ABAQUS. Finally, the potential for vessel damage is discussed using the Larson-Miller curve and damage rule. In addition, the results by transient analysis are compared with those by steady state analysis and the effects of analysis conditions on structural integrity are reviewed.  相似文献   

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